
Collage including several stoneflies on a rock, a 9-inch trout next to a ruler, a man wading with net

The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation's Watershed Management Division monitors the water quality of lakes, ponds, rivers, streams and wetlands across Vermont.

These monitoring activities are carried out in conjunction with Vermont's Water Quality Monitoring Program Strategy and are outlined in our Field Methods Manual. This strategy spells out several objectives, which include the following:

  • Identify the status of Vermont's aquatic and wetland resources;
  • Assessment & Listing Methodology
  • Identify trends in the condition of Vermont's aquatic and wetland resources;microscopic view of water
  • Identify existing and emerging threats to Vermont's aquatic and wetland resources;
  • Identify where watershed-level activities are impacting aquatic and wetland resources;
  • Provide information to support and evaluate Agency management and regulatory programs, including the development of environmental indicators;
  • Respond to citizen complaints and emergency situations regarding Vermont's aquatic and wetland resources (as appropriate);
  • Determine compliance with VT Water Quality Standards.

See below for a description of our different monitoring programs and special studies with links to more information:

Online Water Quality Data

Access to all online Water Quality Data:

Vermont Integrated Watershed Information System logo





Lake Monitoring Programs

The lake monitoring programs are sumamarized on the Division's Lakes and Ponds Management web pages.

Rivers & Stream Monitoring Programsman in narrow stream performing Slow winder sampling


Wetland Monitoring Programs

Volunteer Monitoring

Citizen groups are becoming increasingly involved in monitoring, education, protection and restoration projects in Vermont. VTDEC provides assistance and training to volunteers whenever possible. Watershed associations are presently active on approximately 26 rivers and many lakes in the state.

Special Studies

Swim Water Testing