FERC SealFederal Energy Regulatory Commission
Tariff List Tariff Section Search

Tariff Section Search

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Tariff Program Company Name
Tariff Status Tariff Title
 Company NameTariff Title
2014 ESA Project Company, LLC 2014 ESA Project Company, LLC
2015 ESA Project Company, LLC 2015 ESA Project Company, LLC
2016 ESA Project Company, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
3 Phases Renewables, Inc. Market Based Rates
360Recycling FERC Electric MBR Tariff
3C Solar LLC 3C Solar LLC MBR Tariff
3Degrees Group, Inc. 3Degrees Group, Inc. FERC Electric Tariff
4C Acquisition, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
4C Acquisition, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1
4C Acquisition, LLC Rate Schedules
62SK 8ME LLC Market Based Rates
63SU 8ME LLC Market Based Rates
65HK 8me LLC FERC Electric Tariff
65HK 8me LLC Agreements
67RK 8me LLC FERC Electric Tariff
67RK 8me LLC Agreements
87RL 8me LLC FERC Electric Tariff
87RL 8me LLC Agreements
96WI 8ME, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Agreements
ABC Energy, LLC Market Based Rates
Abest Power & Gas, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
ABN Energy, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
AC Landfill Energy, LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Acacia Natural Gas, L.L.C. 311 Statement of Operating Conditions
Acadian Gas Pipeline System NGPA Gas
Accent Energy Midwest II LLC Market Based Rates
Adelanto Solar II, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Adelanto Solar, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
AEP Energy Partners, Inc. Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
AEP Energy, Inc. FERC Electric MBR Tariff
AEP Generating Company RS and SA
AEP Generation Resources Inc. Tariff Database
AEP Retail Energy Partners LLC AEP Retail Energy Partners MBR Baseline
AEP Texas Central Company OATT Concurrence Filing
AEP Texas Central Company TCC RS and SA Baseline
AEP Texas Central Company FERC Electric Tariff Volume No. 8 Market Based Rat
AEP Texas North Company TNC RS and SA Baseline
AEP Texas North Company OATT Concurrence Filing
Aequitas Energy, Inc. Market Based Rates
AES Alamitos, LLC AES Alamitos, LLC, Volume 1 (Market-Based)
AES Beaver Valley, LLC Tariffs, Rates Schedules and Service Agreements
AES Energy Storage, LLC AES Energy Storage, LLC, Volume 1 (Market-Based)
AES ES Tait, LLC AES ES Westover, LLC, Volume 1 (Market-Based)
AES Huntington Beach, L.L.C. AES Huntington Beach, L.L.C., Volume 1 (Market-Based)
AES Huntington Beach, L.L.C. Service Agreements
AES Laurel Mountain, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
AES Ohio Generation, LLC Rate Schedules, Agreements, and Other Tariffs
AES Redondo Beach, L.L.C. AES Redondo Beach, L.L.C., Volume 1 (Market-Based)
AES WR Limited Partnership Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Aesir Power, LLC FERC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Aethon United Pipeline LP Operating Statement
AG-Energy, L.P. AG-Energy, L.P., Volume No. 1 (Market-Based)
Agera Energy LLC Market Based Rates
Aggressive Energy LLC MBR Tariff
Agua Caliente Solar, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Air Liquide Large Industries U.S. LP Air Liquide Large Industries U.S. LP
AK Electric Supply, LLC AK Electric Supply LLC. Tariff
AL Sandersville, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Alabama Electric Marketing, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Alabama Power Company Cost Based Rate Tariffs
Alabama Power Company Market Based Rate Tariff
Alabama Power Company OATT and Associated Service Agreements
Albany Green Energy, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Alcoa Power Generating Inc. Long Sault Division Open Access Transmission Tariff
Alcoa Power Generating Inc. Tapoco Division Open Access Transmission Tariff
Alcoa Power Generating Inc. Open Access Transmission Tariff
Alcoa Power Generating Inc. APGI-TVA Interconnection Agreement
Alcoa Power Generating Inc. APGI Transmission Agreements
Alcoa Power Generating Inc. APGI MBR Tariff
Alcoa Power Generating Inc. APGI - CRT Transmission Service Agreement (FERC Electric Rate Schedule No. 13)
Alcoa Power Generating Inc. APGI - CRT Long Sault Transmission Service Agreement
Alcoa Power Generating Inc. APGI OATT (Yadkin)
Alcoa Power Marketing LLC APM MBR
Alexander Wind Farm, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Agreements
Algonquin Energy Services Inc. Baseline Tariff
Algonquin Gas Transmission, LLC Algonquin Database 1
Algonquin Northern Maine Gen Co. Baseline Tariff
Algonquin Power Windsor Locks LLC Baseline Tariff
Algonquin SKIC 10 Solar, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Agreements
Algonquin SKIC 20 Solar, LLC Market-Based Rates
Algonquin Tinker Gen Co. Baseline Tariff
All Dams Generation, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Allegany Generating Station LLC Tariffs, Rates Schedules and Service Agreements
Allegheny Energy Supply Company, LLC Allegheny Energy Supply Co. Market Rate Tariff
Allegheny Energy Supply Company, LLC Allegheny Energy Supply Co., LLC Reactive Power Rate Schedules
Allegheny Energy Supply Company, LLC Allegheny Energy Supply Co., LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Other Agreements
Allegheny Ridge Wind Farm, LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
ALLETE Clean Energy, Inc. FERC Electric Tariff
ALLETE, Inc. FERC Electric Tariff
ALLETE, Inc. Allete, Inc. FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Alliance Energy Marketing, LLC Alliance Energy Marketing , LLC
Alliance For Cooperative Energy Services Power Mar FERC Electric Tariff
Alliance NYGT, LLC Tariffs, Rates Schedules and Service Agreements
Alliance Pipeline L.P. Alliance L.P. Database
Alliant Energy Corporate Services, Inc. Alliant Energy Corporate Services Agreements
Allied Energy Resources Corporation Market Based Rate Tariff
Alpaca Energy LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Alpaugh 50, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Alpaugh 50, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Alpaugh North, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Alpaugh North, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Alpha Crude Connector, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariff
Alpha Gas and Electric LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
AlphaGen Power LLC Tariffs
Alpine Transportation Company Alpine Transportation Company Tariffs
Alta Wind I, LLC Alta Wind I, LLC MBR Tariff
Alta Wind II, LLC Alta Wind II, LLC MBR Tariff
Alta Wind III, LLC Alta Wind III, LLC MBR Tariff
Alta Wind IV, LLC Alta Wind IV, LLC MBR Tariff
Alta Wind V, LLC Alta Wind V, LLC MBR Tariff
Alta Wind VIII, LLC Alta Wind VIII, LLC MBR Tariff
Alta Wind X, LLC MBR Tariff
Alta Wind XI, LLC MBR Tariff
AltaGas Brush Energy Inc. Brush Cogeneration Partners Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
AltaGas Pomona Energy Inc. FERC Electric Tariff
AltaGas Pomona Energy Storage Inc. FERC Electric Tariff
AltaGas Renewable Energy Colorado LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1
AltaGas Ripon Energy Inc. FERC Electric Tariff
AltaGas San Joaquin Energy Inc. GWF Energy LLC FERC Electric Rate Tariff
Alterna Springerville LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Alternate Power Source Inc., Market Based Rates
AM Commodities Corporation FERC Electric Tariff
Amazon Energy LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1
Ameren Illinois Company Central Illinois Public Service Company - Tariffs of General Applicability
Ameren Illinois Company Rate Schedules and Agreements
Ameren Illinois Company Statement of Operating Conditions
Ameren Transmission Company of Illinois Rate Schedules and Agreements
AmerenEnergy Medina Valley Cogen, L.L.C. AmerenEnergy Medina Valley General Tariff
American Falls Solar II, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
American Falls Solar, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
American Illuminating Company, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
American Midstream (Alabama Intrastate), LLC Statement of Terms and Conditons for Transportation Service
American Midstream (AlaTenn), LLC FERC Gas Tariff, Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
American Midstream (Louisiana Intrastate), LLC Statement of Terms and Conditons for Transportation Service
American Midstream (Midla), LLC FERC Gas Tariff (Volume Nos. 1 and 2)
American Midstream (SIGCO Intrastate), LLC SIGCO Statement of Terms and Conditions for Transportation Service
American Midstream Bakken, LLC Tariff Containing Rules, Regulations and Rates
American Midstream Bakken, LLC Local Tariff Containing Rules, Regulations and Rates
American Midstream Onshore Pipelines, LLC Statement of Terms and Conditions for Transportation Service
American Municipal Power, Inc. Tariffs and Agreements
American Panther, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
American Powernet Management, LP American PowerNet Management, LP Rate Schedule FERC No.1
American Transmission Systems, Incorporated Open Access Transmission Tariff
AmericaWide Energy, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Americhoice Energy IL, LLC Americhoice Energy IL, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Americhoice Energy OH, LLC Americhoice Energy OH, LLC
Americhoice Energy PA, LLC Americhoice Energy, PA LLC
Amerigreen Energy, Inc. Market Based Rate Tariff
Amoco Capline Pipeline Company Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Ampex Energy, LLC Market Based Rates
Amplified Power & Gas, LLC Market Based Rates
Anahau Energy, LLC Market Based Rates
ANP Bellingham Energy Company, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff of ANP Bellingham Energy Company, LLC
ANP Blackstone Energy Company, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff of ANP Blackstone Energy Company, LLC
ANP Funding I, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff of ANP Funding I, LLC
ANP MARKETING COMPANY Market-Based Rate Tariff of ANP Marketing Company
ANR Pipeline Company ANR Tariffs
ANR Storage Company ANRSC Tariffs
Antelope Big Sky Ranch LLC Agreements
Antelope Big Sky Ranch LLC Agreements
Antelope Big Sky Ranch LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Antelope DSR 1, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Antelope DSR 1, LLC Shared Facilities Agreement
Antelope DSR 1, LLC Co-Tenancy Agreement
Antelope DSR 2, LLC Shared Facilities Agreement
Antelope DSR 2, LLC Co-Tenancy Agreement
Antelope DSR 2, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Antelope DSR 3, LLC Co-Tenancy Agreement
Antelope DSR 3, LLC Shared Facilities Agreement
Anthracite Power and Light Company MBRA Trariff
AP Gas & Electric (IL), LLC FERC Electric Tariff
AP Gas & Electric (MD), LLC FERC Electric Tariff
AP Gas & Electric (NJ), LLC FERC Electric Tariff
AP Gas & Electric (NY), LLC FERC Electric Tariff
AP Gas & Electric (OH), LLC FERC Electric Tariff
AP Gas & Electric (PA), LLC FERC Electric Tariff
AP Gas & Electric (TX), LLC FERC Electric Tariff
AP Holdings, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
AP&G Holdings LLC Market Based Rates
Apache GOM Pipeline, Inc. Apache GOM Pipeline Inc,
APDC, Inc. FERC Electric Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1
APN Starfirst, LP APN Starfirst, LP, Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
Appalachian Power Company MBR AEP Operating Company
Appalachian Power Company APCo Rate Schedules and Service Agreements Tariffs
Appalachian Power Company MBR AEP Operating Companies
Appalachian Power Company Open Access Transmission Tariff
Appalachian Power Company Open Access Transmission Tariff
Apple Energy LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Apple Group Apple Group Tariff
Applied Energy LLC MBR tariff
APX, Inc. FERC Electric Tariff
Aragonne Wind LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Arbuckle Mountain Wind Farm LLC MBR Tariff
Arcadia Gas Storage, LLC Statement of Operating Conditions of Arcadia Gas Storage
ArcelorMittal Cleveland LLC Market Base Rate Sales Tariff
ArcelorMittal USA LLC AMU MBRA ETariff
ArcLight Energy Marketing, LLC ArcLight Energy Marketing MBR Tariff
Arizona Public Service Company Rate Schedules
Arizona Public Service Company FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 2
Arizona Public Service Company FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 6
Arizona Public Service Company FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 5
Arizona Public Service Company FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 3
Arizona Public Service Company Service Schedule No. 304
Arizona Solar One LLC Arizona Solar MBR Tariffs
Arkansas Oklahoma Gas Corporation Arkansas Oklahoma Gas Corporation
Arlington Storage Company, LLC FERC Gas Tariff, Second Revised Volume No. 1
Arlington Storage Company, LLC Arlington Storage Company, FERC Gas Tariff, First Revised Volume No. 1
Arlington Valley Solar Energy II, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Arlington Valley, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Arlington Wind Power Project LLC Arlington Wind Power Project MBR Tariff
Armenia Mountain Wind, LLC AES Armenia Mountain Wind, L.L.C., Volume 1 (Market-Based)
Armstrong Power, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff of Armstrong Energy Limited Partnership, L.L.L.P.
Armstrong Power, LLC Tariff Database
Armstrong Power, LLC Reactive Power and Voltage Control from Generation Sources Service
Arrow Energy RRH, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Arrowhead Gulf Coast Pipeline, LLC Tariffs
Arrowhead Louisiana Gathering LLC ALG Base Line Filing
Arrowhead Offshore Pipeline, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Arthur Kill Power LLC Arthur Kill Power LLC
ASC Energy Services, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
ASC Energy Services, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Ashtabula Wind II, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Ashtabula Wind III, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Ashtabula Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Ashtabula Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Aspen Merchant Energy, LP Aspen Merchant Energy, LP, FERC Electric MBR Tariff No. 1
Aspirity Energy Northeast LLC Aspirity Energy Northeast MBR
Aspirity Energy, LLC Aspirity Mid-States MBR
Astoria Energy II LLC Astoria Energy II LLC FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
Astoria Energy LLC Astoria Energy LLC FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
Astoria Gas Turbine Power LLC Astoria Gas Turbine Power LLC
Astoria Generating Company, L.P. FERC Electric Tariffs
Astral Energy LLC Astral Energy Market Based Rate Tariff
Athens Energy, LLC Baseline Tariff
Atlanta Gas Light Company Statement of Operating Conditions
Atlantic City Electric Company Atlantic City Electric Market Based Rate Tariff Database
Atlantic Coast Energy Corporation FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Atlantic Energy LLC Atlantic Energy Market Based Rate Tariff
Atlantic Energy MA LLC Atlantic Energy MA Market Based Rate Tariff
Atlantic Energy MD, LLC Atlantic Energy MD Market Based Rate Tariff
Atlantic Power and Gas LLC Market Based Rates
Atlantic Power Energy Services (US) LLC FERC Electric Tariff First Revised Volume No. 1
Atlantic Renewable Projects II LLC Atlantic Renewables II MBR Tariffs
Atmos Energy - Kentucky/Mid-States Division Kentucky/Mid States SOC
Atmos Energy Corporation Atmos Energy Colorado/Kansas Division SOC
Atmos Pipeline-Texas Atmos Pipeline-Texas SOC and Rate Summary
ATO Power, Inc. Initial Tariff
Auburndale Peaker Energy Center, L.L.C. FERC Electric Tariffs
Aurora Generation, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
AV Solar Ranch 1, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
AV Solar Ranch 1, LLC Agreements
Avalon Solar Partners II LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Avalon Solar Partners, LLC Market Based Rate Application
Avangrid Arizona Renewables, LLC Dry Lake MBR Tariffs
Avangrid Renewables, LLC Iberdrola Renewables MBR Tariffs
Avangrid Renewables, LLC Wind Balancing Service Tariff
Avenal Park LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Avista Corporation MBR and Other Tariffs
Avista Corporation FERC Electric Tariff Volume No. 8
Axpo U.S. LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
B-R Pipeline Company Part 284 Tariff
Backbone Mountain Windpower LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Backyard Farms Energy LLC MBR Tariff
Baconton Power LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Badger Creek Limited MBR Tariff
Badger Windpower, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Bakken Pipeline Company LP Oil Pipeline Tariffs
BakkenLink Pipeline LLC Rules and Regulations and Transportation Rates for Crude Petroleum
Balance Power Systems, LLC Electric Tariff, Balance Power Systems, LLC
Baldwin Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Balko Wind Transmission, LLC Balko Wind Transmission, LLC Transmission Tariff
Balko Wind, LLC Balko Wind, LLC
Baltimore Gas and Electric Company Baltimore Gas and Electric Company MBR Tariff
Baltimore Power Company LLC Market Based Rates
Banner Transportation Company L.L.C. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Barclays Bank PLC Market Based Rates Tariff
Barclays Capital Energy Inc. Market Based Rates Tariff
Bargain Energy, LLC Bargain Energy, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Barton Windpower LLC Barton Windpower MBR Tariffs
Bartram Lane LLC Market Based Rates Tariff
Basin Creek Equity Partners, L.L.C. FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
Baton Rouge Pipeline LLC Tariffs
Battery Utility of Ohio, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Bay Gas Storage Company, Ltd. Bay Gas Storage Company Statement of Operating Conditions
Bayonne Energy Center, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Bayonne Plant Holding, L.L.C. Bayonne Plant Holding MBR and Reactive Power Tariffs
Bayou Bridge Pipeline LLC Crude Oil Pipeline Tariff
Bayou Cove Peaking Power, LLC Bayou Cove Peaking Power LLC
Bayshore Solar A, LLC Shared Facilities Agreement
Bayshore Solar B, LLC Shared Facilities Agreement
Bayshore Solar C, LLC Shared Facilities Agreement
Bayswater Peaking Facility, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
BC Landfill Energy, LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
BE Alabama LLC BE Alabama LLC, FERC Electric Tariff
BE Allegheny LLC BE Allegheny LLC, FERC Electric Tariff
BE CA LLC BE CA LLC, FERC Electric Tariff
BE Ironwood LLC BE Ironwood LLC, FERC Electric Tariff
BE KJ LLC BE KJ LLC, FERC Electric Tariff
BE Louisiana LLC BE Louisiana LLC FERC Electric Tariff
BE Rayle LLC BE Rayle LLC, FERC Electric Tariff, First Revised Volume No.1
Beacom Energy, Inc. Market Based Rates
Beacon Solar 1, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Beacon Solar 3, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Beacon Solar 4, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Bear Creek Storage Company, L.L.C. Bear Creek FERC Tariff Volume 1
Bear Mountain Limited MBR Tariff
Bear Swamp Power Company LLC Bear Swamp Power Company LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Beaver Dam Energy LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Beaver Falls, L.L.C. Market Based Rates
Beaver Falls, L.L.C. WPS Beaver Falls Generation Tariff Database
Beaver Ridge Wind, LLC Beaver Ridge Baseline Tariff
Beaver Ridge Wind, LLC BeaverRidgeTariff.pdf
Beebe 1B Renewable Energy, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Beebe Renewable Energy, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Beech Ridge Energy II LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Beech Ridge Energy LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Beech Ridge Energy LLC FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
Beech Ridge Energy Storage LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Beethoven Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Bell Independent Power Market Based Rate Tariff
Belle Fourche Pipeline Company Belle Fourche Tariff Database
Belle Rose NGL Pipeline, L.L.C. Tariffs
Bellevue Solar, LLC Bellevue Solar, LLC, FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 1
Bendwind, LLC Tariff Database
Bengal Pipeline Company LLC Product Pipeline Tariffs
Benson Power, LLC MBR Tariff
Benton County Wind Farm LLC Benton County Wind Farm LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Berkshire Power Company, LLC Berkshire Power Company, LLC FERC Electric Rate Schedule No. 1
Berry Petroleum Company, LLC Market-Based Rate Wholesale Power Sales Tariff
Bethel Wind Energy LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Bethel Wind Farm LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Bethlehem Renewable Energy, LLC Bethlehem Renewable Energy Tariff Database
Bethpage Energy Center 3, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
BETM Solutions LLC Tariff Database
BFE Scheduling, LLC BFE Scheduling LLC Tariff
BFE Scheduling, LLC BFE Scheduling LLC Tariff
BG Energy Merchants, LLC BG Energy Merchants, LLC
Bicent (California) Malburg LLC Bicent (California) Malburg MBR Tariff
BIF II Safe Harbor Holdings, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
BIF III Holtwood LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 1
Big Blue Wind Farm, LLC Big Blue Wind Farm, LLC
Big Cajun I Peaking Power LLC Big Cajun I Peaking Power LLC
Big Horn II Wind Project LLC Big Horn II MBR Tariffs
Big Horn Wind Project LLC Big Horn MBR Tariffs
Big Sandy Peaker Plant, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Big Sandy Pipeline, LLC Big Sandy Database 2
Big Sandy Pipeline, LLC Tariffs
Big Savage, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Big Sky Wind, LLC Tariff Database
Big Turtle Interconnection, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Big Turtle Wind Farm, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Binghamton BOP LLC Binghamton BOP LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Biofuels Washington, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
BioUrja Power, LLC BioUrja Power, LLC MBR Tariff
Birchwood Power Partners, L.P. Birchwood Market Based Rate Tariff
Bishop Hill Energy II LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Bishop Hill Energy III LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Bishop Hill Energy LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Bishop Hill Interconnection LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Bison Pipeline LLC Bison Tariffs
Bison Solar LLC Bison Solar LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
BITH Energy, Inc. Market Based Rates
BITH Solar 1, LLC Market Based Rates
BIV Generation Company, L.L.C. BIV Generation Company, L.L.C. MBR Tariff
BJ Energy, LLC BJ Energy, LLC, FERC Electric MBR Tariff No. 1
BKEP Pipeline, L.L.C. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
BKEP Pipeline, L.P. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Black Bear Development Holdings, LLC MBR Tariff
Black Bear Hydro Partners, LLC Black Bear Hydro Partners, LLC MBR Tariff
Black Bear SO, LLC Black Bear SO, LLC MBR Tariff
Black Hills Colorado IPP, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff of Black Hills Colorado IPP, LLC
Black Hills Energy Arkansas, Inc. Statement of Operating Conditions of Arkansas Western Gas Company
Black Hills Gas Distribution LLC Statement of Operating Conditions of SourceGas Distribution LLC
Black Hills Power, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff of Black Hills Power, Inc.
Black Hills Power, Inc. Open Access Transmission Tariff of Black Hills Power, Inc.
Black Hills Power, Inc. Spinning Reserve Service Agreement
Black Hills Power, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Black Hills Power, Inc. Joint Open Access Transmission Tariff
Black Hills Power, Inc. Agreements and Rate Schedules
Black Hills Shoshone Pipeline, LLC FERC Gas Tariff
Black Hills Wyoming, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff of Black Hills Wyoming, LLC
Black Hills/Colorado Electric Utility Company, LP Market-Based Rate Tariff of Black Hills/Colorado Electric Utility Company, LP
Black Hills/Colorado Electric Utility Company, LP Black Hills/Colorado Electric Utility Company, LP, WestConnect Participation
Black Hills/Colorado Electric Utility Company, LP Open Access Transmission Tariff of Black Hills/Colorado Electric Utility Company, LP
Black Hills/Colorado Electric Utility Company, LP Agreements and Rate Schedules
Black Lake Pipeline Company Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Black Marlin Pipeline Company Second Revised Volume No. 1
Black Oak Capital, LLC Market Based Rates
Black Oak Energy, LLC Black Oak Energy, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff No. 1
Black Oak Wind, LLC Black Oak Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Black River Commodity Energy Fund LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Black River Hydroelectric, LLC Northbrook New York, LLC FERC Electric Tariff No. 2
Black River Macro Discretionary Fund Ltd. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Blackstone Wind Farm II LLC Blackstone Wind Farm II LLC MBR Tariff
Blackstone Wind Farm, LLC Blackstone Wind Farm, LLC MBR Tariff
Blackwell Solar, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1
Blackwell Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate
BluCo Energy LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
BluCo Energy LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Blue Canyon Windpower II LLC Blue Canyon Windpower II LLC MBR Tariff
Blue Canyon Windpower LLC Blue Canyon Windpower LLC MBR Tariff
Blue Canyon Windpower V LLC Blue Canyon Windpower V LLC MBR Tariff
Blue Canyon Windpower VI LLC Blue Canyon Windpower VI LLC MBR Tariff
Blue Creek Wind Farm LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Blue Cube Operations LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Blue Dolphin Pipe Line Company Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Blue Lake Gas Storage Company Blue Lake Tariffs
Blue Pilot Energy, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Blue Racer NGL Pipelines, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Blue Sky East, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Blue Sky West, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
BlueChip Energy LLC MBR Tariff
Bluegrass Generation Company, L.L.C. FERC Electric Tariffs
BlueRock Energy, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Bluesource Energy LLC Tariff Provisions for MBR Bluesource Energy LLC
Bluestem Wind Energy, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Bluewater Gas Storage, LLC Bluewater Gas Storage, LLC, FERC Gas Tariff, First Revised Volume No. 1
Blythe Energy Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Blythe Solar 110, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Blythe Solar II, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
BNP Paribas Energy Trading GP BNP Paribas Energy Trading GP, Vol. 1 (Market-Based)
Boardwalk Storage Company, LLC PetroLogistics FERC Gas Tariff Vol. 1
Boardwalk Storage Company, LLC Tariffs
Bobcat Gas Storage Bobcat Database 1
BOE Pipeline, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Bonneville Power Administration BP-14 Power and Transmission Rate Schedules
Bonneville Power Administration Tariffs
Border Energy Electric Services, Inc. Border Energy Electric Services, Inc.
