Tag Archives: Hurricane Karl

Paper on how the region near the ocean surface impacts hurricane forecasts released online in Monthly Weather Review

 Summary: Forecasters and researchers use the Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting (HWRF) model to forecast where a hurricane will go, how strong it will be, how large it will be, and where the strongest winds are. This paper looks … Continue reading

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Posted in Dynamics and Physics, HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, Modeling and Prediction, Publications | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Paper on new observations of rapid intensification during Hurricane Karl published in The Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences

Read the paper at http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/JAS-D-16-0026.1.

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HRD seminar – Dr. Jason Sippel, NCEP/EMC, College Park, MD – 30 March 2016

Dr. Sippel presented a seminar on “The Challenges in Developing the Operational HWRF DA System:  What I’ve learned after 1.5 years at EMC”. Abstract Though the HWRF model has seen tremendous advances over the past decade, largely due to HFIP, … Continue reading

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Posted in Data Assimilation, Dynamics and Physics, HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, Modeling and Prediction, Observations, Presentations | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

HRD seminar – Ana Juracic, New Mexico Tech University – 27 Sept. 2012

Ana Juracic, a graduate student with Dave Raymond from New Mexico tech University presented a seminar on “The Moist Entropy Change in Tropical Cyclones” ABSTRACT Important part of moist entropy budget is the advection of moist entropy in or out of the … Continue reading

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HRD and AOML researchers at the 66th Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference, Charleston, SC – 5–8 March 2012

Copies of the 16 presentations HRD researchers presented (or were co-authors) at the 66th IHC are available online from the Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology’s website: Overview of WG/TCR Efforts and Promising Results – Frank Marks (AOML/HRD) and Ronald Ferek (ONR) … Continue reading

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Posted in Data Assimilation, Dynamics and Physics, HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, Impacts, Modeling and Prediction, Observations, Presentations | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

HRD Debrief for missions into Hurricanes Earl and Karl/AL92

Slides from the debrief are available in a compressed archive at: ftp://ftp.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd/pub/blog/meetings/2010/HFP/Earl_Karl_debrief.zip

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Posted in Data Assimilation, HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, Modeling and Prediction, Observations | Tagged , ,

Surface wind analyses available for Hurricane Karl

H*Wind surface wind analyses are available for Hurricane Karl at: http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd/Storm_pages/karl2010/wind.html

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Doppler radar quick-looks from 12 PM P-3 flight into Karl, 16 September 2010

As Karl intensified into a major hurricane and passes just north of Mexico (visible outlined in black at the bottom of the images) NOAA P-3 missions continue to collect airborne Doppler radar data to use in understanding rapid intensification and … Continue reading

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Posted in HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, Observations | Tagged , , ,

Hurricane Field Program Update – Friday, September 17, 2010 AT 9:40 AM EDT

OPERATIONS … LAST UPDATE FOR THIS DEPLOYMENT … NOAA P-3s Thursday September 16 NOAA-42: N42 landed back at MacDill AFB/Tampa at 7:50 PM EDT. NOAA-43: DOWN in STX until further notice. Friday September 17 NOAA-42: N42’s mission into H. Karl … Continue reading

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Hurricane Field Program Update – Thursday, September 16, 2010 AT 10:30 AM EDT

OPERATIONS (UPDATED 2:30 PM Thursday) NOAA P-3s Thursday September 16 NOAA-42: N42 is scheduled for an IFEX RI mission in T.S. Karl. Departure from MacDill AFB at 1530 UTC (11:30 AM EDT) returning back to MacDill AFB/Tampa. NOAA-43: DOWN in … Continue reading

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