Tag Archives: Awards

HRD employees recognized at AOML Awards ceremony

At a recent awards ceremony, HRD Director Frank Marks and AOML Deputy Director Molly Beringer presented recognitions to several employees whose service went above-and-beyond during the past year. Bachir Annane was recognized for comprehensive and timely analyses using the OSSE framework … Continue reading

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‘Doc’ McFadden nominated for a Sammie

James ‘Doc’ McFadden, Programs and Projects director for NOAA’s Aircraft Operations Center (AOC), has been nominated for the People’s Choice Award of the Partnership for Public Service organization.  The Partnership for Public Service is a “nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that believes … Continue reading

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HRD and CIMAS Researcher recognized by NOAA Aircraft Operations Center

Sonia Otero, a CIMAS Senior Research Associate working at HRD was recognized by AOC for her software engineering leadership during the development of the Airborne Atmospheric Measurement and Profiling System (AAMPS), the principal aircraft data system used on the NOAA … Continue reading

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Posted in HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, Observations | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Lisa Bucci and AOML Director Bob Atlas share in Banner I. Miller Award

  Nolan, D. S., R. Atlas, K. T. Bhatia, and L. R. Bucci, 2013:  Development and validation of a hurricane nature run using the Joint OSSE nature run and the WRF model.  Journ. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 5, 382-405. has … Continue reading

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Posted in Data Assimilation, Modeling and Prediction, Observations, Publications | Tagged , ,

Howie Friedman wins the 2016 NOAA Research EEO/Diversity Award for Exemplary Service

  Howie Friedman, HRD’s Deputy Director, was awarded the 2016 NOAA Research EEO/Diversity Award for Exemplary Service for his consistent efforts promoting EEO, Diversity, Education and Outreach activities at the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory, as well as his interaction … Continue reading

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HRD employees honored at awards ceremony

A number of HRD employees were honored at an awards ceremony at AOML earlier in December.  Among the honorees: Jun Zhang earned a CIMAS Gold Medal for efforts to improve the surface layer and vertical-diffusion parameterization within the HWRF model to … Continue reading

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Posted in HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, Presentations | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Hollings Scholar Joshua Wadler wins Outstanding Oral Presentation Award at the NOAA Science and Education Symposium

NOAA Hollings Scholarship recipient Joshua Wadler from the University of Oklahoma won the award for Outstanding Oral Presentation in NOAA’s Weather-Ready Nation Goal at the recent NOAA Science and Education Symposium in Silver Spring Maryland on 30 July.  The Hollings … Continue reading

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Posted in Dynamics and Physics, Observations | Tagged , , , ,

Joe Cione earns Department of Commerce Silver Medal

Congratulations to Joe Cione, part of the team to earn a Department of Commerce Silver Medal “for successfully executing the first-ever launch of an Unmanned Aircraft System from a manned aircraft into a major hurricane, Hurricane Edouard.”  The entire team … Continue reading

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Posted in Dynamics and Physics, Observations | Tagged , , , ,

HRD scientists win Department of Commerce Gold Medal

Three HRD scientists (Drs. Sundararaman Gopalakrishnan, Thiago Quirino, and Frank Marks) along with several National Weather Service (NWS) colleagues won a Department of Commerce Gold Medal for developing and implementing the high-resolution Hurricane Weather Research and Forecast System (HWRF) model, … Continue reading

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Posted in HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, Modeling and Prediction | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Jason Dunion to receive American Meteorological Society Special Award as part of the CIMSS Tropical Cyclones Group

The Tropical Cyclones Group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), including Jason Dunion, has been selected for an American Meteorological Society (AMS) Special Award.  The award recognizes individuals or groups that have made important contributions in … Continue reading

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