
Coming soon: information on the 35th NVWG in Dallas June 2015!

The National Veterans Wheelchair Games (NVWG) is a sports and rehabilitation program for military service veterans who use wheelchairs for sports competition due to spinal cord injuries, amputations or certain neurological problems.

Attracting more than 500 athletes each year, the NVWG is the largest annual wheelchair sports event in the world.

The presenters of this event are committed to improving the quality of life for veterans with disabilities and fostering better health through sports competition. While past Games have produced a number of national and world-class champions, the Games also provide opportunities for newly-disabled veterans to gain sports skills and be exposed to other wheelchair athletes. Typically, one quarter of the competitors have never before participated in any type of organized wheelchair sports competition.


U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA), with financial assistance from corporate, civic and veteran service organizations.


Competitive events at the National Veterans Wheelchair Games include air guns, archery, basketball, bowling, field events, hand cycling, a motorized wheelchair rally, nine-ball, power soccer, quad rugby, slalom, softball, swimming, table tennis, track, trapshooting and weightlifting Athletes compete in all events against others with similar athletic ability, competitive experience or age.


Free. The public is most welcome.

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