AIA - Arctic Athabaskan Council

ACAP - Arctic Contaminants Action Program

ACG - Arctic Cultural Gateway

ACIA - Arctic Climate Impact Assesment

ACOPS - Advisory Committee on Protection of the Seas

AIA - Aleut International Association

AMAP - Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme

AMATII - Arctic Maritime and Aviation Infrastructure Database

Arctic Adaptation Exchange Portal

AEC - Arctic Economic Council

Arctic Frontiers

Arctic Portal

ARR - Arctic Resilience Report

ASTI - The Arctic Species Trend Index

AWRH - Association of World Reindeer Herders



BEAC - Barents Euro-Arctic Council



CAFF - Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna

CPAR - Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region

CBSS - Council of Baltic Sea States



EPPR - Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response

EMA - Electronic Memory of the Arctic Project



GCI - Gwich'in Council International



IASC - International Arctic Science Committee

IASSA - International Arctic Social Sciences Association

ICC - Inuit Circumpolar Council

IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

IFRC - International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies

IPS - Indigenous Peoples Secretariat

IPY - International Polar Year

IUCH - International Union for Circumpolar Health

IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature

IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs



NAMMCO - North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission

NCM - Nordic Council of Ministers

NEFCO - Nordic Environment Finance Corporation

NF - Northern Forum



PAME - Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment



RAIPON - Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, English version available through Google translate



SDWG - Sustainable Development Working Group

Saami Council - Website in North Saami

Saami Council - Website in English



UArctic - University of the Arctic

UNDP - United Nations Development Program-

UNECE - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe




WWF - World Wildlife Fund