U.S. Department of Justice

Partnership Training Programs

We encourage correctional agencies across the nation to apply to host training programs in partnership with NIC. This unique opportunity gives host sites the advantage of holding an NIC training at their own facility, which can help reduce or eliminate travel costs and give host sites the ability to train all staff at once or train more staff in a shorter period. Some of these programs are open to all correctional facilities, including jails, prisons, community corrections, and transition/offender workforce development agencies, while others are limited to participants from one correctional discipline (e.g. only jails or only prisons).

Each NIC partnership program has its own selection criteria, application process, and falls into one of three main categories: agency-specific programs, nonagency-specific programs, and hands-on facility programs.

After selecting a program, follow the course description and instructions for hosting. Once accepted, hosts will receive support from NIC and be assigned to a correctional program specialist who will provide information and access to resources that will help ease the process of hosting a program.