Tag Archives: Hurricane Edouard

HRD Monthly Science Meeting of December 2016

December’s science meeting consisted of 6 presentations: Paul Reasor (HRD):  “Real-time, storm-scale diagnostics derived from Tail Doppler Radar”, Jun Zhang (HRD):  “Recent improvement in physical parameterization of horizontal turbulent mixing in HWRF “, Rob Rogers (HRD):  “Re-writing the Tropical Record … Continue reading

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Two-part paper on the intensification of Hurricane Edouard published in Monthly Weather Review

 Summary: Hurricane Edouard (2014) is examined using radar onboard NOAA P-3 aircraft that flew the storm. Two periods are shown, one when the storm was intensifying to a major hurricane and the other when the storm was weakening. The location … Continue reading

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Posted in Dynamics and Physics, HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, Observations, Publications | Tagged , , , , , , , , , ,

HRD Seminar – Dr. Andy Hazelton, Princeton University and NOAA/GFDL – 25 October 2016

Dr. Hazelton presented a seminar on “Evaluation of Tropical Cyclone Structure in High-Resolution FV3 Simulations”. Abstract The FV3 dynamical core with GFS physics has shown skill both in global forecasting and the ability to simulate high-impact weather events.   Here, a regionally … Continue reading

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Paper on the formation of the secondary eyewall of Hurricane Edouard published in Monthly Weather Review

You can read the article at http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/full/10.1175/MWR-D-15-0421.1.

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Paper on the Coyote unmanned aircraft system in Hurricane Edouard published in Earth and Space Science

This was the first successful launch of an unmanned aircraft system into a mature hurricane from a Hurricane Hunter aircraft. This so-called Coyote is a 13-pound drone with a 5-foot wingspan that measures pressure, temperature, humidity, and wind speed and … Continue reading

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Posted in HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, Observations, Publications | Tagged , , , , , ,

HRD Monthly Science Meeting of September 2016

September’s science meeting consisted of 4 presentations: Evan Kalina (AOML/ESRL), “Power Spectra and Eddy Dissipation Rate Measured by the Coyote Unmanned Aircraft System in Hurricane Edouard (2014)” Sim Aberson (HRD), “A Preliminary Assessment of the HEDAS Reruns (2011-2015)” Hui Christophersen (HRD), … Continue reading

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Posted in Data Assimilation, Dynamics and Physics, HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, Modeling and Prediction, Observations, Presentations | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

HRD Seminar – Dr. Hua Chen, CIMAS and AOML/HRD – 6 September 2016

Dr. Chen presented a seminar on “Understanding the modeled RI processes using HWRF”. A recording of the presentation is available on the anonymous ftp site: ftp://ftp.aoml.noaa.gov/pub/hrd/blog/seminars/2016/Chen_HRD_Seminar_20160906.mp4

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Posted in Dynamics and Physics, HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, Modeling and Prediction, Presentations | Tagged , , , , ,

Paper on getting surface wind speeds in tropical cyclones from polar-orbiting satellites published in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

The full article can be found at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=7452597.

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Posted in HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, Observations | Tagged , , , , ,

HRD observation team monthly meeting – 16 June 2016

The purpose of the observation team meetings is to bring together the people who use observations in their research on a regular basis to discuss issues they’re having, provide updates on observations they’re analyzing or collecting, and any other information … Continue reading

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HRD Monthly Science Meeting of June 2016

June’s science meeting consisted of 4 presentations: Ghassan Alaka:   “Demo of the Basin-Scale HWRF Web Site” Elena Konopleva (ESRL/PSD):   “Simple flight planning tool based on tkmap” George Halliwell (AOML/PhOD):  “OSSE evaluation of pre-storm ocean profile surveys” Leon Nguyen: … Continue reading

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Posted in Data Assimilation, Dynamics and Physics, HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, Modeling and Prediction, Observations, Presentations | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,