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About the Harshaw Site

Harshaw Site

The former Harshaw Chemical Company, located in Cleveland, Ohio, was contracted by the Manhattan Engineer District (MED) and later the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) to conduct work in support of the Nation's early atomic weapons program. From 1944 to 1959, various forms of uranium were processed at the Harshaw Site and then sent to Oak Ridge, Tennessee, for further processing.  Based on a request from the State of Ohio and the site owners, the Department of Energy determined that this site should be reviewed for possible inclusion in the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP), and on June 3, 1999, referred this action to the Corps of Engineers.      


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The Corps of Engineers completed a preliminary assessment of the Harshaw Site in April 2001, which recommended additional investigations to determine the extent of FUSRAP-related contamination at the site. A historic photographic analysis report and a remedial investigation (RI) report were complete in 2006. During the development of the 2006 RI report and the baseline risk assessment, the Corps of Engineers identified the presence of another radioactive element (Thorium) on the site and obtained additional historical documents which indicated other MED/AEC processes may have taken place at the site. As a result, additional investigations were performed. The 2006 RI report was revised in 2009 to include the additional data collected to define the nature and extent and risk posed by the radionuclides not included in the original RI report.

A proposed plan for Investigative Area (IA) 06 was released in April 2010 and a public meeting was conducted in May 2010. After consideration of comments received from the community, a no action record of decision was signed for IA 06 on March 18, 2011. This record of decision documents the Corps of Engineers’ decision that the IA 06 parcel does not require any remedial action under FUSRAP for the future use of the site. The record of decision includes responses to comments received during the comment period and the transcript from the public meeting.

The Corps of Engineers completed a feasibility study for the site in September 2012, which developed and evaluated potential remedial alternatives to address unacceptable risks to human health and the environment due to the presence of FUSRAP-related contamination. The feasibility study report is available in the Reports section of the website below.

The next step in the Comprehensive Environmental Review, Compensation and Liability Act process is to prepare the proposed plan, in which the Corps of Engineers will present the preferred alternative to address FUSRAP-related contamination at the Harshaw Site. The proposed plan will be issued for formal public review and comment once it is completed and a public meeting will be conducted.

The US Army Corps of Engineers Buffalo District welcomes your input at any time. Our goal is to offer timely and meaningful opportunities for public input to our projects and to promote the dissemination of project information to the community. Public involvement activities complement the Corps' mission to address environmental contamination at the Harshaw Site from past Manhattan Engineer District and Atomic Energy Commission activities.

You are welcome to contact us. If you have questions, comments, or concerns regarding the Harshaw Site, please send an e-mail to fusrap@usace.army.mil. You may also mail a letter to:

USACE, Buffalo District
Attn: Special Projects Branch - Outreach
1776 Niagara Street
Buffalo, NY 14207

or call us at 1-800-833-6390 (option 4).

Public Information Plan for the Harshaw Site (Dec 2013)

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