Border Winds Energy, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Boston Energy Trading and Marketing LLC Tariff Database
Boston Gas Company Statement of Operating Conditions
Boulder Solar II, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Service Agreements
Boulder Solar III, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Service Agreements
Boulder Solar Power, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Bounce Energy NY, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Bounce Energy PA, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
BP Energy Company Market-Based Rate Tariff of BP Energy Company
BP Oil Pipeline Company Oil Pipeline Tariffs
BP Pipelines (Alaska) Inc. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
BP Pipelines (North America) Inc. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
BP Transportation (Alaska) Inc. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
BP West Coast Products LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff of BP West Coast Products LLC
Brady Interconnection, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Brady Interconnection, LLC Shared Facilities Agreements
Brady Wind II, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Brady Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Brandon Shores LLC Tariff Database
Brandon Shores LLC Brandon Shores MBR Tariff
Brayton Point Energy, LLC DEBP - DB
Brayton Point Energy, LLC Single Market-Based Rate Tariff
Brea Generation LLC Brea Generation LLC MBR Tariff
Brea Power II, LLC Brea Power II LLC MBR Tariff
Breadbasket LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Breckinridge Wind Project, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
BREG Aggregator LLC Market-Based Authorization Tariff
BreitBurn Operating L.P. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Bridgeline Holdings, L.P. Statement of Operating Conditions for Transportation and Storage Services
Bridgeport Energy LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Bridger Pipeline LLC Bridger Pipeline LLC Tariff Database
BridgeTex Pipeline Company, LLC BridgeTex Pipeline Company, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Broad River Energy LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Broadview Energy JN, LLC Tariffs and Agreements
Broadview Energy KW, LLC Tariffs and Agreements
Broken Bow Wind II, LLC Broken Bow Wind II, LLC FERC Electric Tariff No. 1 Market Based Rate Tariff
Broken Bow Wind, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Brookfield Energy Marketing Inc. Brookfield Energy Marketing Inc. Market-Based Rate Tarriff
Brookfield Energy Marketing LP FERC Electric Tariff
Brookfield Energy Marketing US LLC Brookfield Energy Marketing US LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Brookfield Power Piney & Deep Creek LLC Brookfield Power Piney & Deep Creek LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Brookfield Renewable Energy Marketing US LLC Brookfield Renewable Energy Marketing US LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Brookfield Smoky Mountain Hydropower LLC Brookfield Smoky Mountain Hydropower LLC, FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
Brookfield White Pine Hydro LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Brooklyn Navy Yard Cogeneration Partners, L.P. Brooklyn Navy Yard Cogeneration Partners, L.P. Rate Schedule FERC No. 3
Brown's Energy Services, LLC Brown's Energy Services, LLC
Bruce Power Inc. Bruce Power Inc. MBR Tariff
Brunner Island, LLC FERC Electric Tariff Original Volume No. 1
Brunswick Cellulose LLC Georgia-Pacific Entities
Buchanan Generation, LLC Buchanan Generation, LLC Market Rate Tariff
Buckeye Linden Pipe Line Company LLC Buckeye Linden Petroleum Products Tariff
Buckeye Pipe Line Company, L.P. Buckeye Market-Base Rates Tariff
Buckeye Pipe Line Transportation LLC Buckeye Pipe Line Transportation Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Buckeye Power, Inc. Buckeye Power Inc, Reactive Supply Rate Schedule - Mone
Buckeye Power, Inc. Buckeye Power, Inc. Reactive Supply Rate Schedule
Buckeye Wind Energy LLC Rate Schedule and Tariffs
Bucksport Generation LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Bucksport Mill LLC Verso Bucksport LLC
Buena Vista Energy, LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Buffalo Dunes Wind Project, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Buffalo Ridge I LLC Buffalo Ridge I MBR Tariffs
Buffalo Ridge II LLC Buffalo Ridge II MBR Tariffs
Burgess Biopower LLC Market Based Rates
Burgess Capital LLC Market Based Rates Tariff
Burgess Capital LLC Burgess Capital LLC Market Based Tariff
Burley Butte Wind Park, LLC Burley Butte Wind Park, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 1
Butler Ridge Wind Energy Center, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Butte Pipe Line Company Butte Pipe Line Company Database
Buy Energy Direct LLC market rate based tarrif
C.P. Crane LLC CP Crane MBR Tariff
C2K Energy, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Cabazon Wind Partners, LLC Cabazon Wind Partners, LLC MBR Tariff
Cabrillo Power I LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Cabrillo Power I LLC Cabrillo Power I LLC
Cabrillo Power II LLC Cabrollo Power II, LLC
Cabrillo Power II LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Cactus Energy LLC Market Based Rates
Caddo Pipeline LLC aa Caddo Pipeline LLC
Cadeville Gas Storage LLC Cadeville Gas Storage Tariff
Cadillac Renewable Energy LLC Cadillac Renewable Energy LLC MBR Tariff
Caerus Energy, LLC Caerus Energy, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Caillou Boca Gathering, L.L.C. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Caillou Boca Gathering, L.L.C. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Caithness Long Island, LLC Caithness Long Island, LLC MBR Tariff
Caledonia Energy Partners, L.L.C. Caledonia Energy Partners Baseline Tariff
CalEnergy, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Calhoun Power Company, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Caliber Bear Den Interconnect LLC Oil Pipeline Tariff
Caliber North Dakota LLC Oil Pipeline Tariff
California Clean Power Corp. Market-Based Rate Tariff
California Clean Power Corp. California Clean Power Corp. Initial Market-Based Rate Tariff
California Electric Marketing, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
California Independent System Operator Corporation CAISO Non-Conforming Service Agreements
California Independent System Operator Corporation CAISO eTariff
California Independent System Operator Corporation CAISO Rate Schedules
California Power Exchange Corporation California Power Exchange Tariff Database
California Power Holdings, LLC California Power Holdings, LLC
California Ridge Wind Energy LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Calnev Pipe Line LLC Calnev Tariff Database
CalPeak Power - Border LLC CalPeak Power - Border LLC
CalPeak Power - Enterprise LLC CalPeak Power - Enterprise LLC
CalPeak Power - Panoche LLC CalPeak Power - Panoche LLC
CalPeak Power - Vaca Dixon LLC CalPeak Power - Vaca Dixon LLC
CalPeak Power LLC CalPeak Power LLC
Calpine Bethlehem, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Calpine Construction Finance Company, L.P. FERC Electric Tariffs
Calpine Energy Services, L.P. FERC Electric Tariffs
Calpine Fore River Energy Center, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Calpine Gilroy Cogen, L.P. FERC Electric Tariffs
Calpine Greenleaf, Inc. FERC Electric Tariffs
Calpine Mid Merit, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Calpine Mid-Atlantic Generation, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Calpine Mid-Atlantic Marketing, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Calpine New Jersey Generation, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Calpine Newark, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Calpine Power America - CA, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Calpine Texas Pipeline, L.P. FERC Gas Tariffs
Calpine Vineland Solar, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Calumet Energy Team, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff of Calumet Energy Team, LLC
Calumet Energy Team, LLC Tariff Database
Calumet Pipeline Transportation, LLC Calumet Refined Petroleum Products Tariff
Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, LLC Calvert Cliffs MBR Tariff
Cambria CoGen Company Cambria CoGen Company FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
Camden County Energy Recovery Associates, L.P. Foster Wheeler Market Based Rate Tariffs
Camden Plant Holding, L.L.C. Camden Plant Holding, L.L.C. MBR and Reactive Power Tariffs
Cameron Interstate Pipeline, LLC Cameron Interstate Pipeline, LLC FERC Gas Tariff
Cameron Ridge II, LLC Market Based Rates
Cameron Ridge, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Camp Grove Wind Farm LLC Camp Grove Wind Farm LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Camp Reed Wind Park, LLC Camp Reed Wind Park, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 1
Campbell County Wind Farm, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Campo Verde Solar, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Canadian Hills Wind, LLC Canadian Hills Wind, LLC
Canadian Wood Products-Montreal, Inc. Canadian Wood Products-Montreal Inc. Tariff
Canandaigua Power Partners II, LLC Canandaigua Power Partners II MBR Baseline
Canandaigua Power Partners, LLC Canandaigua Power Partners MBR Baseline
Canandaigua Power Partners, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Canastota Windpower, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Caney River Wind Project, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Capacity Markets Partners, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Capital Energy LLC Market Based Rates
Capitol District Energy Center Cogeneration Associ FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
Caprock Solar I LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Caprock Wind LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Cargill Power Markets, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff of Cargill Power Markets, LLC
Carousel Wind Farm, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Carr Street Generating Station, L.P. Carr Street Generating Station, L.P. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Carson Cogeneration Company LP Market-Based Rate Tariff
Carthage Energy, LLC Carthage Energy, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Carville Energy LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Casco Bay Energy Company, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Casselman Windpower LLC Casselman MBR Tariffs
Cassia Gulch Wind Park, LLC Tariff Database
Castlebridge Energy Group LLC Market Based Rates
Castleton Commodities Merchant Trading L.P. Market-Based Rates Tariff
Castleton Energy Services, LLC Castleton Energy Services, LLC
Castleton Power, LLC Castleton Power, LLC
Catalina Solar 2, LLC Tariffs and Rate Schedules
Catalina Solar Lessee, LLC Catalina Solar Lessee Tariffs and Rate Schedules
Catalina Solar, LLC Catalina Solar Tariffs and Rate Schedules
Catalyst Paper Operations Inc. FERC Electric Tariff
Cayuga Operating Company, LLC Cayuga Rate Schedule
CCFC Sutter Energy, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
CCPS Transportation, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
CCR Pipeline, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
CE Leathers Company FERC Electric MBR Tariff
CED Atwell Island West, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
CED Corcoran Solar 2, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
CED Corcoran Solar, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
CED Ducor Solar 1, LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
CED Ducor Solar 2, LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
CED Ducor Solar 3, LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
CED Ducor Solar 4, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
CED White River Solar 2, L.L.C. Market-Based Rate Tariff
CED White River Solar 2, L.L.C. Rate Schedules and Tariffs
CED White River Solar, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Cedar Bluff Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Cedar Brakes I, L.L.C. Cedar Brakes I, LLC, Second Revised Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
Cedar Brakes II, L.L.C. Cedar Brakes II LLC, Second Revised Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
Cedar Creek II, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff of Cedar Creek II, LLC
Cedar Creek Wind Energy, LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Cedar Point Wind, LLC Tariff Database
Cedars Rapids Transmission Company Limited Cedars Rapids Transmission Company Limited
Celerity Energy Partners San Diego LLC Celerity Energy Partners San Diego LLC MBR Tariff
Celesta Energy, Inc. Celesta Energy, Inc. Market Based Rate Tariff
Cenex Pipeline, LLC Cenex Pipeline, LLC Local Tariff Applying on Petroleum Products
Cenex Pipeline, LLC Cenex Pipeline, LLC Local Tariff Applying on Petroleum Products
Censtar Energy Corp. Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Censtar Energy Corp. FERC Electric Tariff
Censtar Operating Company, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Centana Intrastate Pipeline, LLC Statement of Operating Conditions for Transportation Service
Centana Intrastate Pipeline, LLC Statement of Operating Conditions for Storage Service
Centennial Pipeline LLC Oil PipelineTariffs
CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC TFO Tariff, Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
Centinela Solar Energy, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Centra Pipelines Minnesota Inc. FERC Gas Tariff No. 1
Central Antelope Dry Ranch C LLC Agreements
Central Antelope Dry Ranch C LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation
Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation Interconnection Agreement No. 260
Central Kentucky Transmission Company Central Kentucky Tariffs
Central Maine Power Company CMP Market-Based Rate Tariff
Central Maine Power Company Central Maine Power Company - Agreements and Contracts
Central Power & Lime LLC Central Power & Lime LLC, Rate Schedule FERC No.1
Centre Lane Trading Ltd. Centre Lane Trading Limited FERC Electric Tarrif
Centurion Pipeline L.P. Centurion Pipeline L.P. Tariff Database
Century Marketer LLC MBRA Tariff
CEP&G LLC CEP&G LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
CER Generation, LLC CER Generation, LLC
CES Marketing IX, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
CES Marketing X, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
CES Placerita, Incorporated AES Placerita, Incorporated, Volume 1 (Market-Based)
Chalk Cliff Limited MBR Tariff
Chambers Cogeneration, Limited Partnership Chambers Cogeneration, Limited Partnership MBR Tariff
Champion Energy Marketing LLC Market Based Rates Tariff
Champion Energy Services, LLC Market Based Rates Tariff
Champion Energy, LLC Market Based Rates Tariff
Chanarambie Power Partners, LLC Chanarambie Power Partners, LLC, FERC Electric Tariff, First Revised Volume No. 1
Chandeleur Pipe Line, LLC Third Revised Volume No. 1 FERC Gas Tariff
Chandler Wind Partners, LLC Chandler Wind Partners, LLC MBR Tariff
Chaparral Pipeline Company, LLC Tariffs
Chaves County Solar, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Chaves County Solar, LLC Agreements
Cheniere Creole Trail Pipeline, L.P. Baseline Tariff
Cherokee County Cogeneration Partners, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Chesapeake Renewable Energy LLC Market Based Rates
Chestnut Flats Lessee, LLC Chestnut Flats Lessee Tariffs and Rate Schedules
Chestnut Flats Wind, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Chevron Pipe Line Company Oil Pipe Line Tariffs
Chevron Power Holdings Inc. MBR Tariff
Chevron U.S.A. Inc. Market Based Rates
Cheyenne Light, Fuel and Power Company Open Access Transmission Tariff
Cheyenne Light, Fuel and Power Company Market-Based Rate Tariff of Cheyenne Light, Fuel and Power Company
Cheyenne Light, Fuel and Power Company Agreements and Rate Schedules
Cheyenne Pipeline LLC Cheyenne Pipeline Tariff
Cheyenne Plains Gas Pipeline Company, L.L.C. CPG Tariffs
Chicap Pipe Line Company Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Chief Conemaugh Power, LLC MBR Tariff
Chief Conemaugh Power, LLC Reactive Power Tariff
Chief Energy Power LLC Chief Energy Power Market-Based Rate Tariff
Chief Keystone Power, LLC MBR Tariff
Chief Keystone Power, LLC Reactive Power Tariff
Chisholm Pipeline Company Chisholm Pipeline Tariffs
Chisholm View Wind Project II, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Chisholm View Wind Project, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Chisholm View Wind Project, LLC Agreements
Choctaw Generation Limited Partnership Choctaw Generation MBR Tariff (Rate Schedule FERC No. 1)
Choice Energy, LLC Market-Rate Based Tariff
Chubu TT Energy Management Inc. MBR Tariff
Chula Vista Energy Center, LLC Chula Vista Energy Center, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Chunchula Pipeline Company, LLC Tariffs
Cianbro Energy, LLC Baseline Tariff
CID Solar, LLC Tariffs and Agreements
Cimarron Bend Assets, LLC Agreements
Cimarron Bend Wind Project I, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Cimarron River Pipeline, LLC Cimarron River Pipeline FERC Gas Tariff
Cimarron Wind Energy, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Cimarron Wind Energy, LLC Market-Based Rate
Cimarron Windpower II, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
CinCap V, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Cincinnati Bell Energy LLC Viridian Energy NJ LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Cirrus Wind 1, LLC MBR Tariff
CITGO Pipeline Company Crude Pipeline Tariffs - Sour Lake
CITGO Products Pipeline Company Eagle Pipeline System
CITGO Products Pipeline Company Products LPG Tariffs - Lakemont
Citigroup Energy Canada ULC Citigroup Energy Canada ULC MBR Tariff
Citigroup Energy Inc. Citigroup Energy Inc. MBR Tariff
Citizens Choice Energy, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Citizens Sunrise Transmission LLC TO Tariff
Citizens' Electric Company of Lewisburg, PA MBRA Tariff
City of Anaheim, California TO Tariff
City of Azusa, California TO Tariff
City of Banning, California TO Tariff
City of Colton, California TO Tariff
City of Pasadena, California TO Tariff
City of Riverside, California TO Tariff
City of Vernon, California City of Vernon Transmission Owner Tariff
City Point Energy Center, LLC Market Based Rates
City Power Marketing, LLC City Power MBR Tariff
CL Power Sales Eight, L.L.C. Tariff Database
CleanChoice Energy, Inc. Ethical Electric Benefit Co. Market Based Rate Authority Filing
CleanChoice Energy, Inc. FERC Electric Tariff
Clear Choice Energy, LLC Market Based Rates
Clear Creek Storage Company, L.L.C. Tariffs
Cleco Evangeline LLC Cleco Evangeline MBR
Cleco Power LLC Cleco Power LLC OATT
Cleco Power LLC Rate Schedule 10
Cleco Power LLC Cleco Power LLC Market Based Rated Tariff
Cleco Power LLC Cleco Power LLC Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Cleco Power LLC LEPA Service Agreements
Clinton Battery Utility, LLC FERC MBR Electric Tariff
Cloud County Wind Farm, LLC Cloud County Wind Farm, LLC MBR Tariff
CMS Energy Resource Management Company CMS Energy Resource Management Company ("CMS ERM") FERC Schedule NO. 1 Electric Tariff
CMS Generation Michigan Power, LLC CMS Generation Michigan Power LLC FERC Schedule No. 1 Electric Tariff
CNR Energy LLC CNR Energy LLC MBR Authority Filing
Coalinga Cogeneration Company Tariff Database
Cobb Electric Membership Corporation Cobb Electric Membership MBR Tariff
Cobra Pipeline Ltd. Cobra Pipeline Ltd
Cogen Technologies Linden Venture, L.P. Cogen Technologies Linden Venture Market Based Rate Tariff
Cogentrix of Alamosa, LLC Market-Based Tariff
Cogentrix Virginia Financing Holding Company, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Collegiate Clean Energy, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Collins Pipeline Company PETROLEUM PRODUCTS
Colonial Eagle Solar, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Colonial Pipeline Company Product Pipeline Tariffs
Colorado Green Holdings LLC Colorado Green Holdings MBR Tariffs
Colorado Highlands Wind, LLC MBR Tariff
Colorado Interstate Gas Company, L.L.C. CIG Tariffs
Colorado Power Partners Colorado Power Partners MBR Tariff
Colton Power L.P. Colton Power L.P. Baseline MBR
Columbia Energy LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. Tariffs
Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. Tariffs
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC Baseline Tariffs
Columbia Gulf Transmission, LLC Columbia Gulf Tariffs
Columbia Utilities Power, LLC Columbia Utilities Power FERC Electric Tariff
Comanche Solar PV, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Combined Locks Energy Center, LLC Combined Locks Energy Center Tariff Database
Command Power Corp. Market Based Rate Tariff
Commerce Energy, Inc. Market Based Rates Tariff
Commercial Energy of Montana Inc. Market Based Rates Tariff
Commonwealth Chesapeake Company LLC Commonwealth Chesapeake Company LLC
Commonwealth Edison Company FERC Power Sales and Reassignment of Transmission
Commonwealth Edison Company FERC Market Based Rates Tariff
Community Energy, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Community Wind North 1 LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Community Wind North 10 LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Community Wind North 11 LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Community Wind North 13 LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Community Wind North 15 LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Community Wind North 2 LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Community Wind North 3 LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Community Wind North 5 LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Community Wind North 6 LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Community Wind North 7 LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Community Wind North 8 LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Community Wind North 9 LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Community Wind North, LLC Jurisdictional Agreement
Competitive Energy Services, LLC Competitive Energy Tariff
Competitive Energy Services, LLC Competitive Energy Market Based Authorization
Conch Energy Trading, LLC Market Based Rates Tariff
Condon Wind Power, LLC Condon Wind Power, LLC, Volume 1 (Market-Based)
Conemaugh Power LLC Conemaugh Power LLC
Conetoe II Solar, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Connecticut Gas & Electric, Inc. Connecticut Gas & Electric, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Connecticut Jet Power LLC Connecticut Jet Power LLC
Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company Rate Schedules
Conoco Offshore Pipe Line Company Conoco Offshore Pipe Line Company Tariffs
ConocoPhillips Company Market Based Rates Tariff
ConocoPhillips Pipe Line Company ConocoPhillips Pipe Line Tariffs
ConocoPhillips Transportation Alaska, Inc. ConocoPhillips Transportation Alaska, Inc. Tariffs
Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. Open Access Transmission Tariff and Related Service Agreements
Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. Other Service Agreements and Rate Schedules
Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. FERC Market Based Rates Tariff
Consolidated Edison Energy, Inc. FERC Market Based Rates Tariff
Consolidated Edison Solutions, Inc. FERC Market Based Rates Tariff
Consolidated Power Co., LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Consolidated Water Power Company Consolidated Water Power Company Market-Based Rate Tariff
Constellation Energy Commodities Group Maine, LLC Constellation Energy Commodities Group Maine, LLC
Constellation Energy Services of New York, Inc. Integrys Energy Services of New York Tariff Database
Constellation Energy Services of New York, Inc. FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Constellation Energy Services, Inc. Integrys Energy Services Tariff Database
Constellation Energy Services, Inc. FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Constellation Mystic Power, LLC Constellation Mystic Power, LLC
Constellation NewEnergy, Inc. Constellation NewEnergy, Inc.
Constellation Power Source Generation, LLC Constellation Power Source Generation, Inc.
Constellation Power Source Generation, LLC Tariffs and Rate Schedules
Consumers Energy Company Tariffs and Agreements
Consumers Energy Company FERC Electric Tariff Original Volume No. 7
Continental Electric Cooperative Services, Inc. Market Based Rates
Continuum Retail Energy Services, L.L.C. MBR Tariff Filing
Convergent Energy and Power Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Coolidge Power LLC Coolidge Power LLC - Market Based Rate Schedule
Cooperative Energy Incorporated (An Electric Membe CEI MBR Tariff
Copano Pipelines/Upper Gulf Coast LLC Statement of Operating Conditions
Copper Mountain Solar 1, LLC Copper Mountain Solar 1, LLC FERC Electric Tariff No. 1 Market-Based Rates Tariff
Copper Mountain Solar 2, LLC Copper Mountain Solar 2, LLC FERC Electric Tariff No. 1 Market-Based Rates Tariff
Copper Mountain Solar 3, LLC Copper Mountain Solar 3, LLC FERC Electric Tariff No. 1 Market-Based Rates Tariff
Copper Mountain Solar 4, LLC Copper Mountain Solar 4, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Copper Mountain Solar 4, LLC Copper Mountain Solar 4, LLC Agreements
Coram California Development, L.P. FERC Electric Tariffs
Cordova Energy Company LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Corning Natural Gas Corporation Corning Natural Gas Corporation
Corning Natural Gas Corporation Corning Natural Gas Corporation
Cosima Energy, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Coso Geothermal Power Holdings, LLC Coso Geothermal Power Holdings, LLC MBR Tariff
Cotton Valley Compression, L.L.C. FERC Gas Tariff, First Revised Volume No. 1
Cottonwood Creek, Inc. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Cottonwood Energy Company LP FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
Cottonwood Solar, LLC Tariffs and Agreements
Covanta Delano, Inc. Covanta Delano Market-Based Rate Tariff
Covanta Delaware Valley, L.P. Covanta Delaware Valley Market-Based Rate Tariff
Covanta Energy Marketing LLC Covanta Marketing Market-Based Rate Tariff
Covanta Essex Company Covanta Essex Market-Based Rate Tariff
Covanta Fairfax, Inc. Tariff and Agreements
Covanta Haverhill Associates, LP Market-Based Rate Tariff
Covanta Hempstead Company Covanta Hempstead Market-Based Rate Tariff
Covanta Maine, LLC Covanta Maine Market-Based Rate Tariff
Covanta Niagara, L.P. Covanta Niagara Market-Based Rate Tariff
Covanta Plymouth Renewable Energy Limited Partners Covanta Plymouth Market-Based Rate Tariff
Covanta Power, LLC Covanta Power Market-Based Rate Tariff
Covanta Union, LLC Covanta Union Market-Based Rate Tariff
Cow Branch Wind Power, LLC Tariff Database
Coyote Canyon Energy LLC Coyote Canyon Energy, LLC FERC Electric Tariff Volume No. 1
CP Energy Marketing (US) Inc. FERC Electric Tariff Original Vol. No. 1
CP Power Sales Nineteen, L.L.C. Tariff Database
CP Power Sales Seventeen, L.L.C. Tariff Database
CP Power Sales Twenty, L.L.C. Tariff Database
CPI USA North Carolina LLC FERC Electric Tariff First Revised Volume No. 1
CPN Bethpage 3rd Turbine, Inc. FERC Electric Tariffs
CPV Biomass Holdings, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
CPV Keenan II Renewable Energy Company, LLC FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
CPV Maryland, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
CPV Shore, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
CPV Towantic, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
CPV Valley, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
CR Clearing, LLC Tariff Database
Cranberry Pipeline Corporation FERC NGPA Gas Tariff
Craven County Wood Energy Limited Partnership Craven County Wood Energy Limited Partnership FERC Schedule No. 1 Electric Tariff
Crawfordsville Energy, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff No 1
Credit Suisse Energy, LLC Credit Suisse Energy LLC
Creed Energy Center, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Crescent Ridge LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Crete Energy Venture, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Crimson Gulf, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Criterion Power Partners, LLC Criterion Power Partners, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Criterion Power Partners, LLC Agreements
Crofton Bluffs Wind, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Cross Border Energy LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Cross Timbers Energy, LLC Oil Tariff
Crossroads Pipeline Company Crossroads Tariffs
Crosswind Transmission, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Crystal Lake Wind II, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Crystal Lake Wind III, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Crystal Lake Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
CSOLAR IV South, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
CSOLAR IV West, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
CSW Energy Services, Inc. Rate Schedule FERC No. 1 Market Based Rate
Cube Yadkin Generation LLC MBR Tariff
Current Power & Gas Inc. FERC Electric Tariff
CXA Sundevil I, Inc. Market Based Rate Tariff
CXA Sundevil II, Inc. Market Based Rate Tariff
Cypress Gas Pipeline, LLC NGPA GAS
Cypress Interstate Pipeline LLC Cypress LLC Tariff Database
Cypress Pipeline Company LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
D & L Harris and Associates D_L Harris and Assoc Tariff
Dairyland Power Cooperative Supply and Voltage Control from Generation Sources
Dairyland Power Cooperative Dairyland Power Cooperative Tariff Database
Dakota Energy Connection, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariff
DanMar Transmission, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Danskammer Energy, LLC Danskammer Market-Based Rate Tariff
Darby Power, LLC FERC Electric Tariff - Darby
Dartmouth Power Associates Limited Partnership Dartmouth Power Associates Limited Partnership MBR Tariff
DATC Midwest Holdings, LLC Rate Schedules
DATC Path 15, LLC Atlantic Path 15 LLC
Dauphin Island Gathering Partners Dauphin Island FERC Gas Tariff
Day County Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
DB Energy Trading LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
DBM Pipeline, LLC FERC NGA Gas Tariff
DC Energy California, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1
DC Energy Dakota, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1
DC Energy Mid-Atlantic, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1
DC Energy Midwest, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1
DC Energy New England, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1
DC Energy New York, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1
DC Energy Texas, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1
DC Energy, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1
DCP Guadalupe Pipeline, LLC Statement of Operating Conditions for Transportation Service
DCP Intrastate Network, LLC Statement of Operating Conditions
DCP Raptor Pipeline, LLC Statement of Operating Conditions for Transportation Service
DCP Sand Hills Interstate Pipeline, LLC DCP Sand Hills Interstate NGL Tariffs
DCP Southern Hills Pipeline, LLC Southern Hills Oil Tariffs
DCP Wattenberg Pipeline LLC DCP Wattenberg NGL Tariffs
Dearborn Industrial Generation, L.L.C. Dearborn Industrial Generation, LLC FERC Electric Rate Schedule No. 1 Tariff
Decatur Energy Center, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Deepwater Wind Block Island, LLC MBR Tariff
Deerfield Wind Energy, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
DeGreeff DP, LLC Tariff Database
DeGreeffpa, LLC Tariff Database
