CloudSat Product Stats - Algorithm Developer Edition
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MODIS Swath Image with CloudSat Track

The MODIS-AUX data set is an intermediate product that contains a subset of ancillary MODIS radiance and cloud mask data that overlaps and surrounds each CloudSat cloud profiling radar (CPR) footprint. Input data are obtained from the 1B-CPR and AN-MODIS products, and the MODIS-AUX data are used as input to the 2B-GEOPROF, 2B-CLDCLASS, 2B-TAU, and 2B-FLXHR algorithms in the CloudSat data processing system. The MODIS-AUX product is created by the Generic-AUX Subset-to-Reference algorithm.

Process Description and Interface Control Document (PDICD)

File Name Last Modified
MODIS-AUX P_R04 PCICD (632.43 KB) July 18, 2007

Algorithm Specifications

Popup Type Dimensions Units Range Missing Miss Op Factor Offset
INT(1) mod_1km,nray,Byte_Segment -- 0 == 1 0
UINT(2) mod_1km,nray,Band_1KM_Emissive W/(m2 str um) 32768 >= 1 0
REAL(4) mod_granules,Band_1KM_Emissive -- -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) mod_granules,Band_1KM_Emissive -- -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) mod_granules,Band_1KM_Emissive -- -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) mod_granules,Band_1KM_Emissive -- -999 == 1 0
UINT(1) mod_1km,nray,Band_1KM_Emissive -- 255 == 1 0
UINT(2) mod_1km,nray,Band_1KM_RefSB W/(m2 str um) 32768 >= 1 0
REAL(4) mod_granules,Band_1KM_RefSB -- -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) mod_granules,Band_1KM_RefSB -- -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) mod_granules,Band_1KM_RefSB -- -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) mod_granules,Band_1KM_RefSB -- -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) mod_granules,Band_1KM_RefSB -- -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) mod_granules,Band_1KM_RefSB -- -999 == 1 0
UINT(1) mod_1km,nray,Band_1KM_RefSB -- 255 == 1 0
UINT(2) mod_1km,nray,Band_250M W/(m2 str um) 32768 >= 1 0
REAL(4) mod_granules,Band_250M -- -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) mod_granules,Band_250M -- -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) mod_granules,Band_250M -- -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) mod_granules,Band_250M -- -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) mod_granules,Band_250M -- -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) mod_granules,Band_250M -- -999 == 1 0
UINT(1) mod_1km,nray,Band_250M -- 255 == 1 0
UINT(2) mod_1km,nray,Band_500M W/(m2 str um) 32768 >= 1 0
REAL(4) mod_granules,Band_500M -- -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) mod_granules,Band_500M -- -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) mod_granules,Band_500M -- -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) mod_granules,Band_500M -- -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) mod_granules,Band_500M -- -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) mod_granules,Band_500M -- -999 == 1 0
UINT(1) mod_1km,nray,Band_500M -- 255 == 1 0
INT(1) mod_1km,nray -- 1 to 25 -99 == 1 0
INT(2) mod_1km,nray -- 1 to 1354 -999 == 1 0
INT(2) mod_1km,nray -- 1 to 2030 -999 == 1 0
INT(2) mod_1km,nray degrees -18000 to 18000 -32767 == 1 0
INT(2) mod_1km,nray degrees -32767 == 1 0
INT(2) mod_1km,nray degrees -18000 to 18000 -32767 == 1 0
INT(2) mod_1km,nray degrees -32767 == 1 0
Popup Type Dimensions Units Range Missing Miss Op Factor Offset
REAL(4) mod_1km,nray degrees -90 to 90 -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) mod_1km,nray degrees -180 to 180 -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) nray seconds 0 to 6000 1 0
REAL(8) <scalar> seconds 0 to 6e+008 1 0
REAL(4) <scalar> seconds 0 to 86400 1 0

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R04 of ECMWF-AUX, MODIS-AUX, & 2B-CLDCLASS released to General Science Community

September 17, 2007
Release 4 of ECMWF-AUX, MODIS-AUX, and 2B-CLDCLASS is now available to the General Science Community via the data ordering system.
All data users are asked to review the known issues page, on-line product specifications, and the summary of changes. If you have any questions concerning the ordering process, contact the DPC.

R04 available to the Science Team

July 19, 2007
Release 4 is now available to the CloudSat Science Team via the data ordering system. This release incorporates several improvements for the data products primarily driven by the development of a surface clutter reduction scheme in 1B-CPR. This affects all products by improving cloud detection near the Earth's surface. In addition, the profile overlap at the beginning and end of each granule has been removed. Granules now start with the first profile on or after the equator on a descending pass and end with the last profile before the equator on the next descending pass. Release 4 also includes the first release of the 2B-GEOPROF-LIDAR product.
This annoucement applies to the 1B-CPR, MODIS-AUX, ECMWF-AUX, 2B-GEOPROF, and 2B-GEOPROF-LIDAR products.
All data users are asked to review the known issues page, on-line product specifications, and the summary of changes. If you have any questions concerning the ordering process, contact the DPC.

Related Publications

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MODIS-AUX Related Publications
2017 - Clouds vertical properties over the Northern Hemisphere monsoon regions from CloudSat-CALIPSO measurements
Subrata Kumar Dasa, R.B. Golhaitb, K.N. Umac
Atmos. Res.
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2016 - Changes in the shape of cloud ice water content vertical structure due to aerosol variations
Massie, S. T., J. Delanoë, C. G. Bardeen, J. Jiang, and L. Huang
Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.
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2016 - A CloudSat perspective on the cloud climatology and its association with aerosol perturbations in the vertical over eastern China
Tianmeng Chen, Jianping Guo, Zhanqing Lia, Chuanfeng Zhao, Huan Liu, Maureen Cribb, Fu Wang, Jing He
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2016 - Dust aerosol impact on the retrieval of cloud top height from satellite observations of CALIPSO, CloudSat and MODIS
Wencai Wang, Lifang Sheng, Xu Dong, Wenjun Qu, Jilin Sun, Hongchun Jin, Timothy Logan
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer
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2016 - Cumulus over the Tibetan Plateau in the Summer Based on CloudSat-CALIPSO Data
Yunying Li, Minghua Zhang
J. Climate
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2015 - Assimilation of cloud information from space-borne radar and lidar: experimental study using a 1D 4D-Var technique.
Janisková, M
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2015 - Geographically coherent patterns of albedo enhancement and suppression associated with aerosol sources and sinks.
Engström, A., F. A-M. Bender, R. J. Charlson, and R. Wood
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2015 - Frequency of occurrence of rain from liquid-, mixed- and ice-phase clouds derived from A-Train satellite retrievals
Mülmenstädt, J., O. Sourdeval, J. Delanoë, and J. Quaas
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2015 - Variability of mixed-phase clouds in the arctic with a focus on the svalbard region: A study based on spaceborne active remote sensing.
Mioche G, Jourdan O, Ceccaldi M, Delanoë J.
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2015 - A methodology for simultaneous retrieval of ice and liquid water cloud properties. Part I: Information content and case study.
Sourdeval, Odran, Laurent C.-Labonnote, Anthony J. Baran, and Gérard Brogniez
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2015 - The energy balance over land and oceans: an assessment based on direct observations and CMIP5 climate models.
Wild, Martin, Doris Folini, Maria Z. Hakuba, Christoph Schär, Sonia I. Seneviratne, Seiji Kato, David Rutan, Christof Ammann, Eric F. Wood, and Gert König-Langlo
Clim Dyn
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2015 - A validation of the multivariate and minimum residual method for cloud retrieval using radiance from multiple satellites
Xu, D., T. Auligné, X-Y. Huang
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
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2015 - Extensive closed cell marine stratocumulus downwind of Europe - A large aerosol cloud mediated radiative effect or forcing?
Goren, T., and D. Rosenfeld
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2015 - WRF multi-physics simulation of clouds in the African region.
Diaz, J. P., A. González, F. J. Expósito, J. C. Pérez, J. Fernández, M. García-Díez, and D. Taima
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2014 - Cloud properties and radiative effects of the Asian summer monsoon derived from A-Train data.
Berry, E.,
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - A Synergistic Analysis of Cloud Cover and Vertical Distribution from A-Train and Ground-Based Sensors over the High Arctic Station Eureka from 2006 to 2010.
Blanchard, Y., Jacques Pelon, Edwin W. Eloranta, Kenneth P. Moran, Julien Delanoë, and Geneviève Sèze
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2014 - Microphysical properties and high ice water content in continental and oceanic Mescoscale Convective Systems and potential implications for commercial aircraft at flight altitude.
Gayet, J.-F., V. Shcherbakov, L. Bugliaro, A. Protat, J. Delanoë, J. Pelon, and A. Garnier
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2014 - Remote sensing of cloud top pressure/height from SEVIRI: analysis of ten current retrieval algorithms
Hamann, U., A. Walther, B. Baum, R. Bennartz, L. Bugliaro, M. Derrien, P. N. Francis, A. Heidinger, S. Joro, A. Kniffka, H. Le Gléau, M. Lockhoff, H.-J. Lutz, J. F. Meirink, P. Minnis, R. Palikonda, R. Roebeling, A. Thoss, S. Platnick, P. Watts, and G. Wind
Atmos. Meas. Tech.
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2014 - The CloudSat radar-lidar geometrical profile product (RL-GeoProf): Updates, improvements, and selected results
Mace, G. G.,
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Reconciling Ground-Based and Space-Based Estimates of the Frequency of Occurrence and Radiative Effect of Clouds around Darwin, Australia.
Protat, A., S. A. Young, S. A. McFarlane, T. L'Ecuyer, G. G. Mace, J. M. Comstock, C. N. Long, E. Berry, and J. Delanoë
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2014 - Mixed-phase cloud radiative properties over Ross Island, Antarctica: The influence of various synoptic-scale atmospheric circulation regimes
Scott, R. C., and D. Lubin
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Effective cloud optical depth for overcast conditions determined with a UV radiometers.
Serrano, D., Núñez, M., Utrillas, M. P., Marín, M. J., Marcos, C. and Martínez-Lozano, J. A.
Int. J. Climatol.
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2013 - Cirrus Cloud Properties and the Large-Scale Meteorological Environment: Relationships Derived from A-Train and NCEP-NCAR Reanalysis Data
Berry, E. and Gerald G. Mace
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2013 - Comparison of airborne in situ, airborne radar-lidar, and spaceborne radar-lidar retrievals of polar ice cloud properties sampled during the POLARCAT campaign
Delanoë J., Protat A., Jourdan O., Dupuy R., et al
J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol.
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2013 - Multi-satellite aerosol
Várnai, T., A. Marshak, and W. Yang
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2013 - Tropical Clouds and Circulation Changes During the 2006-07 and 2009-10 El Niños
Su, H., and J.H. Jiang
J. Climate
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2012 - A study on the low-altitude clouds over the Southern Ocean using the DARDAR-MASK.
Huang, Y., S. T. Siems, M. J. Manton, A. Protat, and J. Delanoë
J. Geophys. Res.
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2012 - Experimental 1D 4D-Var assimilation of CloudSat observations
Janisková M., Lopez P., Bauer P.
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2012 - Characterization of Arctic ice cloud properties observed during ISDAC
Jouan, C., E. Girard, J. Pelon, I. Gultepe, J. Delanoë, and J.-P. Blanchet
J. Geophys. Res.
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2012 - Probability Density Functions of Liquid Water Path and Total Water Content of Marine Boundary Layer Clouds: Implications for Cloud Parameterization
Kawai, H., and João Teixeira
J. Climate
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2012 - Probing the climatological impact of a cosmic ray-cloud connection through low-frequency radio observations
Magee, N. and Kavic, M.
J. of Atmos. and Solar - Terrestrial Physics
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2012 - Arctic Clouds and Surface Radiation - a critical comparison of satellite retrievals and the ERA-Interim reanalysis
Zygmuntowska, M., T. Mauritsen, J. Quaas, and L. Kaleschke
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2012 - On the observation of unusual high concentration of small chain-like aggregate ice crystals and large ice water contents near the top of a deep convective cloud during the CIRCLE-2 experiment.
