• Annual Shoshone-Bannock Festival
  • Miss Shoshone-Bannock 2015-2016
  • Shoshone-Bannock Beadwork
  • Rodeo Grounds - Fort Hall, Idaho
  • A spring on the Fort Hall Indian Reservation
Passing through southeastern Idaho? stop by the new Shoshone-Bannock Hotel & Event Center to get a quick bite at Camas Grill and shop for a unique gift at the Donzia Gift shop. Click here to learn more about our new hotel & event center!

For media requests interested in filming on the reservation or needing Shoshone-Bannock actors/actresses including TV documentaries, movies, commercials, etc. Please contact the Public Affairs office at 208-478-3818 or email publicaffairs@sbtribes.com
Is OST holding money for you?? The office of the Special Trusteee for American Indians (OST) is seeking to update addresses for the Individual Indian Money (IIM)account holders. Please check the list for your name and contact the local field office
The Shoshone-Bannock Tribes were recently designated as the FIRST Purple Heart Reservation in the nation! A ceremony was held in December 2015 at the Tribal Business Center to honor the Tribes. click here to learn more

Welcome to the Shoshone-Bannock Tribal Website

The Shoshone-Bannock Tribes are located on the Fort Hall Reservation in Southeastern Idaho, between the cities of Pocatello, American Falls, and Blackfoot. The Reservation is divided into five districts: Fort Hall, Lincoln Creek, Ross Fork, Gibson, and Bannock Creek. Currently, 97% of the Reservation lands are owned by the Tribes and individual Indian ownership.

The Tribes are composed of several Shoshone and Bannock bands that were forced to the Fort Hall Reservation, which eventually became the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes. There are approximately 5,681 enrolled tribal members with a majority living on or near the Fort Hall Reservation. Through its self-governing rights afforded under the Fort Bridger Treaty of 1868 and the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, the Tribes manages its own schools, post office, grocery store, waste disposal, agriculture and commercial businesses, rural transits, casinos, and more.

The tribal government offices and most tribal business enterprises are located eight miles north of Pocatello in Fort Hall. A recent economic impact study found that the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes government, businesses, support agencies and lands generate more than 4,000 jobs and add $330 million annually to the eastern Idaho economy. Read more about the economic impact study.

Need to find a business on the Fort Hall reservation? Click here for map

Click for Brochure Click for Brochure


As of August 2015, there were 5,859 enrolled
Shoshone-Bannock tribal members: of the tribal membership

4,038 reside on the Fort Hall Reservation.

There are 5,762 people living on the
Fort Hall Reservation. Of those 1,826 identify
themselves as Non-Indian.

There are a total of 1,779 households
on the Fort Hall Reservation.

The median age of reservation residents
is 29.
Source: 2000 Census Bureau statistics


Annual Events

ShoBan Festival

Welcome to Fort Hall, Idaho

2012 Shoshone-Bannock Wellness Tour

The Affordable Care Act and Indian Country

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