Del Ranch Company FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Delano Energy Center, LLC Wellhead Power Delano, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Delaware City Refining Company LLC Market Based Rates Tariff
Delaware Municipal Electric Corporation, Inc. Delaware Municipal Electric Corporation, Inc. Initial Rate Schedule
Delaware Pipeline Company LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Delmarva Power & Light Company Delmarva Power Market Based Rate Tariff Database
Delmarva Power & Light Company Delmarva Rate Schedules and Agreements
Delta Energy Center, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Dempsey Ridge Wind Farm, LLC FERC Market-Based Rate Tariff
DES Wholesale, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Deseret Generation & Transmission Co-operative, In Open Access Transmission Tariff
Deseret Generation & Transmission Co-operative, In Rate Schedules and Other Agreements
Deseret Generation & Transmission Co-operative, In Market Based Rate Tariff
Desert Stateline LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Desert Sunlight 250, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Desert Sunlight 250, LLC Agreements
Desert Sunlight 300, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Desert View Power LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Desert View Power LLC PPA with SCE
Desert Wind Farm LLC Market Based Rates
DesertLink, LLC Transmission Rates
DeSoto County Generating Company, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Destin Pipeline Company, L.L.C. Gas Tariff
Devon Power LLC Devon Power LLC
Devonshire Energy LLC MBR Tariff
Diablo Winds, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Diamond State Generation Partners, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Diamond State Generation Partners, LLC Cost of Service
Diamondback Pipeline L.L.C. Baseline Tariff
DifWind Farms Limited I Market-Based Rate Tariff, FERC Electric Tariff Volume No. 1
DifWind Farms Limited II Market-Based Rate Tariff, FERC Electric Tariff Volume No. 1
DifWind Farms Limited V Market-Based Rate Tariff, FERC Electric Tariff Volume No. 1
DifWind Farms LTD VI Market-Based Rate Tariff
Dighton Power, LLC Dighton MBR Tarifs
Dillon Power, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Dillon Wind LLC Dillon MBR Tariffs
Direct Energy Business Marketing, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Direct Energy Business, LLC Strategic Energy, LLC Electric Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
Direct Energy Marketing Inc. Direct Energy Marketing Inc. Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
Direct Energy Services, LLC Direct Energy Services, LLC Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
Direct Energy Small Business, LLC Stuyvesant Energy L.L.C. FERC Electric Rate Schedule No. 1
Discount Power, Inc. Market-Based Rates Tariff
Discovery Gas Transmission LLC First Revised Volume No. 1
Dixie Pipeline Company LLC LLC - Tariffs
Dixie Pipeline Company LLC Tariffs
Dogwood Energy LLC FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
Dogwood Energy LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Dome Petroleum Corp. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Dome Petroleum LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Dominion Bridgeport Fuel Cell, LLC Single Market-Based Rate Tariff
Dominion Carolina Gas Transmission, LLC CGT Tariff and Rate Filings
Dominion Carolina Gas Transmission, LLC Tariff and Rate Filings
Dominion Carolina Gas Transmission, LLC Dominion Carolina Gas Transmission Database
Dominion Cove Point LNG, LP DCP_DATABASE
Dominion Energy Kewaunee, Inc. Single Market-Based Rate Tariff
Dominion Energy Kewaunee, Inc. DEKI - DB
Dominion Energy Manchester Street, Inc. Single Market-Based Rate Tariff
Dominion Energy Manchester Street, Inc. DEMS - DB
Dominion Energy Marketing, Inc. Single Market-Based Rate Tariff
Dominion Energy Marketing, Inc. DEMI - DB
Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. Single Market-Based Rate Tariff
Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. DNCI - DB
Dominion Retail, Inc. Single Market-Based Rate Tariff
Dominion Retail, Inc. DRI - DB
Dominion Solar Gen-Tie, LLC Tariffs and Agreements
Dominion South Pipeline Company, LP Volume No. 1
Dominion Transmission, Inc. DTI Tariffs
Domtar A.W. LLC Domtar A.W. LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Domtar Paper Company, LLC Domtar Paper Company, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Doswell Limited Partnership Market-Based Rate Tariff
Double C Generation Limited Partnership MBR Tariff
Dow Intrastate Gas Company Statement of Operating Conditions
Dow Pipeline Company FERC Electric Tariff
Dow Pipeline Company Statement of Operating Conditions
DownEast Power Company, LLC DownEast Power Company, LLC, Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
DR Power, LLC FERC MBR Tariff
Drift Marketplace, Inc. Drift Marketplace, Inc. Market Based Rate Tariff
Drift Sand Wind Project, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Dry Lake Wind Power II LLC Dry Lake II MBR Tariffs
Dry Trails Midstream Energy, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
DTE Calvert City, LLC DTE Calvert City FERC Electric Tariffs
DTE East China, LLC DTE East China FERC Electric Tariffs
DTE Electric Company FERC Electric Tariffs
DTE Electric Company FERC Electric Rate Schedules
DTE Energy Supply, Inc. DTE Energy Supply Tariffs
DTE Energy Trading, Inc. DTE Energy Trading Tariffs
DTE Gas Company Michigan Consolidated Gas Company Statement of Operating Conditions
DTE Gas Company FERC Gas Tariffs
DTE Pontiac North, LLC DTE Pontiac North Tariffs
DTE River Rouge No. 1, LLC DTE River Rouge No.1 Tariffs
DTE Stockton, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
DTE Stoneman, LLC DTE Stoneman Tariffs
Duke Energy Beckjord Storage, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Service Agreements
Duke Energy Beckjord, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Service Agreements
Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Duke Energy Commercial Enterprises, Inc. Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Duke Energy Florida, LLC Rate Schedules
Duke Energy Florida, LLC Cost-Based Rates Tariff
Duke Energy Florida, LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Duke Energy Florida, LLC Open Access Transmission Tariff
Duke Energy Florida, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Duke Energy Indiana, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc. Gas Tariffs
Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc. Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. Gas Tariffs
Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Duke Energy Progress, LLC Cost-Based Rates Tariff
Duke Energy Progress, LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Duke Energy Progress, LLC Open Access Transmission Tariff
Duke Energy Progress, LLC Rate Schedules
Duke Energy Progress, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Duke Energy Renewable Services, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Duke Energy SAM, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Service Agreements
Dunkirk Power LLC Dunkirk Power LLC
Duquesne Conemaugh LLC Duquesne Conemaugh, LLC
Duquesne Keystone LLC Duquesne Keystone, LLC
Duquesne Light Company Duquesne Light Tariff Database
Duquesne Power, LLC Duquesne Power LLC Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
Dynamic PL, LLC Market Based Rates
Dynasty Power Inc. FERC Elec. FPA Tariff
Dynegy Commercial Asset Management, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Dynegy Conesville, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Service Agreements
Dynegy Danskammer, L.L.C. FERC Electric Tariffs
Dynegy Dicks Creek, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Service Agreements
Dynegy Energy Services (East), LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Dynegy Energy Services, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Dynegy Fayette II, LLC Tariffs
Dynegy Fayette II, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Dynegy Hanging Rock II, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Dynegy Kendall Energy, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Dynegy Killen, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Service Agreements
Dynegy Lee II, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Dynegy Marketing and Trade, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Dynegy Miami Fort, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Service Agreements
Dynegy Midwest Generation, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Dynegy Morro Bay, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Dynegy Moss Landing, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Dynegy Oakland, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Dynegy Power Marketing, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Dynegy Resources Management, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Dynegy Resources Management, LLC EquiPower MBR Tariffs
Dynegy Roseton, L.L.C. FERC Electric Tariff
Dynegy Stuart, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Service Agreements
Dynegy Washington II, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Dynegy Zimmer, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Service Agreements
Dyon LLC Dyon, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
E Minus LLC E Minus LLC Tariff
E-T Global Energy, LLC E-T Global Energy, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
Eagle Ford Midstream, LP Statement of Operating Conditions
Eagle Point Power Generation LLC Sunoco Power Generation LLC Market Based Rate Authority
Eagle Point Power Generation LLC Eagle Point Rate Schedule No. 2
Eagle Power Authority, Inc. Eagle Power Authority, Inc. Market Based Rate eTariff Filing
EAM Nelson Holding, LLC Tariffs, Service Agreements, Rate Schedules
East Avenue Energy, LLC Baseline Tariff
East Cheyenne Gas Storage, LLC East Cheyenne Gas Storage Original Volume No. 1
East Cheyenne Gas Storage, LLC East Cheyenne
East Coast Power & Gas of New Jersey, LLC ECP&G NJ Market Based Rate Tariff
East Coast Power and Gas, LLC East Coast Power & Gas LLC Tariff
East Coast Power Linden Holding, L.L.C. East Coast Power Linden Holding Market Based Rate Tarifff
East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc. FERC Electric Tariff
East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc. Tariffs and Agreements
East Ridge Transmission, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
East Tennessee Natural Gas, LLC East Tennessee Database 1
Eastern Landfill Gas, LLC Eastern Landfill Market Based Rate Tariff Database
Eastern Shore Natural Gas Company Third Revised Volume No. 1
Eastern Shore Solar LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Eastman Cogeneration LP MBRA Tariff
EasTrans, LLC Statement of Operating Conditions for Transportation Service
eBay Inc. eBay Inc. Database
EBC Energy, LLC Market Based Rates Tariff
Ebensburg Power Company Ebensburg Power Company Tariff
EBRFUEL, LLC Market Based Rates Tariff
EC&R O&M, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
EcoGrove Wind LLC EcoGrove Wind LLC FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
EconoPower, LLC Market Based Rates
Eden Solar LLC FERC Electric Tariff
EDF Energy Services, LLC Market-based Rate Tariff
EDF Industrial Power Services (CA), LLC Market-based Rate Tariff
EDF Industrial Power Services (IL), LLC Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
EDF Industrial Power Services (NY), LLC Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
EDF Industrial Power Services (OH), LLC Market-based Rate Tariff
EDF Trading North America, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Edgecombe Genco, LLC Edgecombe Genco, LLC MBR Tariff
Edgewood Energy, LLC Edgewood Energy Market Based Rate Tariff Database
Eel River Power LLC FERC Electric Tariff
EF Kenilworth LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Effingham County Power, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
EFS Parlin Holdings, LLC EFS Parlin Holdings Market Based Rate Tariff
Egan Hub Storage, LLC Egan Hub Database 1
EGP Stillwater Solar, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
EIF Newark, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
El Cajon Energy, LLC El Cajon Energy, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
El Dorado Pipeline Company, LLC Oil and Products Pipeline Tariffs
El Dorado Pipeline Company, LLC El Dorado Pipeline Company, LLC Oil and Product Tariffs
EL Investment Company, LLC Open Access Transmission Tariff
EL Investment Company, LLC Other FERC Tariffs - CBR and MBR
EL Investment Company, LLC Entergy System Agreement
El Paso Electric Company Arizona Nuclear Power Project (ANPP) Agreements
El Paso Electric Company Market-Based Rate Tariff
El Paso Electric Company Rate Schedules
El Paso Electric Company Regional Transmission Service Experiment Tariff
El Paso Electric Company Open Access Transmission Tariff
El Paso Marketing Company, L.L.C. FERC Electric Rate Schedule No. 1
El Paso Natural Gas Company, L.L.C. EPNG Tariffs
El Segundo Energy Center LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
El Segundo Power, LLC El Segundo Power, LLC
El Segundo Power, LLC El Segundo Power MBR Tariff
El Segundo Power, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Elba Express Company, L.L.C. Elba Express Baseline Tariff Filing
Electrade Corporation Market-Based Rate Tariff
Electric Energy, Inc. Baseline Tariff
Electric Energy, Inc. Open Access Transmission Tariff
Electricity Maine, LLC Baseline Tariff
Electricity NH, LLC Baseline Tariff
Electricity NH, LLC Baseline Tariff
Electron Hydro, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Elektrisola, Inc. FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Elevation Energy Group, LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Elevation Solar C LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Elevation Solar C LLC Shared Facilities Agreement
Elevation Solar C LLC Co-Tenancy Agreement
Elgin Energy Center, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Elgin Energy Center, LLC Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation Sources Service
Eligo Energy NY, LLC Eligo Energy Market Based Rate
Eligo Energy, LLC Eligo Energy Market Based Rate
Elizabethtown Energy, LLC Elizabethtown Energy, LLC, FERC Electric Tariff Volume No. 1
Elk City II Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Elk City Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Elk Hills Power, LLC Elk Hills Power, LLC, FERC Electric Tariff No. 1 Market-Based Rates Tariff
Elk River Windfarm, LLC Elk River MBR Tariff
Elk Wind Energy LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Elkhorn Ridge Wind, LLC Tariff Database
Ellwood Pipeline, Inc. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Elm Creek Wind II LLC Elm Creek II MBR Tariffs
Elm Creek Wind, LLC Elm Creek MBR Tariffs
Elmore Company FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Elmwood Park Power, LLC Elmwood Park Power LLC MBR and Reactive Power Tariffs
Elwood Energy LLC Single Market-Based Rate Tariff
Elwood Energy LLC Elwood Energy - DB
EME Homer City Generation, L.P. Tariff Database
Emera Energy Services Subsidiary No. 1 LLC EES Sub 1 MBR Tariff
Emera Energy Services Subsidiary No. 10 LLC EES Sub 10 MBR Tariff
Emera Energy Services Subsidiary No. 11 LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Agreements
Emera Energy Services Subsidiary No. 12 LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Agreements
Emera Energy Services Subsidiary No. 13 LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Agreements
Emera Energy Services Subsidiary No. 14 LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Agreements
Emera Energy Services Subsidiary No. 15 LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Agreements
Emera Energy Services Subsidiary No. 2 LLC EES Sub 2 MBR Tariff
Emera Energy Services Subsidiary No. 3 LLC EES Sub 3 MBR Tariff
Emera Energy Services Subsidiary No. 4 LLC EES Sub 4 MBR Tariff
Emera Energy Services Subsidiary No. 5 LLC EES Sub 5 MBR Tariff
Emera Energy Services Subsidiary No. 6 LLC EES Sub 6 MBR Tariff
Emera Energy Services Subsidiary No. 7 LLC EES Sub 7 MBR Tariff
Emera Energy Services Subsidiary No. 8 LLC EES Sub 8 MBR Tariff
Emera Energy Services Subsidiary No. 9 LLC EES Sub 9 MBR Tariff
Emera Energy Services, Inc. Emera Energy Services MBR Tariff
Emera Energy U.S. Subsidiary No. 1, Inc. Emera U.S. Sub 1 MBR Tariff
Emera Energy U.S. Subsidiary No. 2, Inc. Emera U.S. Sub 2 MBR Tariff
Emera Maine Service Agreements
Emera Maine Bangor Hydro MBR Tariff
Emera Maine Open Access Transmission Tariffs
Emera Maine Market-Based Rate Tariff
Emera Maine Bangor Hydro Electric Co. Transmission
Emerald City Renewables LLC LRI Renewable Energy LLC - FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 1
Empire Generating Co, LLC Empire Generating MBR Tariffs
Empire Pipeline, Inc. Empire Tariff
Enable Bakken Crude Services, LLC Tariff Database
Enable Gas Transmission, LLC Tariffs
Enable Gas Transmission, LLC CEGT Tariffs
Enable Illinois Intrastate Transmission, LLC IGTC SOC
Enable Illinois Intrastate Transmission, LLC SOC
Enable Mississippi River Transmission, LLC Tariff Database
Enable Mississippi River Transmission, LLC MRT Tariffs
Enable Oklahoma Intrastate Transmission, LLC Enogex LLC SOC Database
Enable Oklahoma Intrastate Transmission, LLC Transportation SOC Databse
ENBALA Power Networks (USA), Inc. ENBALA Power Networks (USA) Inc. Market Based Rate
Enbridge Energy, Limited Partnership Pipeline Tariffs
Enbridge Energy, Limited Partnership Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Enbridge Offshore Pipelines (UTOS) LLC Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
Enbridge Pipelines (Bakken) L.P. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Enbridge Pipelines (East Texas) L.P. EPET Statement of Operating Conditions
Enbridge Pipelines (FSP) L.L.C. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Enbridge Pipelines (North Dakota) LLC Oil Pipelines Tariffs
Enbridge Pipelines (North Texas) L.P. Enbridge Pipelines (North Texas) L.P. Statement of Operating Conditions
Enbridge Pipelines (Ozark) L.L.C. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Enbridge Pipelines (Southern Lights) LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Enbridge Pipelines (Toledo) Inc. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Enbridge Storage (Patoka) L.L.C. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Enbridge Transportation (IL-OK) L.L.C. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Endicott Pipeline Company Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Enel Cove Fort, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Enel Stillwater, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Energetix DE, LLC Energetix Market-Based Rate Tariff
Energia Sierra Juarez U.S. Transmission, LLC Energia Sierra Juarez U.S. Transmission, LLC
Energia Sierra Juarez U.S., LLC Energia Sierra Juarez U.S., LLC FERC Electric Tariff No. 1 Market-Based Rates Tariff
Energy Alternatives Wholesale, LLC Energy Alternatives Wholesale, LLC
Energy America, LLC Energy America LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Energy Consulting Services, LLC ECS MBRA ETariff
Energy Cooperative of New York, Inc Market Based Rates
Energy Discounters, LLC Market Based Rates
Energy Exchange Direct, LLC Energy Exchange Direct, LLC Electric Tariff
Energy Exchange Direct, LLC Energy Exchange Direct, LLC Electric Tariff
Energy Exchange International, LLC Energy Exchange International, LLC Electric Tariff
Energy International Power Marketing EI Power Marketing Tariff
Energy Investments, LLC Energy Investments, LLC Tariff
Energy Plus Holdings LLC Market-based rate tariff
Energy Power Investment Company, LLC MBR tariff
Energy Services Providers, Inc. Baseline Tariff
Energy Storage Holdings, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Energy Technology Savings, Inc. MBR Tariff
Energy Transfer Fuel, LP Statement of Operating Conditions
Energy Utility Group, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Energy West Development, Inc. NGA Gas Tariff
Energy West Development, Inc. First Revised Volume No. 1
Energy West Development, Inc. NAESB Compliance Order No. 587-V CORRECTION
Energy XXI Pipeline, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Energy XXI U.S.A., Inc Oil Pipeline Tariffs midwest llc FERC Electric MBR Tariff
EnergyConnect, Inc. Energy Connect, Inc. Market Based Rate Tariff
EnergyMark, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff No. 1
EnerPenn USA LLC Market Based Rates
Engelhart CTP (US) LLC BTG Pactual Commodities (US) LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Engelhart CTP (US) LLC Market Based Rate Tariff [Engelhart]
ENGIE Portfolio Management, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
ENGIE Resources LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
ENGIE Retail, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
EnLink LIG, LLC 311 Statement of Operating Conditions
EnLink NGL Pipeline, LP Oil Pipeline Tariffs
EnLink North Texas Pipeline, LP 311 Statement of Operating Conditions
ENMAX Energy Marketing, Inc. FERC_MBR_Tariff
Enserco Energy LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff of Enserco Energy LLC
Ensign Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Enstor Grama Ridge Storage and Transportation, L.L Enstor Grama Ridge Filing
Enstor Katy Storage and Transportation, L.P. Katy Operating Statement
Entegra Power Services LLC Entegra Power Services LLC
Entergy Arkansas, Inc. Open Access Transmission Tariff
Entergy Arkansas, Inc. Other FERC Tariffs - CBR and MBR
Entergy Arkansas, Inc. EAI-MO Open Access Transmission Tariff
Entergy Arkansas, Inc. Entergy System Agreement
Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, L.L.C. Open Access Transmission Tariff - Baseline
Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, L.L.C. Entergy System Agreement
Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, L.L.C. Open Access Transmission Tariff
Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, L.L.C. Other FERC Tariffs - CBR and MBR
Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, L.L.C. Entergy Operating Companies MISO Tariff Attachment O
Entergy Louisiana Power, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Entergy Louisiana, LLC System Agreement
Entergy Louisiana, LLC Other FERC Tariffs - CBR and MBR
Entergy Mississippi, Inc. Open Access Transmission Tariff
Entergy Mississippi, Inc. Other FERC Tariffs - CBR and MBR
Entergy Mississippi, Inc. Entergy System Agreement
Entergy New Orleans, Inc. Entergy System Agreement
Entergy New Orleans, Inc. Other FERC Tariffs - CBR and MBR
Entergy New Orleans, Inc. Open Access Transmission Tariff
Entergy Nuclear FitzPatrick, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Entergy Nuclear Generation Company Market Based Rate Tariff
Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 2, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 3, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Entergy Nuclear Palisades, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Entergy Nuclear Power Marketing, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Entergy Power, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Entergy Power, LLC Cost-Based Rates
Entergy Services, Inc. Tariffs, Service Agreements, and Rate Schedules
Entergy Services, Inc. Fourth Revised Rate Schedule No. 435
Entergy Texas, Inc. Entergy System Agreement
Entergy Texas, Inc. Other FERC Tariffs - CBR and MBR
Entergy Texas, Inc. Open Access Transmission Tariff
Enterprise Crude Pipeline LLC Tariffs
Enterprise Intrastate LLC NGPA Gas
Enterprise Intrastate LLC NGPA Gas, LLC
Enterprise Lou-Tex NGL Pipeline L.P. Tariffs
Enterprise Solar, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Enterprise TE Products Pipeline Company LLC Tariffs
Enterprise Texas Pipeline LLC NGPA GAS
Enterprise Texas Pipeline LLC NGPA Gas Storage
Entra Energy LLC Market Based Rates
Entrust Energy East, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff
EONY Generation Limited FortisUS Market-Based Rate Tariff
EONY Generation Limited FortisUS Market-Based Rate Tariff
EONY Generation Limited Market-Based Rates
EPL Pipeline, L.L.C. EPL Pipeline, LLC FERC No. 1 Tariff
EPP New Jersey Biogas, LLC FERC Electric Tariff Original Volume No. 1
EPP New Jersey Solar, LLC FERC Electric Tariff Original Volume No. 1
EPP Renewable Energy, LLC FERC Electric Tariff Original Volume No. 1
Epping Transmission Company, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Equilon Enterprises LLC Equilon Enterprises LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Equitrans, L.P. Equitrans Tariff
Equitrans, L.P. Big Sandy
Equus Power I, L.P. Equus Power I Market Based Rate Tariff Database
Erie Boulevard Hydropower, L.P. Erie Boulevard Hydropower, L.P. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Erie Power, LLC Erie Power Market Based Rate Tariff
Erie Power, LLC Erie Power, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Erie Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Erie Wind, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Escalante Solar I, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Escalante Solar II, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Escalante Solar III, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Escanaba Green Energy, LLC Escanaba Green Energy LLC FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
Escanaba Paper Company Escanaba Paper Company Market-Based Rate Tariff
Escondido Energy Center, LLC Escondido Energy Center, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
ESI Vansycle Partners, L.P. Market-Based Rate Tariff
ESS Lewes Project, LLC Market Based Rates
ESS Snook Project, LLC Market Based Rates
Essential Power Massachusetts, LLC NAEA Energy Massachusetts MBR
Essential Power Newington, LLC NAEA Newington Energy MBR
Essential Power OPP, LLC NAEA Ocean Peaking Power
Essential Power, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
ETC Endure Energy L.L.C. Market Based Rate Tariff
ETC Katy Pipeline, Ltd. Statement of Operating Conditions
ETC KR Pipeline LLC Humble Gas Pipeline Company
ETC Tiger Pipeline, LLC TIGER Tariff Database
ETP Crude LLC Crude Oil Tariffs
Eurus Combine Hills I LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Eurus Combine Hills II LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Evergreen Community Power LLC MBRA Tariff
Evergreen Gen Lead, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Evergreen Wind Power II, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Evergreen Wind Power III, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff of Evergreen Wind Power III, LLC
Evergreen Wind Power, LLC Evergreen Wind Power MBR
EverPower Commercial Services LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Everyday Energy NJ, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Everyday Energy, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Evraz Claymont Steel, Inc. MBRA Tariff
EWO Marketing, LLC Tariffs, Service Agreements, and Rate Schedules
Excel Pipeline LLC Crude Oil Transportation from Points in Oklahoma to Points in Oklahoma
Exelon Framingham, LLC FERC Market Based Rates Tariff
Exelon Generation Company, LLC Tariff Number 1
Exelon Generation Company, LLC Tariff Number 2
Exelon Generation Company, LLC Tariffs and Rate Schedules
Exelon New Boston, LLC FERC Market Based Rates Tariff
Exelon West Medway II, LLC Agreements
Exelon West Medway II, LLC FERC Market Based Rates Tariff
Exelon West Medway, LLC FERC Market Based Rates Tariff
Exelon West Medway, LLC Agreements
Exelon Wind 4, LLC Tariff Database
Exelon Wyman, LLC FERC Market Based Rates Tariff
Exeter Energy Limited Partnership Exeter Energy Limited Partnership ("Exeter") FERC Schedule NO. 1 Electric Tariff
Explorer Pipeline Company Explorer Pipeline Company Local Pipeline Tariff
Express Pipeline LLC Tariffs
ExxonMobil Baton Rouge Complex Exxon Mobil Generators
ExxonMobil Baton Rouge Complex Exxon Mobil Generators
ExxonMobil Baton Rouge Complex Other FERC Tariff - MBR
ExxonMobil Beaumont Complex Exxon Mobil Generators
ExxonMobil LaBarge Shute Creek Treating Facility Exxon Mobil Generators
ExxonMobil Pipeline Company CRUDE AND PRODUCT TARIFFS
Fair Wind Power Partners, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Fair Wind Power Partners, LLC Agreements
Fairchild Energy, LLC Baseline Tariff
Fairless Energy, LLC Single Market-Based Rate Tariff
Fairless Energy, LLC Fairless Energy - DB
Fairpoint Energy, LLC Viridian Energy MD LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Falcon Energy,LLC Falcon Energy MBR Tariff
Farmers City Wind, LLC Farmers City MBR Tariffs
Fauquier Landfill Gas, LLC Fauquier Landfill Market Based Rate Tariff Database
Fayetteville Express Pipeline LLC FEP Tariff Database
FC Energy Services Company, LLC FC Energy Services Company, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Fenton Power Partners I, LLC Fenton Power Partners I, LLC, FERC Electric Tariff, First Revised Volume No. 1
FFC Energy, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Fibrominn LLC Fibrominn LLC FERC Electric Rate Schedule No. 1 Baseline eTariff 2-22-2012
First ECA Midstream LLC Special Rate Schedules
First Point Power, LLC MBR Tariff
First Wind Energy Marketing, LLC First Wind Energy Marketing LLC MBR
FirstEnergy Generation Mansfield Unit 1 Corp. Market-Based Rate Power Sales Tariff
FirstEnergy Generation, LLC Market-Based Power Sales Tariff
FirstEnergy Nuclear Generation, LLC Market-Based Rate Power Sales Tariff
FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Reactive Power Tariff
FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Other Agreements
FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Market-Based Rate Power Sales Tariff
FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. Tariff for Sales of Ancillary Services
FirstLight Hydro Generating Company First Tariff for FirstLight Hydro Generating Company
FirstLight Power Resources Management, LLC First Tariff for FirstLight Power Resources Management, LLC
Fish Lake Power LLC FERC MBR Tariff
Fitchburg Gas and Electric Light Company FGE Market Based Rate
Fitchburg Gas and Electric Light Company Agreements and Contracts
Five Points Solar Park LLC MBR and Waiver Blanket Authorization and Expedited Action
Flanders Energy LLC Market Based Rates
Flat Ridge 2 Wind Energy LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Flat Ridge Wind Energy, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff of Flat Ridge Wind Energy, LLC
Flat Rock Windpower II LLC Flat Rock Windpower II LLC MBR Tariff
Flat Rock Windpower LLC Flat Rock Windpower LLC MBR Tariff
Flat Water Wind Farm LLC Flat Water Wind Farm Market-Based Rate Tariff
Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC Fifth Revised Volume No. 1
Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC Original Volume No. 1-A
Florida Power & Light Company Market-Based Rate Tariff
Florida Power & Light Company Tariff No. 1 For Sales of Power and Energy
Florida Power & Light Company FPL OATT Service Agreements
Florida Power & Light Company FPL OATT
Florida Power & Light Company Non-OATT Interconnection Agreements
Florida Power Development LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Agreements
Flying Cloud Power Partners, LLC Flying Cloud MBR Tariffs
FM Energy Scheduling, LLC MBR Tariff
Foote Creek II, LLC Foote Creek II, LLC MBR Tariff
Foote Creek III, LLC Foote Creek III, LLC MBR Tariff
Foote Creek IV, LLC Foote Creek IV, LLC MBR Tariff
Footprint Power Salem Harbor Development LP Market Base Rate Tariff
Footprint Power Salem Harbor Operations LLC DESH - DB
Footprint Power Salem Harbor Operations LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Agreements
Forked River Power LLC FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
Fortistar North Tonawanda Inc. Fortistar North Tonawanda Inc FERC Electric Tariff Volume No. 1
Forward Energy LLC FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
Forward WindPower LLC Tariff Database
Fountain Valley Power, L.L.C. Market-Based Rate Tariff of Fountain Valley Power, L.L.C.
