Carcasses and 'liquid truths': The spellbinding world of Singapore Art Week

(CNN)Singapore's culture sector is developing rapidly -- thanks to a government stimulus in arts and heritage, as well as growing interest from the international community in Southeast Asian art.

The fifth Singapore Art Week, which this year runs through January 22, has expanded to include not just established art institutions and organizations, but also smaller, independent galleries.
Old and new collide in Singapore's national gallery
singapore national gallery spc one square meter_00001321


    Old and new collide in Singapore's national gallery


Old and new collide in Singapore's national gallery 03:01
Emi Eu is director of STPI -- Creative Workshop & Gallery, which is known for its experimental work with print and paper techniques, and artist residency program which has hosted artists from Korea (Do Ho Suh), China (Sun Xun) and Indonesia (Heri Dono).
    Above is her take on some of Art Week's best offerings.