Gayet, J.-F., G. Mioche, L. Bugliaro, A. Protat, A. Minikin, M. Wirth, A. Dörnbrack, B. Mayer , A. Garnier, and C. Gourbeyre
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2011 - A comparison between four different retrieval methods for ice cloud properties using data from the CloudSat, CALIPSO, and MODIS satellites
Stein, T. H. M., J. Delanoë, R. J. Hogan
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2011 - Global CALIPSO observations of aerosol changes near clouds.
Varnai, T. and A. Marshak
Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett.
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2010 - Combined CloudSat-CALIPSO-MODIS retrievals of the properties of ice clouds
Delanoë, J., and R. J. Hogan
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2010 - The evaluation of cloudsat and calipso ice microphysical products using ground-based cloud radar and lidar observations.
Protat, A., J. Delanoë, E. J. O'Connor, T. S. L'Ecuyer
J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol.
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2009 - Determination of aerosol optical properties using ocean reflectance
Josset, D., J. Pelon, Y. Hu and H. Maring
SPIE Newsroom
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2009 - Cloudy and clear-sky relative humidity in the upper troposphere observed by the A-train
Kahn B. H., A. Gettelman, E. J. Fetzer, A. Eldering, C. K. Liang
J. Geophys. Res.
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2009 - Cloud influence on and response to seasonal Arctic sea ice loss
Kay, J. E. and A. Gettelman
J. Geophys. Res.
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2009 - Understanding the Importance of Microphysics and Macrophysics for Warm Rain in Marine Low Clouds - Part I. Satellite Observations.
Kubar, T. L., Hartmann, D.L. and Wood, R.
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2009 - Rainfall retrieval over the ocean with spaceborne W-band radar
Haynes, J. M., T. S. L'Ecuyer, G. L. Stephens, S. D. Miller, C. Mitrescu, N. B. Wood, and S. Tanelli
J. Geophys. Res.
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2009 - Global Observations of Aerosol Impacts on Precipitation occurrence in Warm Maritime Clouds
L'Ecuyer, T. S., W. Berg, J. Haynes, M. Lebsock, and T. Takemura
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Comparison of airborne and spaceborne 95 GHz radar reflectivities and evaluation of multiple scattering effect in spaceborne measurements
Bouniol, D., Alain Protat, Artemio Plana-Fattori, Manuel Giraud, Jean-Paul Vinson, Noël Grand
J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol.
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2008 - Comparisons of satellites liquid water estimates to ECMWF and GMAO analyses, 20th century IPCC AR4 climate simulations, and GCM simulations
Li, Jui-Lin F., Waliser, D., Woods, C., Teixeira, J., Bacmeister, J., Chern, J., Shen, B.-W., Tompkins, A., Tao, W.-K., Köhler, M.
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2008 - CloudSat mission: Performance and early science after the first year of operation
Stephens, G.L., D. G. Vane, S. Tanelli, E. Im, S. Durden, M. Rokey, D. Reinke, P. Partain, G. G. Mace, R. Austin, T.S. L'Ecuyer, J. Haynes, M. Lebsock, K. Suzuki, D. Waliser, D. Wu, J. Kay, A. Gettleman, Z. Wang, and R. Marchand
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Cloud properties from Atmospheric Infrared Sounder and evaluation with Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations
Stubenrauch, C.J., S. Cros, N. Lamquin, R. Armante, A. Chédin, C. Crevoisier, N. A. Scott
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Testing IWC retrieval methods using radar and ancillary measurements with in-situ data.
Heymsfield, A. J., A. Protat, R. T. Austin, D. Bouniol, R. J. Hogan, J. Delanoë, H. Okamoto, K. Sato, G.-J. van Zadelhoff, D. P. Donovan, and Z. Wang
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2008 - On the Use of CloudSat and data for estimating Hurricane Intensity
Luo, Z. , G. L. Stephens, K. A. Emanuel, D.G. Vane, N. Tourville and J. Haynes
IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett.
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2007 - Cluster analysis of tropical clouds using CloudSat data
Zhang, Y, S. Klein, G. G. Mace, and J. Boyle
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2007 - Millimeter-wavelength radars - New frontier in atmospheric cloud precipitation research.
Kollia, P., E.E. Clothiaux, M.A. Miller, B.A. Albrecht, G.L. Stephens, and T.P. Ackerman
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
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2006 - Retrieval of cirrus microphysical properties with a suite of algorithms for airborne and spaceborne lidar, radar, and radiometer data
Zhang, Y, G. Mace, et al.
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2005 - Evaluation of passive multilayer cloud detection using preliminary CloudSat and CALIPSO cloud profiles.
Minnis, P., S. Sun-Mack, Y. Chen, S. Cady, R. Brown, F.-L. Chang, and C. Trepte
American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting 2005
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2016 - Relative influence of meteorological conditions and aerosols on the lifetime of mesoscale convective systems
Chakrabortya, S., R. Fua, S.T. Massieb, and G. Stephens
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2016 - Arctic Observation and Reanalysis Integrated System: A New Data Product for Validation and Climate Study.
Christensen, M., A. Behrangi, T. L'Ecuyer, N. Wood, M. Lebsock, and G. Stephens
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
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2016 - A-Train Based Case Study of Stratiform - Convective Transition within a Warm Conveyor Belt
Crespo, J. A., and D. J. Posselt
Mon. Wea. Rev.
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2016 - Factors Controlling Low-Cloud Evolution over the Eastern Subtropical Oceans: A Lagrangian Perspective Using the A-Train Satellites.
Eastman, R. and R. Wood
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2016 - A method for calculating the height of overshooting convective cloud tops using satellite-based IR imager and CloudSat cloud profiling radar observations
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2016 - The Impacts of Precipitating Clouds Radiative Effects on Land Surface Properties in Contemporary GCMs and Advanced Reanalysis Data using Satellite Observations
Li, J.-L. F., W.-L. Lee, Jia-Yuh Yu, G. Hulley, Eric Fetzer, Yi-Chun Chen,Yi-Hui Wang
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2016 - Cumulus over the Tibetan Plateau in the summer based on CloudSat-CALIPSO data
LI Y., ZHANG M., & LI Y.
J. Climate
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2016 - Evaluation of ACCESS model cloud properties over the Southern Ocean area using multiple-satellite products
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2016 - Retrieving Co-Occurring Cloud and Precipitation Properties of Warm Marine Boundary Layer Clouds with A-Train Data
Mace, G. G., S. Avey, S. Cooper, M. Lebsock, S. Tanelli, and G. Dobrowalski
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2016 - Systematic Changes in Cloud Radiative Forcing with Aerosol Loading for Deep Clouds in the Tropics
Peng, J., Z. Li, H. Zhang, J. Liu and M. Cribb
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2016 - Estimation of cloud base heights based on the matching of multiple cloud characteristics.
Sun, X. J., H. R. Lia, H. W. Barker, R. W. Zhang, Y. B. Zhou and L. Liu
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2016 - Clouds enhance Greenland ice sheet meltwater runoff
van Tricht, K, S. Lhermitte, J. T. M. Lenaerts, I. V. Gorodetskaya, T. S. L'Ecuyer, B. Noel, M. R. van den Broeke, D. D. Turner, and N. P. M. van Lipzig
Nature Communications
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2016 - Observation-based Longwave Cloud Radiative Kernels Derived from the A-Train.
Yue, Q., B. Kahn, E. Fetzer, M. Schreier, S. Wong, X. Chen, and X. Huang
J. Climate
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2016 - Smoke and Clouds above the Southeast Atlantic: Upcoming Field Campaigns Probe Absorbing Aerosol's Impact on Climate.
Zuidema, P., J. Redemann, J. Haywood, R. Wood, S. Piketh, M. Hipondoka, and P. Formenti
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
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2016 - Convective and large-scale mass flux profiles over tropical oceans determined from synergistic analysis of a suite of satellite observations
Masunaga, H. and Z. J. Luo
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2016 - Estimation of nocturnal opaque ice cloud optical depth from MODIS multispectral infrared radiances using a neural network method
Minnis, P., G. Hong, S. Sun-Mack, W. L. Smith, Jr., Y. Chen, and S. Miller,
J. Geophys. Res.
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2016 - Observational evidence linking precipitation and mesoscale cloud fraction in the southeast Pacific
Rapp, A.D
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2016 - Variability of Oceanic Deep Convective System Vertical Structures Observed by CloudSat in Indo-Pacific Regions Associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation
Jian Yuan
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2016 - Improved Retrieval of Cloud Liquid Water from CloudSat and MODIS
Jussi Leinonen, Matthew D. Lebsock, Graeme L. Stephens, Kentaroh Suzuki
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2016 - Observational evidence for aerosol invigoration in shallow cumulus downstream of Mount Kilauea
G. G. Mace,A. C. Abernathy
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2015 - Cluster analysis of A-train data: Approximating the vertical cloud structure of oceanic cloud regimes
Bankert RL, Solbrig JE
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2015 - Assessing the quality of active-passive satellite retrievals using broad-band radiances
Barker, H.W., J.N.S. Cole, C. Domenech, M.W. Shephard, C.E. Sioris, F. Tomow, and T. Wehr
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2015 - Estimation of Errors for Two-Stream Approximations of the Solar Radiative Transfer Equation for Cloudy Atmospheres.
Barker, H. W., J. N. S. Cole, J. Li, B. Yi, and P. Yang
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2015 - Investigating the role of multi-spectral and near surface temperature and humidity data to improve precipitation detection at high latitudes.
Behrangi, Ali, Hai Nguyen, Bjorn Lambrigtsen, Mathias Schreier, and Van Dang
Atmos. Res.
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2015 - Multimodel evaluation of cloud phase transition using satellite and reanalysis data
Cesana, G., D. E. Waliser, X. Jiang, and J.-L. F. Li
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2015 - Relationships between convective structure and transport of aerosols to the upper troposphere deduced from satellite observations
Chakraborty, S., R. Fu, J. S. Wright, and S. T. Massie
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2015 - Frequency and causes of failed MODIS cloud property retrievals for liquid phase clouds over global oceans
Cho, H.-M., et al.
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2015 - Cloud radiative driving of the Madden-Julian Oscillation as seen by the A-Train.
Del Genio, A.D., and Y. Chen
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2015 - Evaluation of CMIP5 simulated clouds and TOA radiation budgets using NASA satellite observations.
Dolinar, Erica K., Xiquan Dong, Baike Xi, Jonathan H. Jiang, and Hui Su
Clim Dyn
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2015 - Cloudsat observes a Labrador sea polar low.
Forsythe, J.M., & Haynes, J.M.
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
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2015 - Meridionally tilted ice cloud structures in the tropical upper troposphere as seen by CloudSat.
Gong J, Wu DL, Limpasuvan V.
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2015 - Seasonal variation and physical properties of the cloud system over southeastern China derived from CloudSat products.
Guo, Zhun, and Tianjun Zhou
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
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2015 - CLUBB as a unified cloud parameterization: Opportunities and challenges.
Guo, H., J.-C. Golaz, L. J. Donner, B. Wyman, M. Zhao, and P. Ginoux
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2015 - Improving the modelling of short-wave radiation through the use of a 3D scene construction algorithm.
Ham, Seung-Hee, Seiji Kato, Howard W. Barker, Fred G. Rose, and Sunny Sun-Mack
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2015 - A regime-dependent parametrization of subgrid-scale cloud water content variability.
Hill, P. G., C. J. Morcrette, and I. A. Boutle
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2015 - The characteristics of ice cloud properties derived from CloudSat and CALIPSO measurements.
Hong, Y. and G. Liu
J. Climate
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2015 - Evaluation of boundary-layer cloud forecasts over the Southern Ocean in a limited-area numerical weather prediction system using in situ, space-borne and ground-based observations.