Fountain Valley Power, L.L.C. Fountain Valley Power, L.L.C., Rate Schedules
Fourmile Wind Energy, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Fowler Ridge II Wind Farm LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff of Fowler Ridge II WInd Farm LLC
Fowler Ridge II Wind Farm LLC Compliance Filing of BP Wind Energy NA Inc., et al.
Fowler Ridge III Wind Farm LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff of Fowler Ridge III WInd Farm LLC
Fowler Ridge III Wind Farm LLC Common Facilities Agreement
Fowler Ridge IV Wind Farm LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Fowler Ridge Wind Farm LLC Market-Based Rate Wholesale Power Sale Tariff
Fowler Ridge Wind Farm LLC Fowler Ridge Wind Farm - DB
FPL Energy Burleigh County Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
FPL Energy Cabazon Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
FPL Energy Cape, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
FPL Energy Cowboy Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
FPL Energy Green Power Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
FPL Energy Hancock County Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
FPL Energy Illinois Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
FPL Energy Montezuma Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
FPL Energy Mower County, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
FPL Energy New Mexico Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
FPL Energy North Dakota Wind II, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
FPL Energy North Dakota Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
FPL Energy Oklahoma Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
FPL Energy Oliver Wind I, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
FPL Energy Oliver Wind II, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
FPL Energy Sooner Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
FPL Energy Sooner Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
FPL Energy South Dakota Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
FPL Energy Stateline II, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff
FPL Energy Vansycle L.L.C. Market-Based Rate Tariff
FPL Energy Wyman IV LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
FPL Energy Wyman LLC Shared Facilities Agreements
FPL Energy Wyman LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Franklin County Wind, LLC Franklin County Wind, LLC (FCW) Market-Based Rate Tariff
Fred Meyer Stores, Inc. Market-based rates
Frederickson Power L.P. FERC Electric Tariff First Revised Vol. No. 1 Superseding FERC Electric Tariff Original Vol. No. 1
Freebird Gas Storage, L.L.C. Freebird Gas Tariff First Revised Volume No. 1
Freebird Gas Storage, L.L.C. Freebird Gas Tariff
Freepoint Commodities LLC Freepoint Commodities LLC MBR Tariff
Freepoint Energy Solutions LLC MBR Tariff
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Energy Services, LL FMES FERC Electric Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1
Fresno Cogeneration Partners, L.P. Fresno Cogeneration Partners, L.P. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Front Range Pipeline LLC Tariffs
Frontier Aspen LLC Frontier Pipeline Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Frontier Pipeline LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Frontier Utilities Northeast LLC Market Based Rates
Frontier Windpower, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
FTS Master Tenant 1, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Fulcrum Power Marketing LLC Fulcrum Market-Based Rate Tariff
Full Circle Renewables, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
FW GOM Pipeline, Inc. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Gainesville Renewable Energy Center, LLC Market-based Rate Tariff
Galaxy Energy, LLC Galaxy Energy LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Galt Power, Inc. Galt Power Inc. MBR Filing
Garden Banks Gas Pipeline, LLC First Revised Volume No. 1
Garden Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Garland Power Company Baseline Tariff
Garrison Energy Center LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Gas Transmission Northwest LLC GTN Tariffs
Gateway Energy Marketing Gateway Energy Marketing
Gateway Energy Services Corporation FERC Electric Tariffs
Gavin Power, LLC FERC Electric Tariff - Gavin
GBC Metals LLC MBR Tariff
GDF SUEZ Energy Marketing NA, Inc. GSEMNA MBR Tariff (FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 1)
GEL Offshore Pipeline, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
GenConn Devon LLC GenConn Devon LLC
GenConn Energy LLC GenConn Energy LLC - FERC Market-Based Rates Tariff
GenConn Middletown LLC GenConn Middletown LLC
Genesee Power Station Limited Partnership Genesee Power Station Limited Partnership FERC Schedule NO. 1 Electric Tariff
Genesis Pipeline USA, L.P. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Genesis Solar, LLC Market-Base Rate
GenOn Energy Management, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
GenOn Mid-Atlantic, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Geodyne Energy, LLC Geodyne Energy, LLC Baseline Filing
Georgia Power Company Cost Based Rate Tariffs
Georgia Power Company Market Based Rate Tariff
Georgia Power Company OATT and Associated Service Agreements
Georgia-Pacific Brewton LLC Georgia-Pacific Entities
Georgia-Pacific Cedar Springs LLC Georgia-Pacific Entities
Georgia-Pacific Consumer Operations LLC, Port Huds Georgia-Pacific Entities
Georgia-Pacific Consumer Operations LLC, Palatka Georgia-Pacific Entities
Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP Savannah Georgia-Pacific Entities
Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Green Bay We Georgia-Pacific Entities
Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Muskogee Georgia-Pacific Entities
Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Naheola Georgia-Pacific Entities
Georgia-Pacific LLC, Crossett Georgia-Pacific Entities
Georgia-Pacific Monticello LLC Georgia-Pacific Entities
Georgia-Pacific Toledo LLC Georgia-Pacific Entities
Gerdau Ameristeel Energy, Inc Gerdau Ameristeel Energy, Inc. MBR eTariff Filing
Geysers Power Company, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
GGBB Energy, Inc. GGBB Energy Tariff
Gibson City Energy Center, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Gibson City Energy Center, LLC Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation Sources Service
Gila River Power LLC Gila River Power, L.P.
Gilroy Energy Center, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Glacial Energy Holdings Market-Based Rate Tariff of Glacial Energy Holdings
Glacial Energy of California, Inc. Glacial Energy of California, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Glacial Energy of Illinois, Inc. Glacial Energy of Illinois, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Glacial Energy of New England, Inc. Glacial Energy of New England, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Glacial Energy of New Jersey, Inc. Glacial Energy of New Jersey, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Glacial Energy of New York Glacial Energy of New York Market-Based Rate Tariff
Global Energy, LLC Market Based Rates
GNB NGL Pipeline LLC GNB NGL Pipeline LLC FERC Tariff
Goal Line L.P. Goal Line L.P. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Golden Fields Solar I, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Service Agreements
Golden Fields Solar II, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Service Agreements
Golden Fields Solar III, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Service Agreements
Golden Fields Solar IV, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Service Agreements
Golden Hills Interconnection, LLC Shared Facilities Agreements
Golden Hills Interconnection, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Golden Hills Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Golden Pass Pipeline LLC GPPLDB01
Golden Spread Electric Cooperative, Inc. Replacement Energy Agreement
Golden Spread Electric Cooperative, Inc. Open Access Transmission Tariff
Golden Spread Electric Cooperative, Inc. Member Wholesale Power Contracts
Golden Spread Electric Cooperative, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Golden Spread Panhandle Wind Ranch, LLC Assignment, Cotenancy and Common Facilities Agreement
Golden Spread Panhandle Wind Ranch, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Golden State Water Company Market Based Rate Tariff
Golden Triangle Storage, Inc. GTS FERC Gas Tariff Database
Golden Valley Wind Park, LLC Golden Valley Wind Park, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 1
Golden West Power Partners, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Goldfinch Capital Management, LP Goldfinch Capital Management, LP FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1
Goodwell Wind Project, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Google Energy LLC Google Energy L.L.C. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Goose Haven Energy Center, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Goshen Phase II LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff of Goshen Phase II LLC
GP Big Island, LLC Other FERC Tariffs-MBR
GP Big Island, LLC Georgia-Pacific Entities
GP Big Island, LLC Georgia-Pacific Entities
GP Energy Management LLC GP Renewables & Trading, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Grady Wind Energy Center, LLC Tariffs and Agreements
Grand Mesa Pipeline, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Grand Ridge Energy II LLC FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
Grand Ridge Energy II LLC Rate Schedules
Grand Ridge Energy III LLC Rate Schedules
Grand Ridge Energy III LLC FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
Grand Ridge Energy IV LLC FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
Grand Ridge Energy IV LLC Rate Schedules
Grand Ridge Energy LLC FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
Grand Ridge Energy LLC Rate Schedules
Grand Ridge Energy Storage LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Grand Ridge Energy V LLC FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
Grand Ridge Energy V LLC Rate Schedules
Grand Tower Energy Center, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Grand Tower Energy Center, LLC Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation Sources Service
Grand View PV Solar Two LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Grande Prairie Wind, LLC FERC MBR Tariff
Granite Mountain Solar East, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Granite Mountain Solar West, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Granite Reliable Power, LLC Granite MBR Tariff
Granite Ridge Energy, LLC Baseline Filing
Granite State Gas Transmission, Inc. F.E.R.C. Gas Tariff of Granite State Gas Transmission, Inc.
Grant County Interconnect, LLC Coordination Services Agreement
Grant Plains Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Grant Wind, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Graphic Packaging International Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff, FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1
Gratiot County Wind II LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Gratiot County Wind LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Gray County Wind Energy, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Gray County Wind Energy, LLC Agreements
Grayling Generation Station Limited Partnership Grayling Generating Station Limited Partnership FERC Schedule NO. 1 Electric Tariff
Grays Ferry Cogeneration Partnership Grays Ferry Cogeneration Partnership MBR Tariff
Grays Harbor Energy LLC FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
Great American Power, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Great Bay Energy I LLC Great Bay Energy I, LLC, FERC Electric Tariff Schedule No. 1
Great Bay Energy IV, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Great Bay Energy V, LLC Market Based Rates
Great Bay Energy VI, LLC Market Based Rates
Great Bay Energy VII, LLC Market Based Rates
Great Bay Energy, LLC Great Bay Energy, LLC, FERC Electric Tariff Schedule No. 1
Great Bay Hydro Corporation Great Bay Hydro Corporation Electric Market Based Rate Tariff FERC
Great Bay Power Marketing, Inc. Great Bay Power Marketing, Inc., Electric Market Based Rate Tariff
Great Lakes Gas Transmission Limited Partnership GLGT Tariffs
Great Lakes Hydro America, LLC Great Lakes Hydro America, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Great Northern Gathering & Marketing LLC Rules and Regulations and Transportation Rates for Crude Petroleum
Great Western Wind Energy, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Agreements
Greeley Energy Facility, LLC Market Based Rates
Green Country Energy, LLC Green Country Energy Market Based Rate Tariff Database
Green Current Solutions, LLC Green Current Solutions Market Based Rate Tarrif
Green Mountain Energy Company Market Based Rate Tariff
Green Mountain Energy Company Green Mountain MBR Tariff
Green Mountain Power Corporation First Tariff
Green Mountain Power Corporation Database
Green Mountain Power Corporation GMP Wholesale Market-Based Rate
Green Mountain Storage, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Green Valley Hydro, LLC Green Valley Hydro, LLC Market Rate Tariff
Greenbelt Energy Greenbelt Energy Tariff
Greenidge Generation LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Greenleaf Energy Unit 1 LLC Greenleaf Energy Unit 1 LLC FERC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Greenleaf Power Management LLC Market-Based Rates
Gridway Energy Corp. Electric MBR Tariff
Griffiss Utility Services Corporation FERC Electric MBR Tariff No. 1
Griffith Energy LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Groen Wind, LLC Tariff Database
Groton Wind, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
GSG 6, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
GSG, LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Guardian Pipeline, L.L.C. Guardian FERC Gas Tariff
Guardian Pipeline, L.L.C. Guardian Agreements
Gulf Crossing Pipeline Company LLC First Revised Volume No. 1
Gulf Oil Limited Partnership Gulf Oil Limited Partnership FERC Electric Tariff
Gulf Power Company Market Based Rate Tariff
Gulf Power Company Cost Based Rate Tariffs
Gulf Power Company OATT and Associated Service Agreements
Gulf Shore Energy Partners, LP Gulf Shore Energy Partners, LP GAS TARIFF ORIGINAL VOLUME NO. 1
Gulf South Pipeline Company, LP Tariffs
Gulf States Transmission LLC FERC Gas Tariff First Revised Volume No. 1
Gulf States Transmission LLC Second Revised Volume No. 1
Gulfstream Natural Gas System, L.L.C. Gulfstream Database 1
GUSC Energy Inc. FERC Electric MBR Tariff No. 1
Guttman Energy Inc. Guttman Energy Inc. FERC Electric Tariff
Guzman Energy, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Guzman Energy, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database 211
Guzman Renewable Energy Partners LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
H.A. Wagner LLC HA Wagner MBR Tariff
H.A. Wagner LLC Tariff Database
H.Q. Energy Services (U.S.) Inc. H.Q. Energy Services (U.S.) Inc.
Hafslund Energy Trading LLC Hafslund Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
Hammond Belgrade Energy, LLC Baseline Tariff
Hampshire Council of Governments FERC Electric Tariff
Hampshire Gas Company Hampshire Gas Company Tariff Database
Hancock Wind, LLC MBR Tariff
Handsome Lake Energy, LLC Handsome Lake Energy, LLC
Hannaford Energy LLC Hannaford Market Based Rate
Happy Jack Windpower, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Harbor Cogeneration Company, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff of Harbor Cogeneration Company, LLC
Harborside Energy of Massachusetts, LLC Harborside Energy of Massachusetts, LLC
Harborside Energy, LLC Harborside Energy, LLC
Hardee Power Partners Limited FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
Hardee Power Partners Limited Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Hardin Hilltop Wind, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Hardin Street Holdings LLC Oil PipelineTariffs
Hardscrabble Wind Power LLC Hardscrabble MBR Tariffs
Hardy Storage Company, LLC Hardy Tariffs
Hartree Partners, LP Hartree Partners, LP - MBRA Baseline Filing
Hartree Partners, LP Tariffs and Agreements
Harvard Dedicated Energy Limited Market Based Rates
Harvest II Windfarm, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Harvest Windfarm, LLC Tariff Database
Hatch Solar Energy Center I, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Hatchet Ridge Wind, LLC Hatchet Ridge Wind, LLC - Market Based Rate Tariff
Hattiesburg Industrial Gas Sales, L.L.C. NGPA Gas
Hattiesburg Industrial Gas Sales, L.L.C. Tariffs
Haverhill Cogeneration Company LLC Haverhill Cogeneration MBR Tariff
Hawkeye Energy Greenport, LLC Hawkeye Energy Greenport, LLC MBR Tariff
Hawkeye Power Partners, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Hawks Nest Hydro LLC Hawks Nest Hydro LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Hawthorn Oil Transportation (North Dakota), Inc. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Hawthorn Oil Transportation (Oklahoma), Inc. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Hay Canyon Wind LLC Hay Canyon MBR Tariffs
Hazle Spindle, LLC Hazle Spindle, LLC Initial Filing
Hazleton Generation LLC Market Based Rates
Headwaters Wind Farm LLC MBR Tariff
Healthy Planet Partners Energy Company, LLC MBR Tariff
Heartland Pipeline Company Heartland Pipeline Company Tariffs
Heber Geothermal Company LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Helvetia Solar, LLC MBR Tariff
Heritage Garden Wind Farm I, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Heritage Stoney Corners Wind Farm I, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Hermiston Generating Company, L.P. Market Based Rates
Hermiston Power, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Hess Corporation Hess FERC Electric Rate Schedule No. 1
HIC Energy, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
High Desert Power Project, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
High Island Offshore System, L.L.C. Natural Gas Tariffs
High Island Offshore System, L.L.C. NGA Gas Tariff
High Liner Foods Incorporated FERC MBR Electric Tariff
High Lonesome Mesa, LLC Tariff Database
High Majestic Interconnection Services, LLC Coordination Services Agreements
High Majestic Wind Energy Center, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
High Majestic Wind Energy Center, LLC Common Facilities Agreements
High Majestic Wind II, LLC Market Base Rate Tarriff
High Mesa Energy, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
High Plains Ranch II, LLC High Plains Ranch II, LLC
High Point Gas Transmission, LLC FERC Gas Tariff, Volume No. 1
High Prairie Wind Farm II, LLC High Prairie Wind Farm II, LLC MBR Tariff
High Sierra Limited Market-Based Rate Tariff
High Trail Wind Farm, LLC High Trail Wind Farm, LLC MBR Tariff
High Trail Wind Farm, LLC MBR Authority
High Winds, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Highland North LLC Highland North LLC FERC Electric Rate Schedule Volume No. 1
HIKO Energy, LLC Market Based Rates
Hiland Crude, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Hilcorp Energy GOM, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Hilcorp Pipeline Company, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Hill Energy Resource & Services, LLC Hill Energy Resource & Services, LLC Electric Tariff
Hill-Lake Gas Storage, LLC Hill-Lake Gas Storage, LLC SOC
Hillcrest Wind, LLC Tariff Database
Hillman Power Company LLC Reactive Supply Tariff
Hinson Power Company, LLC Hinson Baseline
Holcim (US) Inc. MBR Tariff
Holly Energy Partners - Operating, L.P. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
HollyFrontier El Dorado Refining LLC Frontier El Dorado Refining LLC Market-Based Rates Wholesale Power Sales Tariff
HollyFrontier El Dorado Refining LLC Market Based Rates Wholesale Power Sales Tariff
Holtwood, LLC FERC Electric Tariff Original Volume No. 1
Homer City Generation, L.P. Reactive Supply and Voltage Control Service Tariff
Homer City Generation, L.P. Market Based Rate Tariff
Honeoye Storage Corporation Honeoye Storage Corporation, Second Revised Volume No. 1
Honeoye Storage Corporation Honeoye Storage Corporation, Volume No. 1A
Honeoye Storage Corporation Honeoye Storage Corp. Volume No. 2 Gas Tariff
Hoopeston Wind, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1
Hoosier Wind Project, LLC Hoosier Wind Project, LLC, FERC Electric Tariff First Revised Volume No. 1
HOP Energy, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Hope Gas, Inc. Hope Gas, Inc. Database
Hopewell Cogeneration Limited Partnership Hopewell Cogeneration MBR Tariff (FERC Electric Tariff No. 1)
Horizon Pipeline Company, L.L.C. First Revised Volume No. 1
Horse Butte Wind I LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Horseshoe Bend Wind, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Horseshoe Bend Wind, LLC Shared Facilities Agreement
Houston Pipe Line Company LP Statement of Operating Conditions
Houston Pipe Line Company LP SOC Bammel Storage
Howard Wind LLC Howard Wind LLC FERC Electric Rate Schedule Volume No. 1
Hudson Ranch Power I LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Huntley Power LLC Huntley Power LLC
Hydro Renewable Energy Inc. Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
ICC Energy Corporation Market-Based Rate Tariff ETariff
ID SOLAR 1, LLC Market Based Rates
Idaho Power Company IPCo eTariff
IDT Energy, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
IEP Power Marketing LLC MBR Tariff
Illinois Extension Pipeline Company L.L.C. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Illinois Power Generating Company Ameren Energy Generating Company General Tariff
Illinois Power Marketing Company Ameren Energy Marketing Company General Tariff
Illinois Power Resources Generating, LLC AERG Tariffs of General Applicability
Imperial Valley Solar 1, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Imperial Valley Solar 1, LLC Tariff and Agreements
Imperial Valley Solar Company (IVSC) 1, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Imperial Valley Solar Company (IVSC) 2, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff , FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No.1
Imperial Valley Solar, LLC Tariffs and Agreements
IMTT-PIPELINE Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Indeck Corinth Limited Partnership Market based rates
Indeck Energy Services of Silver Springs, Inc. Indeck Energy Services of Silver Springs, Inc. FERC Electric MBR Tariff No. 1
Indeck-Olean Limited Partnership Indeck-Olean, Limited Partnership, FERC Electric MBR Tariff No. 1
Indeck-Oswego Limited Partnership Indeck-Oswego, Limited Partnership, FERC Electric MBR Tariff No. 1
Indeck-Yerkes Limited Partnership Indeck-Yerkes Limited Partnership, FERC Electric MBR Tariff No. 1
Independence Energy Group LLC Market-based rate tariff
Independent Trading & Transportation Company I, L. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Indian River Power LLC Indian River Power LLC (2)
Indian River Power LLC Indian River Power LLC
Indiana Michigan Power Company OATT Concurrence Filing
Indiana Michigan Power Company MBR Baseline Concurrence - AEP Op Co
Indiana Michigan Power Company RS and SA
Indianapolis Power & Light Company IPL Market Based Rate Tariff
Indigo Generation LLC Indigo Generation MBR Tariffs
Inertia Power II, LLC Initial Filing
Infinite Energy Corporation Market-Based Rate Tariff
Infinite Energy, Inc. Infinite Energy, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Ingenco Holdings, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Ingenco Wholesale Power, L.L.C. Market Based Rate Tariff
Inland Corporation Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Inland Empire Energy Center, LLC IEEC Market Based Rate Tariff
Innovative Energy Systems, LLC Innovative Energy Systems, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Innovative Solar 31, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Innovative Solar 43, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Innovative Solar 43, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Innovative Solar 46, LLC Market Based Rates
Innovative Solar 47, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Inspire Energy Holdings, LLC DWP Energy Holdings, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Inspire Energy Holdings, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Intelligen Resources, L.P. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Intercom Energy, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff
InterGen Energy Solutions, LLC Tariff Database
International Paper Company International Paper Company Market Based Rates Tariff
International Transmission Company ITCTransmission Agreements
Interstate Gas Supply, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff of Interstate Gas Supply, Inc.
Interstate Power and Light Company Interstate Power and Light Company (IPL) Agreements
Interstate Power and Light Company IPL Market-Based Rate Tariff
Interstate Power and Light Company Baseline Statement of Operating Conditions
Invenergy Cannon Falls LLC FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
Invenergy Cannon Falls LLC Reactive Power Tariff
Invenergy Energy Management LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Invenergy Nelson LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Invenergy TN LLC FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
Ioway Energy, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
IPA Trading, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff of IPA Trading, Inc.
Iron Energy LLC Market Based Rates
Iron Springs Solar, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Ironwood Windpower, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Iroquois Gas Transmission System, L.P. Original Volume - Agreements
Iroquois Gas Transmission System, L.P. Iroquois Gas Transmission System, L.P.
ISO New England Inc. ISO New England Inc. Agreements and Contracts
ISO New England Inc. ISO New England Inc. Transmission, Markets and Services Tariff
ISO Trader, LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
ITC Great Plains, LLC Tariff and Agreements
ITC Interconnection LLC ITCI Agreements
ITC Midwest LLC ITC Midwest Agreements
ITC Pipeline Company, LLC ITC Pipeline Company, LLC FERC ICA Oil Tariff
Ivanpah Master Holdings, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
J. Aron & Company J. Aron & Company MBR Tariff
J.P. Morgan Ventures Energy Corporation JP Morgan Ventures Energy Corp. Market-Based Rate Tariffs
Jackson Pipeline Company Statement of Operating Conditions for Transportation Service
Jamaica Bay Peaking Facility, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
James River Genco, LLC James River Cogeneration MBR Tariff
Java Solar, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Agreements
Jayhawk Pipeline, L.L.C. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
JBBR Pipeline LLC JBBR Pipeline LLC ICA Oil Tariff
Jeffers Wind 20, LLC Tariff Database
Jefferson Island Storage & Hub, L.L.C. NGPA Section 311 SOTC
Jericho Rise Wind Farm LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Jersey Central Power & Light Market-Based Rate Power Sales Tariff
Jersey Central Power & Light JCP&L Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Agreements
Jether Energy Research, LTD FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Joliet Battery Storage LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Josco Energy Corp. Josco Energy Corp. Market Based Rate Tariff
Josco Energy Corp. Josco Market Based Rate Tarrif
Judith Gap Energy LLC FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
Juniper Canyon Wind Power LLC Juniper Canyon MBR Tariffs
Just Energy (U.S.) Corp. Market Based Rates Tariff
Just Energy Illinois Corp. Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
Just Energy New York Corp. Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
Kansas City Power & Light Company Kansas City Power & Light Company, Volume 3 (OATT)
Kansas City Power & Light Company Kansas City Power & Light Company, Volume 4 (Marked-Based)
Kansas City Power & Light Company Rate Schedules, Agreements and Other Tariffs
Kansas Gas Service, A Division of ONE Gas, Inc. Kansas Gas Service, a division of ONEOK, Inc., Statement of Operating Conditions
Kansas Gas Service, A Division of ONE Gas, Inc. Statement of Operating Conditions
Kanstar Transmission, LLC Tariffs and Agreements
KAP Analytics, LLC KAP Analytics,LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
KASS Commodities FERC Electric MBR Tariff
KATBRO LLC Market Based Rates Tariff
Katmai Energy, LLC Market Based Rates
Kay Wind, LLC Kay Wind MBR Tariff
KCP&L Greater Missouri Operations Company KCP&L Greater Missouri Operations Company, Volume 28 (Market-Based)
KCP&L Greater Missouri Operations Company KCP&L Greater Missouri Operations Company, Volume 33 (Cost-Based)
KCP&L Greater Missouri Operations Company KCP&L Greater Missouri Operations Co., Vol. 24 (OATT)
KCP&L Greater Missouri Operations Company Rate Schedules, Agreements and Other Tariffs
Kelly Creek Wind, LLC Tariffs, Agreements, and Rate Schedules
Kenai Pipe Line Company Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Kendall Green Energy LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Kennebec River Energy, LLC Baseline Tariff
Kentucky Power Company RS and SA
Kentucky Power Company OATT Concurrence Filing
Kentucky Power Company MBR Baseline Concurrence - AEP Op Co
Kentucky Utilities Company Transmission
Kentucky Utilities Company Energy Marketing
Kern Front Limited MBR Tariff
Kern River Cogeneration Company Tariff Database
Kern River Gas Transmission Company Gas Tariff
KES Kingsburg, L.P. KES Kingsburg, L.P. Market Based Rate Tariff
KeySpan Gas East Corporation Statement of Operating Conditions
Keystone Pipeline Company, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Keystone Power LLC Keystone Power LLC
KeyTex Energy, LLC Market Based Rates
KIAC Partners FERC Electric Tariffs
Kiantone Pipeline Corporation FERC Oil Tariff
Kimberly-Clark Corporation MBRA Tariff
Kincaid Generation, L.L.C. Kincaid Generation - DB
Kincaid Generation, L.L.C. Single Market-Based Rate Tariff
Kinder Morgan Border Pipeline LLC NGPA Section 311 Service
Kinder Morgan Cochin LLC Cochin Tariff Database
Kinder Morgan Illinois Pipeline LLC First Revised Volume No. 1
Kinder Morgan Keystone Gas Storage LLC Operating Statement
Kinder Morgan Louisiana Pipeline LLC First Revised Volume No. 1
Kinder Morgan North Texas Pipeline LLC Hinshaw 7c Service
Kinder Morgan Operating L.P. “A” Cypress Tariff Database
Kinder Morgan Tejas Pipeline LLC NGPA Section 311 Service
Kinder Morgan Texas Pipeline LLC NGPA Section 311 Service
Kinder Morgan Wink Pipeline LLC Wink Tariff Database
Kinetica Deepwater Express, LLC TC Offshore Tariffs
Kinetica Energy Express, LLC Kinetica Energy Express LLC - FERC Gas Tariff
Kinetica Energy Express, LLC Kinetica Energy Express LLC - NGA Gas Tariff - Volume 1A
King Forest Industries, Inc. FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Kingbird Solar A, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff, FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1
Kingbird Solar B, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff, FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1
Kingfisher Wind, LLC FERC Electric Tariff Volume No. 1
Kingman Wind Energy I, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Kingman Wind Energy I, LLC Shared Facility Agreements
Kingman Wind Energy II, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Kingsport Power Company OATT Concurrence Filing
Kingsport Power Company MBR Baseline Concurrence - AEP Op Co
Kingsport Power Company RS and SA
Kiowa Power Partners, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Kit Carson Windpower, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Kit Carson Windpower, LLC Tariffs
Kiwi Energy Inc. MBR Tariff
Kiwi Energy NY LLC MBR Tariff
Kiyoshi Technologies, LLC Market Based Rates Tariff
Klamath Energy LLC Klamath Energy MBR Tariffs
Klamath Generation LLC Klamath Generation MBR Tariffs
Kleantricity, Inc. MBR Tariff
Kleen Energy Systems, LLC Kleen Energy Systems, LLC FERC Electric Tariff Original Vol. No. 1
Klondike Wind Power II LLC Klondike II MBR Tariffs
Klondike Wind Power III LLC Klondike III MBR Tariffs
Klondike Wind Power LLC Klondike I MBR Tariffs
KMC Thermo, LLC Tariffs
KO Transmission Company Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Koch Alaska Pipeline Company, LLC FERC Tariffs
Koch Energy Services, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Koch Pipeline Company, L.P. FERC Tariffs
Koch Pipeline Company, L.P. FERC Tariffs
KODA Energy, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
KODE Novus I, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
KPC Pipeline, LLC FERC Gas Tariff, Third Revised Volume No. 1
Krayn Wind LLC Krayn Wind LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Kuehne Chemical Kuehne Chemical Company ETariff
Kumeyaay Wind LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Kuparuk Transportation Company Kuparuk Transportation Company Tariffs
L&L Energy LLC Market Based Rates
L&P Electric, Inc. MBR Tariff
L'Anse Warden Electric Company Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
La Paloma Generating Company, LLC La Paloma Generating Company, LLC FERC Electric Rate Schedule No. 1
LA Storage, LLC LA Storage, LLC Gas Tariff
Laclede Pipeline Company Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Lake Benton Power Partners II, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Lake Benton Power Partners LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Lake Charles LNG Company, LLC Third Revised Volume No. 1-A
Lake Charles LNG Company, LLC Fourth Revised Volume No. 1-A
Lake Lynn Generation, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Lake Road Generating Company, L.P. Lake Road MBR Tariffs
Lakeswind Power Partners, LLC Market-Based Rates
Lakewood Cogeneration, L.P. Lakewood Cogeneration Rate Schedule No. 2
Lakewood Cogeneration, L.P. Reactive Tariff
Land O'Lakes, Inc. Land O'Lakes, Inc. Tariff
Land of the Sky MT, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Langdon Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Laredo Ridge Wind, LLC Tariff Database
Larkspur Energy LLC Larkspur Energy MBR Tariffs
Larswind, LLC Tariff Database
Las Vegas Cogeneration II, L.L.C. Market-Based Rate Tariff of Las Vegas Cogeneration II, L.L.C.
