Protecting Public Health and the Environment.

Idaho Environmental Guide for Local Governments: Waste Tires

Under the Idaho Waste Tire Disposal Act, municipal solid waste landfills are the only sites in Idaho where waste tires can be disposed of after demonstrating specified volume reduction. Disposal refers to tires at their end of life; storage of new or usable tires is regulated by counties or cities.

Why Communities Should Care

Counties and cities are required to issue written approvals for waste tire storage sites and collect a financial assurance of $2.50 per tire authorized to be stored. Conditional use permit requirements or other processes where written approval is issued may apply to waste tire storage sites. If counties do not have the personnel or funding to oversee a waste tire program, they may ask DEQ to assume this responsibility.

Abandoned tire piles pose a serious fire threat that can impact air, surface water, and ground water. Discarded tires are also a breeding ground for disease-carrying pests and rodents, including mosquitoes that carry the West Nile virus.

What Communities Can Do

  • Prior to project approval, request that project information specify applicable requirements under Idaho Waste Tire Disposal Act.
  • For all projects that include the transportation of waste tires, check with DEQ prior to approval. Waste tire transporters can only transport waste tires to an approved waste tire storage site.
  • Plan ahead by developing a waste tire recycling program. Recycling opportunities for tires include the following:
    • Tire-derived fuel
    • Embankment fill (tire shreds only) in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices
    • Alternate daily cover at landfills (upon approval)
    • Mulch (tire shreds only)

Staff Contacts

Solid Waste Program Manager
Mollie Mangerich
DEQ State Office
Waste Management and Remediation Division
1410 N. Hilton
Boise, ID 83706
(208) 373-0121

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Waste Tires