Huang, Yi, Charmaine N. Franklin, Steven T. Siems, Michael J. Manton, Thomas Chubb, Adrian Lock, Simon Alexander, and Andrew Klekociuk
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2015 - The Relative Influence of Environmental Characteristics on Deep Convective Morphology as Observed by CloudSat
Igel, M. R.and S. C. van den Heever
J. Geophys. Res.
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2015 - The vertical structure of cloud radiative heating over the Indian subcontinent during summer monsoon
Johansson, E., A. Devasthale, T. L'Ecuyer, A. M. L. Ekman, and M. Tjernstrom
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2015 - Characteristics of the Cloud Top Heights of Marine Boundary Layer Clouds and the Frequency of Marine Fog over Mid-Latitudes
J. Meteor. Soc. Japan
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2015 - Distributional correspondence of 94-GHz radar reflectivity with the variation in water cloud properties over the northwestern Pacific and China.
Kawamoto, K., and K. Suzuki
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer
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2015 - Observed and modeled warm rainfall occurrence and its relationships with cloud macrophysical properties
King JM, Kummerow CD, Van Den Heever S,C., Igel MR
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2015 - The Observed State of the Energy Budget in the Early 21st Century
L'Ecuyer, T., H. Beaudoing, M. Rodell, W. Olson, B. Lin, S. Kato, C. Clayson, E. Wood, J. Sheffield, R. Adler, G. Huffman, M. Bosilovich, G. Gu, F. Roberston, P. Houser, D. Chambers, J. Famiglietti, E. Fetzer, W. Liu, X. Gao, C. Schlosser, E. Clark, D. Lettenmaier and K. Hilburn
J. Climate
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2015 - Estimating the vertical profiles of cloud water content in warm rain clouds
Li, R., J. Guo, Y. Fu, Q. Min, Y. Wang, X. Gao, and X. Dong
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2015 - Underestimation of oceanic warm cloud occurrences by the Cloud Profiling Radar aboard CloudSat.
LIU, D, Qi LIU, and Lingli ZHOU
J. Meteor. Res.
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2015 - Estimating errors in cloud amount and cloud optical thickness due to limited spatial sampling using a satellite imager as a proxy for nadir-view sensors.
Liu, Y.
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2015 - Transfer learning used to analyze the dynamic evolution of the dust aerosol.
Ma, Yingying, Wei Gong, and Feiyue Mao
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer
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2015 - How does increasing horizontal resolution in a global climate model improve the simulation of aerosol-cloud interactions?
Ma, P.-L., P. J. Rasch, M. Wang, H. Wang, S. J. Ghan, R. C. Easter, W. I. GustafsonJr., X. Liu, Y. Zhang, and H.-Y. Ma
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2015 - Investigating the impact of haze on modis cloud detection.
Mao, F.; Duan, M.; Min, Q.; Gong, W.; Pan, Z.; Liu, G.
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2015 - The use of CloudSat data to evaluate retrievals of total ice content in precipitating cloud Systems from ground-based operational radar measurements.
Matrosov, S.Y.
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2015 - The Role of Clouds in Modulating Global Aerosol Direct Radiative Effects in Spaceborne Active Observations and the Community Earth System Model.
Matus, A. V., T. S. L'Ecuyer, J. E. Kay, C. Hannay, and J.-F. Lamarque
J. Climate
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2015 - Evaluation of cloud-resolving model simulations of midlatitude cirrus with ARM and A-train observations
Muhlbauer, A., T. P. Ackerman, R. P. Lawson, S. Xie, and Y. Zhang
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2015 - A CloudSat-CALIPSO view of cloud and precipitation properties across cold fronts over the global oceans.
Naud, C.M., D.J. Posselt, and S.C. van den Heever
J. Climate
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2015 - Mean Structure and Diurnal Cycle of Southeast Atlantic Boundary Layer Clouds: Insights from Satellite Observations and Multiscale Modeling Framework Simulations
Painemal, D., K.-M. Xu, A. Cheng, P. Minnis, and R. Palikonda
J. Climate
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2015 - Systematic changes in cloud radiative forcing with aeorosol loading for deep clouds from multi-year global A-Train satellite datasets
Peng, J., Z. Li, H. Zhang, J. Liu, M. Cribb
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2015 - Analysis of overshooting top detections by Meteosat Second Generation: a 5-year dataset.
Proud, Simon R
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2015 - Explaining darker deep convective clouds over the western Pacific than over tropical continental convective regions
Sohn, B.-J., Choi, M.-J., and Ryu, J.
Atmos. Meas. Tech.
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2015 - The representation of the West African monsoon vertical cloud structure in the Met Office Unified Model: an evaluation with CloudSat.
Stein, Thorwald H. M., Douglas J. Parker, Robin J. Hogan, Cathryn E. Birch, Christopher E. Holloway, Grenville M. S. Lister, John H. Marsham, and Steven J. Woolnough
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2015 - The Clouds Climate Change Initiative: Assessment of state-of-the-art cloud property retrieval schemes applied to AVHRR heritage measurements
Stengel, M. et al
Remote Sensing of Environment
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2015 - The albedo of Earth.
Stephens, G. L., D. O'Brien, P. J. Webster, P. Pilewski, S. Kato, and J. Li
Rev. Geophys.
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2015 - The Earth's energy balance
Stephens, G. L. and T. L'Ecuyer
Atmos. Res.
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2015 - Evaluation of the warm rain formation process in global models with satellite observations.
Suzuki, K., G. Stephens, A. Bodas-Salcedo, M. Wang, J.-C. Golaz, T. Yokohata, and T. Koshiro
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2015 - Next-generation angular distribution models for top-of-atmosphere radiative flux calculation from CERES instruments: validation
Su, W., Corbett, J., Eitzen, Z., and Liang, L.
Atmos. Meas. Tech.
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2015 - Covariance between Arctic sea ice and clouds within atmospheric state regimes at the satellite footprint level
Taylor, P. C., S. Kato, K.-M. Xu, and M. Cai
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2015 - Satellite estimates of precipitation susceptibility in low-level marine stratiform clouds
Terai, C. R., R. Wood, and T. L. Kubar
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2015 - An interpretation of cloud overlap statistics
Tompkins, A. M. and F. Di Giuseppe
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2015 - On the use of simulated photon paths to co-register top-of-atmosphere radiances in EarthCARE radiative closure experiments.
Tornow, Florian, Howard W. Barker, and Carlos Domenech
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2015 - Remote Sensing of Tropical Cyclones: Observations from CloudSat and A-Train Profilers.
Tourville, N., G. Stephens, M. DeMaria, and D. Vane
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
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2015 - Satellite-based climatology of low-level continental clouds in southern West Africa during the summer monsoon season
van der Linden, R., A. H. Fink, and R. Redl
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2015 - Clouds and Water Vapor in the Tropical Tropopause Transition Layer over Mesoscale Convective Systems,
Virts, K. S. and R. A. Houze, Jr.
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2015 - Multi-sensor quantification of aerosol-induced variability in warm clouds over eastern China.
Wang, Fu, Jianping Guo, Jiahua Zhang, Jingfeng Huang, Min Min, Tianmeng Chen, Huan Liu, Minjun Deng, and Xiaowen Li
Atmospheric Environment
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2015 - A climatology of the precipitation over the southern ocean as observed at macquarie island.
Wang Z, Siems ST, Belusic D, Manton MJ, Huang Y.
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2015 - Dust aerosol effects on cirrus and altocumulus clouds in northwest China
Wang, W., Sheng Lifang, Jin Hongchun, & Han Yongqing
J. Meteor. Res.
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2015 - Global and regional modeling of clouds and aerosols in the marine boundary layer during VOCALS: the VOCA Intercomparison.
Wyant, M.C., C. S. Bretherton, R. Wood, G. R. Carmichael, A. Clarke, J. Fast, R. C. George, W. I. Gustafson Jr., C. Hannay, A. Lauer, Y. Lin J.-J. Morcrette, J. Mulcahy, P. E. Saide, S. N. Spak, and Q. Yang
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2015 - Deep convective clouds over the northern Pacific and their relationship with oceanic cyclones.
Yi, Mingjian, Yunfei Fu, Peng Liu, and Zhixia Zheng
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
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2015 - An attempt to improve Kessler-type parameterization of warm cloud microphysical conversion processes using CloudSat observations.
Yin J, Wang Donghai, Zhai Guoqing
J. Meteor. Res.
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2015 - Aerosol impacts on cloud thermodynamic phase change over East Asia observed with CALIPSO and CloudSat measurements.
Zhang, D., Liu, D., Luo, T., Wang, Z. and Yin, Y.
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2015 - Characterizing and understanding cloud ice and radiation budget biases in global climate models and reanalysis
Li, J.-L. F., D. E. Waliser, G. Stephens, S. W. Lee
AMS monograph Attribute to Late Professor Michio Yanai
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2014 - Evaluation of CMIP5 simulated clouds and TOA radiation budgets using NASA satellite observations
Dolinar, E.K., X. Dong, B. Xi, J.H. Jiang, and H. Su
Clim Dyn
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2014 - Ship track observations of a reduced shortwave aerosol indirect effect in mixed-phase clouds
Christensen, M. W., K. Suzuki, B. Zambri, and G. L. Stephens
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2014 - Estimation of errors associated with the EarthCARE 3D scene construction algorithm.
Barker, H. W., Cole, J. N. S. and Shephard, M. W.
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2014 - Assessment of OMI near-UV aerosol optical depth over land
Ahn, C., O. Torres, H. Hethva, et al
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Climate trends in the Arctic as observed from space
Comiso, J.C. and DK Hall
Climate Change
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2014 - A self-consistent scattering model for cirrus. II: The high and low frequencies
Baran, A.J., R. Cotton, K. Furtado, S. Havemann, L-C. Labonnote, F. Marenco, A. Smith, J-C. Thelen
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2014 - Development of two-moment cloud microphysics for liquid and ice within the NASA Goddard Earth Observing System Model (GEOS-5)
Barahona, D., A. Molod, J. Bacmeister, A. Nenes, A. Gettelman, H. Morrison, V. Phillips and A. Eichmann
Geosci. Model Dev.
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2014 - What does CloudSat reveal about global land precipitation detection by other spaceborne sensors?
Behrangi, A., Y. Tian, B. H. Lambrigtsen, and G. L. Stephens
Water Resources Research
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2014 - Variability of cloud liquid water and ice over South Asia from TMI estimates
Bhattacharya, A., A. Chakraborty and V. Venugopal
Clim Dyn
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2014 - Synoptic-scale dust emissions over the Sahara Desert initiated by a moist convective cold pool in early August 2006.
Bou Karam, D., Williams, E., Janiga, M., Flamant, C., McGraw-Herdeg, M., Cuesta, J., Auby, A. and Thorncroft, C.
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2014 - Spatial variability of liquid cloud and rain: observations and microphysical effects
Boutle, I.A., S.J. Abel, P.G. Hill, C.J. Morcrette
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2014 - Satellite-based estimate of global aerosol<82>Äìcloud radiative forcing by marine warm clouds
Chen Y-C. , M. W. Christensen, G. L. Stephens and J. H. Seinfeld
Nature Geoscience
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2014 - Contributions of clouds, surface albedos, and mixed-phase ice nucleation schemes to Arctic radiation biases in CAM5
English, J. M., Kay, J. E., Gettelman, A., Liu, X., Wang, Y., Zhang, Y. and H. Chepter
J. Climate
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2014 - On the Representation of High-Latitude Boundary Layer Mixed-Phase Cloud in the ECMWF Global Model
Forbes, R.M. and M. Ahlgrimm
Mon. Wea. Rev.
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2014 - A study of macrophysical and microphysical properties of warm clouds over the Northern Hemisphere using CloudSat/CALIPSO data
Gao, W., C-H Sui, Z.Hu, et al
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - CloudSat-constrained cloud ice water path and cloud top height retrievals from MHS 157 and 183.3 GHz radiances
Gong, J., & Wu, D. L.
Atmos. Meas. Tech.