Las Vegas Cogeneration Limited Partnership Market-Based Rate Tariff of Las Vegas Cogeneration Limited Partnership
Las Vegas Power Company, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Latigo Wind Park, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Laurel Hill Wind Energy, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Lawrenceburg Power, LLC FERC Electric Tariff - Lawrenceburg
Lazarus Energy Holdings, LLC GearyEnergy Market-Based Rate Tariff
LDVF1 TEP LLC Market Based Rate Filing
LE Energy, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Lea Power Partners, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Leaf River Cellulose, LLC Georgia-Pacific Entities
Leaf River Energy Center LLC Leaf River Energy Center LLC, FERC Gas Tariff
Leaning Juniper Wind Power II LLC Leaning Juniper II MBR Tariffs
Lee 8 Storage Partnership Statement of Operating Conditions
Legacy Reserves Operating LP Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Lempster Wind, LLC Lempster MBR Tariffs
Lexington Power & Light, LLC Market Based Rates
LG&E Energy Marketing Inc. Energy Marketing
Liberty Electric Power, LLC FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
Liberty Gas Storage, LLC Liberty Gas Storage LLC Gas Tariff
Liberty Hill Power LLC Market Based Rates Tariff
Liberty Power Delaware LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Liberty Power District of Columbia LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Liberty Power Holdings LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Liberty Power Maryland LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Liberty Power Wholesale Supply, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Liberty Utilities (CalPeco Electric) LLC CalPeco Filing
Liberty Utilities (CalPeco Electric) LLC CalPeco Rate Schedule No. 5
Liberty Utilities (CalPeco Electric) LLC Rate Schedules and Agreements
Liberty Utilities (CalPeco Electric) LLC Baseline Tariff for DCA and BCA
Liberty Utilities (Granite State Electric) Corp. Market-Based Sales Tariff
Liberty Utilities (Granite State Electric) Corp. Granite State Electric Co. FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
Liberty Utilities (Granite State Electric) Corp. Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Agreements
Liberty Utilities (Midstates Natural Gas) Corp. Statement of Operating Conditions
LifeEnergy LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Lighthouse Energy Group, LLC Lighthouse Energy Group, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Lightstone Marketing LLC Lightstone Marketing MBR Tariff
Lilabell Energy LLC Market Based Rates Tariff
Limon Wind II, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Limon Wind III, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Limon Wind, LLC Agreements
Limon Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Lincoln Generating Facility, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Lindahl Wind Project, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Linde Energy Services, Inc. Baseline Tariff Filing
Link Energy Incorporated Link Energy Incorporated Market Based Rate Tariff
Little Elk Wind Project, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Live Oak Limited Market-Based Rate Tariff
Live Oak Solar, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Lively Grove Energy Partners, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Lively Grove Energy Partners, LLC LG Reactive Power Rate Schedule
Llano Estacado Wind, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Lobo Pipeline Company LLC Statement of Operating Conditions
LOCAP LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Lockhart Power Company Lockhart MBR
Lockhart Power Company Lockhart COSAC
Lockport Energy Associates, L.P. Lockport Energy Associates, L.P. FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
Locust Ridge II, LLC Locust Ridge II MBR Tariffs
Locust Ridge Wind Farm, LLC Locust Ridge MBR Tariffs
Logan Generating Company, L.P. Logan Generating Company, L.P. MBR Tariff
Logan Generating Company, L.P. Reactive Tariff
Logan Wind Energy LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Lone Star NGL Pipeline LP FERC ICA Oil Tariff
Lone Valley Solar Park I LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Lone Valley Solar Park II LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Long Beach Generation LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Long Beach Generation LLC Long Beach Generation LLC
Long Beach Peakers LLC Long Beach Peakers LLC
Long Beach Peakers LLC Long Beach Peakers MBR Tariff
Long Island Solar Farm, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Longfellow Wind, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Longreach Energy, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Longview Fibre Paper and Packaging, Inc. Longview Fibre Paper and Packaging, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Longview Power, LLC Cost-Based Rate Schedules
Longview Power, LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Lookout WindPower LLC Tariff Database
Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Los Medanos Energy Center, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Lost Creek Wind, LLC Lost Creek MBR Tariffs
Lost Hills Solar, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1
Lost Lakes Wind Farm LLC Lost Lakes Wind Farm LLC MBR Tariff
Louisiana Generating LLC Louisiana Generating LLC
Louisville Gas and Electric Company Transmission
Louisville Gas and Electric Company Energy Marketing
Louisville Gas and Electric Company Natural Gas
Lowell Cogeneration Company Limited Partnership Lowell Cogeneration Company Limited Partnership MBR Tariff
Lower Mount Bethel Energy, LLC Cost-Based Tariffs
Lower Mount Bethel Energy, LLC Lower Mount Bethel Energy, LLC
LQA, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
LS Power Marketing, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
LSC Communications US, LLC MBR Tariff
LSP University Park, LLC Market-Based Tariffs
LSP University Park, LLC Cost-Based Tariffs
Luke Paper Company Luke Paper Company Market-Based Rate Tariff
Lumberton Energy, LLC Lumberton Energy, LLC, FERC Electric Tariff Volume No. 1
Lumens Energy Supply LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Luning Energy Holdings LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Luning Energy LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
LVI Power, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
LWP Lessee, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Agreements
LWP Lessee, LLC LWP Lessee, LLC, FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 1
Lykins Energy Solutions Market-Based Rate Tariff
Lyonsdale Biomass, LLC Lyonsdale Biomass, LLC, FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 1
M&R Energy Resources Corp. Market Based Rates
Mac Trading, Inc. Mac Trading, Inc. Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
Macho Springs Power I, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Macho Springs Solar, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff, FERC Electric Tariff Volume No. 1
Macquarie Energy LLC Macquarie Energy MBR and Reassignment Tariffs
Madison Gas and Electric Company Market-Based Rate Tariff
Madison Paper Industries Madison Paper Industries Baseline Tariff
Madison Paper Industries MadisonPaperIndustries_Electric09
Madstone Energy Corp MBR Tariff
MAG Energy Solutions Inc. MAG Energy Solutions, Inc., FERC Electric MBR Tariff No. 1
Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Magic Valley Pipeline, L.P. FERC Gas Tariffs
Magnolia Energy LP FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
Magnolia Energy LP Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Magnolia Pipeline Company, LLC Magnolia Pipeline Company, LLC Tariffs
Magnolia Pipeline Company, LLC Magnolia Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Mahoning Creek Hydroelectric Company, LLC Reactive Power Tariff
Maine Electric Power Company, Inc. Agreements
Maine GenLead, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Maine Public Service Company Tariff Database
Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company Maine Yankee Rate Schedules
Major Energy Electric Services, LLC Market Based Rates
Major Lending, LLC Major Lending, LLC Electric Tariff
Malacha Hydro Limited Partnership Malacha Hydro Limited Partnership C003542
Malaga Power, LLC MBR Tariff
Mammoth One LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Mammoth Plains Wind Project, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Mammoth Three LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Manchief Power Company LLC First Revised Rate FERC No. 1 Superseding Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
Manitowoc Public Utilities Manitowoc Public Utilities Rate Schedule FERC No. 2
Mankato Energy Center, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Mansfield Power and Gas, LLC Mansfield Power and Gas, LLC
Mantua Creek Solar, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Manzana Wind LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Maple Analytics, LLC Maple Analytics, LLC Rate Schedule
Marathon Offshore Pipeline LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Marathon Pipe Line LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Marathon Power LLC Marathon Power LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Marble River, LLC Marble River, LLC MBR Tariff
Marcus Hook 50, L.P. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Marcus Hook Energy, L.P. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Maricopa West Solar PV, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Marina Energy, LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Mariposa Energy, LLC Mariposa Energy, LLC MBR Tariff
Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, L.L.C. Maritimes Database 1
Marketlink, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
MarkWest Liberty Ethane Pipeline, L.L.C. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
MarkWest Michigan Pipeline Company, L.L.C. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
MarkWest New Mexico, L.L.C. FERC Gas Tariff, Third Revised Volume No. 1
MarkWest Pioneer, L.L.C. FERC Gas Tariff, First Revised Volume No. 1
Mars Oil Pipeline Company Mars Tariffs
Marshall Solar, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Marshall Wind Energy LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Marshfield Utilities Rate Schedules
Martins Creek, LLC FERC Electric Tariff Original Volume No. 1
Massachusetts Electric Company Massachusetts Electric Company FERC Electric Tariff No. 2
Massachusetts Electric Company Tariffs, Rate Schedules, Agreements
Massachusetts Electric Company Service Agreements Under ISO-NE OATT Schedule 21-NEP
Massachusetts Gas & Electric, Inc. Baseline Tariff
Massie Power LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
MATEP Limited Partnership MATEP Limited Partnership MBR Tariff
MATL LLP Original Volume No. 0
MATL LLP FERC Electric Tariffs
McCoy Solar, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
McHenry Battery Storage, LLC Tariffs, Agreements, and Rate Schedules
McKittrick Limited McKittrick Limited MBR Tariff
MDU Resources Group, Inc. Montana-Dakota Utilities Co., a Division of MDU Resources Group Inc.
Meadow Creek Project Company LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Meadow Lake Wind Farm II LLC Meadow Lake Wind Farm II LLC MBR Tariff
Meadow Lake Wind Farm III LLC Meadow Lake Wind Farm III LLC MBR Tariff
Meadow Lake Wind Farm IV LLC Meadow Lake Wind Farm IV LLC MBR Tariff
Meadow Lake Wind Farm LLC Meadow Lake Wind Farm LLC MBR Tariff
Medallion Pipeline Company, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Median Energy Corp. MBR Tariff
Mega Energy Holdings LLC Market Based Rates
Mega Energy of New England, LLC Market Based Rates
Mehoopany Wind Energy LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Mendota Hills, LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Merck & Co., Inc. MBRA Tariff
Mercuria Commodities Canada Corporation J.P. Morgan Commodities Canada Corp., FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No.1
Mercuria Commodities Canada Corporation MBR Tariff
Mercuria Energy America, Inc. FERC Electric Tariff
Merlin One, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Merrill Lynch Commodities, Inc. Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
Mesa Wind Power Corporation Market-based Rate Tariff
Mesquite Power, LLC Mesquite Power, LLC, FERC Electric Tariff No. 1 Market-Based Rates Tariff
Mesquite Solar 1, LLC Mesquite Solar 1 LLC, FERC Electric Tariff No. 1 Market-Based Rates Tariff
Mesquite Solar 2, LLC Mesquite Solar 2, LLC Rate Schedule No. 1, Shared Facilities Agreement
Mesquite Solar 3, LLC Mesquite Solar 3, LLC Rate Schedule No. 1, Shared Facilities Agreement
MET New York Trading LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
MET Southwest Trading LLC MET Southwest Trading LLC MBR Tariff
MET West Trading LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Metcalf Energy Center, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Metropolitan Edison Company Market-Based Rate Power SalesTariff
Metropolitan Edison Company MetEd Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Agreements
Meyersdale Storage, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Meyersdale Windpower LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Meyersdale Windpower LLC Common Facilities Agreements
MGTC, Inc. MGTC, Inc. Statement of Operating Conditions
Michigan Electric Transmission Company, LLC METC Rate Schedules and Agreements
Michigan Power Limited Partnership Michigan Power Limited Partnership FERC Electric Tariff Original Volume No. 1
Michigan Public Power Agency Tariffs and Agreements
Michigan Wind 1, LLC Tariff Database
Michigan Wind 2, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Mid Continent Market Center, L.L.C. Mid Continent Market Center, L.L.C.
Mid Louisiana Gas Transmission, LLC Statement of Operating Conditions for Transportation Service
Mid-America Pipeline Company, LLC Tariffs
Mid-Atlantic Interstate Transmission, LLC MAIT Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Agreements
Mid-Georgia Cogen L.P. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Mid-Set Cogeneration Company Tariff Database
Mid-Valley Pipeline Company Crude Oil Transportation
MidAmerican Central California Transco, LLC Transmisson Owner Tariff
MidAmerican Energy Company Electric Tariffs
MidAmerican Energy Company MEC Transmission
MidAmerican Energy Company Electric Tariffs
MidAmerican Energy Services, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Midcontinent Express Pipeline LLC First Revised Volume No. 1
Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. MISO Agreements
Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. MISO Rate Schedules
Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. FERC Electric Tariff
Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. Midwest ISO Agreements
Middletown Cogeneration Company LLC Middletown Cogeneration MBR Tariff
Middletown Power LLC Middleton Power LLC
Midland Cogeneration Venture Limited Partnership Contracts, Rate Schedules, and Other Agreements
Midland Cogeneration Venture Limited Partnership Midland Cogeneration Venture Limited Partnership
Midway Peaking, LLC Starwood Power-Midway LLC
Midway-Sunset Cogeneration Company Tariff Database
Midwest Electric Power, Inc. FERC Electric Tariffs
Midwest Generation, LLC Tariff Database
Midwest Power Transmission Arkansas, LLC Tariffs and Agreements
Midwestern Gas Transmission Company Midwestern - FERC Gas Tariff
Milan Energy LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Milford Power Company, LLC FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
Milford Power, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff of Milford Power Limited Partnership
Milford Wind Corridor Phase I, LLC Milford Wind Corridor Phase I MBR
Milford Wind Corridor Phase I, LLC Contracts and Other Agreements
Milford Wind Corridor Phase II, LLC Market-Based Rate Wholesale Power Sale Tariff
Milford Wind Corridor Phase II, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Mill Run Windpower, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Millennium Pipeline Company, LLC Millennium Tariffs
Millennium Power Partners, L.P. Baseline Tariff
Milne Point Pipeline, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Milner Dam Wind Park, LLC Milner Dam Wind Park, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 1
Milo Wind Project, LLC Tariffs, Agreements, and Rate Schedules
Minco Wind II, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Minco Wind III, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Minco Wind Interconnection Services, LLC Shared Facilities Agreements
Minco Wind Interconnection Services, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Minco Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
MinnDakota Wind LLC MinnDakota MBR Tariffs
Minnesota Energy Resources Corporation MERC Operating Statement Database
Minnesota Pipe Line Company, LLC FERC Tariffs
Minonk Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Mint Energy, LLC Rate Schedule FERC No.1
Mint Energy, LLC Rate Schedule FERC No.1
Mint Energy, LLC Rate Schedule FERC No.1
MIPC, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Mississippi Canyon Gas Pipeline, L.L.C. Second Revised Volume No. 1
Mississippi Hub, LLC Mississippi Hub Gas Tariff August 2 2010
Mississippi Power Company Cost Based Rate Tariffs
Mississippi Power Company OATT and Associated Service Agreements
Mississippi Power Company Market Based Rate Tariff
MMP SCO, LLC Market-Based Rate Application - Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
Moapa Southern Paiute Solar, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff FERC Electric Tariff Volume No. 1
Mobil Eugene Island Pipeline Company FERC 86.0.0 CANCELS 83
Mobil Eugene Island Pipeline Company CRUDE PETROLEUM
Mobil Pipe Line Company CRUDE & PRODUCTS TARIFFS
Mobile Energy L L C FERC Electric Tariffs
MoGas Pipeline LLC Baseline Tariff
Moguai Energy LLC Market Based Rates Tariff
Mojave Pipeline Company, L.L.C. Mojave Tariff
Mojave Solar LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Monarch Oil Pipeline, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariff
Monongahela Power Company First Revised FERC Electric Tariff No. 59
Monongahela Power Company Allegheny Power Market Rate Tariff
Monongahela Power Company Allegheny Power Open Access Transmission Tariff, Third Revised Volume No. 5
Monongahela Power Company FERC Electric Tariff First Revised Volume No. 1
Monongahela Power Company Monongahela Power Co. Reactive Power Tariff
Monongahela Power Company Monongahela Power Co. Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Other Agreements
Monroe Gas Storage Company, LLC Baseline Tariff
Montana Generation, LLC Montana Generation, LLC
Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. Baseline Statement of Operating Conditions
Monterey CA, LLC Monterey CA, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff No. 1
Monterey Consulting Associates, Inc. Market Based Rate Tariff
Monterey MA, LLC Monterey MA, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff No. 1
Monterey MW, LLC Monterey MW, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff No. 1
Monterey NY, LLC Monterey NY, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff No. 1
Monterey SW LLC Market Based Rates
Montour, LLC FERC Electric Tariff Original Volume No. 1
Montville Power LLC Montville Power LLC
Moore Energy, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff No. 1
Moraine Wind II LLC Moraine II MBR Tariffs
Moraine Wind LLC Moraine MBR Tariffs
Morgan Energy Center, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Morgan Stanley Capital Group Inc. Market Based Rates Tariff
Morris Cogeneration, LLC Tariff Database
Moss Bluff Hub, LLC Moss Bluff Database 1
Motiva Enterprises LLC Motiva Enterprises LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Mountain View Power Partners III, LLC Mountain View MBR Tariffs
Mountain View Power Partners IV, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Mountain View Power Partners, LLC Mountain View Power Partners, LLC, Volume 1 (Market-Based)
Mountain View Solar, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Mountain Wind Power II LLC Tariff Database
Mountain Wind Power, LLC Tariff Database
MP2 Energy IL LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
MP2 Energy LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
MP2 Energy LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
MP2 Energy NE LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
MP2 Energy NJ LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
MPC Generating, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
MPower Energy MBR TARIFF
MRP Generation Holdings, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
MS Solar Solutions Corp. Market Based Rates Tariff
Mt. Carmel Cogen, Inc. Mt. Carmel Cogen, Inc. MBR Tariff
Mt. Carmel Cogen, Inc. Reactive Power Tariff
Mt. Poso Cogeneration Company, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Mt. Tom Generating Company, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1
Mulberry Farm, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Municipal Energy Agency of Mississippi Tariffs and Agreements
Municipal Energy of PA, LLC MBR Tariff
Munnsville Wind Farm, LLC Munnsville Wind Farm, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Muskegon Pipeline LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Mustang Hills, LLC Alta Wind VI, LLC MBR Tariff
Myotis Power Marketing LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Nalcor Energy Nalcor Energy MBR Tariff
Nalcor Energy Marketing Corporation Market-Based Rate Tariff
Naniwa Energy LLC Market Based Rates Tariff
NASDAQ OMX Commodities Clearing Company FERC Electric Tariffs
Nassau Energy, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
National Choice Energy LLC Market Based Rates
National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation Statement of Operating Conditions
National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation National Fuel Tariff
National Gas & Electric, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
National Grid Generation LLC Service Agreements and Rate Schedules
National Grid LNG, LLC Tariffs, Service Agreements, and Rate Schedules
National Grid-Glenwood Energy Center, LLC National Grid - Glenwood FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
National Grid-Port Jefferson Energy Center, LLC National Grid - Port Jefferson FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
Natural Gas Exchange Inc. NGX MBR Tariff
Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America LLC FERC Gas Tariff
NaturEner Glacier Wind Energy 1, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
NaturEner Glacier Wind Energy 2, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
NaturEner Montana Wind Energy 2, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
NaturEner Montana Wind Energy, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
NaturEner Power Watch, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
NaturEner Rim Rock Wind Energy, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
NaturEner Wind Watch, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Nautilus Pipeline Company, L.L.C. First Revised Volume No. 1
Navajo Nation Oil & Gas Company Navajo Nation Oil & Gas Company, Inc. Oil Tariffs
Navigator BSG Transportation & Storage, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariff
NDR Energy Group, LLC NDR Energy Group, LLC Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
NedPower Mount Storm, LLC NedPower Mount Storm - DB
NedPower Mount Storm, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
NEO Freehold-Gen LLC NEO Freehold LLC
NEPM II, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
NET Mexico Pipeline Partners, LLC Statement of Operating Conditions
Netsales & Arts, Inc. wlddi
Nevada Power Company Open Access Transmission Tariff
Nevada Power Company NPC Database
Nevada Solar One, LLC Nevada Solar One, LLC FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
New Athens Generating Company, LLC Baseline Tariff
New Athens Generating Company, LLC Baseline Tariff
New Brunswick Energy Marketing Corporation NBPowerMBRTariff
New Covert Generating Company, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
New Creek Wind LLC Original Volume No. 0
New Dominion Energy Cooperative New Dominion Energy Cooperative Tariff Database
New England Electric Transmission Corporation Service Agreements and Rate Schedules
New England Hydro Transmission Corporation Service Agreements and Rate Schedules
New England Hydro Transmission Electric Company Service Agreements and Rate Schedules
New England Power Company Service Agreements Under ISO-NE OATT Schedule 21-NEP
New England Power Company Tariffs, Rate Schedules, Agreements
New England Power Company New England Power Company FERC Electric Tariff No. 10
New England Power Company Tariffs, Rate Schedules, Agreements
New England Power Pool Participants Committee NEPOOL Agreement
New England Wind, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
New England Wire Technologies, Corp. Baseline Tariff
New Hampshire Industries, Inc. Baseline Tariff
New Harquahala Generating Company, LLC Baseline Tariff
New Harvest Wind Project LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
New Hope Power Partnership New Hope Power Partnership FERC Electric Tariff
New Mexico Electric Marketing, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
New Mexico Gas Company, Inc. Statement of Operations
New Wave Energy Corp New Wave Corporation Market Based Rate Tariff
New York Independent System Operator, Inc. NYISO Agreements
New York Independent System Operator, Inc. NYISO Tariffs
New York Industrial Energy Buyers, LLC Market Based Rates
New York State Electric & Gas Corporation NYSEG Market-Based Rate Tariff
New York State Electric & Gas Corporation NYSEG Facilities Agreement with NYPA
New York State Electric & Gas Corporation NYSEG Transmission Related Agreements
New York State Electric & Gas Corporation NYSEG - Storage Services Operating Statement
New-Indy Ontario LLC FERC Electric Tariff
New-Indy Oxnard LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Newark Bay Cogeneration Partnership, L.P. Newark Bay Cogeneration Partnership, L.P. MBR and Reactive Power Tariffs
Newark Energy Center, LLC Reactive Power Tariff
Newark Energy Center, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Newmont Nevada Energy Investment, LLC Newmont Nevada Energy Investment LLC FERC Electric Tariff
NewPage Energy Services, LLC NewPage Energy Services, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Nexen Pipeline U.S.A. Inc. F.E.R.C. No. 2.0.0
Nexen Pipeline U.S.A. Inc. Nexen Oil Pipeline Tariff
Nexen Pipeline U.S.A. LLC Nexen Pipeline U.S.A. LLC Tariffs
Next Utility Energy LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
NextEra Blythe Solar Energy Center, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
NextEra Blythe Solar Energy Center, LLC Shared Facilities Agreements
NextEra Energy Duane Arnold, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
NextEra Energy Montezuma II Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
NextEra Energy Point Beach, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
NextEra Energy Power Marketing, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
NextEra Energy Services Massachusetts, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
NextEra Energy Transmission MidAtlantic, LLC Transmission Owner Tariff
NextEra Energy Transmission Midwest, LLC Transmission Owner Tariff
NextEra Energy Transmission New York, Inc. Transmission Owner Tariff
NextEra Energy Transmission Southwest, LLC Transmission Owner Tariff
NextEra Energy Transmission West, LLC Transmission Owner Tariff
NFI Solar, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
NGO Transmission, Inc. FERC Gas Tariff, First Revised Volume No. 1
NGP Blue Mountain I LLC NGP Blue Mountain I MBR Tariffs
Niagara Generation, LLC Niagara MBR Tariffs
Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation Tariffs, Rate Schedules, Agreements
Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation FERC Electric Tariff No. 4
Niagara Wind Power, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Nicolis, LLC Market Base Rate Tariff
NiGen, LLC FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
Niles Valley Energy LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, LLC Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, LLC
Ninnescah Wind Energy, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Nippon Dynawave Packaging Co. FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
Nissequogue Cogen Partners FERC Electric Tariffs
Nittany Energy, LLC Nittany Energy LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Noble Altona Windpark, LLC Market-Based Rate FERC Electric Tariff
Noble Americas Energy Solutions LLC Sempra Energy Solutions LLC MBR Tariff
Noble Americas Energy Solutions LLC MBR Tariff
Noble Americas Gas & Power Corp. Market Based Rates Tariff
Noble Bellmont Windpark, LLC Market-Based Rate FERC Electric Tariff
Noble Bliss Windpark, LLC Market-Based Rate FERC Electric Tariff
Noble Chateaugay Windpark, LLC Market-Based Rate FERC Electric Tariff
Noble Clinton Windpark I, LLC Market-Based Rate FERC Electric Tariff
Noble Ellenburg Windpark, LLC Market-Based Rate FERC Electric Tariff
Noble Great Plains Windpark, LLC Market-Based Rate FERC Electric Tariff
Noble Wethersfield Windpark, LLC Market-Based Rate FERC Electric Tariff
Norco Pipe Line Company, LLC NORCO Refined Products Tariff
Nordic Energy Services, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
North Allegheny Wind, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
North American Energy Markets Association Capacity and Energy Tariff
North American Energy Markets Association Capacity and Energy Tariff
North American Power and Gas, LLC MBR Tariff
