Environmental Sampling Design & Data Quality Assurance

Environmental Sampling Design & Data Quality

Use the information under Course Offerings to fill out the registration form.

Course Registration

Course Offerings

Offering No. CDP CIN N74 ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING COURSES Start Date End Date Location
17010 N/A N/A Environmental Sampling Design & Data Quality Assurance 13-Mar-17 17-Mar-17 Norfolk, VA
17020 N/A N/A Environmental Sampling Design & Data Quality Assurance 14-Aug-17 18-Aug-17 San Diego, CA

Course Description

This course was designed for Environmental Restoration personnel who collect or oversee the collection and analysis of environmental samples from uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. Others who are encouraged to take the course include: Quality Assurance Personnel; Environmental Scientists; Environmental Contract Officers; Technical Representatives (COTR); On-Scene Coordinators; Site Assessment Managers; Resource Conservation Recover Act (RCRA) Facility Managers; Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) Preparers, Reviewers; Environmental Project Team Members; and other personnel who plan, scope, review, implement, and assess site cleanup projects.

Personnel Eligible

Primary target audience are Installation Restoration program personnel who collect or oversee the collection and analysis of environmental samples from uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. Others who are encouraged to take the course include: Quality Assurance Personnel; Environmental Scientists; Environmental Contract Officers; Technical Representatives (COTR); On-Scene Coordinators; Site Assessment Managers; Resource Conservation Recover Act (RCRA) Facility Managers; Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) Preparers, Reviewers Environmental Project Team Members; and other personnel who plan, scope, review, implement, and assess site cleanup projects.

Quota Control