Bread Crumbs

Information about Quality, Patient Safety, and Access

We are committed to making it easy for you to find information on how our health system is performing. On this site, you'll find data files showing how we score on industry standard measures for patient safety, healthcare outcomes, quality of care, and patient satisfaction and access to care.

How We're Doing

You can see for yourself how well we are doing. Click on one of the links to learn how we measure our performance.

  • Patient Satisfaction and Access to Care - includes information from our patient surveys and information on availability of appointments in our clinics
  • Health Outcomes - includes information about births in our hospitals and rates of complications from surgeries
  • Patient Safety - includes reports on events where patients were harmed by care in our hospitals
  • Quality of Care - includes results from the measures we track to grade our hospitals and clinics

You Can Help

We understand that you are probably not an expert in how the healthcare industry measures success, and many of the reports we are making available to you can be confusing. We tried to explain each of the measures we are sharing with you in a way that helps you understand how the information relates to you, and we are working on a better way to share this data than through downloadable files. Part of improving this site is getting feedback from you on what information you think is important, as well as what type of tools you want to use to look at the data in new and innovative ways that meet your information needs. Please use the link in the "We Want Your Feedback" box to tell us how we are doing and, more importantly, how we can improve.

We Want Your Feedback!

Part of our transparency efforts include getting feedback from the community we serve. This will require input from the individuals most interested in this data – our beneficiaries and military communities.

If you have ideas, suggestions, or other feedback on the information we are presenting, please fill out our questionnaire. Let us know what information you would like to see presented and how we can make it easier to digest and use.

Last Updated 5/20/2016