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    2012 Global Healthcare Resource Guide

    Report: Telemedicine: An Important Force in the Transformation of Healthcare

    Export your way to higher profits, increased market share, and expanded product lines. You can find new distributors, partners, and direct buyers by participating in the many efficient yet inexpensive export promotion events. It's easy to get started -- just click Trade Events to see details about a particular event.

    OHCG Health Products and Technologies Team...

    Welcome to the Office of Health and Consumer Goods (OHCG) Health Products & Technologies Industries website! The OHCG Health Team is dedicated to enhancing the global competitiveness of the U.S. health industry, expanding its market access, and increasing exports.

    OHCG Health Products & Technologies Team Trade Specialists address challenges U.S. manufacturers face domestically and internationally, by:

    For the contact information of the International Trade Specialist covering your industry sector or regional focus, click on Contact Us.

    The Healthcare Products & Technologies Team of the Office of Health and Consumer Goods has an ongoing need for motivated and enthusiastic undergraduate and graduate students to intern in our office. Click here to apply.

    Questions about Web site content, design, and navigation as well as reports of technical problems should be sent to the webmanager at Jane.Earley@trade.doc.gov

    This page was last updated by JF on 5-16-2013 

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