U.S. Department of Justice

Technical Resource Provider Handbook. Third Edition

Publication year: 2008

Library ID

  • 022876

Other Information

  • 2008
  • 32 pages
Thumbnail preview "The Technical Resource Provider Handbook was prepared for the correctional service provider who delivers technical assistance or training at the request of the National Institute of Corrections (NIC). This handbook explains NIC policies and guidelines that affect the work of technical resource providers (TRPs) in the field. The handbook cannot address all of the issues related to NIC’s technical assistance and training program. Therefore, TRPs should contact the NIC staff member responsible for their assignment if they require more details about the technical assistance/training process and their role in it" (p. 1). Contents: Purpose of This Handbook; Background; Scope of Direct Technical Assistance; Standards of Professional Conduct; Eligibility To Serve as a TRP; TRP Selection; Negotiation and Authorization; Travel Arrangements; TRP Reimbursement Procedures; Technical Assistance Report; Agency Evaluation of Technical Assistance; Surveys; Media Relations; TRP Responsibility and Liability; TRP Adherence to NIC Policies and Procedures; Appendix A: How Agencies Request Direct Technical Assistance and How NIC Responds; Appendix B: National Institute of Corrections Travel and Per Diem Claim Form; Appendix C: National Institute of Corrections Voucher, Parts I and II; and Appendix D: Disclaimer.