Monthly Archives: August 2010

Quality in a Census Part 5

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Comparing the census counts to alternatives is one way to get a sense of how good the census is; if all alternative ways of estimating the size of the population yield about the same conclusions, we feel good about the … Continue reading

Posted in Quality Assurance | 4 Comments

Update on the Last Field Operations

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As I noted in an earlier post, we are now running two field operations as part of the quality improvement phase of the 2010 Census – the vacant/delete check (double checking the status of units of a variety of types, … Continue reading

Posted in Quality Assurance, Questionnaire Assistance Center | 5 Comments

Measuring Quality in a Census, Part 4

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The point of the first three posts on census quality was to note that there is no known “truth” with regard to the population of the United States. We have different tools, each of which gives us a different look … Continue reading

Posted in Quality Assurance | 2 Comments

Costs of the Census; Some Good News

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There have been many reasonable critiques of the costs of the decennial census. At many public events I have shared my own judgment that we must reduce the costs of the next census. While the spending that occurred before 2009 … Continue reading

Posted in Non-response Follow Up, Overview | 20 Comments