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    SDO Comprehensive Annual Report Fiscal Year 2016

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    Certification Self-Assessment Tool

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    Expanded Certification Categories

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    SDO Webcast

    Supplier Diversity Office Pre-Certification Training Webcast

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    Pre-Certification Session

    Pre-certification session will provide a brief overview of state and federal certification requirements.

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    SDO Directory

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Supplier Diversity Office’s FY2016 Annual Report links to PDF file

This report describes the Supplier Diversity Office’s accomplishments in Fiscal Year 2016 in serving diverse and small businesses in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

FY2017 Report on the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in State Contracting:

Click here pdf format of Pursuant to Section 4 of Chapter 219 of the Acts
for a copy of this report, issued pursuant to Section 4 of Chapter 219 of the Acts of 2016 (creating MGL c. 7, §61(s)), An Act Relative To Job Creation And Workforce Development.

Opportunities for Veteran-Owned Businesses Announced

Supplier Diversity Office (SDO) now certifying Veteran-Owned Businesses (VBE) for inclusion in the Supplier Diversity Program (SDP), which will reduce certification wait time for veteran businesses. Use the following links to access the:

  • State Certification Program, including the certification of Minority (MBE), Women (WBE), Portuguese (PBE) and Veteran (VBE) businesses.
  • How to Apply for Expanded Certification Categories, including cross-certification of MBE, WBE, VBE and Service-Disabled Veteran (SDVOBE) businesses and certification of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBTBE) and Disability-Owned (DOBE) and SDVOBE businesses.

Notice to All SDO Certified Businesses and Public Awarding Authorities

Effective April 12, 2016, pursuant to an order issued by the Superior Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, all firms previously certified as Minority Business Enterprises (MBE), based on the owner being of Portuguese origin, shall no longer be considered MBEs but shall be considered Portuguese Business Enterprises (PBEs).  PBEs shall be eligible for participation in programs funded by state transportation bond statutes which include such persons as eligible participants.  A listing of PBEs can be found on the SDO Directory of Certified Businesses.

Proposed M/WBE Certification Regulations

OSD is Issuing New and Improved Regulations for its Certification of Minority and Women Business Enterprises codified at 425 CMR 2.00.  Use the following links to access the:

SDO Annual Report FY2015  docx format of SDO Annual Report FY2015

This report describes the Supplier Diversity Office’s accomplishments in serving minority, women, disadvantaged, service-disabled veteran-owned, and small businesses in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.