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2014 - Joint analysis of cloud top heights from CloudSat and CALIPSO: New insights into cloud top microphysics
Hagihara, Y., H. Okamoto, Z.J. Luo
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Solar absorption over Europe from collocated surface and satellite observations
Hakuba, M.Z., D. Folini, G. Schaepman-Strub, M. Wild, et al
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Effects of 3-D clouds on atmospheric transmission of solar radiation: Cloud type dependencies inferred from A-Train satellite data
Ham, S-H., S. Kato, H.W. Barker, F.G. Rose, and S. Sun-Mack
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - SPARE-ICE: Synergistic ice water path from passive operational sensors
Holl, G., S. Elliasson, S.A. Buehler, et al
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - A-Train Observations of Maritime Mid-latitude Storm Track Cloud Systems: Comparing the Southern Ocean against the North Atlantic
Huang, Y., A. Protat, S. T. Siems, and M. J. Manton
J. Climate
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2014 - An Evaluation of WRF Simulations of Clouds over the Southern Ocean with A-Train Observations.
Huang, Y., S. T. Siems, M. J. Manton, and G. Thompson
Mon. Wea. Rev.
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2014 - Tropical Deep Convective Cloud Morphology
Igel, Matthew R.
PhD Dissertation, Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University
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2014 - THE EARTHCARE SATELLITE: The next step forward in global measurements of clouds, aerosols, precipitation and radiation.
Illingworth, A. J., and Coauthors
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
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2014 - One-dimensional variational (1D-Var) retrieval of middle to upper tropospheric humidity using AIRS radiance data
Ishimoto, H., K. Okamoto, H. Okamoto, and K. Sato
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder Version 6 cloud products
Kahn, B. H., F. W. Irion, V. T. Dang, E. M. Manning, S. L. Nasiri, C. M. Naud, J. M. Blaisdell, M. M. Schreier, Q. Yue, K. W. Bowman, E. J. Fetzer, G. C. Hulley, K. N. Liou, D. Lubin, S. C. Ou, J. Susskind, Y. Takano, B. Tian, and J. R. Worden
Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.
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2014 - Retrieval of Atmospheric and Cloud Property Anomalies and Their Trend from Temporally and Spatially Averaged Infrared Spectra Observed from Space.
Kato, S., Fred G. Rose, Xu Liu, Bruce A. Wielicki, and Martin G. Mlynczak
J. Climate
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2014 - Distributional correspondence of 94-GHz radar reflectivity with the variation in water cloud properties over the northwestern Pacific and China
Kawamoto, K. and K. Suzuki
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer
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2014 - Intercomparison of the cloud water phase among global climate models
Komurcu, M., T. Storelvmo, I. Tan, U. Lohmann, Y. Yun, J. Penner, Y. Wang, X. Liu, T. Takemura, et al
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Relationships between layer-mean radar reflectivity and columnar effective radius of warm cloud: Numerical study using a cloud microphysical bin model
Kuba, N., T. Hashino, M. Satoh, K. Suzuki, et al
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Role of interaction between dynamics, thermodynamics and cloud microphysics on summer monsoon precipitating clouds over the Myanmar Coast and the Western Ghats
Kumar, S., A. Hazra and B.N. Goswami
Clim Dyn
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2014 - Evaluation of clouds and radiative fluxes in the EC-Earth general circulation model
Lacagnina, C. and F. Selten
Clim Dyn
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2014 - Application of Active Spaceborne Remote Sensing for Understanding Biases Between Passive Cloud Water Path Retrievals.
Lebsock, M. and H. Su
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Climatology of anomalous propagation radar over Douala Cameroon.
Lenouo A.
Meteorological Applications
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2014 - Discrimination and Validation of Clouds and Dust Aerosol Layers over the Sahara Desert with Combined CALIOP and IIR Measurements.
Liu, J., B. Chen, and J. Huang
J. Meteor. Res.
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2014 - On factors controlling marine boundary layer aerosol optical depth
Luo, T., R. Yuan, and Z. Wang
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Convective vertical velocity and cloud internal vertical structure: An A-Train perspective
Luo, Z. J., J. Jeyaratnam, S. Iwasaki, H. Takahashi and R. Anderson
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2014 - Aerosol impacts on drizzle properties in warm clouds from ARM Mobile Facility maritime and continental deployments
Mann, J.A., J.C. Chiu, R.J. Hogan, E.J. O'Connor, T.S. L'Ecuyere, T.H.M. Stein, A. Jefferson, et al
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Introducing multisensor satellite radiance-based evaluation for regional Earth System modeling
Matsui, T., et al.
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Ocean-Cloud-Atmosphere-Land Interactions in the Southeastern Pacific: The VOCALS Program.
Mechoso, C.R., R. Wood, R. Weller, C. S. Bretherton, A. D. Clarke, H. Coe , C. Fairall, J. T. Farrar, G. Feingold, R. Garreaud, C. Grados, J. C. McWilliams , S. P. de Szoeke, S. E. Yuter, and P. Zuidema
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
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2014 - Estimating three-dimensional cloud structure from statistically blended active and passive sensor observations.
Miller, S. D., J. Forsythe, P. T. Partain, J. Haynes, R. Bankert, M. Sengupta, C. Mitrescu, J. D. Hawkins, and T. H. Vonder Haar
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2014 - Model-Evaluation Tools for Three-Dimensional Cloud Verification via Spaceborne Active Sensors.
Miller, S.D., C. E. Weeks, R. G. Bullock, J. M. Forsythe, P. A. Kucera, B. G. Brown, C. A. Wolff, P. T. Partain, A. S. Jones, and D. B. Johnson
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2014 - Liquid-topped mixed phase cloud detection by way of near-infrared multispectral reflectance ratios.
Miller, S. D., Y. J. Noh, and A. K. Heidinger
J. Geophys. Res.
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2014 - Climatology of stratocumulus cloud morphologies: microphysical properties and radiative effects.
Muhlbauer, A., I. L. McCoy, and R. Wood
Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.
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2014 - Cloud microphysical properties as seen from spaceborne passive multi-spectral imagers: interpretation in terms of vertical and horizontal inhomogeneity by using modeling and other spaceborne instruments.
Nagao, T. M., T. Y. Nakajima, H. Letu, and H. Okamoto
Trans. JSASS Aerospace Tech. Japan
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2014 - Multiyear CloudSat and CALIPSO observations of the dependence of cloud vertical distribution on sea surface temperature and tropospheric dynamics.
Nair, AKM., Rajeev, K.
J. Climate
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2014 - Evaluation of ERA-interim and MERRA cloudiness in the southern oceans.
Naud, C.M., J.F. Booth, and A.D. Del Genio
J. Climate
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2014 - An examination of the nature of global MODIS cloud regimes.
Oreopoulos, L. (613), N. Cho (613/USRA), D. Lee (USRA-MSU/613), S. Kato
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Temporal and spatial variations of global deep cloud systems based on CloudSat and CALIPSO satellite observations
Peng, J., L. Zi., H. Zhang
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
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2014 - Impact of assimilated and interactive aerosol on tropical cyclogenesis
Reale, O., K. M. Lau, A. da Silva, and T. Matsui
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2014 - Global observations of aerosol-cloud-precipitation-climate interactions
Rosenfeld, D., et al.
Rev. Geophys.
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2014 - 4-D cloud properties from passive satellite data and applications to resolve the flight icing threat to aircraft
Smith, William L Jr.
Ph.D. University of Wisconsin--Madison
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2014 - Assessment of NASA GISS CMIP5 and Post-CMIP5 Simulated Clouds and TOA Radiation Budgets Using Satellite Observations: Part I: Cloud fraction and properties
Stanfield, R.E., X. Dong, B. Xi, A. Kennedy, A.D. Del Genio, P. Minnis, and J.H. Jiang
J. Climate
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2014 - Observations of aerosol-induced convective invigoration in the tropical east Atlantic
Storer, R.L., S.C. Heever, and T.S. L'Ecuyer
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Characterizing tropical overshooting deep convection from joint analysis of CloudSat and geostationary satellite observations
Takahashi, H., and Z.J. Luo
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Observational tests of hurricane intensity estimations using GPS radio occultations
Vergados, P., Z.L. Luo, K. Emanuel, A.J. Mannucci, et al
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Parallax Correction in the Analysis of Multiple Satellite Data Sets
Wang, C., & Huang, X.
IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett.
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2014 - Application of aircraft observations over Beijing in cloud microphysical property retrievals from CloudSat
Wang, L., Li, C., Yao, Z., Zhao, Z., Han, Z., & Wei, Q.
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
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2014 - A Physically Based Algorithm for Non-Blackbody Correction of Cloud-Top Temperature and Application to Convection Study.
Wang, C., Z. (Johnny) Luo, X. Chen, X. Zeng, W-K Tao, and X. Huang
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2014 - First satellite-detected perturbations of outgoing longwave radiation associated with blowing snow events over Antarctica
Yang, Y., S.P. Palm, A. Marshak, D.L. Wu, H. Yu, Q. Fu, et al
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2014 - Comparison of NCEP/NCAR and ERA-40 total cloud cover with surface observations over the Tibetan Plateau.
You, Q., Jiao, Y., Lin, H., Min, J., Kang, S., Ren, G. and Meng, X.
Int. J. Climatol.
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2014 - Study of global cloud droplet number concentration with A-Train satellites
Zeng, S., J. Riedi, C. R. Trepte, D. M. Winker, and Y.-X. Hu
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2014 - Cloud vertical distribution from radiosonde, remote sensing, and model simulations.
Zhang, J., Zhanqing Li, Hongbin Chen, Hyelim Yoo, Maureen Cribb
Clim Dyn
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2013 - On the global character of overlap between low and high clouds
Yuan, T., and L. Oreopoulos
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2013 - Evaluating and Improving Cloud Parameter Retrievals.
Roebeling, R., Bryan Baum, Ralf Bennartz, Ulrich Hamann, Andy Heidinger, Anke Thoss, and Andi Walther
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
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2013 - Results from the GEWEX Cloud Assessment.
Stubenrauch, C.J., W.B. Rossow, S. Kinne and GEWEX Cloud Assessment Team
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2013 - Subsurface Ocean Signals from an Orbiting Polarization Lidar
Churnside, J., B. McCarty, and X. Lu
Remote Sensing
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2013 - Spatial variability of liquid cloud and rain: observations and microphysical effects.
Boutle, I. A., S. J. Abel, P. G. Hill, and C. J. Morcrette
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2013 - Higher-Order Turbulence Closure and Its Impact on Climate Simulations in the Community Atmosphere Model.
Bogenschutz, P.A., Andrew Gettelman, Hugh Morrison, Vincent E. Larson, Cheryl Craig, and David P. Schanen
J. Climate
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2013 - Arctic cloud characteristics as derived from MODIS, CALIPSO, and cloudsat
Chan M.A., Comiso J.C.
J. Climate
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2013 - Exposing Biases in Retrieved Cloud Properties from CloudSat: A guide for evaluating observations and climate data
Christensen, M. W., G. L. Stephens, and M. D. Lebsock
J. Geophys. Res.
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2013 - CloudSat-CALIPSO characterizations of cloud during the active and the break periods of Indian summer monsoon
Das, S K, K.N. Uma, M. Konwar, P. Ernest Raj, S.M. Deshpande, and M.C.R. Kalapureddy
J. of Atmos. and Solar - Terrestrial Physics
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2013 - Evaluation of Several A-Train Ice Cloud Retrieval Products with in situ Measurements Collected during the SPartICus Campaign
Deng, M., G. G. Mace, Z. Wang, and R. P. Lawson
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2013 - Improved information about the vertical location and extent of monolayer clouds from POLDER3 measurements in the oxygen A-band
Desmons, M., N. Ferlay, F. Parol, L. Mcharek, and C. Vanbauce
Atmos. Meas. Tech.
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2013 - Systematic and random errors between collocated satellite ice water path observations
Eliasson, S., G. Holl, S. A. Buehler, T. Kuhn, M. Stengel, F. Iturbide-Sanchez, and M. Johnston
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2013 - Vertical structure of ice cloud layers from CloudSat and CALIPSO measurements and comparison to NICAM simulations
Ham, S.-H., B.-J. Sohn, S. Kato, and M. Satoh
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2013 - Evaluating cloud microphysics from NICAM against CloudSat and CALIPSO
Hashino, T., M. Satoh, Y. Hagihara, T. Kubota, T. Matsui, T. Nasuno, and H. Okamoto
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2013 - A Multi-sensor Perspective on the Radiative Impacts of Clouds and Aerosols
Henderson, D., T. L'Ecuyer, G. Stephens, P. Partain, and M. Sekiguchi
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2013 - Analysis of Water Vapor Correction for CloudSat W-Band Radar
Josset, D., Tanelli, S., Hu, Y., Pelon, J., Zhai, P.
Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on
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2013 - Surface Irradiances Consistent with CERES-Derived Top-of-Atmosphere Shortwave and Longwave Irradiances.
Kato, S., Norman G. Loeb, Fred G. Rose, David R. Doelling, David A. Rutan, Thomas E. Caldwell, Lisan Yu, and Robert A. Weller
J. Climate
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2013 - Observational constraints on Arctic Ocean clouds and radiative fluxes during the early 21st century
Kay, J. E. and T. L'Ecuyer
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2013 - Comparison of water cloud microphysics over mid-latitude land and ocean using CloudSat and MODIS observations.
Kawamoto, K., and K. Suzuki
J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer.
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2013 - An evaluation of a semi-analytical cloud property retrieval using MSG SEVIRI, MODIS and CloudSat
Kuhnlein, M, T Appelhans, B Thies, A A Kokhanovsky, T Nauss
Atmos. Res.
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2013 - Microphysical implications of cloud-precipitation covariance derived from satellite remote sensing
Lebsock, M., H. Morrison, and A. Gettelman
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2013 - The precipitation characteristics of ISCCP tropical weather states.
Lee, D., L. Oreopoulos, G.J. Huffman and W.B. Rossow
J. Climate
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2013 - Characterizing and understanding radiation budget biases in CMIP3/CMIP5 GCMs, contemporary GCM and reanalysis
Li, J-L.F., D.E. Waliser, G. Stephens, S. Lee, T. L'Ecuyer, S. Kato, N. Loeb, H-Y. Ma, et al
Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2013 - A new approach to retrieve cloud base height of marine boundary layer clouds
Li, J. M., Y. H. Yi, K. Stamnes, X. D. Ding, T. H. Wang, H. C. Jin, and S. S. Wang
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2013 - Evaluation of the hydrometeor layers in the East and West Pacific within ISCCP cloud top pressure-optical depth bins using merged CloudSat and CALIPSO data.
Mace, G.G. and F.J. Wrenn
J. Climate
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2013 - Multiplatform analysis of the radiative effects and heating rates for an intense dust storm on 21 June 2007
Naeger, A. R., S. A. Christopher, and B. T. Johnson
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2013 - Interpretation of multiwavelength-retrieved droplet effective radii for warm water clouds in terms of in-cloud vertical inhomogeneity by using spectral bin microphysics cloud model
Nagao, T. M., K. Suzuki, and T. Y. Nakajima
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2013 - An Artificial Neural Network model to reduce false alarms in satellite precipitation products using MODIS and CloudSat observations
Nasrollahi, N., Kuolin Hsu, Soroosh Sorooshian
J. Hydrometeor.
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2013 - Multiple satellite observations of cloud cover in extratropical cyclones.
Naud C. M., J. F. Booth, D. J. Posselt, and S. C. van den Heever
J. Geophys. Res.
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2013 - Retrieval of cirrus cloud properties from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder: The k-coefficient approach combined with SARTA plus delta-four stream approximation
Ou, S.-C., B. H. Kahn, K. N. Liou, Y. Takano, M. M. Schreier, and Q. Yue
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens.
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2013 - Comparative study of aircraft- and satellite-derived aerosol and cloud microphysical parameters during CAIPEEX-2009 over the Indian region, International Journal of Remote Sensing
Padmakumari, B., R.S. Maheskumar, G. Harikishan, J.R. Kulkarni and B.N. Goswami
International Journal of Remote Sensing
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2013 - Low cloud precipitation climatology in the southeastern Pacific marine stratocumulus region using CloudSat
Rapp, Anita, Matthew Lebsock and Tristan L'Ecuyer
Environmental Research Letters
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2013 - A-Train observations of deep convective storm tops
Setvak, M., K Bedka, D T Lindsey, A Sokol, Z Charvat, J Stastka, P K Wang
Atmos. Res.
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2013 - A satellite perspective on cloud water to rain water conversion rates and relationships with environmental conditions
Sorooshian, A., Z. Wang, G. Feingold, T.L'Ecuyer, et al
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2013 - CloudSat observations of cloud-type distribution over the Indian summer monsoon region
Subrahmanyam, K. V. and Kumar, K. K.
Ann. Geophys.
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2013 - Characteristics of Tropical Midlevel Clouds Using A-Train Measurements
Sutphin, A.B.
M.S. Thesis, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Texas A&M University
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2013 - Aerosol effect on the warm rain formation process: satellite observations and modeling.
Suzuki, K., G. L. Stephens, and M. D. Lebsock
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2013 - Evaluating cloud tuning in a climate model with satellite observations.
Suzuki, K., J.-C. Golaz, and G. L. Stephens
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2013 - Cloud effects on radiative heating rate profiles over Darwin using ARM and A-train radar/lidar observations
Thorsen, T. J., Q. Fu, and J. M. Comstock
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2013 - A Climatology of Tropical Congests Using CloudSat
Wall, C., C. Liu, and E. Zipser
J. Geophys. Res.
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2013 - Evaluating and understanding top of the atmosphere cloud radiative effects in Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) models using satellite observations
Wang, H., and W. Su
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2013 - Evaluation of single field-of-view cloud top height retrievals from hyperspectral infrared sounder radiances with CloudSat and CALIPSO measurements
Yao, Z., J. Li, E. Weisz, A. Heidinger, and C.-Y. Liu
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2013 - Diagnosis and testing of low-level cloud parameterizationsnfor the NCEP/GFS model using satellite and ground-based measurements
Yoo, H., Z.Li, Y-T. Hou, S. Lord, F. Weng, and H. Barker
Clim Dyn
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2013 - Application of cloud vertical structure from CloudSat to investigate MODIS-derived cloud properties of cirriform, anvil, and deep convective clouds
Young, A. H., J. J. Bates, and J. A. Curry
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2013 - Cloud-state dependent sampling in AIRS observations based on CloudSat cloud classification
Yue, Q., E. J. Fetzer, B. H. Kahn, S. Wong, G. Manipon, A. Guillaume, and B. Wilson
J. Climate
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2013 - CGILS: Results from the first phase of an international project to understand the physical mechanisms of low cloud feedbacks in single column models
Zhang, M., et al.
J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst.
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2012 - Computation of Solar Radiative Fluxes by 1D and 3D Methods Using Cloudy Atmospheres Inferred from A-train Satellite Data
Barker H.W., Kato S., Wehr T.
Surv Geophys
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2012 - Meteorological Education and Training Using A-Train Profilers.
Lee, T.F., Richard L. Bankert, and Cristian Mitrescu
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
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2012 - Precipitation driving of droplet concentration variability in marine low clouds
Wood, R., D. Leon, M. Lebsock, J. Snider, and A. D. Clarke
J. Geophys. Res.
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2012 - Stratocumulus Clouds.
Wood, R.
Mon. Wea. Rev.
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2012 - Study of cloud properties and processes in the polar regions by combining satellite and ground-based remote sensing measurements
Adhikari, L.
PhD Thesis, University of Wyoming
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Bedka, K.M., Richard Dworak, Jason Brunner, Wayne Feltz
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2012 - Tropospheric clouds in Antarctica
Bromwich, D. H., et al.
Rev. Geophys.
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2012 - Impact of a cloud thermodynamic phase parameterization based on CALIPSO observations on climate simulation
Cheng, A., K.-M. Xu, Y. Hu, and S. Kato
J. Geophys. Res.
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2012 - Microphysical and macrophysical responses of marine stratocumulus polluted by underlying ships: 2. Impacts of haze on precipitating clouds
Christensen, M. W., and G. L. Stephens
J. Geophys. Res.
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2012 - Microphysical and macrophysical responses of marine stratocumulus polluted by underlying ships
Christensen, M.W.
PhD Thesis, Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University
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2012 - Sensitivity of cloud liquid water content estimates to the temperature-dependent thermodynamic phase: A global study using cloudsat data
Devasthale A., Thomas M.A.
J. Climate
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2012 - Towards the use of cloud microphysical properties to simulate IASI spectra in an operational context
Faijan, F., L. Lavanant, and F. Rabier
J. Geophys. Res.
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2012 - Vertical-Homogeneity Assumption Causing Inconsistency Between Visible- and Infrared-Based Cloud Optical Properties
Ham, S.E. and Byung-Ju Sohn
IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett.
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2012 - Parametrizing the horizontal inhomogeneity of ice water content using CloudSat data products
Hill, Peter G, Robin J Hogan, James Manners, Jon C Petch
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2012 - The Structure of Low-Altitude Clouds over the Southern Ocean as Seen by CloudSat
Huang, Y., Steven T Siems, Michael J Manton, Luke B Hande, John M Haynes
J. Climate
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2012 - Mixtures of stratospheric and overshooting air measured using A-Train sensors
Iwasaki, S., T. Shibata, H. Okamoto, H. Ishimoto, and H. Kubota
J. Geophys. Res.
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2012 - Evaluation of cloud and water vapor simulations in the IPCC AR5 models using NASA A-Train satellite observations
Jiang, J. H., H. Su, C. Zhai, V. S. Perun, A. del Genio, L. S. Nazarenko, L. J. Donner, L. Horowitz, C. Seman, J. Cole, A. Gettelman, T. Wu, T. L'Ecuyer, M. Ringer, J.-L. Dufresne, W. G. Read, J. W. Waters, G. Stephens, J. Teixeira, and B. Tian
J. Geophys. Res.
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2012 - Satellite Remote Sensing of Mid-level Clouds
Jin, Hongchun
Doctoral dissertation, Texas A&M University
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2012 - Fast simulators for satellite cloud optical centroid pressure retrievals; evaluation of OMI cloud retrievals
Joiner, J., A. P. Vasilkov, P. Gupta, P. K. Bhartia, P. Veefkind, M. Sneep, J. de Haan, I. Polonsky, and R. Spurr
Atmos. Meas. Tech.
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2012 - Uncertainty Estimate of Surface Irradiances Computed with MODIS-, CALIPSO-, and CloudSat-Derived Cloud and Aerosol Properties
Kato, S., Loeb N.G., Rutan D.A., Rose F.G., Sun-Mack S., Miller W.F., Chen Y.
Surv Geophys
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2012 - Microphysical transition in water clouds over the Amazon and China derived from space-borne radar and radiometer data.
Kawamoto, K., and K. Suzuki
J. Geophys. Res.
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2012 - Exposing global cloud biases in the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) using satellite observations and their corresponding instrument simulators
Kay, J. E., Hillman, B., Klein, S., Zhang, Y., Medeiros, B., Gettelman, G., Pincus, R., Eaton, B., Boyle, J., Marchand, R. and T. Ackerman
J. Climate
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2012 - Characterization of cloud and precipitation features over Southern Baffin Island and adjacent areas during STAR
Laplante A., Henson W., Stewart R.
Atmosphere - Ocean
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2012 - On the nature and extent of optically thin marine low clouds
Leahy, L. V., R. Wood, R. J. Charlson, C. A. Hostetler, R. R. Rogers, M. A. Vaughan, and D. M. Winker
J. Geophys. Res.
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2012 - Arctic Cloud Macrophysical Characteristics from CloudSat and CALIPSO.
Liu, Y., J. R. Key, S. A. Ackerman, G. Mace and Q. Zhang
Remote Sensing of Environment
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2012 - Cloud Coverage in the Joint OSSE Nature Run
McCarty, W., Ronald M Errico, Ronald Gelaro
Mon. Wea. Rev.
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2012 - A New Technique Using Infrared Satellite Measurements to Improve the Accuracy of the CALIPSO Cloud-Aerosol Discrimination Method
Naeger, A. R., S. A. Christopher, R. Ferrare, and Z. Liu
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens.
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2012 - Systematic variations of cloud top temperature and precipitation rate with aerosols over the global tropics
Niu, F. and Li, Z.
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2012 - Estimating surface longwave radiative fluxes from satellites utilizing artificial neural networks
Nussbaumer, E. A., and R. T. Pinker
J. Geophys. Res.
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2012 - Assessment of NASA GISS CMIP5 ModelE simulated clouds and TOA radiation budgets using satellite observations over the southern mid-latitudes
Stanfield, R.
