Wednesday, January 18, 2017

NACSP 2013-2017 Strategy and Work Plan

NACSP 2013-2017 Strategy and Work Plan


 The North American Climate Services Partnership recently released their 2013-2017 Strategy and Work Plan. The seven-page NACSP Strategy document outlines the mission, drivers, strategic goals, scope and approach, and guiding principles for the Partnership.

The Strategy and Work Plan documents are available in English, Spanish and French. The full reports can be accessed here:


About the North American Climate Services Partnership (NACSP)

The NACSP is an innovative trilateral partnership between the U.S., Mexico and Canada. This partnership was established to respond to an increasing demand for accessible and timely scientific data and information in order to make informed decisions and build resilience in our communities.


United States: Meredith Muth
Mexico: Martin Ibarra
Canada: Chantale Cote