Continuing Legal Education

Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Information

The U.S. Sentencing Commission offers courses that fulfill continuing legal education (CLE) requirements in several jurisdictions. Below you will find relevant course materials and faculty biographies.

To receive CLE credit, you must fill out the continuing legal education application form and a certificate of attendance for the webinar (below). The Commission is unable to process individual applications for CLE credit but these materials will help you facilitate that process. Each individual attorney is responsible for submitting an application for CLE and for any payments that are required. The Commission does not have course numbers for the jurisdictions; you will have to acquire that information once you apply for CLE credit in the jurisdiction for which you desire credit. We strongly recommend that you contact your state’s CLE board for information about CLE requirements, which vary from state to state.

Fill out the following forms to receive credit:

Available Courses


Amendments to the Federal Sentencing Guidelines

This webcast focuses on 2014 amendments to the federal sentencing guidelines, including the 2014 drug guidelines amendment.



Relevant Conduct

This webcast focuses on advanced guideline issues in relation to relevant conduct. Trainers will lead discussion and analyze case fact patterns to explain the application of this guideline.



Firearms Offenses

This webcast focuses on advanced guideline issues in relation to firearms issues. Trainers highlight fact patterns from the field and analyze some of the more common application issues in these cases.



Immigration Offenses

This webcast focuses on advanced guideline issues in relation to illegal reentry and alien smuggling offenses. Trainers highlight fact patterns from the field and analyze some of the more common application issues in these cases.



Multiple Counts of Conviction

This webcast provides viewers with a greater understanding of the grouping rules found under Chapter 3 Part D of the Guidelines Manual using both discussion and real life fact patterns.



Statement of Reasons Form

This webcast reviews each section of the Statement of Reasons form and highlights how specific sentencing decisions made by the court should be characterized in the various sections of the form.



Recent Commission Activities

This recorded webcast (August 2014) provides a discussion of the Commission’s vote on retroactivity of the 2014 drug guidelines amendment, alternatives to incarceration under the sentencing guidelines, and a demonstration of the Commission’s online Interactive Sourcebook.



This recorded webcast (May 2013) discusses two Commission reports to Congress, "The Continuing Impact of United States v. Booker on Federal Sentencing", and "Federal Child Pornography Offenses". The webcast highlights the key findings and data from each report.