Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Principal Investigator
Sarah Trainor

Program Manager
Tina Buxbaum

John Walsh
Philip Loring
Jeremy Mathis
Scott Rupp

Post-Doctoral Fellow
Nathan Kettle

Affiliated Institution
University of Alaska, Fairbanks

Dates Funded

Project Website


Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy

*Please Click Here for ACCAP's Phase I Final Report* (Period of Performance: 8/1/2006 - 7/31/2012)

*Please Click Here for ACCAP's most recent annual progress report* (Period of Performance: 6/1/15 - 5/31/16)

Mission & Vision

ACCAP partners with stakeholders to inform realistic community plans and climate adaptation strategies using the most scientifically accurate, reliable, and up-to-date information. Stakeholder interaction and outreach is integrated into every aspect of ACCAP’s work, including climate modeling and addressing regional vulnerabilities. These interactions include needs assessment, vulnerability assessment, as well as user collaboration in downscaling models, designing research studies, and developing, testing, and evaluating research information products and tools. ACCAP’s core activities integrate research and decision-support tool innovation.


Climate change is already impacting the seasons, landscapes and life in the North. These changes affect the health, lives, and livelihoods of Alaskans as well as the companies who do business in Alaska. ACCAP's work encompasses the entire state of Alaska. ACCAP focuses on coastal and living marine resources, applied climate downscaling, water availability, sea ice, wildfire, tribal impacts, and community adaptation planning.

See a two-page description of current ACCAP projects.

Learn more about ACCAP's most recent activities.

Building Partnerships
ACCAP aims to establish partnerships among:

  • Scientists and engineers
  • State and local planners, policy-makers and governments
  • Transportation, natural resource and land management agencies
  • Native non-profit organizations and Alaska Native tribes
  • Industry
  • Non-governmental organizations
  • Anyone whose decision-making is influenced by climate-related events

Select Projects

Decision Support Tools

  • Historical Sea Ice Atlas for Alaska Waters: The atlas consists of digitally-stored sea ice concentration data on a grid covering all Alaska coastal waters to a distance of ~500 km (300 mi) from shore, with a spatial resolution of 25 km. The time resolution is monthly for the period 1850s-1950s, and weekly for the period from the early 1950s to 2010 with the allowance of subsequent updates. 

  • Coastal and Marine Visualization Tools for the U.S. Arctic and Alaska: This project provides gridded downscaled data sets for sea ice, wind, and sea surface temperature for Alaska coastal area, as well as an analysis of the projected changes, their potential impacts, and adaptation implications.

  • Alaska Climate and Weather Highlights: Developed in collaboration with the National Weather Service, this tool is designed to provide information to the public about notable weather and climate events in Alaska and surrounding waters. Data reported are preliminary observations by NOAA/National Weather Service and are reported in daily, multi-day, monthly, and longer time scales.

  • Alaska Climate Dispatch: A seasonal review of climate conditions, update on climate forecasts and research announcements.

  • Alaska Climate Webinar Series: The webinars promote dialogue and a forum for discussion and information exchange between all stakeholders in Alaska. Accessible statewide, the webinars identify existing information gaps and how best to fill them. Each webinar starts with 20–30 minutes of presentation followed by discussion and questions from participants.

Other Resources

  • ACCAP on Facebook: A Facebook Page to connect with ACCAP stakeholders and interested parties. Regularly updated with items about ACCAP research and related work in Alaska.

  • ACCAP on Twitter: A Twitter account for ACCAP sharing ACCAP and Arctic-related news.

  • Alaska Climate Webinars and Podcasts: An archive of ACCAP-sponsored webinars on climate issues and research in Alaska. Viewers can also sign up for future webinars.

  • Ocean Acidification Video: A four-minute video on the causes and effects of ocean acidification featuring research from ACCAP in a popular science format. Other videos are also available on ACCAP's Vimeo Channel