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Biennial Registration

The court will notify you via email when your Biennial Registration is due.

The Biennial Registration Fee only applies to permanent members of the New York Northern District Court Bar. The Biennial Registration Fee is $50.00 and is paid electronically through Pay.Gov (payments are not accepted by regular mail). Each attorney must pay the fee by logging into CM/ECF with their individual login (6 digit bar roll number) and password.

The fee does not apply to members who were admitted during a Biennial year, are admitted Pro Hac Vice, or the attorney works for the U.S. Government, the State of New York, a county in New York State, or another public sector entity. If you received the email notification and you are exempt, you must email to inform of the error. If you have not yet activated your CM/ECF account, you will need to do so to pay your Biennial Fee.

The 2013 Biennial Registration Fee was due by October 1st, 2013. Failure to remit this fee by October 1st, 2013 will result in your CM/ECF account being locked and your name being removed from the active rolls of this Court. 

The 2015 Biennial Registration Fee:  The Court will notify the bar via e-mail when the Biennial Registration period opens and when the due date will be.  Failure to remit the biennial registration fee by the due date will result in the CM/ECF account being locked and removal of the attorney from the active roll of this Court.

WARNING:Requests for Certificates of Good Standing will be denied for attorneys who fail to pay the Biennial Registration by the due date.

Instructions for Paying Biennial Fee

To pay the Biennial Fee, you must first log into CM/ECF for the Northern District of New York

  1. Log into CM/ECF - Your login is your 6 digit Bar Roll Number. If you have forgotten your Bar Roll Number please visit the Locate Bar Roll Number section. If you have forgotten your CM/ECF password use the Courts Password Change/Reset Feature.
  2. Click on Civil at the Top of the Screen (In the Blue Bar), under Other Filings, click Biennial Fee Payment.
  3. Under the Available Events, select the event Biennial Fee Payment and hit Next (There is no need to attach a document to this event).
  4. Hit Next.
  5. Screen appears advising that the fee is $50.00.
  6. Hit Next.
  7. The filing attorney is re-directed to Pay.Gov to pay the associated $50.00 fee. The item is payable by Bank Account Debit (ACH) or Plastic Card (ex: VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Diners Club, Discover).
  8. Complete the Pay.Gov payment screens to process the payment.
    • 1st Screen – Complete all fields with Red Asterisk and then Click Continue with ACH Payment or Continue with ACH Payment depending on the selected method of payment.
    • 2nd Screen – Verify Information and enter email address; Click in the Box I authorize a charge to my account for the above amount in accordance with my card issuer agreement; Click Submit Payment.
  9. YOU ARE ALMOST DONE! - You will be redirected back to CM/ECF. Hit Next and view the Docket Text.
  10. Hit Next again, and the transaction is submitted; These final steps will ensure that your attorney record is updated to reflect the biennial payment.

To view a flash tutorial video on paying your Biennial Registration Fee please click HERE.
To download flash visit

Locate Bar Roll Number

If you do not know your Bar Roll number you can locate it using our Attorney Lookup application. If you have forgotten your CM/ECF password visit the password reset/lost page.

Updating Information

Pursuant to the NYND Local Rules you must keep the Court apprised of any address changes, electronic and/or physical, within 10 days of such change. If you wish to update your information, submit the automated request Update My Information located HERE. If you wish to be removed from the rolls of the Northern District, submit the automated request Voluntary Removal from the NDNY Bar located HERE.

Refund of Fee

If you inadvertently paid your Biennial Fee twice electronically, follow the instructions for Refund of Fees Paid Electronically.

Biennial Removal and Reapplying for Admission

Pursuant to Local Rule 83.1 (a) 5., to gain readmittance to the Northern District of New York, non-paying attorneys must satisfy all of the admission requirements set forth in Local Rule 83.1(a). When submitting your application, be sure to reference in a cover letter your assigned Bar Roll Number and the biennial year in which you were removed. These specific applications are presented to the Chief U.S. District Judge for consideration and should be forwarded to:

ATTN: Attorney Admissions
United States District Court
Northern District of New York
100 South Clinton St.
Syracuse, NY 13261

