NOAA Office of Satellite and Product Operations

Satellite Imagery

Loops are set up as either short (8 images) or long (16 images) and can be viewed on all devices using HTML5.

Anatahan Colima
Sample Imagery Image loops:
Visible   Long  |  Short
IR Ch. 2   Long  |  Short
IR Ch. 4   Long  |  Short
3 Channel IR   Long  |  Short
Reflectivity   Long  |  Short
PCI Band 3   Long  |  Short
Sample Imagery Image loops:
Visible   Long  |  Short
IR Ch. 2   Long  |  Short
IR Ch. 4   Long  |  Short
3 Channel IR   Long  |  Short
Reflectivity   Long  |  Short
PCI Band 3   Long  |  Short
Central America Colombia
Sample Imagery Image loops:
Visible   Long  |  Short
IR Ch. 2   Long  |  Short
IR Ch. 4   Long  |  Short
3 Channel IR   Long  |  Short
Reflectivity   Long  |  Short
PCI Band 3   Long  |  Short
Sample Imagery Image loops:
Visible  Long  |  Short
IR Ch. 2  Long  |  Short
IR Ch.4  Long  |  Short
3 Channel IR  Long  |  Short
Reflectivity  Long  |  Short
PCI Band 3  Long  |  Short
Hawaii Tungurahua
Sample Imagery Image loops:
Visible  |  RGB
IR Ch.2  |  Fire Enhancement
IR Ch.4  |  Funktop Enhancement
Sample Imagery Image loops:
Visible   Long  |  Short
IR Ch. 2   Long  |  Short
IR Ch. 4   Long  |  Short
3 Channel IR   Long  |  Short
Reflectivity   Long  |  Short
PCI Band 3   Long  |  Short
Popocatepetl Soufriere Hills
Sample Imagery Image loops:
Visible   Long  |  Short
IR Ch. 2   Long  |  Short
IR Ch. 4   Long  |  Short
3 Channel IR   Long  |  Short
Reflectivity   Long  |  Short
PCI Band 3   Long  |  Short
Sample Imagery Image loops:
Visible   Long  |  Short
IR Ch. 2   Long  |  Short
IR Ch. 4   Long  |  Short
3 Channel IR   Long  |  Short
Reflectivity   Long  |  Short
PCI Band 3   Long  |  Short
St. Helens Turrialba
Sample Imagery Image loops:
Visible   Long  |  Short
IR Ch. 2   Long  |  Short
IR Ch. 4   Long  |  Short
3 Channel IR   Long  |  Short
Reflectivity   Long  |  Short
PCI Band 3   Long  |  Short
Sample Imagery Image loops:
Visible   Long  |  Short
IR Ch. 2   Long  |  Short
IR Ch. 4   Long  |  Short
3 Channel IR   Long  |  Short
Reflectivity   Long  |  Short
PCI Band 3   Long  |  Short
Kamchatka Penninsula, Russia Aleutian Islands Anchorage Area
Sample Imagery Image loops:
IR Ch.4
3 Channel IR
PCI Band 3
Sample Imagery Image loops:
3 Channel IR
PCI Band 3
Sample Imagery Image loops:
3 Channel IR
PCI Band 3