• Locate Your GIC Benefit Coordinator

    GIC Benefit Coordinators process all GIC benefits for active employees. (Retirees contact the GIC.) Search for your agency's or municipality's Coordinator using this link.
  • GIC Coordinator News

    News for GIC Benefit Coordinators
  • Ordering Supplies

    Order plan kits, brochures and directories for your agency or municipality. GIC Coordinator contact information for each GIC carrier.
  • GIC Regulations

    Promulgated by the Secretary of State May 29, 2009. Updates filed October 25, 2011. Also includes Administrative Bulletins and Public Hearings.
  • HR-CMS and UMass Agency Procedures

    Step-by-step procedures for administering GIC benefits, reports, and comprehensive full cost rate charts.
  • Municipality Procedures

    Step-by-step procedures and reports for administering GIC benefits.
  • Offline Agency Procedures

    Step-by-step procedures for administering GIC benefits, reports, and comprehensive full cost rate charts.
  • Newsletter Quantity Change Form

    Use this form to reduce the number of printed newsletters your agency/municipality receives.

  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

    This helpful free benefit provides state agencies and participating municipalities with customized seminars for workplace issues such as stress management, low morale, caring for elderly parents, and work-life balance. If your workplace has a critical incident including workplace and staff deaths, grief support debriefings are provided.  Additionally, managers and supervisors can access one-on-one confidential training for dealing with low morale, disruptive workplace behavior, substance abuse, hygiene issues, potential violence, and eating disorders.

  • GIC Logo