Protecting Public Health and the Environment.

Public Water Systems Monitoring and Reporting

The federal Safe Drinking Water Act requires public water systems to monitor their water for certain regulated contaminants and to report the monitoring results to the states. Standards on what contaminants must be monitored for and how often monitoring must take place are set by EPA. EPA also requires public water systems to monitor for certain unregulated contaminants to provide data for developing future regulatory requirements. Finally, EPA requires systems to notify the public when violations occur.

Contaminants in Drinking Water

Drinking water supplies are often vulnerable to contamination from land use practices (e.g., farming) and potential contaminant sources (e.g., gas stations) within the vicinity of drinking water wells and intakes. Drinking water, including bottled water, usually contains at least small amounts of contaminants. However, the presence of contaminants does not necessarily mean that the water poses a health risk. Learn more.

Monitoring Schedule Reports

To assist public water systems in complying with monitoring requirements, DEQ has developed an online tool to keep systems apprised of their required contaminant  monitoring schedules. Systems may select the name of their system from a dropdown list, enter the applicable date range, and obtain a report on exactly what contaminants they must monitor for and when.

In addition, to help system operators better protect the health of their customers, DEQ  provides a telephone and e-mail message service to remind system operators to conduct required monitoring for designated contaminants. Messages are sent when database records indicate that DEQ has not received laboratory results of required monitoring.

Monitoring Waivers

Monitoring waivers are reductions in the repeat monitoring frequency for certain inorganic and organic chemical contaminants. Community and noncommunity nontransient water systems that are current on their annual drinking water fee assessments may apply for monitoring waivers. Learn more.

Laboratory Analysis of Drinking Water Samples

Public drinking water systems are required to report sampling results in a format specified by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. DEQ contracts with the Idaho Bureau of Laboratories to certify drinking water laboratories for testing of drinking water from public water systems and to ensure the laboratories report results according to DEQ-specified formats. Learn more and link to a list of certified laboratories.

Consumer Confidence Reporting Requirements for Public Water Systems

Each year, community water systems in Idaho must prepare an annual Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) that informs its customers of where their drinking water comes from and what is in it. Systems may access guidance and forms for preparing their annual CCRs here.

Public Notification Requirements for Public Water Systems

Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, public drinking water systems are required to inform their customers of any violations of the state's drinking water standards. Notification requirements vary by category of violation incurred. Learn more.

Sanitary Surveys

A sanitary survey is on-site review of a public water system’s water source, facilities, equipment, operation, and maintenance. Learn more.

Public Water System Change of Ownership or Contact Address

If the ownership of or the contact person for your drinking water facility has changed or will be changing in the future, update your contact information through the DEQ regional office, or submit the information online here.

Staff Contacts

Drinking Water Program Manager
Jerri Henry
DEQ State Office
Water Quality Division
1410 N. Hilton
Boise, ID 83706
(208) 373-0471