The Full Hearing

At the Full Hearing, both parties present their case through witnesses and documentation. The parties may be asked to submit proposed decisions or additional documentation. After the record is closed, a decision is rendered. The decision is written up by the Commissioner/Hearing Officer who heard the case.

A hearing is a tape-recorded formal procedure and conduct of the parties must at all times be orderly. The parties may offer at a hearing all relevant evidence and information as is deemed appropriate and admissible under the rules of evidence to the discretion of the Presiding Officer. Letters and affidavits may be admitted into evidence at the discretion of the Commissioner or Presiding Officer. At times, stipulations of fact agreed upon by the parties may be regarded and used as evidence at the hearing.

You can expect that witnesses from both sides will be called before the Presiding Officer and shall be examined under oath. Information such as papers and documents relevant to the case may be entered into the record for consideration.

After testimony has been heard and documents entered into evidence, the Presiding Officer may request proposed decisions from the parties. The parties will receive a Civil Service Commission written decision via first class mail. After the record is closed, a decision is usually rendered within sixty (60) days. The decision is written up by the Commissioner/Hearing Officer who heard the case and proceeds to an Executive Session to be voted on by the Full Commission.

If an appeal is heard by an Administrative Magistrate at the Division of Administrative Law Appeals, a "Recommended Decision" is forwarded to all parties by the Magistrate and each party is given 30 days to file comments or objections with the Civil Service Commission. At the conclusion of the 30-day comment period, the case proceeds to Executive Session to be voted on by the Full Commission.

Location of your Hearing

The hearing notice you received indicates whether or not your hearing is being held at the

If you cannot attend on the day set for your hearing

A motion to continue must be mailed or faxed to the Commission at least thirty (30) days prior to the hearing date. You must send a copy of your request to continue to the other party and provide the Commission with mutually acceptable alternative dates. Continuances will only be granted for extraordinary circumstances. Requests to continue a hearing may NOT be requested via telephone.