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Species Recovery Grants Awarded

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The following grants, listed by fiscal year, have been funded through the Species Recovery Grants to States program.

Note: Beginning in fiscal year 2010, the name of this grant program was changed from "Protected Species Cooperative Conservation" to "Species Recovery Grants."


2012 Grants
Sufficient funding was not available for new grants;
available funds supported ongoing grants issued in fiscal year 2010.


2011 Grants
Sufficient funding was not available for new grants;
available funds supported ongoing grants issued in fiscal years 2009 and 2010.


2010 Grants Funded
NOTE: All projects listed here were awarded with three-year project periods. The Federal funding amounts indicated in this table represent the approved federal share of the project over the three years.  However, reduced appropriations in fiscal years 2011 and 2012 resulted in significant budget cuts to all awards. 
AgencyProject TitleApproved Federal Funding
California Department of Fish and GameDeveloping and Implementing Restoration Tools for the Critically Endangered White Abalone$1,077,549
Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental ControlSturgeons in the mid-Atlantic region: a multi-state collaboration for research and conservation$2,738,272
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation CommissionFlorida marine turtle conservation and research program$1,003,186
Monitoring and mapping of threatened acroporid corals in U.S. jurisdiction: Development of a multi-state conservation program$4,258,551
Smalltooth sawfish research and outreach: an interdisciplinary collaborative program$2,440,244
Hawaii Department of Land and Natural ResourcesCooperative conservation and long-term management of Hawaiian monk seals and sea turtles and their habitat by reducing shoreline disturbance and nearshore fishery interactions$1,550,657
Maine Department of Marine ResourcesConnectivity and demographic correspondence among sturgeon stocks in Maine$959,735
Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and WildlifeMassachusetts leatherback sea turtle research and disentanglement program$980,319
Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and ParksIdentifying feeding habitat for and movement of the juvenile/ sub-adult cohort of Gulf sturgeon in the Pascagoula River estuary, MS$761,470
New York State Department of Environmental ConservationDetermining the connectivity among and fine-scale habitat use within Atlantic sturgeon aggregation areas in the Mid-Atlantic Bight: Implications for gear restricted management areas to reduce bycatch$2,440,728
Oregon Department of Fish and WildlifeStudies of eulachon smelt in Washington and Oregon to guide implementation of a monitoring program to track coast-wide status and trends in abundance and distribution$1,637,429
Study of green sturgeon on the West coast of the United States$1,679,728
South Carolina Department of Natural ResourcesResearch and Management of Endangered and Threatened Species in the Southeast: Riverine Movements of Shortnose and Atlantic$4,105,475
Cooperative multi-state management of the northern recovery unit of loggerhead sea turtles$3,317,881
Virginia Department of Game and Inland FisheriesVirginia and Maryland sea turtle research and conservation initiative$4,090,044
Washington Department of Fish and WildlifeDistribution and abundance patterns of ESA-listed marine mammals in Washington and Oregon coastal waters$731,979


2009 Grants Funded

NOTE: The Federal funding amounts indicated in this table are for entire project periods, which may extend up to three years.
AgencyProject TitleApproved Federal Funding
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation CommissionPelagic-state Sea Turtles in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico: Distribution, Abundance, Genetic Stocks, Behavior Patterns, and Diet$119,726
Continuation of a Long Term Study of Sea Turtles in Florida Bay$107,875
Coordinating Florida's Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network$184,913
Georgia Department of Natural ResourcesReducing Propeller Wounds in Sea Turtles - Phase II$88,293
Hawaii Department of Land and Natural ResourcesCooperative Conservation of Hawaiian Monk Seals and Sea Turtles: Reducing Shoreline Disturbance and Nearshore Fisheries Interactions$146,037
Maryland Department of Natural ResourcesGeneral and Reproductive Health Assessments of Shortnose Sturgeon Using Laparoscopy and Blood Sample Analysis$48,376
South Carolina Department of Natural ResourcesFacility Development for Sea Turtle Necropsy and Tissue Collection$22,800


2008 Grants Funded

NOTE: The Federal funding amounts indicated in the tables below are for entire project periods, which may extend up to three years.
AgencyProject TitleApproved Federal Funding
Georgia Department of Natural ResourcesReproductive Behavior in Female Loggerhead Turtles: Characterizing Site-fidelity, Intra-seasonal Clutch Frequency, and Relatedness Using Gentic Mark-recapture$187,063
Status of Atlantic Sturgeon in the St. Mary's and Satilla Rivers$197,006
Maine Department of Marine ResourcesThe Use of Dtags to Assess Risk of Entanglement for Humpback and Fin Whales in Maine Coastal Fishing Waters$101,205
Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental ResourcesHabitat and Population Assessment of Marine Turtle Aggregations Inhabiting Puerto Rico Coastal Waters$172,648


2007 Grants Funded

NOTE: The Federal funding amounts indicated in this table are for entire project periods, which may extend up to three years.
AgencyProject TitleApproved Federal Funding
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation CommissionElectronic tagging supplies for maximizing data collection on smalltooth sawfish in Charlotte Harbor, Florida$36,380
Hawaii Department of Land and Natural ResourcesCooperative Conservation of Hawaiian Monk Seals and Sea Turtles: Optimizing State Agency and Community Participation in Management, Monitoring, Outreach, and Recovery$152,840
Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and WildlifeMassachusetts Sea Turtle Disentanglement Network$77,907
Maine Department of Marine ResourcesInvestigation into the Distribution and Abundance of Shortnose Sturgeon in the Penobscot River, Maine$281,393
New York State Department of Environmental ConservationNew York State Marine Endangered Species Coordination Program$211,120
Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental ResourcesElkhorn Coral Spatial Distribution and Long-term Monitoring of Population Dynamics in Puerto Rico$43,811