M.S. Thesis, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of North Dakota
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2012 - The global character of the flux of downward longwave radiation
Stephens, G.L., Martin Wild, Paul W. Stackhouse Jr, Tristan L'Ecuyer, Seiji Kato, and David S. Hendersen
J. Climate
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2012 - Constraining cloud lifetime effects of aerosols using A-Train satellite observations
Wang, M., S. Ghan, X. Liu, T. L'Ecuyer, K. Zhang, H. Morrison, M. Ovchinnikov, R. Easter, R. Marchand, D. Chand, Y. Qian, and J. E. Penner
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2012 - Evaluation of Polar WRF forecasts on the Arctic System Reanalysis Domain: 2. Atmospheric hydrologic cycle
Wilson, A. B., D. H. Bromwich, and K. M. Hines
J. Geophys. Res.
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2012 - Documenting hydrometeor layer occurrence within International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project-defined cloud classifications using CLOUDSAT and CALIPSO
Wrenn, Forrest
M.S. Thesis, Department of Atmospheric Science, THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH
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2012 - Evaluation of cloud properties in the NOAA/NCEP global forecast system using multiple satellite products
Yoo, H. and Li, Z.
Clim Dyn
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2012 - Complementary use of passive and active remote sensing for detection of penetrating convection from CloudSat, CALIPSO, and Aqua MODIS
Young, A. H., J. J. Bates, and J. A. Curry
J. Geophys. Res.
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2011 - Spatial statistics of likely convective clouds in CloudSat data
Bacmeister, J. T., and G L Stephens
J. Geophys. Res.
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2011 - Simulating the equivalent radar reflectivity of cirrus at 94 GHz using an ensemble model of cirrus ice crystals: A test of the Met Office global numerical weather prediction model
Baran A.J., R. Cotton, C. Lee, A. Bodas-Salcedo
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2011 - A 3D cloud-construction algorithm for the EarthCARE satellite mission
Barker, H.W., Jerg, M.P., Wehr, T., Kato, S.. Donovan, D.P., Hogan, R.J.
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2011 - Computation of Solar Radiative Fluxes by 1D and 3D Methods using Cloudy Atmospheres Inferred from A-train Satellite Data.
Barker, H.W., S. Kato, and T. Wehr
Surv Geophys
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2011 - Investigating Cirrus cloud behavior using A-train and geostationary satellite data
Berry, E.
M.S. Thesis, Department of Atmospheric Science, University of Utah
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2011 - COSP: satellite simulation software for model assessment
Bodas-Salcedo A, Webb MJ, Bony S, Chepfer H, Dufresne JL, Klein S, Zhang Y, Marchand R, Haynes JM, Pincus R, John VO
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
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2011 - An investigation of atmospheric temperature, humidity and cloud detection technique over the Arctic marine cryosphere
Candlish, L.
M.S. Thesis, Department of Environment and Geology, University of Manitoba
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2011 - Detecting ground fog from space - a microphysics-based approach
Cermak, J. and J. Bendix
International Journal of Remote Sensing
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2011 - Cloud features detected by MODIS but not by CloudSat and CALIOP
Chan, M. A., and J. C. Comiso
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2011 - A study of warm rain detection using A-Train satellite data
Chen, Ruiyue, Li, Zhanqing, Kuligowski, Robert J., Ferraro, Ralph, Weng, Fuzhong
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2011 - Improved low-cloud simulation from a multiscale modeling framework with a third-order turbulence closure in its cloud-resolving model component
Cheng, A., and K.-M. Xu
J. Geophys. Res.
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2011 - Characterization of properties and spatiotemporal fields of mineral aerosol and its radiative impact using CALIPSO data in conjunction with A-Train satellite and ground-based observations and modeling
Choi, H.J.
Ph.D. Thesis, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology
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2011 - Microphysical and macrophysical responses of marine stratocumulus polluted by underlying ships: Evidence of cloud deepening
Christensen, M. W., and G. L. Stephens
J. Geophys. Res.
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2011 - Development of a combined CloudSat-CALIPSO cloud mask to show global cloud distribution.
Hagihara, Y, H. Okamoto, R. Yoshida
J. Geophys. Res.
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2011 - A new look at the Earth's radiation balance from an A-train observational perspective
Henderson, D. S.
M.S. Thesis, Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University
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2011 - Improvements of top-of-atmosphere and surface irradiance computations with CALIPSO-, CloudSat-, and MODIS-derived cloud and aerosol properties.
Kato, S., F. G. Rose, S. Sun-Mack, W. F. Miller, Y. Chen, D. A. Rutan, G. L. Stephens, N. G. Loeb, P. Minnis, B. A. Wielicki, D. M. Winker, T. P. Charlock, P. W. Stackhouse, K.-M. Xu, and W. Collins
J. Geophys. Res.
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2011 - Intercomparisons of cloud-top and cloud-base heights from ground-based Lidar, CloudSat and CALIPSO measurements
Kim, S-W, E-S Chung, S-C Yoon, B-J Sohn, N. Sugimoto
International Journal of Remote Sensing
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2011 - The cloud radiative effects of International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project weather states
Oreopoulos , L. and W. B. Rossow
J. Geophys. Res.
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2011 - Cloud cover conditions and stability of the Western Ghats montane wet forests
Ray, D. K., V. S. Manoharan, and R. M. Welch
J. Geophys. Res.
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2011 - Microphysical, macrophysical and radiative signatures of volcanic aerosols in trade wind cumulus observed by the A-Train
Yuan, T., L. A. Remer and H. Yu
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2011 - Boundary layer and cloud structure controls on tropical low cloud cover using A-Train satellite data and ECMWF analyses
Kubar, Terence L., Waliser, Duane E., Li, J.-L.
J. Climate
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2011 - Detecting the ratio of rain and cloud water in low-latitude shallow marine clouds
Lebsock, Matthew D., L'ecuyer, Tristan S., Stephens, Graeme L.
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2011 - The retrieval of warm rain from CloudSat.
Lebsock, M. D. and T. S. L'Ecuyer, J.
Geophys. Res.
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2011 - Relating tropical ocean clouds to moist processes using water vapor isotope measurements
Lee, Jeonghoon, J. Worden, D. Noone, J. Adkins, K. Bowman, A. Eldering, A. LeGrande, Jui-Lin F. Li, and G. Schmidt
Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.
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2011 - Radiative effect differences between multi-layered and single-layer clouds derived from CERES, CALIPSO, and CloudSat data.
Li, J. Y. Yi, P. Minnis, J. Huang, H. Yan, Y. Ma, W. Wang, and J. K. Ayers
J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer.
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2011 - Thick Anvils as Viewed by the TRMM Precipitation Radar
Li, W. and C. Schumacher
J. Climate
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2011 - Intercomparison of deep convection over the Tibetan Plateau-Asian monsoon region and subtropical North America in boreal summer using CloudSat/CALIPSO data
Luo, Y., R. Zhang, W. Qian, Z. Luo, X. Hu
J. Climate
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2011 - Use of Meteosat Second Generation optimal cloud analysis fields for understanding physical attributes of growing cumulus clouds
Mecikalski, J.R., P D Watts, M Koenig
Atmos. Res.
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2011 - CERES Edition-2 cloud property retrievals using TRMM VIRS and Terra and Aqua MODIS data, Part II: Examples of average results and comparisons with other data.
Minnis, P., S. Sun-Mack, Y. Chen, M. M. Khaiyer, Y. Yi, J. K. Ayers, R. R. Brown, X. Dong, S. C. Gibson, P. W. Heck, B. Lin, M. L. Nordeen, L. Nguyen, R. Palikonda, W. L. Smith, Jr., D. A. Spangenberg, Q. Z. Trepte, and B. Xi
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens.
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2011 - Comparisons and analyses of wintertime mixed-phase clouds using satellite and aircraft observations.
Noh, Y. J., C. J. Seaman, T. H. Vonder Haar, D. R. Hudak, and P. Rodriguez
J. Geophys. Res.
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2011 - Cross-Comparison of MODIS and CloudSat Data as a Tool to Validate Local Cloud Cover Masks
Notarnicola, C., D. Di Rosa, and F. Posa
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2011 - Remote sensing of water cloud properties from MSG/SEVIRI nighttime imagery
Perez, JC, Gonzalez, A, Armas-Padilla, M.
Remote Sensing of Environment
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2011 - On the Factors Modulating the Stratocumulus to Cumulus Transitions.
Sandu, I. and Bjorn Stevens
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2011 - Comparison of regime-sorted tropical cloud profiles observed by CloudSat with GEOS5 analyses and two general circulation model simulations
Su, H., J. H. Jiang, J. Teixeira, A. Gettelman, X. Huang, G. Stephens, D. Vane, and V. S. Perun
J. Geophys. Res.
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2011 - Diagnosis of the warm rain process in cloud-resolving models using joint CloudSat and MODIS observations.
Suzuki, K., G. L. Stephens, S. C. van den Heever and T. Y. Nakajima
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2011 - Constraining CloudSat-based snowfall profiles using surface observations and C-band ground radar.
Turk F.J., Park K.-W., Haddad Z.S., Rodriguez P., Hudak D.R.
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2011 - Parallax Correction in Collocating CloudSat and MODIS Observations: Method and Application to Convection Study
Wang, C., Z. J. Luo, and X. L. Huang
J. Geophys. Res.
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2011 - Retrieval of two-layer cloud properties from multispectral observations using optimal estimation
Watts, P. D., R. Bennartz, and F. Fell
J. Geophys. Res.
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2011 - Regional simulations of deep convection and biomass burning over South America: 1. Model evaluations using multiple satellite data sets
Wu, L., H. Su, and J. H. Jiang
J. Geophys. Res.
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2011 - The characterization of deep convection in the tropical tropopause layer using active and passive satellite observations
Young, A.H.
Ph.D. Thesis, School of Earth and Atmospheric Science, Georgia Institute of Technology
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2011 - Vertical Structures of Anvil Clouds of Tropical Mesoscale Convective Systems Observed by CloudSat.
Yuan, J., R. A. Houze, Jr. and A. J. Heymsfield
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2010 - Objective satellite-based detection of overshooting tops using infrared window channel brightness temperature gradients
Bedka, K., J. Brunner, R. Dworak, W. Feltz, J. Otkin and T. Greenwald
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2010 - Rainwater path in warm clouds derived from combined visible/near-infrared and microwave satellite observations
Bennartz, R., P. Watts, J. F. Meirink, and R. Roebeling
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2010 - A comparison of ship and satellite measurements of cloud properties in the southeast Pacific stratus deck
Brunke, M.A., S.P. de Szoeke, P. Zuidema, and X. Zeng
Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.
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2010 - Comparisons of passive satellite-deduced overlapping cloud properties and CALIPSO/CloudSat data.
Chang, F.-L., P. Minnis, B. Lin, and S. Sun-Mack
EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union
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2010 - Global climate response to anthropogenic aerosol indirect effects: Present day and year 2100
Chen, W.-T., A. Nenes, H. Liao, P. J. Adams, J.-L. F. Li, and J. H. Seinfeld
J. Geophys. Res.
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2010 - Investigation on the Sulphate-Induced Freezing Inhibition (SIFI) Effect from CloudSat and Calipso Measurements
Grenier, P., and J.-P. Blanchet
J. Geophys. Res.
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2010 - Development of a combined CloudSat/CALIPSO cloud mask to show global cloud distribution
Hagihara, Y., H. Okamoto, R. Yoshida
J. Geophys. Res.
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2010 - Development of a Cloud-Top Height Estimation Method by Geostationary Satellite Split-Window Measurements Trained with CloudSat Data
Hamada, A., and N. Nishi
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2010 - Storm studies in the Arctic (STAR)
Hanesiak, J., R. Steward, D. Barber, G. Liu, J. Gilligan, D. Desjardins, R. Dyck, S. Fargey, K. Hochheim, and R. Martin
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
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2010 - Collocating satellite-based radar and radiometer measurements - methodology and usage examples
Holl, G., S. A. Buehler, B. Rydberg, and C. Jimenez
Atmos. Meas. Tech.
