Protecting Public Health and the Environment.

Hazardous Waste Reporting

Idaho's Hazardous Waste Management Act of 1983 (Idaho Code §39-44) requires large and small quantity generators of hazardous waste in the state to report to DEQ by January 31 of each year on the types and quantities of hazardous wastes generated, shipped for treatment and disposal, and remaining in storage, and whether the hazardous wastes generated will be disposed of or treated in Idaho or out of state. In addition, operators of hazardous waste disposal facilities are required to report annually on the types and quantities of wastes received that were generated in Idaho or out of state.

EPA requires large quantity hazardous waste generators and treatment, storage, and disposal facilities to report biennially on the quantities, type, and management of hazardous wastes generated and received from off site.

2015 Hazardous Waste Report

DEQ compiles the information reported and submits an annual report to the governor and legislature. The most recent report, for calendar year 2015, shows that the overall volume of hazardous waste generated in Idaho increased by 19% last year, from 6,693 tons in 2014 to 7,985 tons in 2015.

Although there is an increase in hazardous waste generated from the previous year, that increase is mostly in the mixed waste category, which is generated primarily by Department of Energy sites in eastern Idaho. It would appear that the hazardous waste generated during the regular, ongoing processes throughout the state has actually remained fairly comparable to the previous years’ generation, if not even slightly decreased.

Increases occurred in the categories of other waste, mixed waste, remediation wastes, and solvent waste. Reductions occurred in the categories of characteristic and treatment, storage, disposal (TSD) waste.

Link to the 2015 report and reports dating to 2001 at right.