Tag Archives: rapid intensity change

Paper on how the region near the ocean surface impacts hurricane forecasts released online in Monthly Weather Review

 Summary: Forecasters and researchers use the Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting (HWRF) model to forecast where a hurricane will go, how strong it will be, how large it will be, and where the strongest winds are. This paper looks … Continue reading

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Posted in Dynamics and Physics, HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, Modeling and Prediction, Publications | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

HRD Monthly Science Meeting of December 2016

December’s science meeting consisted of 6 presentations: Paul Reasor (HRD):  “Real-time, storm-scale diagnostics derived from Tail Doppler Radar”, Jun Zhang (HRD):  “Recent improvement in physical parameterization of horizontal turbulent mixing in HWRF “, Rob Rogers (HRD):  “Re-writing the Tropical Record … Continue reading

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Posted in Data Assimilation, Dynamics and Physics, HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, Modeling and Prediction, Observations, Presentations | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Paper on new observations of rapid intensification during Hurricane Karl published in The Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences

Read the paper at http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/JAS-D-16-0026.1.

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Two-part paper on the intensification of Hurricane Edouard published in Monthly Weather Review

 Summary: Hurricane Edouard (2014) is examined using radar onboard NOAA P-3 aircraft that flew the storm. Two periods are shown, one when the storm was intensifying to a major hurricane and the other when the storm was weakening. The location … Continue reading

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Posted in Dynamics and Physics, HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, Observations, Publications | Tagged , , , , , , , , , ,

HRD Seminar – Dr. Andy Hazelton, Princeton University and NOAA/GFDL – 28 October 2016

Dr. Hazelton presented a seminar on “Convective Burst Development and Evolution in Two Simulated Atlantic TCs”. Abstract Understanding the structure and evolution of the tropical cyclone (TC) inner core remains an elusive challenge in tropical meteorology, especially transient asymmetric features … Continue reading

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Posted in Dynamics and Physics, HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, Modeling and Prediction, Presentations | Tagged , , , ,

HRD Debrief for missions into Hurricane Matthew – 20 October 2016

HRD researchers discussed the results from the 9 P-3, 9 G-IV, and 3 Global Hawk missions into Hurricane Matthew (30 September to 8 October 2016). The agenda for the discussion was: Slides from the debrief are available at: ftp://ftp.aoml.noaa.gov/pub/hrd/blog/meetings/2016/HFP/MatthewDebrief_10202016.pptx

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Posted in Data Assimilation, Dynamics and Physics, HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, Impacts, Modeling and Prediction, Observations, Presentations | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

HRD Debrief for missions into Tropical Storm Karl Hermine – 30 September 2016

HRD researchers discussed the results from the 7 P-3, 5 G-IV, and 2 Global Hawk missions into Tropical Storm Karl (20-24 September 2016). The agenda for the discussion was: Slides from the debrief are available at: ftp://ftp.aoml.noaa.gov/pub/hrd/blog/meetings/2016/HFP/Karl_debrief.pptx

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Posted in Dynamics and Physics, HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, Observations, Presentations | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

One last flight into Karl

The P3 and G-IV are at it again for one last flight into Karl. The G-IV will take off at 1:30PM Eastern (1730 UTC) and the P3 will follow with a 2PM (1800 UTC) take off from St. Croix. Below … Continue reading

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Posted in Data Assimilation, HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, IFEX - Hurricane Field Program, Modeling and Prediction, Observations | Tagged , , , , , ,

Hurricane Field Program Update – Saturday, Sept. 24, 2016 11AM Eastern

OPERATIONS Saturday, 24 Sept. 2016 NOAA43:  Flew a research mission into Karl. They took off around 0600 UTC (2AM Eastern) to and from St. Croix, US Virgin Islands. Two HRD scientists were on this flight. G-IV:  Is scheduled to fly a research mission over and … Continue reading

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Posted in Data Assimilation, HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, IFEX - Hurricane Field Program, Modeling and Prediction, Observations | Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

It’s a second flight into Tropical Storm Karl for the NOAA P3 aircraft

NOAA’s P3 hurricane hunter aircraft is set to fly into Tropical Storm Karl. They will take off at 2AM for an eight hour mission from St. Croix. The data collected on this and all the flights helps us understand the … Continue reading

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Posted in Data Assimilation, HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, IFEX - Hurricane Field Program, Observations | Tagged , , , ,