United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Geriatrics and Extended Care

Homemaker and Home Health Aide Care

Guide to Long Term Care - Explore Your Options

Homemaker and Home Health Aide Care

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Homemaker and Home Health Aide Care

A Homemaker or Home Health Aide is a trained person who can come to a Veteran's home and help the Veteran take care of himself and his daily activities.

Homemakers and Home Health Aides are not nurses, but they are supervised by a registered nurse who will help assess the Veteran's daily living needs.

Homemakers and Home Health Aides are for Veterans who need skilled services, case management, and assistance with activities of daily living (e.g., bathing and getting dressed) or instrumental activities of daily living (e.g., fixing meals and taking medicines); are isolated or their caregiver is experiencing burden.

Homemaker and Home Health Aides services can be used in combination with other Home and Community Based Services.

Homemaker Home Health Aides work for an organization that has a contract with VA. A Homemaker or Home Health Aide can be used as a part of an alternative to nursing home care, and as a way to get Respite Care at home for Veterans and their family caregiver. The services of a Homemaker or Home Health Aide can help Veterans remain living in their own home and can serve Veterans of any age.