About this Blog

The Director’s Blog launched in October 2009 during preparations for the 2010 Census. Former Census Bureau Director Robert Groves wrote about the census to keep the public informed on progress of the once-a-decade headcount. Following the 2010 Census, Dr. Groves continued to write posts, providing a director’s point of view, on everything from Census Bureau news to topics about statistics. Starting in August 2012, acting Director Tom Messenbourg began contributing to the Director’s Blog, providing continuing updates on how the Census Bureau measures America’s people, places and economy.

One Response to About this Blog

  1. A Mark Neuman says:


    We mourn the passing of Charles Louis Kincannon, a distinguished public servant who devoted 45 years of his life in service to the Nation. Louis Kincannon was the longest serving Director of the Census Bureau in over a half century. Prior to that service, he had been Acting Director of the Bureau on several occasions. He worked for the Office of Management & Budget in the Executive Office of the President. He was the chief statistician of the OCED based in Paris.

    Louis Kincannon was a wise leader, consummate gentleman, kind neighbor, colleague — and a most treasured friend.

    Louis Kincannon treated everyone with incredible kindness and courtesy. He created amazing teams of effective leaders in his organizations. He was dedicated to serving the public always. I remember with fondness that he would, after reaching a policy decision or administrative action — would often recite the following mantra: “This is good for the taxpayers, good for the Agency, and good for the Administration. And I will stand behind this decision because it makes sense”.

    I met Louis when arrived at the Census Bureau at age 27 and he was serving as Acting Director. He had already served nearly as many years in Government as I had lived, but he welcomed me and helped me to be successful in my first real management assignment.

    Over the course of the next two decades, I would have the privilege of reporting directly to him on the Executive Staff, (as Chief of the Office of Congressional Affairs at the Bureau) and later being appointed by him as Chairman of the 2010 Advisory Committee. I had the great honor of serving as Master of Ceremonies at his retirement in 2007.

    Louis lived a full life that touched countless people from all walks of life. He practiced diversity and inclusion before anyone every heard of those terms. He cared deeply about things that mattered. He embodied the honest, efficient and accountable public servant. He was an uncommon friend and unique mentor in the careers of so many. And as I noted at his retirement, I never, ever saw him be unkind to anyone, ever. Louis Kincannon never ran over people — instead, he reached out, listened, approached all situations with fairness and an open mind. He respected people, cultures and societies unfamiliar to him. And Louis got things done. Always in the right way. When Louis made a mistake, he admitted it, learned from the mistake and moved forward without blaming others. When you watched Louis work, play or live, you could always say, “this is how I should try to treat people”.

    What a fine gentleman, our friend and esteemed colleague, Louis Kincannon. Always full of wisdom and insights. Louis Kincannon’s example as a leader, mentor and friend will live on with me and so many others for years to come. We are Grateful.

    We thank the All Merciful One for sharing this special man with all us.

    A. Mark Neuman

    Chairman, 2010 Census Advisory Committee (2006-2009)
    Chairman, Census Monitoring Board (2001)
    Member, Census Monitoring Board (1998-2001)
    Chief, Office of Congressional Affairs, Bureau of the Census (1989-1991)

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