Today in Energy

March 29, 2011

Natural gas production in Middle Eastern and North African countries

In 2009 (the latest year data are available), Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) countries produced about 55 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) of dry natural gas, which is about one-fifth of the estimated total worldwide daily supply and just under the average daily U.S. dry natural gas production of about 56 Bcf/d for the corresponding year. No single MENA country represented more than 5% of 2009 global dry natural gas production. Iran was the leading dry natural gas producer (12.7 Bcf/d) in MENA in 2009, a level about 20% of total 2009 U.S. natural gas consumption.

MENA countries hold a much larger share of global liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports. In 2009, MENA accounted over 40% of worldwide LNG exports. Qatar's LNG exports alone reached nearly 1,800 billion cubic feet, about 20% of the global total.