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Thinking for a Change in Seneca County Jail
NIC News & Updates


t4c In October of last year, Seneca County started their first T4C group. The staff at the facility see the same people over and over again. Seneca county officials implemented the program to address this issue. They believe it will improve public safety and reentry outcomes.

During intake, new inmates are given a test to determine their risk of reoffending. Those who rate medium to high-risk are eligible for the voluntary program. T4C is a 25 lesson intensive program that addresses criminal thinking. It incorporates research from cognitive restructuring theory, social skills development, and the learning and use of problem solving skills. T4C is an integrated cognitive behavioral change program authored by Jack Bush, Ph.D., Barry Glick, Ph.D., and Juliana Taymans, Ph.D., under a cooperative agreement with the National Institute of Corrections (NIC). 


Read more about what Seneca County is doing: here

Find more information about Thinking for a Change 4.0: here

Posted Thu, Jan 5 2017 1:44 PM by Elizabeth
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