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Navigable Waters List

List of Navigable Waters of the United States within the Nashville District 

The Nashville District Corps of Engineers exercises regulatory jurisdiction over the entire Cumberland RIver and portions of the Tennessee River watershed areas.  A complete list of all streams subject to Corps regulatory authority is not available.  However, listed below are all navigable waters of the United States over which the Nashville District currently exercises regulatory jurisdiction under the authority of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.  Inquiries concerning Department of the Army Permit requirements on tributary streams not listed below should be submitted on a case-by case basis to the Regulatory Branch.  Regulatory jurisdiction for the portions of the Tennessee River watershed in Virginia, North Carolina, and Georgia is administered by the Norfolk, Wilmington, and Savannah Corps Districts, respectively.

Cumberland River and Tributaries

Tennessee River and Tributaries 

Conasauga River
(The Conasauga River in Polk County, Tennessee, is considered navigable entirely within the state of Tennessee.) 


Navigation Charts

View the Cumberland River Navigation Charts

View the Tennessee River Navigation Charts