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Online Directory
The TRB Online Directory provides access to points of contact and information on TRB’s standing committees, project-based committees and panels, and governing committees, as well as to lists of TRB sponsors, affiliates, and representatives. In addition, the directory provides password-controlled access to contact information on TRB’s more than 7,000 volunteers.
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Marine Board (MB000)
The Marine Board serves the national interest by initiating, and by responding to requests for evaluations and advice concerning the nation's capability to accomplish its marine and maritime objectives.
Dr. Mary Brooks
Professor Emerita

Dalhousie University
Committee Membership
Standing Committee on International Trade and Transportation AT020 Emeritus Member
Executive Committee E0000 Ex Officio Member
Marine Board MB000 Chair

TRB Staff Representative
Mr. Scott Brotemarkle
Senior Program Officer, Marine and Intermodal Freight. Marine Board Staff Director

Transportation Research Board

Vice Chair
Mr. Edward Comstock
Independent Consultant
Committee Membership
Marine Board MB000 Vice Chair

Ms. Holly Bamford
Chief Conservation Officer

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Committee Membership
Marine Board MB000 Member

Mr. Elmer Danenberger
Committee Membership
Committee on Offshore Oil and Gas Safety Culture: A Framing Study B0140 Member
Marine Board MB000 Member

Mr. Samuel De Bow
Lynker Technologies, LLC
Committee Membership
Marine Board MB000 Member

Rear Admiral Thomas Eccles
Chief Executive Officer

Trident Maritime Systems, LLC
Committee Membership
Marine Board MB000 Member

Dr. Martha Grabowski
Professor and Director, Information Systems Program, LeMoyne College

Research Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Committee Membership
Marine Board MB000 Member

Captain Thomas Jacobsen
President and CEO

Jacobsen Pilot Service, Inc.
Committee Membership
Marine Board MB000 Member

Dr. Donald Liu
Marine Consultant
Committee Membership
Marine Board MB000 Member

Dr. Richard Mercier
Professor and Director

Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Committee Membership
Marine Board MB000 Member

Dr. Ram Mohan
Senior Partner

Anchor QEA, LLC
Committee Membership
Marine Board MB000 Member

Mr. Edmond Moran
Senior Vice President

Moran Towing Corporation
Committee Membership
Marine Board MB000 Member

Captain John Murray
Hapag-Lloyd USA, LLC
Committee Membership
Marine Board MB000 Member

Dr. Craig Philip
Research Professor

Vanderbilt University
Committee Membership
Section - Transportation Systems Resilience ABR00 Member
Committee for Study of Domestic Transportation of Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Ethanol B0148 Member
NCFRP Project Panel on Freight Resiliency: Dealing with Major Cargo Traffic Diversions in National DF050 Member
Marine Board MB000 Member

Dr. Karlene Roberts
Professor Emeritus

University of California, Berkeley
Committee Membership
Committee on Offshore Oil and Gas Safety Culture: A Framing Study B0140 Member
Marine Board MB000 Member

Mr. Richard Steinke
Moffatt & Nichol Engineers
Committee Membership
Marine Board MB000 Member

Dr. Thomas Wakeman
Research Professor

Stevens Institute of Technology
Committee Membership
Policy and Organization Group AB000 Member
Section - Transportation Systems Resilience ABR00 Chair
NCHRP Project Panel on Update of Security 101: A Physical Security Primer for Transportation Agencies D205951A Member
NCFRP Project Panel on Improving Export Freight Logistics DF040 Chair
NCFRP Project Panel on Integrating MTS Commerce Data with Multimodal Freight Transportation Performance Measures to Support MTS Maintenance Investment Decision Making DF042 Chair
NCFRP Project Panel on Freight Resiliency: Dealing with Major Cargo Traffic Diversions in National DF050 Chair
Marine Board MB000 Member

Mr. James Watson
President, Americas Division

American Bureau of Shipping
Committee Membership
Committee on Offshore Oil and Gas Safety Culture: A Framing Study B0140 Member
Committee for a Study of Performance-Based Safety Regulation B0149 Member
Marine Board MB000 Member

Rear Admiral Richard West
Independent Consultant
Committee Membership
Polar Icebreaker Cost Assessment Committee B0153 Chair
Marine Board MB000 Member

Mr. Charles William
Executive Director

Center for Offshore Safety
Committee Membership
Marine Board MB000 Member