24 thoughts on “Share the Gift of Security

  1. Give the gift of security?

    You’ve given all of our SS tax withholdings to the federal government in exchange for an IOU. Their IOU is not secure…they’ve spend all of the money, and then some.

    They owe a minimum of $20 Trillion.

    Why are you lying?

    • Bruce, Social Security is a pay-as-you-go system. Social Security taxes collected from today’s workers pay the benefits of today’s retirees. Any funds in excess of what is needed to pay today’s benefits are invested in special issue, U.S. Government, interest-bearing securities. This investment – the purchase of U.S. Government securities – is what constitutes the “borrowing” that people are sometimes concerned about. Any funds that have been “borrowed” from the Social Security Trust Funds have always been paid back in full, plus interest. Please check out our Trust Fund Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.

      • Thanks for the links and info, Mr. Fernandez. However, many of us collecting still worry about SS solvency, regardless of the promises or expectations of low, intermediate or high assumptions. For example, shouldn’t solvency be addressed immediately with our congressional leaders? I’m not talking about privatizing, reducing benefits, cutting recipients, or gambling with the fund, but maintaining and solidifying existing SS. A question that is always asked is why in the world is there a cap on taxable earnings? Why not make it unlimited for the taxpayer, and put limits on it for the shared contribution from employers? Some of the solutions seem so sensible, but our leaders can’t figure this out. It also might help seniors with a decent COLA every year, instead of a paltry three-tenths of a percent for 2017.

        • I can answer your question about why there’s a cap on earnings- it’s because the GOPHER have been and continue to protect their wealthy benefactors from having to pay taxes, period. Tax cuts for the wealthy started with GW Bush and the GOP-controlled Congress has fpught to protect those cuts.
          Now Mr. Trump has won the elevtoon with vows to cut taxes, and if anyone actually looks at his plan and does the math, it’s crystal clear that only the wealthy will see very, very significant tax cuts, especially corporations who have already paid ZERO taxes while collecting millions in “tax refunds” for over a decade now. It’s all in the official records very easy to find if you just look.

          As for solvency of Social Security, Congress hasn’t and doesn’t intend to address that, ever. In fact that’s the LAST thing we Social Security recipients should be sweating right now, especially if you’re on Social Security Disability Insurance from being unable to work anymore. Their plan us, and has been from the start, to ELIMINATE Social Security altogether. That’s what “privatizing” it would do; all the money in it and everything collected going forward would go not to recipients who worked and paid into it all our lives, but to their wealthy buddies who engineered the 2008 crash, the banksters and hedge fund managers who are now going to be, courtesy of Mr. Trump, the top men in charge of handling ALL the financial dealings for the United States, including the Treasury, the Federal Reserve.

          Basically, the fox is running the hen house, and he’s illegal to with as many of his fellow foxes as he could find. Let the feasting begin. We are the meal.

    • Why our president Roosevelt set up Social Security was to help all in need, the government should put the trillions of dollars back into the social security. I hope who ever reads these words will help. Every American person is important and our young are having it taken out of their checks deserve help when they get disabled etc…

  2. This is an informational site for people who really need answers. Get a heart and maybe a head and stay quiet. No one needs to hear what you have to say.

  3. the SSI and SSDI are a joke if you do not meet what they think are the requirments for help you go screw yourself is what you get. I been trying for 5 yrs. Doctors will not let me work with current back problem neck problem ( SPINE) yet the SS say i am fine. Ive tried 3 different law firms.

    • No don’t stop or give up ask someone who gets SSI or SS what attorney they used to get there benefits, Everyone should be helped

    • SS based their remarks on what the doctors told them. Often it is different from what the doctor tells you. Ask to review your medical file and then maybe you’ll see where the problem lies.

    • mitch,

      this is the most important paperwork to be completed by SUPPORTIVE drs. based upon how you are TODAY; not the day you last physically worked!!

      8 pages now; i have NOT studied this revised form.


      yes, get a copy of the scanned disk of everything SSDI has on your case so you can see WHY they are turning you down based upon which papers/wording!

      good luck! took me 5 yrs. of hell to be approved on 2nd ssdi claim (:

      bettyg, iowa

    • Well said Carl, although you didn’t mention one vital point. Not only do they get paid after they leave office, they get their government health insurance for life. I’m sure it’s far better insurance than any of us recrive, too. One thing I’ve never understood about Medicare for those if who are under the retirement age who become disabled & forced to go on Social Security Disability Insurance: WHY is there a 2 year waiting period AFTER you are awarded your disability benefits before you become eligible for Medicare? Seems to me those people areally the ones who need Medicare most.
      I was one of the “lucky” ones who got approved for SSDI on my first application. Thank God I filed right away and was able to keep my employer sponsored health insurance through COBRA (although it was by no means inexpensive) until I became Medicare eligible. What is the person who was not as lucky as I supposed to do? You can bet former elected officials will never have to worry about that.

  4. I just received the notice of benefits for 2017. With the increase in insurance, my net gain was zero, no change from 2016. Everything is going up, food, insurance, mortgage fee etc.

    Seniors are really being taken for a ride, down down and down.

    • We appreciate you using our blog to communicate with us! At this time you must have a U. S. mailing address to create or to access your online account. The “my Social Security” authentication system requires address verification as one of the essential criteria for issuing an account. People with APO/FPO/DPO addresses can create an account overseas, but our system does not support registration and account creation for users with a foreign address yet. Please contact your local U.S. embassy or consulate for any assistance related to your Social Security benefits. Also, our Office of International Operations home page provides more information to assist our customers living abroad. We hope this information helps!

  5. There is likely no increase in benefit amount for the majority of recipients since the Medicare B premium went up almost 10%, way more than the COLA.

  6. I may have missed it because I don’t have a long period of time to be reading the comments, but why is the amount for women lower than both men and children?

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