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Through thought-provoking discussions, these webinars will present the historical evolution of Children’s Bureau programs and explore critical topics that shape the child welfare field today.

Historical Webinar Series
April 2012–March 2013
This four-part webinar series will provide historical information and status updates for Children’s Bureau’s programs and activities from four distinct periods.


  • The Story of the Children’s Bureau, The Early Years: 1912–1937

    Wednesday, April 11, 2012 - 1:00–2:30 p.m. ET
    This first webinar discusses the Bureau’s first 25 years, as the young Bureau worked to reduce maternal and child deaths, improve maternal and child health, eradicate child labor, and offer relief from Depression-era conditions.

    View Webinar (WMV – 46 MB)
    View Transcript (PDF – 64 KB)
    View Presentation Slides (PDF – 17 MB)

  • The Story of the Children’s Bureau, America in Wartime: 1938–1960

    Thursday, August 16, 2012 - 3:00–4:30 p.m. ET
    This historical webinar offers an overview of the second 25 years of Children's Bureau history, with an emphasis on the impact of World War II on our nation's work to support children and families.

    View Webinar (WMV – 35 MB)
    View Transcript (PDF – 56 KB)
    View Presentation Slides (PDF – 8 MB)

  • The Story of the Children’s Bureau, Changing Times, Reshaping Priorities: 1961–1986

    Tuesday, December 11, 2012 - 12:00-1:30 p.m. ET

    This historical webinar will offer an overview of the third 25 years of Children's Bureau history, through the tumultuous 1960s and 1970s to the early 1980s, with an emphasis on emerging themes and practices in child welfare.

    View Webinar (WMV – 60 MB)
    View Transcript (PDF – 91 KB)
    View Presentation Slides (PDF – 17 MB)

  • The Story of the Children’s Bureau, 21st Century Child Welfare: 1987–2012

    Wednesday, March 27, 2013 - 2:00-4:00 p.m. ET

    This historical webinar will examine the Children's Bureau's current priorities and offer a glimpse into the future. Several Children's Bureau staff will offer their visions for CB's future.

    View Webinar (WMV – 75 MB)
    View Transcript (PDF – 130 KB)
    View Presentation Slides (PDF – 3.25 MB)


Topical Webinars
This eight-part topical webinar series will shed light on issues that present the greatest challenges and controversy for the child welfare field today.


  • Racial Disproportionality and Poverty in Child Welfare

    Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - 1:00–2:30 p.m. ET

    This webinar explores the relationships among racial disproportionality, poverty, and other factors in child welfare.

    View Webinar (WMV – 80 MB)
    View Transcript (PDF – 160 KB)
    View Presentation Slides (PDF – 1 MB)

  • Evidence Based Practice and Practice Based Evidence, Is It One or the Other?

    Tuesday, July 17, 2012 - 1:00-2:30 p.m. ET
    This webinar examines the role of these two different approaches to assessing the effectiveness of programs and practices.

    View Webinar (WMV – 128 MB)
    View Transcript (PDF – 181 KB)
    View Presentation Slides (PDF – 786 KB)

  • Unannounced Home Visits—Critical Assessment Tool or Barrier to Family Engagement?

    Wednesday, September 26, 2012 - 2:00-3:30 p.m. ET

    This webinar will explores the role of unannounced visits in child welfare and discusses the challenge of reducing or discontinuing this practice while maintaining child safety.

    View Webinar (WMV – 69 MB)
    View Presentation Slides (PDF – 647 KB)

  • Formal Education or School of Life? What Are the Best Credentials for the Child Welfare Workforce?

    Tuesday, October 9, 2012 - 12:00-1:30 p.m. ET

    This webinar examines the different educational paths that lead workers to the child welfare field, and how varying educational levels and disciplines impact the relationships between child welfare workers and the communities in which they serve.

    View Webinar (WMV – 83 MB)
    View Transcript (PDF - 108 KB)
    View Presentation Slides (PDF - 1 MB)

  • Who Should Our Clients Be? Differential Response and the Provision of Services to Voluntary Clients

    Monday, October 22, 2012 - 12:00-1:30 p.m. ET

    This webinar will examine the role of differential response in child welfare, particularly as a prevention and family strengthening strategy. Two States will discuss their ongoing use of differential response strategies, including the ways in which differential response has resolved since initial planning and implementation.

    View Webinar (WMV – 93 MB)
    View Transcript (PDF - 148 KB)
    View Presentation Slides (PDF – 2,312 KB)

  • Friending Your Clients on Facebook: How Social Media Influences Child Welfare Practice

    Wednesday, November 28, 2012 - 12:00-1:30 p.m. ET

    This webinar will explore the role of social media in child welfare practice, including the importance of developing strong social media policies and procedures and the ethical issues related to the use of social media to gather information about and communicate with clients in child welfare practice.

    View Webinar (WMV – 108 MB)
    View Transcript (PDF - 174 KB)
    View Presentation Slides (PDF – 1.27 MB)

  • Taking Risks with Risk—Balancing Child Safety with Family Engagement

    Thursday, February 21, 2013 - 1:00-2:30 p.m. ET

    This webinar examines the perceived conflict between children's rights and parents' rights when child welfare agencies become involved with families. It highlights parental response to worker attitudes and communication styles, including an examination of the judgments and biases that can impact a worker's ability to respectfully and meaningfully engage parents. The webinar describes New Hampshire's innovative training program designed to break down barriers between agency staff and the families they serve and will offer parent-driven recommendations for improving family engagement in the child welfare system.

    View Webinar (WMV – 83.7 MB)
    View Transcript (PDF - 101 KB)
    View Presentation Slides (PDF – 803 KB)

  • Taking the 'Special' Out of Special Needs Adoption: Developing a Concept for the Future

    The webinar will examine the history of the term "special needs" in foster care and adoption and its current use. Speakers will offer thoughts on a future framework for discussions about children who currently fall into the "special needs" designation in a child welfare context.

    View Webinar (WMV – 68 MB)
    View Transcript (PDF – 102 KB)
    View Presentation Slides (PDF – 1.16 MB)


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