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Center for Women Veterans (CWV)

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Veteran of the Day...Jane Devenport

01/14/2017 #VeteranOfTheDay Navy Veteran Jane Devenport

We honor your service, Jane!

Meet the Veteran of the Day »

Veteran Artwork

Locations for Women Veterans Art Exhibit

I am pleased to announce that art displays created by 10 women Veterans will be featured at VA medical facilities across the country in March during Women’s History Month.

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Creative Arts ... draw, write, dance, act, sing, play

Creative Arts

VA medical facilities use art therapy as one form of rehabilitative treatment to help Veterans recover from and cope with physical and emotional disabilities.

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Disordered Eating

Disordered Eating

Research suggests that as much as half the population may have an unhealthy relationship with food, their body, or exercise.

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I Am A Veteran

A group of women Veterans has come together to create a series of Public Service Announcements entitled, “I Am A Veteran.”  The purpose of their campaign is to advance the conversation about how women are seen, both in Veteran/military circles and by the general public.  All too frequently, they believe, a woman Veteran is initially dismissed as the wife or daughter of the “actual” Veteran, and they’re aiming to help change that societally-ingrained misconception.  The Veterans featured in the PSAs talk about what a Veteran looks like, what it means to be a Veteran, and some of their personal experiences with the general public’s reaction to the discovery of their Veteran status.  These PSAs are currently airing on AFN, and we’ll post them as they become available.

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2017 National Women Veterans Summit Scheduled for March 17-18 in Dallas, Texas

Women Veterans Summit

Women Veterans account for approximately 10 percent of the U.S. Veteran population, which will grow to 15 percent by 2030.— While many of their challenges and opportunities are similar to those of their male counterparts, some are unique or disproportionate to the women Veterans population—which is younger and more ethnically diverse than their male peers.  It is for this reason that VA is planning a national platform to discuss these issues—the 2017 National Women Veterans Summit.  Read the full blog article »

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#VeteranOfTheDay - Nominate a Veteran Today!

#VeteranOfTheDay Banner

Veteran of the Day has been a tradition on VA’s social media pages for more than two years now.  This daily publication is always in need of great nominations, and CWV would love to see more women Veterans featured!  If you know a Veteran who deserves to be recognized, please refer to this guide to nominate them.  Learn more »

Women Veterans Call Center: 1-855-VA-WOMEN
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