Protecting Public Health and the Environment.

Pollution Prevention for Schools

Pollution prevention (P2) is any activity—including the use of materials, processes, or practices—that reduces or eliminates the creation of pollutants or waste at the source. Instead of trying to manage the wastes or pollutants through treatment or disposal methods, P2 aims to prevent the initial generation or reduce the toxicity of wastes and pollutants such as hazardous waste, air pollutants, solid waste, wastewater, etc. P2 also includes any activity that reduces the toxicity of materials purchased or reduces the consumption of resources such as raw materials, water, energy, or fuel.

How Your School Can Prevent Pollution

Many simple, yet effective, opportunities are available to schools to prevent pollution. Try out a few of the suggestions listed here.

Idaho Chemical Roundup Program for Schools

Idaho Chemical Roundup is DEQ's program to assist schools in adopting best practices for managing laboratory chemicals and wastes. Access information on how to prevent pollution in school science labs and specific resources for schools in regions throughout the state here.

Clean Air Zone Program for Schools

The Clean Air Zone Program is designed to encourage Idahoans to turn off their engines instead of idling. The program began in 2004 with a campaign aimed at encouraging school bus drivers and others not to idle on school grounds. To date, more than 300 Idaho schools and child care facilities have voluntarily joined the program. Find out how to join.

Waste-Free Lunches Program

Participating in the waste-free lunches program will help your school cut down on the amount of waste generated, which can help keep schools clean, inside and out, reduce solid waste disposal costs, and help protect the environment. Learn more.

Mercury in Schools

Mercury can be found in science and chemistry classrooms, nurses’ offices, and electrical systems in schools. Exposure to mercury can be harmful to the health of your students and staff. School officials need to know how to properly manage mercury in your school and what to do if a spill occurs. Learn more about mercury.

Staff Contacts

Pollution Prevention Projects Coordinator
Ben Jarvis
DEQ State Office
Director's Office
1410 N. Hilton
Boise, ID 83706
(208) 373-0146

More Information

Healthy School Environment Resources

Green Schools Checklist

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