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2010 - Dust aerosol effect on semi-arid climate over northwest China detected from A-Train measurements.
Huang, J., P. Minnis, H. Yan, Y. Yi, B. Chen, L. Zhang, and J. K. Ayers
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2010 - Characteristics of deep convection measured by using the A-train constellation
Iwasaki, S., T. Shibata, J. Nakamoto, H. Okamoto, H. Ishimoto, and H. Kubota
J. Geophys. Res.
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2010 - Detection of multi-layer and vertically-extended clouds using A-train sensors
Joiner, J., A. P. Vasilkov, P. K. Bhartia, G. Wind, S. Platnick, and W. P. Menzel
Atmos. Meas. Tech.
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2010 - Injection heights of biomass burning debris estimated from WSR-88D radar observations
Jones, T. A. and S.A. Christopher
Transactions of Geoscience and Remote Sensing
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2010 - Multi-Instrument Calibration Method Based on a Multiwavelength Ocean Surface Model
Josset, D., Pelon, J., Hu, Y.
Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett.
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2010 - Global distribution of instantaneous daytime radiative effects of high thin clouds observed by the cloud profiling radar
Lee, Y., T. J. Greenwald, P. Yang, S. Ackerman, and H. Huang
J. Applied Remote Sensing
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2010 - Errors in Cloud Detection over the Arctic Using a Satellite Imager and Implications for Observing Feedback Mechanisms
Liu, Y., S. A. Ackerman, B. C. Maddux, J. R. Key, and R. A. Frey
J. Climate
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2010 - Comparison of CloudSat cloud liquid water paths in arctic summer using ground-based microwave radiometer
Liu, S., S. Zhang, G. Heygster
Journal of Ocean University of China
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2010 - Use of A-Train data to estimate convective buoyancy and entrainment rate
Luo, Z. J., G. Y. Liu and G. L. Stephens
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2010 - Cloud properties and radiative forcing over the maritime storm tracks of the Southern Ocean and North Atlantic derived from A-Train
Mace, G. G.
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2010 - CloudSat Precipitation Profiling Algorithm-Model Description
Mitrescu, C., T. L'Ecuyer, J. Haynes, S. Miller, and J. Turk
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2010 - Droplet growth in warm water clouds observed by the A-Train. Part I: Sensitivity analysis of the MODIS-derived cloud droplet size.
Nakajima, T. Y., K. Suzuki, and G. L. Stephens
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2010 - Droplet Growth in Warm Water Clouds Observed by the A-Train. Part II: A Multisensor View
Nakajima, T. Y., K. Suzuki, and G. L. Stephens
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2010 - Feasibility of Cloud Screening Using Proxy Photon Pathlength Distributions Derived from High-Resolution Spectra in the Near Infrared
O'Brien, D. M., I. Polonsky, P. Stephens, and T. E. Taylor
J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol.
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2010 - Microphysical variability in southeast Pacific Stratocumulus clouds: synoptic conditions and radiative response
Painemal, D., and P. Zuidema
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2010 - Deconstructing the precipitation susceptibility construct: Improving methodology for aerosol-cloud precipitation studies
Sorooshian, A., G. Feingold, M. D. Lebsock, H. Jiang, and G. L. Stephens
J. Geophys. Res.
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2010 - Particle growth and drop collection efficiency of warm clouds as inferred from joint CloudSat and MODIS observations.
Suzuki, K., T. Y. Nakajima, and G. L. Stephens
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2010 - A tropical cyclone application for virtual globes
Turk, F. Joseph, J. Hawkins, K. Richardson, and M. Surratt
Computers & Geosciences
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2010 - What do satellite backscatter ultraviolet and visible spectrometers see over snow and ice? A study of clouds and ozone using the A-train
Vasilkov, A. P., J. Joiner, D. Haffner, P. K. Bhartia, and R. J. D. Spurr
Atmos. Meas. Tech.
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2010 - Dusty cloud properties and radiative forcing over dust source and downwind regions derived from CERES and CALIPSO data during PACDEX.
Wang, W., J. Huang, P. Minnis, Y. Hu, J. Li, Z. Huang, and J. K. Ayers
J. Geophys. Res.
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2010 - Global analysis of cloud phase and ice crystal orientation from CALIPSO data using attenuated backscattering and depolarization ratio
Yoshida, R., H. Okamoto, Y. Hagihara and H. Ishimoto
J. Geophys. Res.
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2010 - Global variability of mesoscale convective system anvil structure from A-train satellite data.
Yuan, J., and R. A. Houze, Jr.
J. Climate
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2010 - A Global View of Mid-level Liquid Layer Topped Stratiform Cloud Distribution and Phase Partition from CALIPSO and CloudSat Measurements
Zhang, D., Z. Wang, and D. Liu
J. Geophys. Res.
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2010 - Impact of Saharan dust as nucleating aerosols on Hurricane Helene's early development
Zhang, H., & Curry, J. A.
In 2nd Symposium on Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions
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2010 - Evaluation of tropical cloud and precipitation statistics of Community Atmosphere Model version 3 using CloudSat and CALIPSO data
Zhang, Y., S. A. Klein, J. Boyle, and G. G. Mace
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2009 - Retrieval of ice cloud microphysical parameters using the CloudSat millimeter-wave radar and temperature
Austin, R. T., A. J. Heymsfield, and G. L. Stephens
J. Geophys. Res.
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2009 - Visualization of A-Train vertical profiles using Google Earth
Chen, A., G. Leptoukh, S. Kempler, C. Lynnes, A. Savtchenko, D. Nadeau, and J. Farley
Computers & Geosciences
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2009 - The GCM Oriented Calipso Cloud Product (CALIPSO-GOCCP)
Chepfer, H., S. Bony, D. Winker, G. Cesana, JL. Dufresne, P. Minnis, C.J. Stubenrauch, and S. Zeng
J. Geophys. Res.
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2009 - Satellite Remote Sensing and Mesoscale Modeling of the 2007 Georgia/Florida Fires
Christopher, S. A., P. Gupta, U. Nair, T. A. Jones, S. Kondragunta, Y. L. Wu, J. Hand, and X. Y. Zhang
Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
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2009 - Vertical and spatial distribution of dust from aircraft and satellite measurements during the GERBILS field campaign
Christopher, S. A., B. Johnson, T. A. Jones, and J. Haywood
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2009 - CloudSat and A-Train observations of tropical cyclones
Durden, S.L., S. Tanelli and G. Dobrowalski
The Open Atmospheric Science Journal
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2009 - Statistical approaches to error identification for plane-parallel retrievals of optical and microphysical properties of three-dimensional clouds: Bayesian inference
Gabriel, P., H.W. Barker, and D. O'Brien
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2009 - Microphysical and optical properties of Arctic mixed-phase clouds. The 9 April 2007 case study
Gayet, JF.
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2009 - Characteristics of Tropical Thin Cirrus Clouds Deduced from Joint CloudSat and CALIPSO Observations
Haladay, T., and G. Stephens
J. Geophys. Res.
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2009 - Assessment of the Quality of MODIS Cloud Products from Radiance Simulations
Ham, SH.
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2009 - Taklimakan dust aerosol radiative heating derived from CALIPSO observations using the Fu-Liou radiation model with CERES constraints.
Huang, J., Q. Fu, J. Su, Q. Tang, P. Minnis, Y. Hu, Y. Yi, and Q. Zhao
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2009 - Terminal Vs transient cumulus congestus: A CloudSat perspective
Luo, Z. , G. Y. Liu, G. L. Stephens, and R. H. Johnson
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2009 - A description of hydrometeor layer occurrence statistics derived from the first year of merged Cloudsat and CALIPSO data
Mace, Gerald G, Zhang, Qiuqing, Vaughan, Mark, Marchand, Roger, Stephens, Graeme, Trepte, Chip, Winker, Dave
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2009 - Retrievals of mixed-phase cloud properties during the National Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System
Ou, Steve S. C., Liou, K.N., Wang, X.J., Hagan, D., Dybdahl, A., Mussetto, M., Carey, L.D., Niu, J., Kankiewicz, J.A., Kidder, S., Vonder Haar, T.H.
Applied Optics
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2009 - Thin Cloud Length Scales Using CALIPSO and CloudSat Data
Solbrig, J.E.
M.S. Thesis, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Texas A&M University
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2009 - On the precipitation susceptibility of clouds to aerosol perturbations
A. Sorooshian, G. Feingold, M. D. Lebsock, H. Jiang, and G. L. Stephens
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2009 - Assimilating humidity pseudo-observations derived from the cloud profiling radar aboard CloudSat in ALADIN 3D-Var
Storto, A. and F.T. Tveter
Meteorological Applications
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2009 - Radiative effects of upper tropospheric clouds observed by Aura MLS and CloudSat
Su, Hui, Jiang, J.H., Stephens, G.L. and Vane, D.
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2009 - Relationship between radar reflectivity and the time scale of warm rain formation in a global cloud-resolving model
Suzuki, K., and G. L. Stephens
J. Atmos. Res.
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2009 - A possible use of multi-sensor satellite observations for inferring the drop collection efficiency of warm clouds.
Suzuki, K., and G. L. Stephens
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2009 - Neural network cloud screening algorithm Part I: A synthetic case over land surfaces using micro-windows in O-2 and CO2 near infrared absorption bands with nadir viewing
Taylor, T.E. and D.M. O'Brien
J. Applied Remote Sensing
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2009 - Detecting Precipitating Clouds over Snow and Ice Using a Multiple Sensors Approach
Todini, G.
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2009 - Planning, implementation, and first results of the Tropical Composition, Cloud and Climate Coupling Experiment (TC4).
Toon, O. B., D. O. Starr, E. J. Jensen, P. A. Newman, S. E. Platnick, M. R. Schoeberl, P. O. Wennberg, S. C. Wofsy, M. J. Kurylo, H. Maring, K. W. Jucks, M. S. Craig, M. F. Vasques, L. Pfister, K. Rosenlof, H. B. Selkirk, P. R. Colarco, S. R. Kawa, G. G. Mace, P. Minnis, and K. E. Pickering
J. Geophys. Res.
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2009 - Earth's global energy budget.
Trenberth, K. E., J. T. Fasullo, and J. Kiehl
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
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2009 - Impact of tropospheric nitrogen dioxide on the regional radiation budget
Vasilkov, AP.
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2009 - Cloud Ice: A Climate Model Challenge With Signs and Expectations of Progress
Waliser, D. E., J. F. Li, C. Woods, R. Austin, J. Bacmeister, J. Chern, A. D. Genio, J. Jiang, Z. Kuang, H. Meng, P. Minnis, S. Platnick, W. B. Rossow, G. Stephens, S. Sun-Mack, W. K. Tao, A. Tompkins, D. Vane, C. Walker, D. Wu
J. Geophys. Res.
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2009 - Aerosol Remote Sensing over Clouds Using A-Train Observations
Waquet, F., Riedi, J., Labonnote, L. C.. Goloub, P., Cairns, B., Deuze, J.-L., Tanre, D.
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2009 - Remote sensing of cirrus cloud vertical size profile using MODIS data
Wang, Xingjuan, K N Liou, Ou, Steve S C, Mace, G G, Deng, M
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2009 - Understanding the importance of microphysics and macrophysics for warm rain in marine low clouds: Part II. Heuristic models of rain formation.
Wood, R., Kubar, T. L., and Hartmann, D. L.
