Protecting Public Health and the Environment.

Permits and Forms

Idaho's natural resources belong to all of us, and all citizens have a right to clean air, water, and land. The purpose of environmental permits is to protect public health and the environment. Permits establish the conditions under which facilities that generate pollution may operate. Permits represent a contract between the businesses and the government that the facilities will comply with applicable state and federal pollution control laws.

Current Permits Issued by DEQ

Access all air, wastewater reuse, and hazardous waste permits for Idaho facilities currently in effect here

Air Quality Permitting

Any business or industry (source) in Idaho that emits, or has the potential to emit, pollutants into the air is required to have an air pollution control permit from DEQ. Permits are issued when new sources begin operation and when existing sources modify their facilities. DEQ issues four major types of air quality permits. Learn more.

Water Quality Permitting

Various types of permits are issued by the federal, state, and local governments to protect the quality of Idaho's surface and ground waters. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits, which regulate discharges into surfaces waters, are issued by the federal government, as are dredge and fill permits and hydroelectric power licenses. DEQ's role in these actions is to certify that the activities authorized by the federal permits do not violate state water quality standards. The state (DEQ) issues permits regulating land application of wastewater and operation of swine facilities, while local governments handle wastewater pretreatment and septage tank pumper permits. Learn more

Waste Management Permitting

DEQ issues permits and certifications for certain types of facilities that treat, store, or dispose of wastes and for ore processing facilities that use cyanide in their mineral extraction processes. DEQ also oversees these permits and ensures the facilities meet all applicable laws and comply with permit conditions. Learn more.


Any facility that intends to include Confidential Business Information or trade secrets within an air quality permit application or other report it plans to submit to DEQ should review the state statute and rule documents below. These documents outline the process DEQ follows for protecting and disclosing records.