North American Power Business, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
North Baja Pipeline, LLC North Baja Tariffs
North Branch Resources, LLC Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
North Community Turbines LLC Tariff Database
North Dakota Pipeline Company LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
North Energy Power, LLC Market Based Rates
North Hurlburt Wind, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
North Hurlburt Wind, LLC Shared Facilities Agreement
North Jersey Energy Associates, A Limited Partners Market-Based Rate Tariff
North Lancaster Ranch LLC FERC Electric Tariff
North Lancaster Ranch LLC Shared Facilities Agreement
North Sky River Energy, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
North Star Gas Company LLC North Star Gas Market Based Rate Tariff
North Star Solar PV LLC Market Based Rates
North Star Solar, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No.1
North Wind Turbines LLC Tariff Database
Northampton Generating Company, L.P. Northampton Generating Co. MBR Tariff
Northampton Generating Company, L.P. Reactive Power Tariff
Northeast Energy Associates, A Limited Partnership Market-Based Rate Tariff
Northeastern Power Company NEPCO MBR Tariff (FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 1)
Northeastern Power Company Tariff Database
Northeastern Power Company NEPCO Reactive Power Rate Schedule
Northern Border Pipeline Company Northern Border Tariffs
Northern Colorado Wind Energy, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Northern Illinois Gas Company Operating Statement
Northern Indiana Public Service Company Electric Tariffs
Northern Indiana Public Service Company Rate Schedules
Northern Iowa Windpower II LLC Northern Iowa MBR Tariffs
Northern Iowa Windpower, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Northern Maine Independent System Administrator, I Tariff
Northern Maine Independent System Administrator, I Northern Maine Market Rules
Northern Maine Independent System Administrator, I Tariff
Northern Maine Independent System Administrator, I Northern Maine Market Rules
Northern Natural Gas Company Gas Tariffs
Northern Pass Transmission LLC FERC Tariffs
Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corpora Production Tariffs
Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corpora Transmission and Service Agreements Tariff
Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corpora Market Tariffs
Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corpora Transmission Tariffs
Northern States Power Company, a Wisconsin corpora Market Tariffs
Northern States Power Company, a Wisconsin corpora Transmission Tariffs
Northern States Power Company, a Wisconsin corpora Transmission and Service Agreements Tariff
Northern States Power Company, a Wisconsin corpora Production Tariffs
NorthPoint Energy Solutions Inc. FERC Electric Tariff
Northstar Pipeline Company, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Northwest Natural Gas Company Mist Storage Service Operating Statement
Northwest Pipeline LLC Fifth Revised Volume No. 1
NorthWestern Corporation NorthWestern Corporation
NorthWestern Corporation Baseline Tariff of SOC
NorthWestern Corporation NorthWestern Corporation
Norwalk Power LLC Norwalk Power LLC
NOVA Chemicals Inc Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Novo BioPower, LLC Novo Biopower, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
NRG Bowline LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
NRG California South LP FERC Electric Market-Based Rate Tariff
NRG Canal LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
NRG Chalk Point CT LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
NRG Chalk Point LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
NRG Delta LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
NRG Energy Center Dover LLC NRG Energy Center Dover Reactive Supply and Voltage Control
NRG Energy Center Dover LLC NRG Energy Center Dover LLC
NRG Energy Center Paxton LLC NRG Energy Center Paxton LLC
NRG Florida LP FERC Electric Market-Based Rate Tariff
NRG Marsh Landing LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
NRG New Jersey Energy Sales LLC NRG New Jersey Energy Sales LLC
NRG Potomac River LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
NRG Power Marketing LLC NRG Power Marketing LLC
NRG Power Midwest LP FERC Electric Market-Based Rate Tariff
NRG Power Midwest LP Cost-Based Rate Schedules
NRG REMA LLC FERC Electric Market-Based Rate Tariff
NRG Solar Alpine LLC NRG Solar Alpine LLC
NRG Solar Avra Valley LLC NRG Solar Avra Valley LLC
NRG Solar Blythe LLC NRG Solar Blythe LLC
NRG Solar Borrego I LLC NRG Solar Borrego I LLC
NRG Solar Roadrunner LLC NRG Solar Roadrunner LLC FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
NRG Sterlington Power LLC NRG Sterlington Power LLC
NRG Wholesale Generation LP FERC Electric Market-Based Rate Tariff
NRG Wholesale Generation LP Cost-Based Tariffs & Rate Schedules
NST Express, LLC Oil Tariffs
NSTAR Electric Company Market-Based Rate Tariff
NSTAR Electric Company NSTAR Electric Company Rate Schedules and Agreements
NuStar Crude Oil Pipeline L.P. Tariffs
NuStar Logistics, L.P. Oil PipelineTariffs
NuStar Pipeline Operating Partnership, L.P. Tariffs
Nutaaq Pipeline LLC FERC ICA Oil Tariff
NV Energy, Inc. NVE Database
NYSEG Solutions, LLC NYSEG Solutions Market-Based Rate Tariff
O.L.S. Energy-Agnews, Inc. FERC Electric Tariffs
Oak Creek Wind Power, LLC Oak Creek Wind Power, LLC MBR Tariff
Oak Creek Wind Power, LLC Ridge Crest Wind Partners, LLC MBR Tariff
Oak Creek Wind Power, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Oasis Midstream Services LLC FERC ICA Oil Tariff
Oasis Pipeline, LP Statement of Operating Conditions
Oasis Power Partners, LLC Oasis Power Partners, LLC, FERC First Revised Electric Rate Schedule No. 1
Oasis Power, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Occidental Chemical Corporation Market-Based Rates Tariff
Occidental Power Marketing, L.P. Market-Based Rates Tariff
Occidental Power Services, Inc. Market-Based Rates Tariff
Ocean State Power II Ocean State Power II - Market Based Rate Tariff
Ocean State Power LLC Ocean State Power - Market Based Rate Tariff
Oceanside Power LLC Baseline Tariff
Ocotillo Express LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Odell Wind Farm, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Ohio Edison Company Market-Based Rate Power Sales Tariff
Ohio Oil Gathering II, LLC Ohio Oil Gathering Corporation II, FERC No. 33
Ohio Oil Gathering II, LLC Oil Tariffs
Ohio Oil Gathering II, LLC Ohio Oil Gathering Corporation II, FERC 34.0.0, FERC 35.0.0, FERC 36.0.0
Ohio Oil Gathering II, LLC Ohio Oil Gathering II, LLC F.E.R.C. No. 1.0.0
Ohio Oil Gathering II, LLC Ohio Oil Gathering II, LLC - F.E.R.C. No. 2.0.0
Ohio Power Company MBR Baseline Concurrence - AEP Op Co
Ohio Power Company OATT Concurrence Filing
Ohio Power Company MBR Tariff
Ohio Power Company OPCo RS and SA Baseline
Ohio River Pipe Line LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Ohio River Valley Pipeline, LLC Oil Tariffs
Ohio Valley Electric Corporation Power Agreements
Ohio Valley Electric Corporation OVEC OATT
Ohio Valley Electric Corporation OVEC Inter-Company Power Agreement and OVEC-IKEC Power Agreement
Ohio Valley Electric Corporation Market Based Rate Tariff
Oildale Energy LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1
Oklahoma Cogeneration, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company Cost-Based Formula Rate Agreement
Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company Rate Schedules and Other Agreements
Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company WM-1 and WC-1 Tariff_Volume No. 1
Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company Cost-Based Tariff_Volume No. 4
Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company Market-Based Rate Tariff_Volume No. 3
Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company Open Access Transmission Tariff_Volume No. 2
OkTex Pipeline Company, L.L.C. OKTex - FERC Gas Tariff
Old Dominion Electric Cooperative Old Dominion Electric Cooperative Tariff Database
Old Trail Wind Farm, LLC Old Trail Wind Farm, LLC MBR Tariff
Oleander Power Project, Limited Partnership Market-Based Rate Tariff
Oliver Wind III, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Olympic Pipe Line Company Oil Pipeline Tariffs
ON Wind Energy LLC Market Based Rates
One Nation Energy Solutions, LLC Market Based Rates
ONEOK Arbuckle North Pipeline, L.L.C. Tariffs
ONEOK Bakken Pipeline, L.L.C. Tariffs
ONEOK Energy Services Company, L.P. ONEOK Energy Services Company, L.P., FERC Electric Tariff Volume No. 1
ONEOK Field Services Company, L.L.C. ONEOK Field Services
ONEOK Gas Storage, L.L.C. ONEOK Gas Storage, L.L.C.
ONEOK Gas Transportation, L.L.C. ONEOK Gas Transportation, L.L.C.
ONEOK NGL Pipeline, L.L.C. Tariffs
ONEOK North System, L.L.C. Tariffs
ONEOK Texas Gas Storage, L.L.C. ONEOK Texas Gas Storage, L.L.C.
ONEOK WesTex Transmission, L.L.C. ONEOK WesTex Transmission, L.L.C.
Oneta Power, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Ontario Power Generation Energy Trading, Inc. Ontario Power Generation Energy Trading, Inc.
Ontelaunee Power Operating Company, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Onyx Offshore LLC Onyx Offshore LLC
Oracle Energy Services, LLC Oracle Energy Services, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. Gas Tariffs and Service Agreements
Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. FERC Open Access Transmission Tariff
Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. FERC Market Based Rates Tariff
Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. Service Agreements
Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. Service Agreements and Other Tariffs
Orange Grove Energy, L.P. Orange Grove Energy Market Based Rate Tariff Database
Oregon Clean Energy, LLC Market Base Rate Tariff
Oregon Trail Wind Park, LLC Oregon Trail Wind Park, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 1
OriGen Energy LLC Market Based Rates
Origin Wind Energy, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Orion Solar I, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Orion Solar II, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Orlando CoGen Limited, L.P. Orlando CoGon Limited, L.P. FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
Orlando Utilities Commission FERC Electric Tariff
ORNI 14 LLC FERC Electric Tariff
ORNI 37 LLC FERC Electric Tariff
ORNI 39 LLC FERC Electric Tariff
ORNI 47 LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Oryx Southern Delaware Oil Gathering and Transport Tariffs
Osage Pipe Line Company, LLC Osage Pipe Line Company, LLC Baseline Tariff
Osage Wind, LLC Osage Wind, LLC
Osborn Wind Energy, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Osceola Windpower II, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Osceola Windpower, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Osprey Energy Center, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Oswego Harbor Power LLC Oswego Harbor Power LLC
Otay Mesa Energy Center, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Otter Tail Power Company Tariff Database
Overland Pass Pipeline Company LLC Tariffs
Overland Trail Transmission, LLC Statement of Operating Conditions
Owens Corning Sales, LLC Owens Corning Sales, LLC Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
Oxbow Creek Energy LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Ozark Gas Transmission, L.L.C. Ozark Database 1
P.M.I. Services North America, Inc. PMI Oil Pipeline Tariff
Pacific Crest Power, LLC MBR Tariff
Pacific Gas and Electric Company NGPA 311 Gas (Tariff ID 9100)
Pacific Gas and Electric Company NGPA 311 Gas
Pacific Gas and Electric Company Transmission Owner Tariff and Service Agreements (Tariff ID 1100)
Pacific Gas and Electric Company Other Tariffs and Rate Schedules (Tariff ID 3100)
Pacific Gas and Electric Company Wholesale Distribution Tariff and Service Agreements (Tariff ID 2100)
Pacific Gas and Electric Company Wholesale Distribution Tariff and Related Service Agreements
Pacific Gas and Electric Company Transmission Owner Tariff and Related Service Agreements
Pacific Gas and Electric Company Other Tariffs and Rate Schedules
Pacific Northwest Generating Cooperative Market-Based Rate Schedule
Pacific Summit Energy LLC Pacific Summit Energy LLC Tariff
Pacific Wind Lessee, LLC Pacific Wind Lessee, LLC Tariffs and Rate Schedules
PacifiCorp Transmission OATT and Service Agmts
PacifiCorp Electric Tariffs
PacifiCorp Transmission Rate Schedules
Paiute Pipeline Company Paiute Pipeline Company
Paiute Pipeline Company Paiute Pipeline Company - Third Revised Volume No. 1-A
Palama, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Paline Pipeline Company, LLC Paline Pipeline Company LLC Tariffs
PalletOne Energy, LLC Baseline Tariff
Palmco Power CA, LLC Palmco Power CA FERC Electric Tariff
Palmco Power CT, LLC Palmco Power CT FERC Electric Tariff
Palmco Power DC, LLC Palmco Power DC FERC Electric Tariff
Palmco Power DE LLC Palmco Power DE FERC Electric Tariff
Palmco Power IL, LLC Palmco Power IL FERC Electric Tariff
Palmco Power MA, LLC Palmco Power MA FERC Electric Tariff
Palmco Power MD, LLC Palmco Power MD FERC Electric Tariff
Palmco Power ME,LLC Palmco Power ME FERC Electric Tariff
Palmco Power MI LLC Palmco Power MI FERC Electric Tariff
Palmco Power NH LLC Palmco Power NH FERC Electric Tariff
Palmco Power NJ, LLC Palmco Power NJ FERC Electric Tariff
Palmco Power NY, LLC Palmco Power NY FERC Electric Tariff
Palmco Power OH, LLC Palmco Power OH FERC Electric Tariff
Palmco Power PA, LLC Palmco Power PA FERC Electric Tariff
Palmco Power RI LLC Palmco Power RI FERC Electric Tariff
Palmco Power VA LLC Palmco Power VA FERC Electric Tariff
Palo Duro Wind Energy, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Palo Duro Wind Interconnection Services, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Palo Duro Wind Interconnection Services, LLC Agreements
Palouse Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Panda Liberty LLC Panda Liberty LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Panda Patriot LLC Panda Patriot LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Panda Stonewall LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Service Agreements
Panda-Brandywine, L.P. Reactive Power Tariff
Panda-Brandywine, L.P. Market Rate Tariff
Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company, LP Fourth Revised Volume No. 1
Panoche Energy Center, LLC Panoche Energy Center, LLC FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
Panola Pipeline Company, LLC Tariffs
Panther Creek Power Operating, LLC Market-Based Tariff
Panther Creek Power Operating, LLC Reactive Power Tariff
Panther Interstate Pipeline Energy, LLC FERC Gas Tariff, First Revised Volume No. 1
Paradise Solar Urban Renewal, L.L.C. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Park Power LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Parkview AMC Energy, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Parkway Pipeline LLC Parkway Tariff Database
Parkway Pipeline LLC Tariff Database
Parrey, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Passadumkeag Windpark, LLC Passadumkeag Windpark - Baseline Tariff
Pastoria Energy Facility L.L.C. FERC Electric Tariffs
Patton Wind Farm, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Patua Acquisition Company, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Paulding Wind Farm II LLC Paulding Wind Farm II LLC MBR Tariff
Paulding Wind Farm III LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Paulsboro Natural Gas Pipeline Company LLC FERC Gas Tariff
Pavant Solar II LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Pavant Solar LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Pawtucket Power Associates Limited Partnership FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
Payne's Ferry Wind Park, LLC Payne's Ferry Wind Park, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 1
PBF Power Marketing LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
PE Hydro Generation, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Peak View Wind Energy LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Peaker LLC Peaker LLC MBR Tariff
Pebble Springs Wind LLC Pebble Springs Wind LLC
PECO Energy Company Wholesale Power Sales Tariff
PECO Energy Company Rate Schedules and Agreements
Pedricktown Cogeneration Company LP Pedricktown Cogeneration Company LP MBR Tariff
Pedricktown Cogeneration Company LP Tariff Database
Peetz Logan Interconnect, LLC Open Access Transmission Tariff
Peetz Table Wind Energy, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
PEI Power Corporation Market-Based Rates Tariff
PEI Power II, LLC PEI Power Market-Based Rate Tariff
Pelican Gathering Systems, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Pelico Pipeline, LLC Statement of Operating Conditions for Transportation Service
Peninsula Power, LLC Market Based Rates Tariff
Pennsylvania Electric Company Penelec Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Agreements
Pennsylvania Electric Company Market-Based Rate Power Sales Tariff
Pennsylvania Power Company Market-Based Rate Power Sales Tariff
Pennsylvania Power Company Market-Based Rate Power Sales Tariff
Pennsylvania Windfarms, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Pennsylvania Windfarms, LLC Common Facilities Agreements
PennTex North Louisiana Operating 3, LLC FERC ICA Oil Tariff
People's Power & Gas, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
People's Power & Gas, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Peoples Natural Gas Company LLC Peoples Natural Gas Company LLC
Peoples TWP LLC Statement of Operating Conditions
Pepco Energy Services, Inc. Pepco Energy Services Tariff Database
Perigee Energy, LLC Perigee Energy, LLC Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
Permian Express Terminal LLC Crude Oil Transportation PET
Perrin Ranch Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Perryville Gas Storage LLC Perryville Gas Storage Tariff
Petal Gas Storage, L.L.C. NGA Gas
Petal Gas Storage, L.L.C. Tariffs
PGPipeline LLC Baseline Tariff
PGPV, LLC mbr tariff
PH Glatfelter Company PH Glatfelter Company MBR eTariff
Phalanx Energy Services, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Pheasant Run Wind II, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Pheasant Run Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Pheasant Run Wind, LLC Agreements
Phillips 66 Carrier LLC Phillips 66 Carrier LLC Tariffs
Phillips 66 Company Market-Based Rate Tariff
Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC Tariffs
Phillips 66 Sweeny-Freeport LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Phillips Texas Pipeline Company, Ltd. Phillips Texas Pipeline Company, Ltd. Tariffs
Phoenix Energy Group, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Phoenix Energy New England, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Physical Systems Integration, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Piedmont Energy Fund, LP Tariffs
Piedmont Green Power, LLC Piedmont Green Power, LLC
Pilgrim Stage Station Wind Park, LLC Pilgrim Stage Station Wind Park, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 1
Pilot Hill Wind, LLC Tariffs, Agreements and Rate Schedules
Pilot Power Group, Inc. PPG
Pilot Power Group, Inc. PPG
Pima Energy Storage System, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Pine Bluff Energy, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Pine Needle LNG Company, LLC First Revised Volume No. 1
Pine Prairie Energy Center, LLC Pine Prairie Energy Center, LLC, FERC Gas Tariff, First Revised Volume No. 1
Pinelawn Power, LLC Pinelawn Power Market Based Rate Tariff Database
Pinetree Power-Tamworth, LLC Pinetree Power - Tamworth, Inc. -- FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 1
Pinetree Power-Tamworth, LLC Tariff Database
Pinnacle Power, LLC Pinnacle Power Database
Pinnacle Wind, LLC Market-Based Rates
Pinyon Pines Wind I, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Pinyon Pines Wind II, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Pio Pico Energy Center, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Pioneer Pipe Line Company Pioneer Pipe Line Tariffs
Pioneer Prairie Wind Farm I, LLC Pioneer Prairie Wind Farm I, LLC MBR Tariff
Pioneer Trail Wind Farm, LLC Pioneer Trail Wind Farm, LLC, Market-Based Rate Tariff
Pioneer Wind Park I, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
PJLB LLC Market Based Rates Tariff
PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. Interregional Agreements
PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. Intra-PJM Tariffs
PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. Rate Schedules
PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. PJM Service Agreements Tariff
Plainfield Renewable Energy, LLC Plainfield Renewable Energy MBR Tariff
Plains End II, LLC Plains End II, LLC MBR Tariff
Plains End, LLC Plains End, LLC MBR Tariff
Plains LPG Services, L.P. Plains LPG Services, L.P. Baseline tariff filing
Plains Midstream Superior LLC Plains Midstream Superior LLC
Plains Pipeline, L.P. Plains Pipeline, L.P. FERC tariff filings
Plains Pipeline, L.P. Plains Pipeline, L.P. FERC tariff filings
Plains Pipeline-North Dakota LLC Plains Pipeline-North Dakota LLC Tariffs
Plains Southcap Inc. aa Plains Southcap Inc.
Planet Energy (Maryland) Corp. Planet Energy Maryland MBR Tariff
Planet Energy (New York) Corp. Planet Energy New York Market-Based Rate Tariff
Planet Energy (Pennsylvania) Corp. Planet Energy Pennsylvania MBR Tariff
Planet Energy (USA) Corp. Planet Energy USA MBR Tariff
Plant-E Corp initialTarrif
Plantation Pipe Line Company PPL Tariff Database
Platinum Energy, LLC Platinum Energy MBR Tariff
Platte Pipe Line Company, LLC Tariffs
Platte Pipe Line Company, LLC Platte Tariffs
Platte River Midstream LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Pleasant Valley Wind, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Pleasants Energy, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff of Pleasants Energy, LLC
Pleasants Energy, LLC Tariff Database
Plum Point Energy Associates, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Plum Point Energy Associates, LLC Reactive Power Tariff
Plum Point Services Company, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Plymouth Rock Energy, LLC Plymouth Rock Energy MBR Baseline Tariff
PNE Energy Supply, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Pocahontas Prairie Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Portal Ridge Solar A, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff, FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1
Portal Ridge Solar B, LLC Market Based Rates
Portal Ridge Solar C, LLC Market Based Rates
Porter-Walker LLC Porter-Walker LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1
Portland General Electric Company PGE FERC Gas Tariff Original Volume 1
Portland General Electric Company PGE First Revised Volume 12
Portland General Electric Company PGE Original Volume 13 Ancillary Services
Portland General Electric Company PGE-2 Cost Based Rate Tariff
Portland General Electric Company PGE SEVENTH REVISED VOLUME NO. 11 MBR
Portland General Electric Company PGE 14 Reserve Energy Service
Portland General Electric Company Portland General Electric OATT Volume No. 8
Portland General Electric Company Other Rate Schedules
Portland Natural Gas Transmission System PNGTS Tariffs
Portland Pipe Line Corporation Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Portsmouth Genco, LLC Congetrix Virginia Leasing MBR Tariff
Post Rock Wind Power Project, LLC Post Rock Wind Power Project, LLC
Potomac Electric Power Company PEPCO Tariff Database
Potomac Power Resources, LLC Potomac Power Tariff Database
Powder River Crude Services, LLC Oil PipelineTariffs
Powder River Express, LLC Oil PipelineTariffs
Power Choice Inc. Power Choice Inc. FERC Electric Tariff
Power City Partners, L.P. Power City Partners, L.P. MBR Tariff
Power Contract Financing II, Inc. Market Based Rates Tariff
Power Contract Financing II, L.L.C. Market Based Rates Tariff
Power Contract Financing, L.L.C. FERC Electric Tariffs
Power Dave Fund LLC Power Dave Fund Tariff
Power Resources, Ltd. Power Resources Market Based Rate Tariff
Power Supply Services LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Powerex Corp. Powerex Corp. FERC Rate Schedule No. 1
Powerex Corp. Powerex Corp. Rate Schedule No. 5
PowerOne Corporation MBR Tariff
PPA Grand Johanna LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
PPL Colstrip I, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 1
PPL Colstrip II, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 1
PPL Electric Utilities Corporation FERC Electric Tariff Original Volume No. 5
PPL Energy Supply, LLC Application for Authority to Sell
PPL Energy Supply, LLC FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
PPL Great Works, LLC FERC Electric Rate Schedule No. 1
PPL Maine, LLC FERC Electric Tariff Original Volume No. 1
Prairie Breeze Wind Energy II LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Prairie Breeze Wind Energy III LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Prairie Breeze Wind Energy LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Prairie Rose Transmission, LLC Transmission Service Agreement
Prairie Rose Wind, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Praxair Plainfield, Inc. Praxair Plainfield, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Praxair, Inc. Praxair, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Premier Empire Energy, LLC MBR Tariff
Promet Energy Partners, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Providence Heights Wind, LLC Providence Heights MBR Tariffs
Provider Power CT, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Provider Power MASS, LLC Baseline Tariff
Provision Power & Gas, LLC Tariff 1000
Provision Power & Gas, LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
PSEG Energy Resources & Trade LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 2, Cost of Service Recovery Rate Tariff
PSEG Energy Resources & Trade LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff, FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 1
PSEG Energy Resources & Trade LLC Rate Schedule FERC No. 3 Reactive Supply And Voltage Control From Generation Sources Service
PSEG Energy Solutions LLC PSEG Energy Solutions LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
PSEG Fossil LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff FERC Electric Tariff Original Volume No. 1
PSEG Fossil LLC Capacity Interconnection Rights Agreement
PSEG Fossil LLC Rate Schedules and Service Agreements Tariff
PSEG New Haven LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1
PSEG New Haven LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Volume 1
PSEG Nuclear LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff FERC Electric Tariff Original Volume No. 1
PSEG Power Connecticut LLC Market-Based Rate Schedule Original Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
Public Power & Utility of Maryland, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Public Power & Utility of NY, Inc Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Public Power (PA), LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Public Power, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Public Service Company of Colorado PSCo Gas Tariffs
Public Service Company of Colorado Gas Tariffs
Public Service Company of Colorado Transmission Tariffs
Public Service Company of Colorado Market Tariffs
Public Service Company of Colorado Transmission and Service Agreements Tariff
Public Service Company of Colorado Production Tariffs
Public Service Company of New Hampshire FERC Tariffs
Public Service Company of New Mexico PNM Electric Coordination Tariffs
Public Service Company of New Mexico PNM Open Access Transmission Tariff
Public Service Company of New Mexico PNM WestConnect Experimental Tariff
Public Service Company of New Mexico PNM Cost Based Tariff Vol No. 7
Public Service Company of New Mexico PNM Rate Schedules and Agreements
Public Service Company of New Mexico PNM Electric Tariffs
Public Service Company of Oklahoma PSO Rate Schedules and Service Agreements Baseline
Public Service Company of Oklahoma OATT Concurrence Filing
Public Service Electric and Gas Company Market-Based Rate Tariff FERC Electric Tariff Volume No. 6
Public Service Electric and Gas Company Grandfathered Agreements
Puget Sound Energy Jackson Prairie Gas Storage Agreement - 09212010
Puget Sound Energy Jackson Prairie gas storage project agreement
Puget Sound Energy, Inc. Vantage Transmission Service Agreement #476
Puget Sound Energy, Inc. PSE Original Service Agreement No. 506
Puget Sound Energy, Inc. PSE Original Service Agreement #507
Puget Sound Energy, Inc. PSE Original Service Agreement No. 508
Puget Sound Energy, Inc. Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement
Puget Sound Energy, Inc. Market-Based Rates Tariff
Puget Sound Energy, Inc. Electric Transmission Reassignment
Puget Sound Energy, Inc. Jackson Prairie Gas Storage Project Agreement
Puget Sound Energy, Inc. OATT - Open Access Transmission Tariff
Puget Sound Energy, Inc. Montana Intertie Agreement
Puget Sound Energy, Inc. Misc Tariffs and Agreements
Puget Sound Energy, Inc. Open Access Transmission Tariff
Pumpjack Solar I, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Pure Energy, Inc. Pure Energy, LLC
Pypha Energy LLC FERC Baseline Market Based Rate Tariff
QC Power Strategies Fund LLC FERC Electric Tariff Original Volume 1
QEP Field Services Company Oil Pipeline Tariffs
QEPM Gathering I, LLC FERC Oil Tariff
Quantum Auburndale Power, LP Quantum Auburndale Power, LP- initial baseline filing
Quantum Auburndale Power, LP Quantum Auburndale Power, LP- new baseline tariff
Quantum Auburndale Power, LP Auburndale Power Partners, Limited Partnership
Quantum Choctaw Power, LLC Quantum MBR Tariff
Quantum Lake Power, LP Lake Cogen, Ltd.
