Northwest Fisheries Science Center

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Research Mission

Our mission is to provide the scientific basis to meet NOAA's stewardship role to conserve and manage living marine resources and their habitats, with emphasis on the Pacific Northwest.

Research Themes

Our research is organized around four major themes from our strategic plan:

Divisions and Programs

Over 300 scientists at the Center are organized into six Divisions that carry out our science mission and the support services to make it happen.


Our work results in collection of a large amount of data available to the public. Access our online data repositories:


We utilize many advanced technologies in the course of our work, and in many cases develop innovative new technology or new applications for existing technologies.

Hot Research Topics

NWFSC is involved in some of the key natural resource topics in our region.


Our staff represent a rich resource of knowledge, passion, and experience about the natural resources of the Pacific Northwest.