Expert Group in support of implementation of the framework for action on Black Carbon and Methane

The expert group was established at the Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting in Iqaluit 24 April 2015. The objective of the expert group is to periodically assess progress of the implementation of the Arctic Council’s Framework for Action on Black Carbon and Methane, and to inform policy makers from Arctic states and for participating Arctic Council Observer states. This includes preparing, on a once every two-year cycle of the Arctic Council chairmanship, a high level “Summary of Progress and Recommendations” report, with appropriate conclusions and recommendations.

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Ecosystem-Based Management Expert Group

The Ecosystem-Based Management expert group, which started its work in 2011, has developed four background documents and a final report addressing the group’s recommendations, which include a policy commitment, a definition of EBM in the Arctic, a set of principles for EBM in the Arctic, and a set of high-priority activities for coordinating and improving the EBM work of the Arctic Council. Examples include the need to develop an overarching EBM goal for the Arctic Council, implement international EBM initiatives, and ensure coordination and reporting for EBM activities of the Arctic Council and its working groups. The Expert Group concluded its work by delivering its final report to the Kiruna Ministerial Meeting in May 2013.

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