2006 Grants Funded

NOTE: Beginning with the FY2006 cycle, grants could be issued as multi-year awards. Multi-year awards may extend up to a maximum of three years. The Federal funding amounts indicated in this table are for entire project periods.
AgencyProject TitleApproved Federal Funding
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation CommissionEnhancement of Work to Identify Diseases of Sea Turtles in Florida
Pelagic Neonate and Juvenile Sea Turtles in Gulf and Atlantic Surface Waters off Florida: Distributions, Densities, Threats, Habitat Descriptions, and Behavior
Long-term Monitoring of Smalltooth Sawfish in Charlotte Harbor, Florida
Technology for Enhancing Recovery: Evaluation of GPS-Linked Satellite Tags for Sea Turtles
Long-Term Studies of Sea Turtles in Florida Bay
In-water Studies of Marine Turtles in Florida
Georgia Department of Natural ResourcesPopulation Dynamics, Essential Habitats, and Factors Affecting Abundance of Atlantic Sturgeon in the Altamaha River, Georgia
Population Dynamics and Essential Habitats of Shortnose Sturgeon in the Ogeechee River, Georgia
Analysis of Loggerhead Turtle Population Structure in the Southeastern U.S. Using Novel Microsatellite Markers and Mitochondrial DNA Sequences
Maryland Department of Natural ResourcesSea Turtle Tagging and Health Assessment Study in the Maryland Portion of the Chesapeake Bay
Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and WildlifeMassachusetts Sea Turtle Disentanglement Network
New Jersey Department of Environmental ProtectionInvestigations of Shortnose Sturgeon Early Life Stages in the Delaware River
South Carolina Department of Natural ResourcesInter-basin transfer, migration, and habitat use by shortnose sturgeon in the lower Santee River and Winyah Bay System, South Carolina



2005 Grants Funded
AgencyProject TitleApproved Federal Funding
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation CommissionSupport and Enhancement of the Florida Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network
Georgia Department of Natural ResourcesMethods to Reduce Propeller Wounds in Sea Turtles
Anadromous Fish Recovery in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint Basin: Gulf Sturgeon and Alabama Shad
Maryland Department of Natural ResourcesDistribution and Movement of Shortnose Sturgeon
New York State Department of Environmental ConservationHabitat Use of Hudson River Atlantic Sturgeon
Marine Endangered Species Workshop
Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental ResourcesHabitat Use and Status Surveys of Marine Turtles in Puerto Rico
Elkhorn Coral Population Dynamics in Puerto Rico
South Carolina Department of Natural ResourcesShortnose and Atlantic Sturgeon Age-Growth, Status, Diet, and Genetics
Santee-Cooper Basin Shortnose Sturgeon Monitoring
U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Planning and Natural ResourcesNavigational Aids and Boater Outreach: Protection of Leatherbacks at Sandy Point National Wildlife Refuge



2004 Grants Funded
AgencyProject TitleApproved Federal Funding
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation CommissionMonitoring Smalltooth Sawfish in Charlotte Harbor
Long-term Studies of Sea Turtles in Florida Bay
Neonate Sea Turtles
Educating the public about the smalltooth sawfish
Georgia Department of Natural ResourcesAtlantic Sturgeon Population and Habitat in the Altamaha River
Investigation of Loggerhead Turtle Habitat Use in Georgia
Maryland Department of Natural ResourcesDistribution and Health of Shortnose Sturgeon
Sea Turtle Tagging and Health Assessment
New Jersey Department of Environmental ProtectionMarine Mammal and Sea Turtle Workshop
Status Determination Process for New Jersey's Marine Fishes
New York State Department of Environmental ConservationMarine Endangered Species Coordination Program
North Carolina Wildlife Resources CommissionNorth Carolina Sea Turtle Health Assessment
Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental ResourcesHabitat and Population Assessment of Marine Turtle Aggregations
South Carolina Department of Natural ResourcesMovement of dam-locked sturgeon in the Santee Cooper system



2003 Grants Funded
AgencyProject TitleApproved Federal Funding
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation CommissionDeveloping Statewide In-water Research on Sea Turtles
Monitoring Smalltooth Sawfish in Charlotte Harbor
Reproductive Movements & Behaviors in Loggerhead Sea Turtles
Threats to Neonate Sea Turtles in Atlantic Floridian Waters
Long-term Studies of Sea Turtles in Florida Bay
Sea Turtle Mortality Study
Georgia Department of Natural ResourcesPopulation & Critical Habitats of Atlantic Sturgeons
Investigations of Inter- and Post-nesting Habitat Use of Sea Turtles
Maryland Department of Natural ResourcesDistribution, Movement & Health Assessment of Shortnose Sturgeon
Sea Turtle Tagging & Health Assessment
Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and WildlifeMassachusetts Sea Turtle Stranding Network
North Carolina Wildlife Resources CommissionSea Turtle Health Assessment
Sea Turtle Bycatch Monitoring Program
Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental ResourcesStatus of Marine Turtle Aggregations
South Carolina Department of Natural ResourcesShortnose & Atlantic Sturgeon Status, Diet, and Genetic Studies
U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Planning and Natural ResourcesEndangered Marine Species Research & Stranding Response