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2009 - Comparisons of Global Cloud Ice from MLS, CloudSat, and Correlative Data Sets
Wu, D. L., R. T. Austin, M. Deng, S. L. Durden, A. J. Heymsfield, J. H. Jiang, A. Lambert, J.-L. Li, N. J. Livesey, G. M. McFarquhar, J. V. Pittman, G. L. Stephens, S. Tanelli, D. G. Vane, and D. E. Waliser
J. Geophys. Res.
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2009 - Vertical distributions and relationships of cloud occurrence frequency as observed by MISR, AIRS, MODIS, OMI, CALIPSO, and CloudSat
Wu, D. L., S. A. Ackerman, R. Davies, D. J. Diner, M. J. Garay, B. H. Kahn, B. C. Maddux, C. M. Moroney, G. L. Stephens, J. P. Veefkind, and M. A. Vaughan
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2009 - Parameterization of cirrus microphysical property profiles using GOES, CloudSat, and CALIPSO data
Yost, C. R., P. Minnis, J. K. ayers, R. Palikonda, and D. Spangenberg
EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union
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2009 - Ozone mixing ratios inside tropical deep convective clouds from OMI satellite measurements
Ziemke, JR, et al
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2008 - A Comparison between CloudSat and Aircraft Data for a Multi-layer, Mixed-Phase Cloud System during the Canadian CloudSat-CALIPSO validation project
Barker, H. W., A. V. Korolev, D. R. Hudak, J. W. Strapp, K. B. Strawbridge, and M. Wolde
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Evidence for the impact of aerosols on the onset and microphysical properties of rainfall from a combination of satellite observations and cloud resolving model simulations
Berg, W., T. L'Ecuyer, and S. van den Heever
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Evaluating cloud systems in the Met Office global forecast model using simulated CloudSat radar reflectivities
Bodas-Salcedo, A., M. J. Webb, M. E. Brooks, M. A. Ringer, K. D. Williams, S. F. Milton, and D. R. Wilson
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Studying the vertical variation of cloud droplet effective radius using ship and space-borne remote sensing data
Chen, R., R. Wood, Z. Li, R. Ferraro, F.-L. Chang
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Validation of the Community Radiative Transfer Model by using CloudSat data
Chen, Y., F. Weng, Y. Han, Q. Liu
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Remote sensing of tropical tropopause layer radiation balance using A-train measurements
Feldman, D. R., T.S. L'Ecuyer, K. N. Liou, and Y. L. Yung
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Remote sensing of radiative fluxes and heating rates from satellite instrument measurements.
Feldman, Daniel Robert
Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology
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2008 - A new approach to determine aerosol optical depth from combined CALIPSO and CLOUDSAT ocean surface echoes
Josset D., J. Pelon, A. Protat and C. Flamant
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2008 - The contribution of cloud and radiation anomalies to the 2007 Arctic sea ice extent. Minimum
Kay, JE T L'Ecuyer, G.L. Stephens, A Gettelman, and C.O'Dell
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2008 - Cloud type comparisons of AIRS, CloudSat, and CALIPSO cloud height and amount
Kahn, B.T., , M. T. Chahine , G. L. Stephens , G. G. Mace , R. T. Marchand , Z. Wang , C. D. Barnet , A. Eldering , R. E. Holz , R. E. Kuehn , and D. G. Vane
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2008 - Cloud vertical profiles derived from CALIPSO and CloudSat and a comparison with MODIS derived clouds.
Kato, S., S. Sun-Mack, W. F. Miller, F. G. Rose, P. Minnis, B. A. Wielicki, D. M. Winker, G. L. Stephens, T. P. Charlock, W. D. Collins, N. G. Loeb, P. W. Stackhouse, and K. Xu
American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting 2008
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2008 - Vertical structure of tropical oceanic convective clouds and its relation to precipitation
Kubar, T. L., and D. L. Hartmann
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2008 - Multisensor satellite observations of aerosol effects on warm clouds
Lebsock M. D., G. L. Stephens, C. Kummerow
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Impact of clouds on the atmospheric heating based on the R04 CloudSat fluxes and heating rates data set
L'Ecuyer, T.S., N. B. Wood, T. Haladay, G. L. Stephens, and P.W. Stackhouse Jr.
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Climatology of drizzle in marine boundary layer clouds based on one year of data from CloudSat and Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO)
Leon, D. C., Z. Wang, and D. Liu
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - A Height Resolved Global View of Dust Aerosols from the First Year CALIPSO Lidar Measurements
Liu, D., Z. Wang, Z. Liu, D. Winker and C. Trepte
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - CloudSat Adding New Insights into Tropical Convection
Luo, Z., G. Liu and G.L. Stephens
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2008 - Estimating ice content and extinction in precipitating cloud systems from CloudSat radar measurements.
Matrosov, S.Y., and A.J. Heymsfield
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Physical and statistical approaches for cloud identification using Meteosat Second Generation-Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager Data
Ricciardelli, E., F. Romano, and V. Cuomo
Remote Sensing of Environment
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2008 - A-Train Data Depot: Bringing Atmospheric Measurements Together
Savtchenko, A, Kummerer, R, Smith, P, Gopalan, A, Kempler, S, Leptoukh, G
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens.
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2008 - Three-way comparison between OMI and PARASOL cloud pressure products
Sneep, M., J. F. de Haan, P. Stammes, P. Wang, C. Vanbauce, J. Joiner, A. P. Vasilkov, P. F. Levelt
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Advances in the remote sensing of clouds and precipitation from cloudsat and the a-train
Stephens, G. L., and D. G. Vane
Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Clouds II
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2008 - Global identification of warm cloud microphysical processes with combined use of A-Train observations
Suzuki, K and G.L Stephens
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2008 - Reducing Surface Clutter in Cloud Profiling Radar Data
Tanelli, S., K. Pak, S. Durden, and E. Im
NASA Tech Briefs
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2008 - Evaluation of the OMI cloud pressures derived from rotational Raman scattering by comparisons with other satellite data and radiative transfer simulations
Vasilkov, A., J. Joiner, R. Spurr, P. K. Bhartia, P. Levelt, and G. Stephens
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Evaluating CloudSat ice water content retrievals using a cloud resolving model: Sensitivities to frozen particle properties
Woods, C., D. E. Waliser, J.-L. F. Li, R. T. Austin, G.L. Stephens, and D. G. Vane
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Validation of the Aura MLS cloud ice water content measurements
Wu D. L., J. H. Jiang, W. G. Read, R. T. Austin, C. P. Davis, A. Lambert, G. L. Stephens, D. G. Vane, J. W. Waters
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - A documentation study of antarctic cloudiness from CloudSat and CALIPSO satellite data
Argo, K.L.
M.S. Thesis, Department of Atmospheric Science Colorado State University
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2007 - Evaluation of the Met. Office global forecast model using Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) data
Allan, R. P., A. Slingo, S.F. Milton and M.A. Brooks
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2007 - A comparison of cloud radiative forcing as a function of climatological regime derived from A- Train data
Benson, S, Mace, G.
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2007
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2007 - The impact of vertical variation of cloud droplet size on estimation of cloud liquid water path and detection of warm raining cloud
Chen, R., F.L. Chen, Z. Li, R. Ferraro, F. Weng
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2007 - Adaptive Sky: Observing Clouds Using Multi-Instrument, Multi-Platform Sensor Webs
Garay, M J, Burl, M C, Wang, Y, Ng, J.
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2007
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2007 - Joint distributions of ice clouds and relative humidity: What can we learn from A-train measurements?
Kahn, B H, Liang, C K, Eldering, A, Gettelman, A, Fu, Q.
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2007
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2007 - Cloudsat, CALIOP, MODIS, AIRS, OMI, and POLDER Data Search and Visualization Available to Facilitate Multi Instrument Cloud Studies Along the A-Train Path
Kempler, S, Smith, P, Savtchenko, A, Leptoukh, G, Stephens, G, Winker, D.
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2007
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2007 - Studying role of dust in atmosphere-ocean interactions using Giovanni
Leptoukh, G and J. Mao
EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union
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2007 - Global Hydrometeor Occurrence as Observed by CloudSat; Initial Observations from Summer 2006
Mace, G. G., R. Marchand and G. L. Stephens
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2007 - Evaluating Simulated Clouds With NASA A-Train Observations
Molthan, A. L., G. J. Jedlovec, and W. M. Lapenta
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2007
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2007 - Using High Frequency Passive Microwave, A-Train, and TRMM Data to Evaluate Hydrometeor Structure in the NASA GEOS-5 Data Assimilation System
Robertson, F., J. Bacmeister, M. Bosilovich, and J. Pittman
EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union
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2007 - Latent Heating Properties of Cloud Regimes Determined by Cluster Analysis of Satellite and Model Data
Rogers, M, Stephens, G L.
EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union
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2007 - Multi-Sensor Data From A-Train Instruments Brought Together for Atmospheric Research
Smith, P, Kempler, S, Leptoukh, G, Savtchenko, A, Winker, D, Stephens, G.
EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union
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2007 - Near Global Observations of the Warm Rain Coalescence Process
Stephens, G.L and J. Haynes
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2007 - The Remote Sensing of Clouds and Precipitation from Space: A Review
Stephens, G.L., and Christian D. Kummerow
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2007 - Cloud remote sensing from space in the era of the A-Train
Stephens, G.L. and D.G. Vane
J. Applied Remote Sensing
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2007 - Comparisons of AIRS, MODIS, CloudSat and CALIPSO cloud top height retrievals
Weisz, E., J. Li, W. P. Menzel, A.K. Heidinger, B.H. Kahn, C-Y Liu
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2007 - Evaluating CloudSat Ice Water Retrievals Using a Cloud Resolving Model: Sensitivities to Frozen Particle Properties and Implications for Model-Data Comparisons
Woods, C. P., D. Waliser, F. Li, R. Austin, G. Stephens, D. Vane, W. Tao, and A. Tompkins
EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union
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2007 - Overlap of Fractional Cloud for Radiation Calculations in GCMs: A Global Analysis using CloudSat and CALIPSO Data.
Barker, H. W.
J. Geophys. Res.
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2007 - Near real time applications of Cloudsat data
Mitrescu,C., S. Miller, G Hawkins, T. L'Ecuyer, J. Turk P. Partain and G. Stephens
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2007 - CloudSat: Adding a new dimension to a classical view of extratropical cyclones
Posselt, D, G.L Stephens and M Miller
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
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2006 - Contrails to Cirrus - Morphology, Microphysics, and Radiative Properties.
Atlas, D., Z. Wang, and D. Duda
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2006 - Validation of Cloud Radar Retrievals of Ice Cloud Microphysics in TWP-ICE and CC- VEx
Austin, R. T., and G. L. Stephens
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2006
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2006 - Objective assessment of the information content of visible and infrared radiance measurements for cloud microphysical property retrievals over the global oceans. Part II: Ice clouds
Cooper, S. J., T. S. L'Ecuyer, P. Gabriel, A. J. Baran, and G. L. Stephens
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2006 - A combined view of CloudSat and AIRS cloud fields
Kahn, B. H., M. T. Chahine, G. G. Mace, R. Marchand, and G. L. Stephens
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2006
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2006 - A First Look at Mid-level Clouds Using CloudSat, CALIPSO, and MODIS Data
Kidder, S. Q., J. A. Kankiewicz, T. H. Vonder Haar, V. E. Larson, L. D. Carey, and D. E. Hagan
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2006
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2006 - The Three Dimensional Distribution of Global Cloudiness Derived From Cloudsat; The June- July-August 2006 Period
Mace, G., R. Marchand, G. Stephens, Q. Zhang, and S. Klein
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2006
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2006 - What does reflection from cloud sides tell us about vertical distribution of cloud droplet sizes?
Marshak, A., J. V. Martins, V. Zubko, and Y. J. Kaufman
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2006 - Early Results from the CloudSat Light Rain Precipitation Dataset
Miller, S., C. Mitrescu, F. J. Turk, T. L'Ecuyer, and J. Haynes
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2006
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2006 - Multi-Sensor Data Fusion Technique
Rodier, S. D., Y. Hu, M. Vaughan, D. Hlavka, and T. Arnold
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2006
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2006 - Comparing AFARS Ground-Based Polarization Lidar and W-band Radar Measurements to CloudSat/CALIPSO/MODIS Overpass Data
Sassen, K., J. Zhu, P. Cobb, and Z. Wang
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2006
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2006 - An Integrated Cloud-Aerosol-Radiation Product Using CERES, MODIS, CALIPSO and CloudSat Data
Sun-Mack, S., S. Gibson, Y. Chen, B. Wielicki, and P. Minnis
EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union
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2006 - Cluster Analysis of Cloud Regimes in the Tropical Region Using CloudSat Data
Zhang, Y., S. Klein, and G. J. Mace
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2006
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