Quantum Lake Power, LP Quantum Lake Power, LP new baseline tariff
Quantum Pasco Power, LP Pasco Cogen, Ltd.
Quantum Pasco Power, LP Quantum Pasco Power, LP- initial baseline filing
Quantum Power Corp Market-Based Rate Tariff
Questar Gas Management Company Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Questar Overthrust Pipeline, LLC Tariffs
Questar Pipeline, LLC Tariffs
Questar Southern Trails Pipeline Company Tariffs
R&R Energy, Inc. R & R Energy Tariff
R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company MBR Tariff
R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, LLC R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, LLC
Rager Mountain Storage Company LLC Rager Mountain FERC Gas Tariff Volume No. 1
Raider Dog LLC Raider Dog LLC Tariff
Rail Splitter Wind Farm, LLC Rail Splitter Wind Farm, LLC MBR Tariff
Rainbow Energy Marketing Corporation Rainbow Energy Marketing Corp.
Rainbow Energy Ventures, LLC Rainbow Energy Ventures LLC
Rangeland RIO Pipeline, LLC Oil Tariffs
Rathdrum Power, LLC Rathdrum Power, LLC MBR Tariff
Raven Power Marketing LLC Raven Power MBR Tariff
Rayonier Performance Fibers, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Razorback L.L.C. Baseline Tariff
RBC Energy Services LP Baseline Market-Based Rate Tariff
RC Cape May Holdings, LLC Tariff Database
RDAF Energy Solutions, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff - RDAF Energy Solutions
RE Astoria 2 LLC Market Based Rate Schedule
RE Astoria LLC Market-Based Rate Schedule
RE Astoria LLC Service Agreements
RE Barren Ridge 1 LLC FERC Electric Tariff
RE Camelot LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
RE Columbia Two LLC Tariffs and Agreements
RE Columbia, LLC Tariffs and Agreements
RE Garland A LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
RE Garland LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
RE McKenzie 1 LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
RE McKenzie 2 LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
RE McKenzie 3 LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
RE McKenzie 4 LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
RE McKenzie 5 LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
RE McKenzie 6 LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
RE Mustang 3 LLC Market-Based Rate Schedule
RE Mustang 4 LLC Market-Based Rate Schedule
RE Mustang LLC Market-Based Rate Schedule
RE Rosamond One LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
RE Rosamond Two LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
RE Tranquillity LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Record Hill Wind LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Red Butte Pipe Line LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Red Hills Wind Project, L.L.C. Red Hills Wind Project, L.L.C. FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
Red Horse III, LLC Market Based Rates
Red Horse Wind 2, LLC Red Horse 2, LLC
Red Horse Wind 2, LLC Shared Facilities Agreement
Red Mesa Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Red Oak Power, LLC AES Red Oak, L.L.C., Volume 1 (Market-Based)
Red River Crude Pipeline LLC Tariffs
Red Wolf Energy Trading Red Wolf Energy Trading, LLC, FERC Electric MBR Tariff No. 1
ReEnergy Ashland LLC FERC Electric Tariff
ReEnergy Black River LLC Black River Generation, LLC FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
ReEnergy Black River LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
ReEnergy Fort Fairfield LLC FERC Electric Tariff
ReEnergy Livermore Falls LLC FERC Electric Tariff
ReEnergy Sterling CT Limited Partnership ReEnergy Sterling CT Limited Partnership Electric Tariff
ReEnergy Stratton LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Regency DeSoto Pipeline LLC Eagle Rock Desoto Pipeline, L.P. Gas General Terms and Conditions
Regency Intrastate Gas LP Operating Statement
Regency Liquids Pipeline LLC Natural Gas Liquids Pipeline Tariffs
Regulus Solar, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Reliable Power, LLC Market Based Rates
Reliant Energy Northeast LLC Reliant Energy Northeast MBR Tariff
Renaissance Power, L.L.C. FERC Electric Tariffs
Rendezvous Pipeline Company, LLC Tariffs
Renewable Power Direct, LLC Renewable Power Direct, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Renewable Power Strategies, LLC MBR Tariff
Rensselaer Generating LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff, First Revised Volume No. 1
REP Energy LLC REP Energy LLC Tariff Database
Repsol Energy North America Corporation Market-Based Rate Tariff
ResCom Energy LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Residents Energy, LLC New Energy Services, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Respond Power, LLC Market Based Rates
RET Modesto Solar LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
RG Steel Sparrows Point LLC RG Steel MBRA ETariff
Rhode Island Eastern Massachusetts Vermont Energy Rate Schedule
Rhode Island Engine Genco, LLC Rhode Island Engine Genco LLC MBR Tariff
Rhode Island LFG Genco, LLC MBR Tariff
Rhode Island State Energy Center, LP Market-Based Rate Tariff
Rhode Island State Energy Center, LP Market-Based Rate Tariff
Ri-Corp. Development, Inc. Gilberton Power Company Market-Based Rate Tariff
Richland-Stryker Generation LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Ridge Crest Wind Partners, LLC MBR Tariff
Ridgetop Energy, LLC MBR Tariff
Ridgewind Power Partners, LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Rigby Energy Resources, LP Market Based Rates
Ringer Hill Wind, LLC Ringer Hill Wind, LLC, FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 1
Rio Bravo Solar I, LLC Tariffs, Rates Schedules and Service Agreements
Rio Bravo Solar II, LLC Tariffs, Rates Schedules and Service Agreements
Rio Grande Pipeline Company Tariffs
Rippey Wind Energy LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Rising Tree Wind Farm II LLC Agreements
Rising Tree Wind Farm II LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Rising Tree Wind Farm III LLC Agreements
Rising Tree Wind Farm III LLC MBR Tariff
Rising Tree Wind Farm LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Rising Tree Wind Farm LLC Agreements
RITELine Illinois, LLC Tariff Database
RITELine Indiana, LLC Tariff Database
River Bend Solar, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Riverside Energy Center, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Riverside Generating Company, L.L.C. FERC Electric Tariffs
RLD Resources, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
RMH Energy, LP RMH Energy, LP
Robison Energy (Commercial) LLC Robison Energy (Commercial) LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation RG&E Market-Based Rate Tariff
Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation RG&E Agreements
Rock River I, LLC Rock River I, LLC MBR Tariff
Rockford Power II, LLC NRG Rockford II LLC
Rockford Power, LLC NRG Rockford LLC
RockGen Energy, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Rockies Express Pipeline LLC Tariffs
Rockland Wind Farm LLC Rockland Wind Farm LLC
Rocky Mountain Natural Gas LLC Statement of Operating Conditions of Rocky Mountain Natural Gas LLC
Rocky Mountain Pipeline System LLC Rocky Mountain Pipeline System LLC FERC tariff filings
Rocky Mountain Power, LLC Rocky Mountain Power MBR Tariff
Rocky Mountain Reserve Group RMRG Agreements
Rocky Mountain Reserve Group Agreements
Rocky Ridge Wind Project, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Rocky Road Power, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Roctop Investments, Inc. Market based rates
Rolling Hills Generating, L.L.C. FERC Electric Tariffs
Rolling Thunder I Power Partners, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff of Rolling Thunder I Power Partners, LLC
Roosevelt Wind Project, LLC Tariffs, Agreements and Rate Schedules
Roseburg Forest Products FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Roseton Generating LLC FERC MBR Electric Tariff
Roswell Solar, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Roth Rock North Wind Farm, LLC Baseline Tariff
Roth Rock Wind Farm, LLC Baseline Tariff
Roundtop Energy LLC FERC MBR Tariff
Royal Bank of Canada Market Based Rate Tariff
RPA Energy, Inc. RPA Energy, Inc. Market Based Rate Tariff
RRI Energy Services, LLC Cost-Based Tariffs & Rate Schedules
RRI Energy Services, LLC FERC Electric Market-Based Rate Tariff
RS Cogen, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
RTO Energy Trading, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Rubicon NYP Corp initialMBR
Rubicon NYP Corp RubiconNYPinitialMBR
Ruby Pipeline, L.L.C. Ruby Tariff
Rugby Wind LLC Rugby MBR Tariffs
Rumford Falls Hydro LLC Rumford Falls Hydro LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Rumford Paper Company Rumford Paper Company Market-Based Rate Tariff
Rumford Power Inc. Rumford Power Tariff Database
Rush Springs Wind Energy, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Rushmore Energy, LLC Rushmore Energy Market Based Rate Tariff
Russell City Energy Company, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Rutherford Farm, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Ryckman Creek Resources, LLC FERC Gas Tariff
S. D. Warren Company FERC Electric Tariff Volume No. 1
S.J. Energy Partners, Inc. Market Based Rates
Sabine Cogen, LP Market-Based Rate Tariff
Sabine Pipe Line LLC First Revised Volume No. 1
Sacagawea Pipeline Company, LLC Oil PipelineTariffs
Saddleback Ridge Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Saddlehorn Pipeline Company, LLC Saddlehorn Pipeline Company, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Safe Harbor Water Power Corporation Safe Harbor Water Power Corporation
Safeway Inc. Safeway, Inc. Market Based Rates Tariff
Sagebrush Power Partners, LLC Sagebrush Power Partners, LLC MBR Tariff
Sagebrush, a California partnership Open Access Transmission Tariff
Saguaro Power Company, A Limited Partnership Saguaro Power Company, A Limited Partnership
Saguaro Power Company, A Limited Partnership Saguaro Power MBR Tariff
Saja Energy LLC Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
SALA Gathering Systems, LLC LOTT Oil Pipeline Tariffs
SALA Gathering Systems, LLC SALA Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Salinas River Cogeneration Company Tariff Database
Salmon Falls Wind Park, LLC Salmon Falls Wind Park, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 1
Salmon Resources Ltd. Salmon Resources Tariff
Salt Plains Storage, LLC Statement of Operating Conditions
Salton Sea Power Generation Company FERC MBR Tariff
Salton Sea Power L.L.C. FERC MBR Tariff
Saltville Gas Storage Company L.L.C. Saltville Database 1
Samchully Power & Utilities 1 LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
San Diego Gas & Electric Company SDG&E Merchant 230 kV Substation Operation and Maintenance Agreement
San Diego Gas & Electric Company SDG&E TO Tariff Filing
San Diego Gas & Electric Company SDG&E MBR Tariff
San Diego Gas & Electric Company SDG&E WDAT Tariff
San Gorgonio Farms, Inc. FERC Electric Tariffs
San Gorgonio Westwinds II - Windustries, LLC Market Based Rates
San Gorgonio Westwinds II, LLC MBR Tariff
San Isabel Solar LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
San Joaquin Cogen, LLC San Joaquin Cogen, LLC MBR Tariff
San Juan Mesa Wind Project, LLC Tariff Database
San Luis Solar LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
San Pedro Bay Pipeline Company Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Sand Drag LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Sanders Pipeline Company Baseline Tariff
Sandstone Solar LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Sandy Ridge Wind, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Santa Rosa Energy Center, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Santanna Energy Services Market Based Rates Tariff
Santanna Energy Services Market Based Rates Tariff
Sapphire Power Marketing LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Saracen Energy Power Advisors LP Market-Based Rates Tariff
Saracen Power LP Market-Based Rates Tariff
Saranac Power Partners, L.P. Saranac Power Partners Market Based Rate Tariff
Sargent Canyon Cogeneration Company Tariff Database
SBR Energy, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume 1
SC Landfill Energy, LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Schuylkill Energy Resources, Inc. Application for Market-Based Rate Authority
Schuylkill Energy Resources, Inc. Reactive Service Title
Scotia Commodities Inc. Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
Scrubgrass Generating Company, L.P. MBR Tariff
Scrubgrass Generating Company, L.P. Reactive Power Tariff
Scylla Energy LLC MBR Tariff
Sea Robin Pipeline Company, LLC Third Revised Volume No. 1
Seaway Crude Pipeline Company LLC Tariffs
Seaway Crude Pipeline Company LLC Tariffs - LLC
Seaway Products Pipeline Company Seaway Products Pipeline Company Tariffs
Seiling Wind II, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Seiling Wind Interconnection Services, LLC Agreements
Seiling Wind Interconnection Services, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Seiling Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Select Energy New York, Inc. Select Energy FERC Electric Rate Schedule No. 1
Select Energy, Inc Market Base Rate Tariff
Selkirk Cogen Partners, L.P. Selkirk Cogen Partners, L.P. MBR Tariff
Selmer Farm, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Seminole Pipeline Company LLC Tariffs
Seminole Pipeline Company LLC Tariffs - LLC
Sempra Gas & Power Marketing, LLC Sempra Gas & Power Marketing, LLC
Sempra Generation, LLC Sempra Generation FERC Electric Tariff Volume No. 1
Seneca Energy, II LLC Seneca Energy, II LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Seneca Generation, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Seneca Power Partners, L.P. Seneca Power Partners, L.P., Volume No. 1 (Market-Based)
Sentinel Energy Center, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
SEP II, LLC SEP II, LLC FERC Electric Tariff No. 1 Market Based Rate Tariff
SEPG Energy Marketing Services, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
SESCO Enterprises Canada Ltd. SESCO Enterprises Canada, Ltd., FERC Electric Tariff Schedule No. 1
SESCO Enterprises, LLC SESCO Enterprises, LLC FERC Electric Tariff Schedule No. 1
Settlers Trail Wind Farm, LLC Settlers Trail Wind Farm, LLC, Market-Based Rate Tariff
Seville Solar One LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Seville Solar Two, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Seward Generation, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Seward Generation, LLC Seward Generation, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
SFPP, L.P. SFPP Tariff Database
SG Resources Mississippi, L.L.C. SG Resources Mississippi, L.L.C., FERC Gas Tariff, First Revised Volume No. 1
SG2 Imperial Valley LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff, FERC Electric Tariff Volume No. 1
SGE Energy Sourcing, LLC SGE Energy Sourcing, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Shady Hills Power Company, L.L.C. Shady Hills Power Company LLC
Shafter Solar, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Shelby County Energy Center, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariffs
Shelby County Energy Center, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Shelby County Energy Center, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Sheldon Energy LLC FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
Shell Chemical LP Shell Chemical LP Market-Based Rate Tariff
Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. Reassignment of Transmision Rights Tariff
Shell Pipeline Company LP Shell Pipeline Baseline Tariff Filing
Shiloh I Wind Project, LLC Shiloh I MBR Tariffs
Shiloh III Lessee, LLC Shiloh III Lessee, LLC, Tariffs and Rate Schedules
Shiloh IV Lessee, LLC Shiloh IV Lessee, LLC Tariffs and Rate Schedules
Shiloh Wind Project 2, LLC Shiloh Wind Project 2, LLC, FERC Electric Tariff, First Revised Volume No. 1
Ship Shoal Pipeline Company Ship Shoal Tariffs
Shipley Choice, LLC Initial Application for Market-Based Rate Authority
Shipyard Energy, LLC Baseline Tariff
Shooting Star Wind Project, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Shoreham Energy, LLC Shoreham Energy Market Based Rate Tariff Database
Sierra Pacific Power Company SPPC Database
Sierra Pacific Power Company Open Access Transmission Tariff
Sierra Solar Greenworks LLC Agreements
Sierra Solar Greenworks LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Sierra Wind, LLC Tariff Database
Sierrita Gas Pipeline LLC Sierrita Tariffs
SIG Energy, LLLP Market Based Rate Tariff
Silver Bear Power, LLC Market Based Rates
Silver Sage Windpower, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Silver State Solar Power North, LLC Tariff Database
Silver State Solar Power North, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Silver State Solar Power South, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Simon Solar Farm LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Simpson Tacoma Kraft Company, LLC Market Based Rates
Sinclair Pipeline Company, L.L.C. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Singer Energy Group, LLC Singer Energy Group, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Sithe/Independence Power Partners, L.P. FERC Electric Tariffs
Skelly-Belvieu Pipeline Company, L.L.C. Skelly-Belvieu Tariffs
Sky River Asset Holdings, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Sky River LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Sky River LLC Open Access Transmission Tariff
Sky River LLC Shared Facilities Agreements
Skylar Energy LP Market-Based Rate Tariff
Skylar Resources LP Market-Based Rates
Slate Creek Wind Project, LLC Tariffs, Agreements, and Rate Schedules
SLC Pipeline LLC SLC Pipeline LLC FERC Tariffs
Sleeping Bear, LLC Tariff Database
Smart Papers Holdings LLC FERC Electric Tariff Original Volume 1
Smart Papers Holdings LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
SmartEnergy Holdings, LLC SmartEnergy Holdings LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Smith Creek Hydro, LLC Market Base Rate
Smoky Hills Wind Farm, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Smoky Hills Wind Project II, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Smoky Mountain Transmission LLC Rate schedules and Tariffs
Smoky Mountain Transmission LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Snowflake Power, LLC Snowflake Power, LLC FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
Societe Generale Energy LLC Societe Generale Energie (USA) Corp.
SociVolta Inc. Market Based Rates
Solano 3 Wind LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Solar Partners I, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Solar Partners II, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Solar Partners VIII, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Solar Star California XIII, LLC Solar Star California XIII Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Solar Star California XIX, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Solar Star California XIX, LLC Agreements
Solar Star California XLI, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Service Agreements
Solar Star California XX, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Solar Star Colorado III, LLC Solar Star Colorado III Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Solea Energy, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Solea PJM, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Solios Power LLC Solios Power LLC FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
Solios Power Mid-Atlantic Trading, LLC Solios Power Mid-Atlantic Trading LLC, FERC Elec Trf Orig Vol #1
Solios Power Mid-Atlantic Virtual LLC Solios Power Mid-Atlantic Virtual MBR Tariff
Solios Power Midwest Trading LLC Solios Power Midwest Trading LLC, FERC Electric Tariff, Orig V#1
Solios Power Trading LLC Solios Power Trading LLC, FERC Electric Tariff Orig Vol#1
Solverde 1, LLC Co-Tenancy Agreement
Solverde 1, LLC Shared Facilities Agreement
Solverde 1, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Somerset Operating Company, LLC Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
Somerset Windpower, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Sorrento Pipeline Company, LLC Tariffs
Source Power & Gas LLC Market Based Rates
South Bay Energy Corp. South Bay Energy Corp. Market Based Rate Tariff
South Carolina Electric & Gas Company Fifth Revised Volume No. 5
South Carolina Electric & Gas Company SCE&G Power Marketing Sales Tariffs
South Central MCN LLC FERC Wholesale Distribution Tariff
South Chestnut LLC FERC Electric Tariff
South Eastern Electric Development Corp. Market Based Rates Tariff
South Eastern Generating Corp. Market Based Rates Tariff
South Hurlburt Wind, LLC Shared Facilities Agreement
South Hurlburt Wind, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
South Jersey Energy Company Market-Based Rates Tariff
South Jersey Energy ISO1, LLC Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
South Jersey Energy ISO10, LLC Tariffs
South Jersey Energy ISO2, LLC Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
South Jersey Energy ISO3, LLC Market Based Rates Tariff
South Jersey Energy ISO4, LLC Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
South Jersey Energy ISO5, LLC Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
South Jersey Energy ISO6, LLC Tariffs
South Jersey Energy ISO7, LLC Tariffs
South Jersey Energy ISO8, LLC Tariffs
South Jersey Energy ISO9, LLC Tariffs
South Point Energy Center, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Southard Energy Partners, LLC Market Based Rates Tariff
Southcross Alabama Pipeline LLC NGPA Gas
Southcross CCNG Transmission Ltd. 311 Amended Statement of Operating Conditions
Southcross Gulf Coast Transmission Ltd. 311 Statement of Operating Conditions
Southcross Mississippi Pipeline, L.P. 311 Amended Statement of Operating Conditions
Southcross Nueces Pipelines LLC SNP Statement of Operating Conditions
Southeast Supply Header, LLC SESH Database 1
Southeastern Power Administration Southeastern Power Administration Baseline Tariff
Southern California Edison Company Market-Based Rates Tariff
Southern California Edison Company Wholesale Distribution Access Tariff
Southern California Edison Company Transmission Owner Tariff
Southern California Edison Company Rate Schedules
Southern California Edison Company Resale of Transmission on Non-Jurisdictional Systems
Southern California Gas Company FERC Section 284.224 Service
Southern California Gas Company FERC 284.224
Southern California Telephone Company Market-Based Rates Tariff
Southern Company - Florida LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Southern Electric Generating Company Cost Based Agreements
Southern Energy Solution Group, LLC Southern Energy Market Based Rate Tariff
Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff of Southern Indiana Gas & Electric
Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company, Inc. Southern Indiana Gas & Electric Company Ancillary Services Tariff
Southern LNG Company, L.L.C. SLNG FERC Gas Tariff
Southern Natural Gas Company, L.L.C. SNG FERC Tariff Volume 1
Southern Power Company Cost Based Rate Tariffs
Southern Power Company Market Based Rate Tariff
Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline, Inc. Tariff Provisions
Southern Turner Cimarron I, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
SouthTex 66 Pipeline Company, Ltd. SouthTex 66 Tariffs
Southwest Gas Storage Company Second Revised Volume No. 1
Southwest Gas Transmission Company, A Limited Part SGTC - Second Revised Volume No. 2
Southwest Power Pool, Inc. Governing Documents Tariff
Southwest Power Pool, Inc. Open Access Transmission Tariff, Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
Southwest Power Pool, Inc. Service Agreements Tariff
Southwest Power Pool, Inc. Rate Schedules and Seams Agreements Tariff
Southwestern Electric Power Company OATT Concurrence Filing
Southwestern Electric Power Company SWEPCO Rate Schedules and Service Agreements Baseline
Southwestern Power Administration Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Other Tariff Documents
Southwestern Public Service Company Transmission Tariffs
Southwestern Public Service Company Transmission and Service Agreements Tariff
Southwestern Public Service Company Production Tariffs
Southwestern Public Service Company Market Tariffs
SP 49 Pipeline LLC SP 49 Pipeline LLC
Spark Energy, LLC Spark Energy, L.P. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Spartan Renewable Energy, Inc. MBR Tariff
Spearville 3, LLC Spearville 3, LLC Tariffs and Rate Schedules
Spectrum Nevada Solar, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Sperian Energy Corp Market Based Rate Tariff
Spindle Hill Energy LLC FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
Spinning Spur Interconnect LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Agreements
Spinning Spur Wind LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Agreements
Spinning Spur Wind Two LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Agreements
Spion Kop Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Spokane Energy, LLC Spokane Energy Rate Schedule No. 1
Spring Canyon Energy II LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Spring Canyon Energy III LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Spring Canyon Energy LLC FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
Spring Canyon Energy LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Spring Canyon Interconnection LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Spring Energy RRH, LLC MBR Tariff
Spring Valley Wind LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Spruance Genco, LLC Spruance Genco, LLC MBR Tariff
SPS Atwell Island, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
SR South Loving LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
St. Paul Cogeneration, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
STACK Pipeline LLC aa STACK Pipeline LLC
Stagecoach Pipeline & Storage Company LLC Central New York Oil And Gas FERC Gas Tariff
Stagecoach Pipeline & Storage Company LLC FERC Gas Tariff
Stand Energy Corporation Stand Energy Corporation
Stanford University Power LLC Stanford University Power LLC MBR Tariff
Star Energy Partners LLC Star Energy Partners Market Based Rate Tariff
Star Point Wind Project LLC Star Point MBR Tariffs
Starion Energy Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Starion Energy NY, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Startrans IO, LLC Startrans IO, LLC
Statoil Oil & Gas LP Tariff Database
Steckman Ridge, LP Steckman Ridge Database 1
Steele Flats Wind Project, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Stephentown Spindle, LLC Stephentown Regulation Services LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Sterling Power Partners, L.P. Sterling Power Partners, L.P., Volume No. 1 (Market-Based)
Stetson Holdings, LLC Evergreen Wind Power V MBR Baseline
Stetson Wind II, LLC Stetson Wind II MBR
Steuben Gas Storage Company Central New York Oil And Gas FERC Gas Tariff 1st Rev Vol 1
Steuben Gas Storage Company Steuben Storage FERC Gas Tariff 1st Rev Vol 1
Stingray Pipeline Company, L.L.C. Fourth Revised Volume No. 1
Stony Creek Energy LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Stony Creek Wind Farm, LLC Stony Creek Wind Farm, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Stored Solar J&WE, LLC Market Based Rates
Storm Lake Power Partners I LLC Tariff Database
Storm Lake Power Partners II, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Story Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Stream Energy Columbia, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Stream Energy Maryland, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff for Stream Energy Maryland, LLC
Stream Energy New Jersey, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Stream Energy New York, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Stream Energy Pennsylvania, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Stream Energy Pennsylvania, LLC
Streator-Cayuga Ridge Wind Power LLC Streator-Cayuga Ridge MBR Tariffs
Summer Energy of Ohio LLC Summer Energy of Ohio LLC Database
Summer Solar LLC Agreements
Summer Solar LLC Agreements
Summer Solar LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Summit Farms Solar, LLC Tariffs and Agreements
Sun City Project LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Sunbury Energy, LLC Tariffs
Sunbury Generation LP Sunbury Generation LP MBR and Reactive Power Tariffs
Suncor Energy (U.S.A.) Pipeline Company Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Sundevil Power Holdings, LLC Market Based Rates Tariff
SunE Solar XVII Project1, LLC Agreements
SunE Solar XVII Project2, LLC Agreements
SunE Solar XVII Project3, LLC Agreements
Sunflower Wind Project, LLC MBR Tariff
Sunoco Pipeline L.P. Rules and Regulations and Transportation Rates for Crude Oil and Refined Products
SunPower Corporation, Systems FERC Electric Tariff
Sunrise Power Company, LLC Tariff Database
Sunshine Gas Producers, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
SunVit Pipeline LLC Crude Oil Transportation PE II
Sunwave Gas & Power New York, Inc. FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Sunwave USA Holdings, Inc. FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Susquehanna Nuclear, LLC FERC Electric Tariff Original Volume No. 1
Susquehanna Nuclear, LLC FERC Electric Tariff Original Volume No. 1
Sustainable Star SstarET
Sustainable Star SstarET
Sustaining Power Solutions LLC MBR Tariff
Susterra Energy, LLC Susterra Database
SWG Arapahoe, LLC Rate Schedules and Other Agreements
SWG Arapahoe, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
SWG Colorado, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff of SWG Colorado, LLC
SWG Colorado, LLC SWG Colorado, LLC, Rate Schedules
Switch Energy LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Sycamore Cogeneration Company Tariff Database
Syracuse Energy Corporation Syracuse Energy MBR Tariff (FERC Electric Rate Schedule No. 1)
Syracuse, L.L.C. Market Based Rates
Syracuse, L.L.C. WPS Syracuse Generation Tariff Database
TAIR Windfarm, LLC Tariff Database
Talen Energy Marketing, LLC Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
Talen Energy Marketing, LLC Other Agreements
Talen Energy Marketing, LLC Transmission Reassignment Tariff
Talen Energy Marketing, LLC Cost-Based Tariffs
Talen Energy Marketing, LLC Certificate of Concurrence
Talen Montana, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, First Revised Volume No. 1
Tall Bear Group, LLC Market Based Rates
Tallbear Seville LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Tallgrass Interstate Gas Transmission, LLC Tariffs
Tallgrass Pony Express Pipeline, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Taloga Wind, LLC Tariff Database
Tampa Electric Company OATT
Tampa Electric Company Cost Based Power Sales
Tampa Electric Company Short Form Market Based Sales
Tampa Electric Company All Requirements
Tampa Electric Company Market Based Sales
Tampa Electric Company Rate Schedules - Other than those in A&B Interchange Filings
Tanner Street Generation, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Tapstone Midstream, LLC Tapstone Midstream, LLC Tariff
TAQA Gen X LLC MBR Tariffs
Targa NGL Pipeline Company LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Targray Americas Inc. Market based rates
Tatanka Wind Power, LLC Tatanka Wind Power, LLC FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
TBG Cogen Partners FERC Electric Tariffs
TC Ironwood LLC AES Ironwood, L.L.C., Volume 1 (Market-Based)
TC Ravenswood, LLC TC Ravenswood, LLC - Market Based Rate Tariff
TEC Energy Inc. FERC Electric MBR Tariff
TEC Trading, Inc. Tec Trading, Inc. Tariff Database
Telocaset Wind Power Partners, LLC Telocaset Wind Power Partners, LLC MBR Tariff
Telysium Energy Marketing, LLC MBR Tariff
Tenaska Alabama II Partners, L.P. FERC Electric Tariffs
Tenaska Alabama Partners, L.P. FERC Electric Tariffs
Tenaska Energía de Mexico, S. de R. L. de C.V. FERC Electric Tariffs
Tenaska Frontier Partners, Ltd. FERC Electric Tariffs
Tenaska Gateway Partners, Ltd. FERC Electric Tariffs
Tenaska Georgia Partners, L.P. FERC Electric Tariffs
Tenaska Power Management, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Tenaska Power Services Co. FERC Electric Tariffs
Tenaska Virginia Partners, L.P. FERC Electric Tariffs
Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, L.L.C. TGP Tariffs
Termoelectrica U.S., LLC Termoelectrica U.S., LLC, FERC Electric Tariff No. 1 Market-Based Rates Tariff
Terra-Gen Dixie Valley, LLC Terra-Gen Dixie Valley, LLC
Terra-Gen Energy Services, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Terra-Gen Mojave Windfarms, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Terrapin Energy LLC Market Base Rate Tariff
Tesoro Great Plains Gathering & Marketing LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Tesoro High Plains Pipeline Company LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Tesoro High Plains Pipeline Company LLC Tariffs
Tesoro Logistics Northwest Pipelines LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company LLC Wholesale MBR Tariff
Texas Eastern Transmission, LP Texas Eastern Database 1
Texas Electric Marketing, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Texas Express Pipeline LLC Tariffs
Texas Gas Transmission, LLC Tariffs
Texas Retail Energy, LLC Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
Texpo Power, LP Market Based Rates
TexStar Crude Oil Pipeline, LP TexStar Crude Petroleum Tariff
TexStar Transmission, LP TexStar Transmission, LP Statement of Operating Conditions
Texzon Utilities, Ltd. Texzon Utilities Ltd FERC Electric Tariff
TGP Energy Management, LLC MBR Tariff
The Brooklyn Union Gas Company Statement of Operating Conditions
The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company Market-Based Rate Power SalesTariff
The Connecticut Light and Power Company FERC Tariffs
The Dayton Power and Light Company Power Services Agreement Between The Dayton Power and Light Company And Arcanum
The Dayton Power and Light Company Wholesale Distribution Services Agreements
The Dayton Power and Light Company Power Services Agreements
The Dayton Power and Light Company Interconnection Agreements
The Dayton Power and Light Company Rate Schedules, Agreements, and Other Tariffs
The Dow Chemical Company FERC Electric Tariff
The East Ohio Gas Company EOG-DB
The Empire District Electric Company The Empire District Electric Company
The Energy Cooperative of Pennsylvania, Inc. Energy Cooperative Association of Pennsylvania eTariff MBR Filing
The Energy Group of America, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff
The Highlands Energy Group Market Based Rates
The Legacy Energy Group, LLC The Legacy Energy Group, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
The Narragansett Electric Company The Narragansett Electric Company FERC Electric Tariff No. 2
The Narragansett Electric Company Tariffs, Rate Schedules, Agreements
The Narragansett Electric Company Service Agreements Under ISO-NE OATT Schedule 21-NEP
The Narragansett Electric Company Statement of Operating Conditions
The Order of St. Benedict of New Hampshire Baseline Tariff
The Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company PGL Operating Statement Database
The Potomac Edison Company Allegheny Power OATT
The Potomac Edison Company Allegheny Power MBR Tariff
The Potomac Edison Company FERC Electric Tariff First Revised Volume No. 3
The Potomac Edison Company Potomac Edison Baseline Tariff
The Premcor Pipeline Co. The Premcor Pipeline Co. Baseline Tariff
The Premcor Refining Group Inc. PRGI Baseline 1.0.0.
