Visionary Science, Ethics, Law and Action in the Public Interest

The Facts: Financial Status of Energy Transfer Partners and the Dakota Access Pipeline

A financial analysis by Executive Director, Carolyn Raffensperger on the moral and financial reasons for banks and other investors divesting from Dakota Access.

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A Story of Health

A multimedia e-book now available

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Fracture: Essays, Poems, and stories on fracking in America

First-of-its-kind anthology. Now available

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Updates of Interest

  1. We were made for these times

    Dear Friend and Ally, Two weeks ago we sent you some of the regional work we have been doing in 2016 and some of the hard work ahead. We are resolved. We need your support to assist grassroots groups to block harmful projects like public land oil and gas leasing in Utah or pipelines across the…Read More →

  2. Inseparable Futures: Healthy Food & Sustainable Agriculture

    Dr. Ted Schettler’s article, Inseparable Futures: Healthy Food and Sustainable Agriculture was just published in San Francisco Medicine, the journal of the San Francisco Medical Society. The entire issue, December 2016, Volume 89 Number 10 is devoted to environmental health topics. You can access the entire issue here.  Dr. Schettler’s article can be read here.

  3. Invest in the Future

    Invest in the Future Volume 21 (6) Winter Appeal, 2016 Dear Friend,   We have awakened this month to a very different landscape. We at SEHN are sticking the periscope up through the rubble and surveying the world. We are facing a difficult future. Years ago we began talking about our work, especially the precautionary…Read More →

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Recent Blog

  1. SEHN Urges President Obama to Protect Rights of the Standing Rock Water Protectors

    President Obama: Cease Construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline Immediately; Compel Department of Justice Investigation into Law Enforcement Treatment of Water Protectors     North Dakota and Iowa— On the night of November 20th, over mainstream and social media, the world witnessed the militarized, violent and unjust treatment of those assembled at Standing Rock defending the waters….Read More →

  2. Dear President Obama: NoDAPL

    November 1, 2016   Dear President Obama,   Your administration is in the midst of reviewing the permits for Dakota Access’ crude oil pipeline as described in a memo released Sept. 9th, 2016. We strongly urge you to expand the review to the entire pipeline route and not limit it to the Missouri River crossing at Lake Oahe…Read More →

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