Protecting Public Health and the Environment.

Brownfields Assessment Program

A brownfields site is a vacant or underutilized property where redevelopment or reuse is complicated by actual or perceived environmental contamination. DEQ's Brownfields Assessment Program funds and conducts environmental assessments of brownfields sites to assist communities in revitalizing their neighborhoods. A summary of types and locations of site-specific brownfields assessments funded by DEQ may be viewed here: Site-Specific Assessment Tracking Table.

How the Assessment Program Works

Units of government, local redevelopment agencies, nonprofit organizations, and other government entities may request a brownfields assessment. Private, for-profit organizations may also request a brownfields assessment in partnership with a supportive, eligible entity such as a local government agency or nonprofit. In such cases, a letter of support from the eligible partner should accompany the request for brownfields assessment. 

  • Brownfield Assessment Request Form Note: This form opens best in Internet Explorer. For Mozilla Firefox users, you may get a “Please Wait” message and will need to click on the “Open with Different Viewer” prompt on the top right of the screen if the document does not display properly.
  • Agreement for Site Access

In addition, persons (or organizations) that are or may be affected by a release or threatened contaminant release at a brownfields site in their community can request assessment of the brownfield on behalf of the community. Organizations that may submit requests include neighborhood associations and other community-based organizations.

  • Request Assessment of a Community Brownfield Form Note: This form opens best in Internet Explorer. For Mozilla Firefox users, you may get a “Please Wait” message and will need to click on the “Open with Different Viewer” prompt on the top right of the screen if the document does not display properly.

DEQ considers and responds to all assessment requests. If the request is successful, DEQ's contractors will perform the requested assessment at no cost to the applicant and will produce a report that achieves the following:

  • Reveals whether a site is clean, lightly contaminated, or heavily contaminated
  • Determines the nature and extent of the contamination
  • Identifies potential cleanup options
  • Estimates cleanup costs (if any)

If contamination is found, DEQ will work with the applicant to locate funding opportunities for cleaning up the property and returning it to productive use.

DEQ conducts as many community brownfields assessments as funding allows. If DEQ is unable to perform a requested assessment, DEQ adds the property to its inventory of brownfields and works with the community to develop a renewal approach for the site.

Staff Contacts

Brownfields Response Program Manager
Eric Traynor
DEQ State Office
Waste Management and Remediation Division
1410 N. Hilton
Boise, ID 83706
(208) 373-0565

Brownfields Program Specialist
Tina Elayer
DEQ Boise Regional Office
1445 N. Orchard St.
Boise, ID 83706
(208) 373-0563

Brownfields and VCP Specialist
Steve Gill
Coeur d'Alene Regional Office
2110 Ironwood Parkway
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
(208) 666-4632

DEQ Resources

Brownfields Assessment Program Fact Sheet

Do You Have a Brownfields Site?

Elements of DEQ-Funded Site Assessments


Related Pages

Brownfields Grants

Voluntary Cleanup Program

Brownfields Success Stories