The Procter & Gamble Paper Products Company MBRA Tariff
The Shamrock Pipe Line Corporation The Shamrock Pipe Line Corporation Baseline Tariff
The Toledo Edison Company Market-Based Rate Power Sales Tariff
The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania, a MBRA Tariff
The United Illuminating Company Other Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Service Agreements
The United Illuminating Company Interconnection Agreements
The United Illuminating Company The United Illuminating Co., Market-Based Wholesale Elec. Sales Tariff, FERC Rate Schedule No. 100
Thicksten Grimm Burgum, Inc. Market Based Rate Tariff
Thompson River Power, LLC Thompson River Power, LLC
Thousand Springs Wind Park, LLC Thousand Springs Wind Park, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 1
Three Buttes Windpower, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Three Peaks Power, LLC FERC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Thunder Creek NGL Pipeline, LLC Tariffs
Thunder Spirit Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Tidal Energy Marketing Inc. Original Volume No. 0
Tilton Energy LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Titan Gas and Power MBR Tariff
Tiverton Power LLC Tiverton Power Tariff Database
Tonopah Solar Energy, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Top of the World Wind Energy, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Topaz Solar Farms LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Torofino Physical Trading LLC FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
Torofino Trading LLC FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
Torofino Trading LLC MBR Tariff
Total Peaking Services, L. L. C. FERC Gas Tariff, First Revised Volume No. 1
Town of Hanover Electric MBR Tariff
Town Square Energy East, LLC Discount Energy Group, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1
Town Square Energy, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
TPE Alta Luna, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1
TPL SouthTex Transmission Company LP TEAK Texana Transmission Company, LP Statement of Operating Conditions
TPW Petersburg, LLC TPW Petersburg, LLC Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
Trademark Merchant Energy, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Trailblazer Pipeline Company LLC Tariffs
Trailblazer Pipeline Company LLC Fifth Revised Volume No. 1
TrailStone Power, LLC TrailStone MBR Tariff
Trans Bay Cable LLC Transmission Owner Tariff
Trans Mountain Pipeline (Puget Sound) LLC Tariffs
Trans-Union Interstate Pipeline, L.P. Trans-Union Interstate Pipeline, L.P.
Trans-Union Interstate Pipeline, L.P. Trans-Union Interstate Pipeline, L.P. 10142010
TransAlta Centralia Generation LLC TransAlta Centralia FERC Electric Rate Schedule No. 1
TransAlta Centralia Generation LLC TransAlta Centralia MBR Tariff
TransAlta Energy Marketing (U.S.) Inc. TEMUS FERC Rate Schedule No. 1
TransAlta Energy Marketing Corporation TransAlta Energy Marketing Corporation FERC Rate Schedule No. 1
TransAlta Wyoming Wind LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
TransCanada Energy Sales Ltd. TransCanada Energy Sales Ltd. - Market Based Rate Tariff
TransCanada Hydro Northeast Inc. TransCanada Hydro Northeast Inc. - Market Based Rate Tariff
TransCanada Keystone Pipeline, LP Oil Pipeline Tariffs
TransCanada Maine Wind Development Inc. TransCanada Maine Wind Development Inc. - Market Based Rate Tariff
TransCanada Power Marketing Ltd. TransCanada Power Marketing Ltd. - Market Based Rate Tariff
TransCanada Power Marketing Ltd. FERC Cost Base Rate Schedule
TransCanyon DCR, LLC Electric Tariffs
TransColorado Gas Transmission Company LLC Tariffs
Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC Original Volume No. 1A
Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC First Revised Volume No. 2
Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC Fifth Revised Volume No. 1
TransMontaigne Product Services Inc. FERC Oil Tariff
Transource Kansas, LLC TKS Tariff Database
Transource Missouri, LLC TMO Tariff Database
Transource Wisconsin, LLC TWI Tariff Database
Transwestern Pipeline Company, LLC Baseline
Transwestern Pipeline Company, LLC Original Volume No. 1-A
Transwestern Pipeline Company, LLC Fifth Revised Volume No. 1
Tres Palacios Gas Storage LLC Tres Palacios Gas Storage LLC, FERC Gas Tariff, Original Volume No. 1
Tri-States NGL Pipeline, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
TriEagle Energy, LP MBR Tariff Filing
Trigen-St. Louis Energy Corporation Trigen-St. Louis Energy Corporation MBR Tariff
Trimont Wind I LLC Trimont I MBR Tariffs
Triolith Energy Fund L.P. Electric MBR
Triton Energy, Inc. FERC Electric Tariff
Triton Power Michigan LLC Triton Power Michigan LLC, FERC Electric Tariff
Tropicana Manufacturing Company Inc. Market Based Rate Tariff
Tropico, LLC Market Base Rate Tariff
Troy Energy, LLC Tariff Database
Troy Energy, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff of Troy Energy, LLC
Troy Energy, LLC Troy Reactive Power Rate Schedule PJM
TrueLight Commodities, LLC MBR Tariff
TrueLight Energy, LLC MBR Tariff
Trunkline Gas Company, LLC Fourth Revised Volume No. 1
Trunkline Gas Company, LLC Original Volume No. 1-A
Tuana Gulch Wind Park, LLC Tuana Gulch Wind Park, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 1
Tuana Springs Energy, LLC Tariff Database
Tucson Electric Power Company WestConnect Point-to-Point Regional Transmission Tariff
Tucson Electric Power Company Open Access Transmission Tariff
Tucson Electric Power Company WestConnect Regional Transmission Experiment Tariff
Tucson Electric Power Company TEP Market-Based Rate Tariff
Tucson Electric Power Company Rate Schedules
Turner Energy, LLC Baseline Tariff
Tuscarora Gas Transmission Company Tuscarora Tariffs
Tuscola Bay Wind, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Tuscola Wind II, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Twin Buttes Wind LLC Twin Buttes MBR Tariffs
Twin Cities Power, LLC Twin Cities Power, L.L.C.
Twin Eagle Resource Management, LLC Twin Eagle Market Based Rate Tariff
Tyr Energy, LLC Tyr Energy LLC
U.S. Energy Partners, LLC U.S. Energy Partners, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff No. 1
UBS AG UBS AG Electric Rate Schedule Baseline
UGI Central Penn Gas, Inc. UGI Central Penn Gas, Inc.
UGI Development Company UGI Development Company
UGI Energy Services, LLC UGI Energy Services, Inc.
UGI Energy Services, LLC Market Base Rate Tariff
UGI Mt. Bethel Pipeline Transportation Gas Tariff
UGI Penn Natural Gas, Inc. Statement of Operating Conditions
UGI Storage Company UGI Storage Company
UGI Sunbury, LLC Sunbury Pipeline Tariff
UGI Utilities Inc. UGI Utilities Inc.
UIL Distributed Resources, LLC Tariff Database
UNEV Pipeline, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Union Atlantic Electricity FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Union Carbide Corporation FERC Electric Tariff
Union Electric Company Union Electric Company Tariffs of General Applicability
Union Electric Company Rate Schedules and Agreements
Union Electric Company Agreements and Rate Schedules
Union Leader Corporation Baseline Tariff
Union Power Partners, L.P. Union Power Partners, L.P.
Uniper Global Commodities North America LLC Market Based Rates
UniSource Energy Development Company Market-Based Rate Tariff
Unitil Energy Systems, Inc. UES Market Based Rate Tariff
Unitil Energy Systems, Inc. UES Transmission Tariff
Unitil Power Corp. UPC Market Based Rate Tariff
University Park Energy, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Unocal Pipeline Company Oil Pipeline Tariff Filing
Unocal Pipeline Company FERC 319 to 323 (Cancels FERC 1, 32, 36, 52 and 54)
UNS Electric, Inc. Open Access Transmission Tariff
UNS Electric, Inc. UNSE Market-Based Rate Tariff
UNS Electric, Inc. Rate Schedule
UP Power Marketing LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Upper Michigan Energy Resources Corporation FERC Jurisdictional Documents
Upper Peninsula Power Company UPPCO Tariff Database
US Borax, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff
USG Oregon LLC FERC Electric Tariff
USG Pipeline Company, LLC Part 284 Tariff
USG Wheatland Pipeline, LLC FERC Oil Pipeline Tariff
Utah Red Hills Renewable Park, LLC Utah Red Hills - FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
Utica East Ohio Midstream LLC FERC ICA Oil Tariff
Utility Bid USA, LLC Utility Bid USA, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Utility Contract Funding II, L.L.C. Market Based Rates Tariff
Utility Contract Funding, L.L.C. Utility Contract Funding LLC, Second Revised Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
Utility Expense Reduction, LLC Utility Expense Reduction, LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
V3 Commodities Group, LLC Market Based Rates
Valencia Power, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff of Valencia Power, LLC
Valero MKS Logistics, L.L.C. Valero MKS Logistics Baseline Tariff
Valero Partners Lucas, LLC Valero Partners Lucas, LLC
Valero Partners PAPS, LLC Valero Partners Lucas, LLC
Valero Partners PAPS, LLC Valero Partners PAPS, LLC
Valero Partners Wynnewood, LLC Valero Partners Wynnewood
Valero Power Marketing LLC Valero Power Marketing Baseline 1.0.0.
Valero Skellytown Pipeline, LLC Valero Skellytown Pipeline
Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company Baseline Tariff
Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company VTDC Baseline Tariff
Valley Electric Association, Inc. Transmission Owner Tariff
Vandolah Power Company, L.L.C. Vandolah Power Company, L.L.C. FERC Electric Tariff No. 1
Vantage Pipeline US LP Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Vantage Wind Energy LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Vasco Winds, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
VECO Power Trading, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1
Vector Pipeline L.P. Baseline Tariff
Velocity American Energy Master I, LP Velocity American Energy Master I, LP FERC Electric Tariff Schedule No. 1
Venice Gathering System, L.L.C. FERC Gas Tariffs
Verde Energy USA Inc. Market-Based Rates Tariff
Verde Energy USA New York, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Verde Energy USA Trading, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Vermont Electric Power Company, Inc. Tariff Database
Vermont Transco, LLC Vermont Transco LLC Tariff Database
Vermont Wind, LLC Electric Rate Schedule No. 1
Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation, FERC Electric Tariff, Second Revised Volume No. 1
Verso Androscoggin LLC Verso Androscoggin LLC
Verso Androscoggin Power LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Verso Maine Energy LLC Verso Maine Energy LLC
Verus Energy Trading, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Victoria Express Pipeline, L.L.C. Rules, Rates and Regulations
Victoria Express Pipeline, L.L.C. Rules, Rates and Regulations
Victoria International Ltd. FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Victory Garden Phase IV, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Vienna Power LLC Vienna Power LLC
Viking Gas Transmission Company Viking Agreements
Viking Gas Transmission Company Viking - FERC Gas Tariff
Vineland Energy LLC Vineland Energy LLC, Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
Virginia Electric and Power Company Wholesale Market-Based Rate Tariff
Virginia Electric and Power Company Wholesale Cost-Based Rate Tariff
Virginia Electric and Power Company Amended and Restated Market-Based Sales Tariff
Virginia Electric and Power Company VEPCO - DB
Virginia Electric and Power Company Rate Schedules
Viridian Energy NY, LLC Viridian Energy NY LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Viridian Energy PA, LLC Viridian Energy PA LLC
Viridian Energy, LLC Viridian Energy, Inc. Market Based Rate Tariff
Viridity Energy, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Visage Energy Corp. Market Based Rates
Vision Power Services, LLC Vision Power Systems, LLC ETariff
Vista Energy Marketing, L.P. Vista Energy Marketing Tariff
Vitol Inc. Market Based Rates Tariff
Vlast LLC Market Based Rates Tariff
Volunteer Energy Services, Inc. Market based rates
Voyager Wind I, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
VPI Enterprises, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff, FERC Electric Tariff Volume No. 1
Vulcan/BN Geothermal Power Company FERC MBR Tariff
W Power, LLC W Power, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Wabash Valley Energy Marketing, Inc. FERC Electric Tariff Volume No. 1
Wabash Valley Power Association, Inc. FERC Electric Tariff Volume No. 3 - Reactive Tariff - MISO
Wabash Valley Power Association, Inc. FERC Electric Tariff Volume No. 4 - Reactive Supply and Voltage Control Tariff - PJM
Wabash Valley Power Association, Inc. FERC Electric Tariff Volume 1 - Formulary Rate Tariff
Wabash Valley Power Association, Inc. FERC Electric Tariff Volume 2
Wallingford Energy LLC FERC Electric Tariff Original Volume No. 1
Walnut Creek Energy, LLC Tariff Database
Walton County Power, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Wapsipinicon Wind Project, LLC Wapsipinicon Wind Project, LLC, FERC Electric Tariff, First Revised Volume No. 1
Washakie Pipeline Company LLC Tariff Database
Washington 10 Storage Corporation Washington 10 Storage Corporation Statement of Operating Conditions
Washington County Power, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Washington Gas Light Company Firm Interstate Transportation Service Operating Statement
Waterbury Generation LLC FERC Electronic Tariff, Volume 1
Waterford Power, LLC FERC Electric Tariff - Waterford
Waterside Power, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Watson Cogeneration Company Market-Based Rate Tariff of Watson Cogeneration Company
Waverly Wind Farm LLC MBR Tariff
Waymart Wind Farm L.P. Market-Based Rate Tariff
WBI Energy Transmission, Inc. Third Revised Volume No. 1
WC Landfill Energy, LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Wellhead Power eXchange, LLC Wellhead Power eXchange, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Wellhead Power Gates, LLC Wellhead Power Gates, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Wellhead Power Panoche, LLC Wellhead Power Panoche, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Wellsboro Electric Company MBRA Tariff
Wesco Pipeline LLC WESCO Pipeline LLC F.E.R.C. No. 6.0.0
Wesco Pipeline LLC WESCO Pipeline LLC General Rules and Regulations Tariff
WesPac Pipelines - Memphis LLC WesPac Memphis Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Wessington Wind Energy Center, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
West Chicago Battery Storage LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
West Deptford Energy, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
West Penn Power Company West Penn Baseline Tariff
West Penn Power Company FERC Electric Tariff First Revised Volume No. 1
West Penn Power Company Allegheny Power Open Access Transmission Tariff
West Penn Power Company Allegheny Power Market Tariff (West Penn)
West Shore Pipe Line Company West Shore Oil Pipeline Tariffs
West Texas Gas, Inc. West Texas Gas, Inc. FERC Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1
West Texas Gulf Pipe Line Company Crude Oil Transportation Rules and Regulations and Tariff Rates
West Texas LPG Pipeline Limited Partnership West Texas LPG Pipeline Partnership Oil Tariff Filing
West Valley Power, LLC CER Generation II, LLC
Westar Energy, Inc. OATT, Westar Energy's FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 5
Westar Energy, Inc. Cost-Based Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Other Agreements
Westar Energy, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Westar Generating, Inc. Service Agreements
Westbrook Energy Center, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
WestConnect Rate Schedules
Westerly Hospital Energy Company, LLC Baseline Tariff
Western Antelope Blue Sky Ranch A LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Western Antelope Blue Sky Ranch A LLC Agreements
Western Antelope Blue Sky Ranch B LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Western Antelope Blue Sky Ranch B LLC Shared Facilities Agreement
Western Antelope Blue Sky Ranch B LLC Co-Tenancy Agreement
Western Antelope Dry Ranch LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Western Antelope Dry Ranch LLC Shared Facilities Agreement
Western Area Power Administration BaselineTariff
Western Area Power Administration Open Access Transmission Tariff
Western Area Power Administration Rate Schedules
Western Gas Interstate Company Western Gas Interstate Company FERC Gas Tariff Fifth Revised Volume No. 1
Western Interconnect LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules, and Agreements
Western Massachusetts Electric Company FERC Tariffs
Western Refining Pipeline, LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Western Refining Pipeline, LLC Oil Tariffs
Western Refining Southwest, Inc. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Western Reserve Energy Services, LLC Market-Based Rates
WestGas InterState, Inc. Tariffs
WestGas InterState, Inc. WGI Tariffs
Westmoreland Partners Market-Based Rates Tariff
WestRock Coated Board, LLC MeadWestvaco Coated Board, LLC (Mahrt Mill) MBR Tariff
WestRock CP, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
WestRock Virginia Corporation MeadWestvaco Virginia Corporation MBR Tariff
Westside Solar, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
WesTTex 66 Pipeline Company WesTTex 66 Pipeline Company
Westwood Generation, LLC WPS Westwood Generation Tariff Database
Weyerhaeuser NR Company Weyerhaeuser NR Company, MBR Tariff
WGL Energy Services, Inc. Washington Gas Energy Services
Wheat Field Wind Power Project LLC Wheat Field Wind Power Project LLC MBR Tariff
Wheelabrator Baltimore, L.P. MBR Tariff
Wheelabrator Bridgeport, L.P. Wheelabrator Bridgeport, L.P. MBR Tariff
Wheelabrator Falls Inc. MBR Tariff
Wheelabrator Frackville Energy Company Inc. Wheelabrator Frackville Energy Company Inc. MBR Tariff
Wheelabrator North Andover Inc. Wheelabrator North Andover Inc. MBR Tariff
Wheelabrator Portsmouth Inc. Wheelabrator Portsmouth Inc. MBR Tariff
Wheelabrator Ridge Energy Inc. Wheelabrator Ridge Energy Inc. MBR Tariff
Wheelabrator Saugus Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff
Wheelabrator Shasta Energy Company Inc. Wheelabrator Shasta Energy Company, Inc. MBR Tariff
Wheelabrator South Broward Inc. Wheelabrator South Broward Inc. MBR Tariff
Wheelabrator Westchester, L.P. Wheelabrator Westchester L.P. MBR Tariff
Wheeling Power Company RS and SA
Wheeling Power Company OATT Concurrence Filing
Wheeling Power Company MBR Baseline Concurrence - AEP Op Co
White Cliffs Pipeline, L.L.C. Oil Pipeline Tariffs
White Creek Wind I, LLC FERC Electric Tariff
White Oak Energy LLC FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
White Oak Energy LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
White Oak Solar, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
White Pine Electric Power L.L.C. Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
White Pine Solar, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
White River Hub, LLC Tariffs
Whitecap Pipeline Company, L.L.C. Oil Pipeline Tariff
Whitewater Hill Wind Partners, LLC Whitewater Hill Wind Partners, LLC MBR Tariff
Whiting Clean Energy, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff of Whiting Clean Energy, Inc.
Whiting Oil & Gas Corporation Whiting Oil & Gas Corp. Tariffs
Whitney Point Solar, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Wildcat Liquids Caddo LLC Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Wildcat Wind Farm I, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Wildcat Wind, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Wildflower Energy LP Wildflower Energy MBR Tariffs
Wildorado Wind, LLC Tariff Database
Wildwood Solar I, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements
Wildwood Solar II, LLC Tariffs, Rates Schedules and Service Agreements
Willey Battery Utility, LLC Willey Battery Utility LLC Market Based Rate Tariff
Williams Bayou Ethane Pipeline LLC Tariffs
Williams Flexible Generation, LLC Tariff Database
Williams Ohio Valley Pipeline LLC Tariffs
Willow Creek Energy LLC FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
WILPRISE Pipeline Company, L.L.C. Tariffs
Wilton Wind II, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Wind Capital Holdings, LLC Tariff Database
Windom Transmission, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Windpower Partners 1993, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Windrose Power and Gas LLC Windrose Power and Gas LLC
Windstar Energy, LLC Windstar LLC FERC Electric Tariff
Windy Flats Partners, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database
Wisconsin Electric Power Company Federal Regulatory Electronic Database
Wisconsin Power and Light Company WPL Market-Based Rate Tariff
Wisconsin Power and Light Company Wisconsin Power and Light Company (WPL) Agreements
Wisconsin Power and Light Company Statement of Operating Conditions
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation Open Access Transmission Tariff
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation WPSC Tariff Database
Wisconsin River Power Company WRP Tariff Database
WM North Broward, Inc. Wheelabraotr North Broward Inc. MBR Tariff
Wolf Hills Energy, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Wolf Run Energy LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Wolverine Creek Energy LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Wolverine Creek Energy LLC FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
Wolverine Creek Goshen Interconnection LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Wolverine Holdings, L.P. Wolverine Trading, LLC, FERC Electric MBR Tariff
Wolverine Pipe Line Company Petroleum Products
Wolverine Power Supply Cooperative, Inc. Reactive Supply Service Rate Schedule
Wolverine Power Supply Cooperative, Inc. FERC Market Based Rate Tariff
Wolverine Power Supply Cooperative, Inc. FERC Rate Schedule for Reactive Supply Service
Wolverine Power Supply Cooperative, Inc. Rate Schedules and Tariffs
Wood River Pipe Lines LLC Wood River Oil Pipeline Tariffs
Woodland Biomass Power Ltd. Woodland Biomas Electric Tariffs
Woodland Pulp LLC Domtar Maine LLC, FERC Electric Tariff Original Volume 1.0.0
Worsham-Steed Gas Storage, LLC Worsham-Steed Gas Storage, L.P. SOC
WPS Power Development, LLC WPS Power Development Tariff Database
WSPP Inc. Tariff Database
WTG Hugoton, LP WTG Hugoton, LP FERC Gas Tariff First Revised Volume No. 1
Wyckoff Gas Storage Company, LLC FERC Gas Tariff
Wyoming Colorado Intertie, LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Wyoming Interstate Company, L.L.C. WIC Tariff
XO Energy MA, LP XO Energy MA, LP FERC Electric MBR Tariff No. 1
XO Energy MW, LP XO Energy MW, LP FERC Electric MBR Tariff No. 1
XO Energy NY, LP XO Energy NY, LP, FERC Electric Tariff MBR No. 1
XO Energy SW, LP Market Based Rates
Xoom Energy, LLC Xoom Energy, LLC Rate Schedule FERC No. 1
XTO Energy, Inc. XTO Energy, Inc. Tariffs
Yahoo Creek Wind Park, LLC Yahoo Creek Wind Park, LLC FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 1
Yamhill Solar, LLC Yamhill Solar, LLC, FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 1
Yankee Atomic Electric Company Yankee Atomic Electric Company Rate Schedule
Yankee Gas Services Company Statement of Operating Conditions
Yasmin Partners LLC Market Based Rates Tariff
Yellow Jacket Energy, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Yellowstone Pipe Line Company Yellowstone Pipe Line Company Tariffs
York Generation Company LLC York Generation Company LLC MBR and Reactive Power Tariffs
Young Gas Storage Company, Ltd. Young Tariffs
Your Energy Holdings, LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff
Yuba City Cogeneration Partners, LP Yuba City Cogeneration Partners, LP Market-Based Rate Tariff
Yuma Cogeneration Associates Yuma Market Based Rate Tariff
Zephyr Wind, LLC Market Based Rates
Zion Energy LLC FERC Electric Tariffs
Zone J Tolling Co., LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff
Zone One Energy, LLC Market_Based_Rates
Zone One Energy, LLC Market_Based_Rates
Zydeco Pipeline Company LLC Zydeco Pipeline Tariff
Total no of tariffs #   3809  

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