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Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board

Helping Through Service

The BLM works with its National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board (Board), which is composed of representatives from multiple interest groups and the public.  The Board meets regularly to discuss issues and to advise the BLM.

Board members represent various interests: wild horse and burro advocacy groups, wild horse and burro research institutions, veterinarians, natural resource organizations, humane advocacy groups, wildlife associations, and livestock organizations, plus the general public with a special knowledge of equine behavior. 

Board members, who may not be employees of the federal or state governments, are appointed by the Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture.  Board meetings and calls for board nominees are published in the Federal Register

Each year, the BLM requests nominations for the Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board from individuals, national organizations, and associations involved with, and interested in, the protection and management of wild horses and burros on public lands administered by the BLM and U.S. Forest Service. Learn more here.

Wild Horse and Burro Advisory gathers during meeting. BLM photo

Board Meetings

At each meeting, the Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board makes recommendations to the BLM for consideration.  The BLM also presents updates on various aspects of the Wild Horse and Burro Program.  Below you can find materials related to the most recent meeting of the Advisory Board, as well as materials for upcoming meetings.  To view past video records of meetings that took place between 2011 and the present, visit @BLMNational YouTube