U.S. Department of Justice

Academy Division

Academy Training Programs

  • Starts Feb. 26, 2017
    Executive Excellence Program
  • Starts Apr. 23, 2017
    Executive Excellence Program
  • Topics In the Library

    The Academy Division sponsors technical assistance, training, and networks around three major initiatives: Cognitive Behavioral Training, Learning and Performance, and Leadership Development.

    Cognitive Behavioral Training (CBT) is designed to address thinking patterns and assist people in behavior change. NIC's CBT initiative is comprised of Thinking for a Change and Core Correctional Interventions.

    The Academy Leadership Development Partnership Initiative (LDPI) incorporates research, fosters innovation, and drives opportunities for professional growth by partnering with constituent agencies to plan, develop, implement, and measure agency-based leadership development programs: programs that are specific to the agency, implemented by the agency, and sustained by the agency.

    The Learning and Performance Initiative represents NIC’s effort to help build staff training and development capacity in correctional agencies. Click here for resources for trainers and curriculum designers.

    Available Training Opportunities

    • Starts Feb. 26, 2017 - Executive Excellence Program
      This 10-month executive development program offers innovative learner-centered and competency-based training for future leaders of corrections agencies.
    • Starts Apr. 23, 2017 - Executive Excellence Program
      This 10-month executive development program offers innovative learner-centered and competency-based training for future leaders of corrections agencies.