Protecting Public Health and the Environment.

Permit to Construct

An air quality permit to construct (PTC) is required prior to construction or modification of buildings, structures, and installations that emit, or may emit, pollutants into the air. Procedures and requirements for PTCs are found in the Rules for the Control of Air Pollution in Idaho (IDAPA–228).

Who Needs a PTC?

To enhance the likelihood of obtaining an application completeness determination, owners/operators of stationary sources
who anticipate applying for a permit to construct are advised to
contact DEQ's hotline (1-877-5PERMIT)
to set up a preapplication meeting
before submitting a permit application.

Idaho's air pollution control rules require the owner or operator of any stationary source that emits or may emit air pollution to obtain a PTC from DEQ before beginning construction or modifying the source (unless the activity is specifically exempt from the need to obtain a permit).

  • A stationary source is defined as "any building, structure, emissions unit, or installation which emits or may emit any air pollutant."
  • Commencement of construction or modification is, in part, defined as "to engage in a continuous program of construction or modification, or to engage in a program of planned grading, dredging, or land filling, specifically designed for the stationary source or facility in preparation of the fabrication, erection, or installation of the building components of the stationary source or facility."

PTCs are required for certain portable equipment as well, such as generators, crushing equipment, asphalt plants, and concrete batch plants.


Portable rock crushers that meet certain criteria may operate under a permit by rule (PBR) instead of a PTC. Dairies also may have the option to obtain a permit by rule. Petroleum (gasoline diesel and aviation fuel) remediation projects that meet certain design specifications have been specifically exempted from the need to obtain a PTC. Mobile internal combustion engines (cars, trucks, and heavy construction equipment) are not considered stationary sources.

Permit Application Process

Read these documents first to gain an understanding of the air quality permitting process:

Application Forms and Checklists

PTC application forms and checklists are provided for sources requiring this permit. The first step to submitting a successful air quality permit application is to read, Air Quality Permits: Applicant and DEQ Responsibilities. This document provides applicants with a basic understanding of DEQ's air quality permitting process, describes applicant responsibilities, and explains how DEQ will interact with applicants throughout the permitting process. Applicants are encouraged to contact the Air Quality Division to discuss permit application requirements early in the application process.

Applications submitted to DEQ for an air quality permit must be made on forms developed by DEQ. If you have questions about which form to use or about the application forms in general, call the permit hotline at 1-877-5PERMIT (1-877-573-7648).


Both an application fee and and a processing fee are required to obtain a PTC.

Application Fee

An application fee of $1,000 is required with any PTC application submitted to DEQ. DEQ will not begin processing the application until the application fee is received.

Processing Fee

A PTC processing fee is assessed for each PTC that is issued, based on any increase in air pollution emissions resulting from the permitted project. DEQ calculates and assesses PTC processing fees according to the following schedule (fugitive emissions are excluded):

Permit to Construct Fee Fee Payment
General Permit1 $500 Submit upon receipt of DEQ assessment. Must be paid in full before the final permit will be issued.
Emissions < 1 ton per year $1,000
Emissions = 1-10 tons per year $2,500
Emissions = 10-100 tons per year $5,000
Emissions > 100 tons per year
(exempt under IDAPA
Emissions > 100 tons per year
(not exempt under IDAPA
Modification with no engineering analysis $250

1 General permit facilities include portable concrete batch plants, hot mix asphalt plants, and rock crushing plants.

2 IDAPA lists sources exempt from the permit requirements for new facilities or major modifications in attainment or unclassifiable areas.

How to Send Payment

Pay by check

Make check payable to the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, and send completed application and check to the following:

Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
Attn: Fiscal Office - Air Quality Program
1410 N. Hilton
Boise, ID 83706

Pay by credit card/E-check

Link to Access Idaho website at
(Note: Convenience fee of 3% applies to credit card payments, $5 to E-check payments.)

Pay by bank wire transfer

Contact Katie Bennett, DEQ Fiscal Office
(208) 373-0446

Fee Exceptions

PTC application and processing fees are not required for the following:

  • Exempted sources listed in the Rules for the Control of Air Pollution in Idaho (IDAPA–223), or
  • Changes to correct typographical errors, or
  • Changes in name or ownership of the holder of a PTC when DEQ determines no other review or analysis is required.

15-Day Pre-Permit Construction Approval

The 15-Day Pre-Permit Construction Approval is available only for sources that satisfy all of the following conditions:

  1. Have completed a comprehensive air quality assessment and regulatory review.
  2. Are not proposing a new major facility or a major modification.
  3. Are not using emission offsets (netting).
  4. Are willing to commence construction at their own risk prior to issuance of a PTC. A risk exists because the owner or operator may not operate the source until a PTC is issued. Thus, if a PTC is ultimately denied, or is issued but contains limits unacceptable to the permittee, the permittee may simply be out the money spent constructing an inoperable source.

Relocating Your Portable Equipment?

Do not forget to submit a portable-equipment relocation notice at least 10 days in advance of relocating portable equipment.

Air Modeling

Air modeling is required for certain permitting actions—including PTCs—to demonstrate that all applicable ambient air quality standards will be met if the proposed construction or facility modification is completed or that an existing facility is complying with the the standards.

A DEQ guidance document has been developed to help air permit applicants understand DEQ’s expectations for ambient air impact analysis and prevent unnecessary delays in the permit process. The guideline describes when modeling is required; explains applicable standards, methodology, and analysis; and provides checklists and templates for conducting modeling and reporting modeling results.

General PTC for Automotive Coating Operations

Facilities that apply paint to vehicles as a commercial business in Idaho are subject to Idaho's air permitting requirements. Depending on volume of coating materials used and other factors, facilities may be required to obtain either a facility specific PTC (described above) or a streamlined general PTC. (An exemption may also apply.) Learn more about the General PTC for Automotive Coating Operations here.

Hot-Mix Asphalt Plants

Because most hot-mix asphalt plants have specific pieces of permitted equipment, DEQ has created a streamlined permitting process for these operations. Learn more.

Concrete Batch Operations

Because most concrete batch plants have similar types of equipment that generates air emissions, DEQ has created a streamlined permitting process where these operations may obtain a general rather than a facility-specific permit to construct. Learn more.

Permit to Construct Exemption

Certain sources may be exempt from the requirement to obtain a PTC. DEQ has developed an exemption form and supporting documentation to assist businesses in determining whether they qualify for an exemption and submitting an exemption request. Learn more.

Staff Contacts

Air Quality Permitting Hotline
1-877-5PERMIT (1-877-573-7648)
Call to set up a meeting or ask air quality permitting questions.

Stationary Source Permit Program Coordinator
Darrin Pampaian
DEQ State Office
Air Quality Division
1410 N. Hilton
Boise, ID 83706
(208) 373-0587

Related Pages

Air Quality Permitting Forms and Checklists

Air Quality Dispersion Modeling

Small Business Environmental Solutions