Protecting Public Health and the Environment.

Middle Snake Watershed Advisory Group (WAG)

The Middle Snake River WAG was originally created in 1995 as an outgrowth of the House Bill 1284 ("WAG-BAG Law"). The primary purpose and concern was to provide input to DEQ and EPA in restoring the beneficial uses and water quality standards of the Snake River, Rock Creek and their major tributaries. The Middle Snake River WAG encompasses one major subbasin, the Upper Snake Rock Subbasin. From this group and in cooperation with DEQ have come the Middle Snake River Watershed Management Plan (approved 1997), the Upper Snake Rock Watershed Management Plan (2000) and the Upper Snake Rock TMDL Modification (2005). The WAG has stakeholder industries that represent irrigation agriculture, confined animal feeding operations, food processors, aquaculture, municipalities, grazing, recreation and forestry. Ground water is also a concern to the WAG and is also included in the approved TMDLs.

Currently, the WAG meets quarterly (or as needed) and continues to provide input to DEQ and EPA on TMDL issues and other water quality related issues. Content on this page is provided for informational purposes while the Middle Snake WAG and DEQ work to conduct a 5-year review of the Middle Snake River Subbasin Assessment, Total Maximum Daily Load, and Implementation Plan.

WAG Seeks Confined Animal Feeding, Soil Conservation Districts, and Middle Snake Regional Water Resource Commission Members

DEQ is seeking Idaho representatives of confined animal feeding, soil conservation districts, and the Middle Snake Regional Water Resource Commission to serve on the Middle Snake Watershed Advisory Group (WAG). Persons interested in serving on the WAG are advised to contact Sue Switzer in DEQ's Twin Falls Regional Office at (208) 736-2190 or by email at

Next Scheduled Meeting Date

The Wednesday, October 26 meeting has been cancelled.

Review Documents

EPA originally approved the Mid Snake/Upper Snake Rock Phosphorus TMDL in 1997. DEQ conducted a five-year review in 2010, which indicated that the Total Phosphorus (TP) targets had not been achieved in the mainstem and multiple tributaries during 2000 to 2008. In particular, significant TP concentration reductions had not been achieved in the Crystal Springs Reach. The review also illustrated that flows have been reduced in the most recent decade, suggesting that the ability of the TMDL wasteload allocations to support use attainability should be reassessed. DEQ and EPA Region 10 initiated an assessment and evaluation of all existing data to support the consideration of a potential phosphorus TMDL revision. As a first step, the report below was developed.

Previous Meetings

May 11, 2016
Agenda | Minutes (pending approval)
January 20, 2016
Agenda | Minutes
November 12, 2015
Agenda | Minutes
August 12, 2015
Agenda | Minutes
May 13, 2015 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
February 11, 2015 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
Idaho Power Bliss Hydroelectric Project Average Water Temperature
September 17, 2014 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
Re-evaluation of the Mid-Snake/Upper Snake Rock Subbasin TMDL: Data Summary, Evaluation, and Assessment (presentation)
August 13, 2014 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
May 14, 2014 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
February 12, 2014 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
November 13, 2013 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
October 23, 2013 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
September 24, 2013 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
Re-evaluation of the Mid-Snake/Upper Snake Rock Subbasin TMDL: Data Summary, Evaluation, and Assessment (presentation)
August 14, 2013 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
May 8, 2013 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
January 16, 2013 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
August 29, 2012 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
February 15, 2012 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
January 18, 2012 WAG
Agenda | Meeting was cancelled
December 7, 2011 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
September 21, 2011 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
July 20, 2011 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
May 18, 2011 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
Presentation: Idaho's Map-Based 2008 Integrated Report
Handout: City of Twin Falls FTP Instructions
Handout: 319 Application and Grant Process Schedules
March 16, 2011 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
February 16, 2011 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
October 13, 2010 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
September 15, 2010 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
September 15, 2010 TAC
Agenda |
August 11, 2010 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
August 11, 2010 TAC
Agenda | Minutes
July 20, 2010 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
June 22, 2010 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
February 17, 2010 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
January 20, 2010 WAG
Agenda | Minutes
June 16, 2009 WAG
Agenda | Minutes

Page Subscription

Staff Contacts

TMDL Specialist
Sue Switzer
DEQ Twin Falls Regional Office
650 Addison Avenue West, Suite 110
Twin Falls, ID 83301
(208) 736-2190

WAG Resources

Related Pages

Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs): Water Quality Improvement Plans

Watershed Advisory Groups

Snake River (Upper Snake-Rock) Subbasin