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Civil GPS Service Interface Committee
U.S. States & Local Government Subcommittee

Regional Meeting
Austin 2012

A meeting of the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) States and Local Government Subcommittee was held at the Texas Association of Counties offices, 1210 San Antonio Streets, Austin, TX 78701, on June 13, 2012.

The meeting was very well attended by GIS officials from all over the State of Texas and all thanks go to our hosts at the Texas Natural Resources Information System. Their kind support and the participation of all attendees was instrumental in making this a successful day discussing information related to the U.S. GPS program.

Presentation materials from the meeting are embedded in the agenda below.


Wednesday June 13, 2012

8:00 AM Welcome
Jim Scott, Director
Texas Natural Resources Information System

8:05 Introductions
Rudy Persaud Chair, U.S. States and Local Government Subcommittee of the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee, U.S. DOT/FHWA

8:10 Civil GPS Service Interface Committee
Captain William Burns, Commanding Officer
U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center
View presentation (2 MB PDF)

8:30 U.S. Diplomatic GNSS Activities
Jeff Auerbach, GNSS Policy Advisor
U.S. Department of State, Office of Space & Advanced Technology
View presentation (1 MB PDF)

8:50 GPS Constellation Briefing
Chief Petty Officer Joe Carter, Coast Guard Liaison
U.S. Air Force Second Space Operations Squadron
View presentation (734 KB PDF)

9:10 Civil PNT Utilities
Timothy Klein, Senior Policy Advisor
U.S. DOT/Research and Innovative Technology Administration
View presentation (3 MB PDF)

9:30-9:45 Break

9:45 Mapping Vegetation of Texas
Amie Treuer-Kuehn
Texas Parks & Wildlife Department
View presentation (9 MB PDF)

10:05 Nationwide DGPS Project Status
Lieutenant Commander Guillermo Vega, Chief PNT Branch
U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center
View presentation (4 MB PDF)

10:25 NGS Program Updates on CORS
Bill Stone, NOAA/NGS Regional Advisor Southwest

10:45 Privacy vs. GPS Integrity
Todd Humphreys, Assistant Professor
University of Texas at Austin
View presentation (6 MB PDF)

11:05 Connected Vehicle Highway Network Applications
James Arnold, U.S. DOT/ FHWA
View presentation (3 MB PDF)

11:25 GPS Mapping 70k miles of Local Roads
Michael Lewis, Vice President
Navstar Mapping Corporation Austin
View presentation (3 MB PDF)

11:45-1:00 Lunch break

1:00 PM Real Time RTK Network
Andre Fuegner, System Analysis
Texas Department of Transportation
View presentation (7 MB PDF)

1:20 Mapping Instream Riverine Habitat using High-Precision Mobil GPS
Daniel Pearson, GIS Specialist
U.S. Geological Survey, Texas

1:40 RTK GPS on Smart Phone and Mobile Tablet Platforms
Dr. Stacey Lyle, RPLS, Associate Professor
Texas A&M Corpus Christi
View presentation (1 MB PDF)

2:00 GPS Application and Utility for Geophysics Research in Texas
Andrew Teeple, Hydrologist & Jason Payne, Geophysicist
U.S. Geological Survey, Texas

2:40 GPS Uses and Projects by the Texas General Land Office
Sterling Harris, GIS Manager, Texas General Land Office
View presentation (58 KB PDF)

3:00- 3:15 Break

3:15 U.S. States and Local Government Subcommittee
Rudy Persaud, Chair
View presentation (219 KB PDF)

4:00 End of Meeting and Thanks

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